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The Wilmington Gazette

Excerpts from The Wilmington Gazette 1800
Transcribed by Natasha Miles, March 2011
The Wilmington Gazette
January 2, 1800

Ten Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber a Negro Fellow named Qua, known by the name Hooper's Qua.
A B Toomer

The subscribers having qualified as Executors to the last will and testament of the late James Bloodworth, sen, dec'd, request all those indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having demands against the same to bring in their accounts property attested.
Ann Bloodworth, Ex'x
James Bloodworth, Ex'r
December 1

Is hereby given that Thomas Norment, Esq of Duplin county is dead, and the subscribers have qualified as Executors to his last will and testament. They request all persons indebted to the estate to come forward and make payment, and all those to whom the said estate is indebted are requested to make known their demands and adjust them agreeably to the directions of the act of assembly entitled "An act to amend an act entitled an act concerning proving Wills and granting letters of administration and to prevent frauds in the management of intestates' estates."
Thomas Wright
James Wright
David Wright
Kenan Love
Duplin county, Nov 21

The purchasers at the sale of the personal property of the late Henry Toomer, Esq are hereby informed that the time of payment has elapsed - they are therefore requested to come forward and make payment without delay.
A B Toomer
December 12

Will Be Sold
On the 9th day of January at Public Sale
At the house of R W Snead, dec, part of the perishable property of said deceased, consisting of Merchandize, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Household Furniture, plantation Utensils, Naval Stores, two Turpentine Stills and two Vessels, &c.
On the 14th of January, will be sold in Newbern, the remaining part of said property, consisting of Merchandize, and some Household Furniture.
Six months credit will be given, the purchaser giving bond with approved security.
H M Snead, Adm'x
Onslow county, Nov 28

The Wilmington Gazette
January 9, 1800

The subscriber having obtained letters of administration on the estate of John Nichols, deceased, requests all persons indebted thereto to make payment; and those who have demands against the same to come forward with their accounts properly adjusted, within the time prescribed by an act of the General Assembly, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled an act concerning proving of Wills and granting letters of administration and to prevent frauds in the management of intestates' estates."
Jere. Nichols, Adm'r
January 2

Will Be Sold
At public auction on Friday the tenth day of January inst on the premises, six miles from town,
The personal estate of the lat John Nichols, consisting of Negroes, a horse, cattle, hogs, plantation utensils, and household furniture. Six months credit for all sums above forty shillings the purchasers giving bonds with security.
Jere. Nichols, Adm'r
January 2

The Wilmington Gazette
January 16, 1800

Taken up and committed to jail on Wednesday the 25th ult a Mulatto Fellow named Dick, formerly belonging to F Shackleford, of Fayetteville - he has been sold to persons from Georgia, once or twice. The owner is requested to come and take the said fellow away.
John Gale
January 2

The Wilmington Gazette
January 30, 1800

Died at Fayetteville, on Wednesday last, in the bloom of life, Mrs Winslow, consort of Mr John Winslow. All who had the happiness of being acquainted with this admired and accomplished lady are touched with unfeigned sympathy at her premature separation from her respected partner and relations.

The subscriber having qualified as Executor to the last will and testament of William Meredith, deceased, requests all persons indebted to the estate of the said deceased to make payment, and those to whom it is indebted to bring forward their accounts properly attested within the time prescribed by an act of the General Assembly in such case made and provided.
Jesse Jennet
January 2

The subscribers having qualified as Administrators on the estate of John Harvison, deceased, request all persons indebted thereto to make payment, and those who have claims against the same to exhibit them properly attested, within the time prescribed by law.
William Keddie
James Coxetter
January 9

Mr John Charles Crafts
As every one may not be acquainted with your celebrity for lying, and least your infamous calumnies may make an impression on those with whom I am unacquainted, I am under the necessity of declaring you to the public as a base unprincipled scoundrel and liar. Nothing but a knowledge of your pusillanimity has favored you from my personal resentment, to have chastised you as you deserve - which if I did, might be considered as too great a degradation from manhood.
Henry Williams
Wilmington, Jan 15, 1800

Five Dollars Reward
Eloped from my service a Negro Fellow named Manuel, well known in Wilmington, belonging to David Jones, Esq but mortgaged to me. Whoever apprehends said fellow and delivers him to me or lodges him in the gaol of Wilmington shall receive the above reward. He has been heretofore harboured by a Negro Woman belonging to Mrs Heron, who he has for a wife, and was there last Sunday night.
The same reward of Five Dollars will be given to any Negro who will inform who harbours him, to be paid on conviction.
John Burgwin
January 8

Ten Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber a Negro Man named Will, formerly the property of Thomas Loper on the Sound. He is supposed to be lurking somewhere on Topsail Sound. Whoever will apprehend said fellow and deliver him to the gaoler in Wilmington shall receive the above reward.
Proudfoot Johnston
Wilmington, January 13, 1800

State of North Carolina
Wilmington District
Pursuant to a decree of this court of Equity for the district aforesaid, in a certain cause wherein Smith, Delausere and Darrel were complainants, & Nathaniel Crocker defendant, will be sold in Wilmington, at public auction, to satisfy said decree, on the first day of February next, a certain House and Lot in said town on the east side of Front Street, formerly belonging to the said Nathaniel and now in the possession of Benjamin Blaney, Merchant - said lot is thirty three feet in front, and runs one hundred and sixty-five feet back. Terms cash.
Sam R Jocelyn, c & m e
Equity Office
6th January 1800

Fayetteville & Wilmington Stage
The stage will for the present ply once a week between Fayetteville and Wilmington - leave Michael Molton's at Fayetteville on Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock and arrive the next day at Wilmington - leave Dorsey's Hotel at Wilmington, Sunday morning, 7 o'clock and arrive at Fayetteville Monday afternoon, by way of Point Peter and Black river. Fare for passengers six dollars clear of ferriages and 14 lb baggage. Price of other baggage one dollar for every 20 lbs weight. Seats may be engaged at Fayetteville of M Molton and at Wilmington of C D Howard. A reasonable charge only will be made for way passengers.
The Proprietors
Wilmington, 1st January 1800
N.B. No letters can be conveyed in the stage on any account whatsoever.

For Sale
That valuable corner lot, and Brick Building thereon, between Market-Street and Toomer's Alley on Second Street - the dwelling house and kitchen may be easily repaired as the walls are but little hurt by the fire. On 500 dollars being paid on the 25th of March next, 12 or 18 months credit will be given for the residue.
John Burgwin
December 26

The subscriber having obtained letters of administration on the estate of Robert Henderson, dec'd requests all persons indebted thereto to make payment without delay - and those who have demands on the same, are requested to bring them forward within the time limited by an act of Assembly entitled "An act to amend an act entitled an act concerning proving of Wills and granting letters of administration and to prevent frauds in the management of intestates' estates."
John Henderson, Adm'r
Wilmington, Dec 23, 1799

I wish to rent my Holly Shelter Plantation to a good tenant for a term of seven  years. As a corn and stock plantation it is not inferior to any in New Hanover county.
Ran away from me about the middle of June last, a Negro fellow named Sambony - he is supposed to be lurking about the plantations of Major A D Moore and George Davis, Esquire. I will give Eight Dollars to an person who will deliver him to me or to the jailor in Wilmington.
M Sampson
December 12

The Wilmington Gazette
February 13, 1800

Ten Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber on Tuesday night, the 4th inst a Negro Woman well known in this town by the name of Blaney's Nan - whoever will deliver said Negro to the gaoler in Wilmington, or to the subscriber shall receive the above reward.
I have empowered Mr Ezekiel Lane to dispose of said Negro wench, should she be taken up and lodged in gaol or as she runs.
Edward Williams
February 13, 1800

Hector payne
Offers his services to the ladies and gentlemen of Wilmington. He will wait on those who may please to employ him, at their own houses.
Wilmington, February 13

Ran away from the Brig Hannah, John Dagget, Master, now lying in this Port, two seamen, one named Richard Reed, the other William Gipsom. All persons are forewarned from harbouring or secreting them at their peril, and all Masters of Vessels are hereby also forbid carrying them away.
Thomas Burton
Wilmington, February 13

State of North Carolina
Onslow County
Notice is hereby given that there has been apprehended and is now in my care, a ranaway Negro Man by the name of Tom; he is about five feet five or six inches high, and well set, somewhat marked with the small pox in his face, he is coarse featured and has full red eyes. Said Negro was formerly the property of Edward Dudley, Esquire, of Onslow, and said Dudley carried him to the State of South Carolina & as he told me, sold him to a Mr Andrew Burnett, and the Negro says he now belongs to said Burnett. The owner perhaps would do well to come or send for said fellow as soon as possible, which he may get (if he should not escape) by applying to the subscriber about three miles from Onslow Court-House.
Lemuel Doty
January 19, 1800
N.B. The printers in Charleston are desired to insert the above advertisement.

All persons having demands against the estate of Matthew Johnston, Sen. dec'd, are requested to exhibit the same to the subscriber property attested, within the time prescribed by an act of the General Assembly of this state, in such case provided - and those who are indebted thereto are requested to make speedy payment, as there is a necessity for closing the business of the estate as soon as possible.
George Jennings, Ex'r
Wilmington, Jan 23

Dissolution of Copartnership
The copartnership of McFedran and Allen will dissolve by mutually consent on the first day of April next, owing to the former's intention of leaving the state shortly after that period. Therefore all those who are in any wise indebted to the firm are earnestly solicited to make payment previous to that day; and those who have demands against it will please exhibit them for payment.
John McFedran
James Allen
Feb 6

The Wilmington Gazette
March 6, 1800

Ran away from the subscriber a Mulatto Slave, named Isaac, well known in this Town. Should the said runaway not return home before Monday next, from that time I do hereby declare him outlawed, and will give five dollars to any person who will deliver him to me dead or alive.
It is expected he is harboured by some person in town, as he has been frequently seen lurking about the streets at night. On Monday he was seen drunk in a dram shop next door to Mess Fontaine & Co kept by a Negro fellow, who it is probable received stolen goods in payment for rum.
I do hereby offer a further reward of ten dollars to any person who will give me information which may lead to the conviction of any person so offending in future. All masters of vessels and others are forbid harbouring, employing, or carrying him off, at their peril.
A Hall
March 6

The Wilmington Gazette
March 13, 1800

If Mr Hero Antonio Uhthoff, or Mr Hero A Uhthoff, be living, he will hear of something to his advantage by applying to the subscriber; and his friends in Europe will be obliged to any person who will give any information respecting him, whether living or dead. He resided in Carolina, previous to the year 1777, and was a native of Breman in Germany.
Geo Gibbs
N.B. The printers in the state are requested to insert the above in their papers for three weeks.
February 20

The Wilmington Gazette
April 3, 1800

For apprehending and delivering to Lieutenant James Macay or myself or for securing in any jail so that I get him again, or for delivering him to any Officers in the service of the United States, Arthur Venters, a private in my company, the reward of Ten Dollars with reasonable extra expenses will be given - said Venters deserted on the 23rd ult from my barracks at Wilmington. He was born in Princes Anne County, Virginia, but has resided for some time past in Onslow county, North Carolina - he is forty years of age - he has short black hair, a grey beard, fair complexion and light eyes - he is about five feet six inches and an half high, he took with him of his regimental cloathing, a hat, a coat, a pair of blue woolen overalls, and a pair of shoes. It is believed he will endeavour to make his escape on board some vessel. Masters of vessels are therefore warned to be upon their guard.
Maurice Moore, Captain
6th Federal Regiment
March 27

Dancing School
M Papen Labazdier respectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of Wilmington and its vicinity, that he purposes opening a Dancing School for the tuition of those who may honor him with their patronage. He will wait on such ladies and gentlemen as wish to receive private instruction in that polite accomplishment. And any gentleman wishing to inform himself in the Art of the Small Sword will be attended to at such hours as may be convenient. He hopes by his knowledge in the above, professions, and attention to those who may wish to acquire the same, under his tuition, to merit the countenance of the public.
Wilmington, March 11

The Wilmington Gazette
April 10, 1800

State of North Carolina
New-Hanover county
March term 1800
Agreeably to an act of Assembly of the state aforesaid, passed in the year 1789, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled an act concerning proving Wills and granting letters of administration and to prevent frauds in the management of intestates' estates," wherein it is enacted, that all the creditors of any person deceased, if he or they reside within the state, shall within two years, and if they reside without the limits of the state, shall within three years, from the qualification of the Executors and Administrators, exhibit and make demand of their respective accounts, debts, and claims, of every kind whatever to such Executors and Administrators or otherwise they shall be barred of recovery.
Notice is hereby given, according to the directions of the said act to all the creditors of the estate of Laurence A Dorsey, that the said Laurence A Dorsey is dead, and that the subscriber qualified as Administrator to his estate at the above term, and he requests all those indebted to the estate to make payment without delay, and the creditors thereof to make known their demands within the time limited by law.
L A Dorsey, jun. Adm'r
April 3

The subscriber informs the public and his friends that on the 7th of April he expects to resume the business of teaching, for one year, at the place formerly occupied for that purpose.
The term of tuition are as follow, viz. for the English language, including reading, writing, and grammar and figures, ten dollars - for the Oriental languages and sciences, fifteen dollars per annum. School will be open for the reception of ten or twelve pupils. Convenient accommodations, it is presumed can be procured.
Robert Tate
Hanover, March 29

The Wilmington Gazette
April 17, 1800

Will Be Sold
On Saturday the 12th inst at the plantation belonging to the late John Levingston, deceased, on the Sound near Peter Maxwell's plantation,
All the personal and perishable property belonging to said John Levingston, deceased - consisting of Hogs, horned Cattle, Household Furniture, and plantation tools.
Also on Tuesday following the 15th, in the town of Wilmington,
Will Be Sold
The Household Furniture, and hired out until the first day of January 1801, sundry Negroes - the terms of sale, six months credit with approved security.
N Hill
J Lord
April 3

On Saturday the twenty sixth day of April next will be sold at the Court House in Fayetteville - the dwelling house out houses and lot at present occupied by Doctor Alexander McQueen situated on Hay-street, in a pleasant part of the town. The dwelling house is two story high and contains six rooms completely furnished. Also the store house and lot, situated on Bow-street, well known to be an excellent stand for business, and now occupied by Duncan McAuslan. The  above houses and lots belong to the estate of the late James Spiller, deceased.
Twelve months credit will be given, the purchasers giving bond with approved security.
Hardy Holmes
David Dodd
D McAuslan
March 20

State of North Carolina
New-Hanover County
By the worshipful the Justices of the Court of said County, at their session, March term, 1800.
To all to whom these presents shall come,
Whereas the Grand Jury for the county aforesaid presented to us that certain negro slaves, named Jack, a cooper, and Jack, commonly called Jack Bacot; and Jack, commonly called Jack Rouse, and Pompey, and Isaac, a Mulatto, belonging to John Walker, Esq & a fellow called Jim, belonging to Mrs Sarah Mosely, and Sally, a wench belonging to Richard Quince, Esquire - are runaway and lye out lurking in swamps, woods, and other obscure places, committing injuries to the inhabitants of this state.
These are therefore to require and command the said negroes, Jack, the cooper, Jack Bacot, Jack Rouse, Pompey, Isaac, Jim and Sally - forthwith to surrender themselves and return home to their respective masters and Mistress. We also require and command the sheriff of the aforesaid county to take with him such power as he shall think necessary, to search, pursue, or apprehend the said runaway slave, Jack, the cooper, Jack Bacot, Jack Rouse, Pompey, Isaac, Jim and Sally.
And further it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons whatsoever to kill and destroy the said runaway slaves - Jack, the cooper, Jack Bacot, Jack Rouse, Pompey, Isaac, Jim and Sally - in such ways and means as he or they shall think fit, without accusation or impeachment of any crime, for the same, pursuant to an act of Assembly in such case made and provided.
Witness Anthony B Toomer, Clerk of the said Court, and the seal of the said court at office the third Monday of March 1800.
A B Toomer, Clk
March 27
Note: Pompey and Jim have returned home.

The Wilmington Gazette
April 24, 1800

All persons indebted to the estate of John Gailiard, dec, are requested to make immediate payment and those who may have any demands against his estate, to exhibit the same.
Eliz Simpson, Adm'x
April 24

For Sale
Very cheap for prompt payment
Two valuable plantations on the North east river about twelve miles from Wilmington, situated directly opposite to each other, and well known by the name of The Mulberry and Marle Bluff. Each plantation contains upward of a thousand acres of land. They were formerly the property of Benjamin Heron, esquire, and now belong to Mrs Mary Hooper. For further particulars inquire of Henry Watters, esquire of Hyrnham or to the subscriber in Wilmington.
A M Hooper
Attorney for Mrs Hooper
April 10

The subscriber having obtained Letters of Administration on the estate of John Henry Gee, deceased, requests all persons indebted thereto, to make payment without delay; and those who have demands against the same are requested to bring them forward within the time limited by law.
Sarah Gee, Adm'x
March 27

All persons indebted to Samuel Lowder, either by bond, note, or open account, are requested to call on Joshua G Wright, Esq and settle the same or they will be sued indiscriminately by the 6th of April next.
Samuel Lowder
March 20

The subscriber having obtained letters of administration on the estate of Richard Burden, dec requests those indebted to Richard Burden, by specialties or open accounts to discharge the same without delay, otherwise they will be deposited with an attorney to sue for indiscriminately, as there is an absolute necessity for closing the concerns of the estate as soon as possible - and all those that have claims against Richard Burden, dec. on his own private account are desired to render them to Doctor Daniel McNeill for adjustment, within the time prescribed by law.
K Burden, Adm'x
Wilmington, March 31

List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Wilmington, which if not taken out in three months, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters.
A: Benjamin Aydelot 3, Major Samuel Ashe 3, Samuel Ashe Senior 1, captain Abeel 1.
B: John Brown 1, Samuel Bludworth 3, captain Pearson Brown 1, Sarah Betts 1, Blake Parker Esq 1, Mrs Boudies 2, captain Thomas Brown, jun. 1, Thomas Brown 1, Benjamin Bradshaw, Duplin County, 1, Abraham Bussent, Brunswick 1, Richard Bradshaw, Duplin, 1.
C: Gorton Chace 3, James Card 1, Charles Clark 1, William Carte 1, Richard Crosby 1, captain William Cox 1, Thomas Craike 1, captain Elkanah Cook 1, Mrs C Campbell, Topsail, 1, John Cains, Brunswick, 1, Edward Cleamons, Lockwood's Folly, 1.
D: Captain John Drysdale 2, Wilson Davis 1, Mrs David Dudley 1, Monsieur Depverdugon 1, Silvanus Dickinson 1, James Dickson, Duplin, 1.
E: Captain James Edwards 7, Nathaniel Ellis 1, John Egleston 1, Reubin Everrett 1, Jonathan Ellis 1.
F: Edward Fuller 1, capt Thomas Follarsbee 1, George Fisher, Fort Johnston 1, Joseph Farley 1.
G: Captain Samuel Graves 2, capt Stephen Grant 1, John Gale 1, William Graves 1, capt Joseph Gage 2, Henry Geer 1.
H: Samuel Howard 2, Benjamin Howard 2, Ann Hoskins 1, H Hoskins 1, Henry Halsey 1, capt James Hooper 3, capt Edward Haley 3, capt James Hayes, jun. 1, Jacob Hartman 3, John Hartford 1, Asa Hosmer 1, Jacob Howland 1, George Hause, Sampson, 1.
I: Edward Jones 4, capt Richard Barney or capt William Jordan 1, Dominick Jordan 1, William W Jones 1.
K: Captain Charles Kennedy 1.
L: Thomas Leonard, Brunswick 1, William Leigh 1, Joseph Langford 2.
M: Archibald McNeil, Esq 1, capt Isaac Miles 1, George M'Kay 1, John Mercer 1, Lieutenant James M'Kay 2, Daniel Mallett 1, James Mayer 1, Fanny Myers 1, Mallett and Mumford 1, Andred M'Farlane 2, capt Thomas Marshall 1, Mrs William Mosely 1, James Mosely 1, Hugh M'Cann, Duplin, 1; John Millar, Long creek, 1.
N: Samuel Noble 1, Samuel Norton 1, Mr Knight, jailer, 1, Richard Nixon, Newtopsail, 1.
P: Nathan Pearce 1, Philip Paul 1, James Perenchief 1, Jame Price 1, Mordicai Prindle 3, President of the Cincinati, NC 2.
Q: Richard Quince 3.
R: William Reid, Duplin, 1, Nelly Rowland 1, Andrew Regues 1.
S: Captain David Starbuck 2, Alexander Straken, Bladen, 1, capt Edward Smith 1, Doctor John Sibley 3, capt Samuel Soper, jun. 1, Joseph Stermy 1, capt George Sawyer 2, capt Joseph M Salter 1, capt George Stillman 2, Samuel Russel 1, Michael Simpson 1, John Swann 1.
T: Rev Robert Tate, Mount Pleasant 1, William Thompson 1.
V: Hamon Vawzoyeur 1.
W: Captain Joseph Whiting 1, Durgeon I White 1, Monsieur De Warnier 1, William Wilkinson 2, Owen Wyer 1. Col William Wingate, Brunswick 1, Joseph Wiltes 1.
A mail is now carried by state which runs regularly between this and Fayetteville once a week, to leave Wilmington every Monday morning at 7 o'clock and arrive at Fayetteville on Tuesday evening - and leave Fayetteville every Friday, and arrive here on Saturday at 5 o'clock.
All letters to go by this Mail must be in the office before 7 o'clock on Sunday evening.
John Lord
April 10

The Wilmington Gazette
May 1, 1800

Lost at the last fire in Wilmington, the account books of James McAllister, deceased. They were in the home then occupied by Dr Halling and probably were among some other books, &c that were thrown out of the window in a sheet, which was left. I will be thankful to any person who knows where said book can be found to give me information thereof.
Richard Quince
May 1

The copartnership of Dean and Lowder, being my mutual consent this day dissolved. All persons indebted to the same are requested to make payment to Joseph Dean, who will pay the debts due form the said firm.
Business will be carried on in the place they occupied by Joseph Dean in the same manner as formerly.
Joseph Dean
Samuel Lowder
February 27

Sheriff's Sales
The following is a list of lands in New-Hanover county, the taxes of which remain unpaid. The same will be sold on the 13th of May next, being the first day of the Supreme Court, or as much thereof as will pay the taxes and expense.
100 acres given in by Francis Henry and due for the year 1797.
530 ditto ditto John Marshall, ditto.
100 ditto ditto Benj Alexander, ditto
210 ditto ditto J Costen, Sen, ditto
190 ditto ditto John Morris, ditto
612 ditto ditto John Simpson, ditto
360 ditto ditto John Wallis, ditto
200 ditto ditto John Burns, ditto
300 ditto ditto John Corbet, ditto
165 ditto ditto Archibald Macbribe, ditto
200 ditto ditto Jacob Powell, ditto
244 ditto ditto James Thomas, ditto
317 ditto ditto Daniel Morgan, ditto
325 ditto ditto John Prescott, ditto
600 ditto ditto W. Taylor, ditto
1076 ditto ditto Ex'rs of D James, ditto
150 ditto ditto Henry Holly, ditto
                1797 & 1798
200 ditto ditto Frederick Rowe, ditto
50 ditto ditto Jacob Eason, ditto
960 ditto ditto James Price, ditto
283 ditto ditto James Towning, ditto
320 ditto ditto Wm Devaun, ditto
375 ditto ditto George Devaun, ditto
188 ditto ditto Michael Loper, ditto
100 ditto ditto John Malpus, ditto
650 ditto ditto James Rogers, ditto
200 ditto ditto Frederick Buford, ditto
450 ditto ditto John Stokely, ditto
122 ditto ditto Jonathan Williams, ditto
475 ditto ditto Fen Fuller, ditto
730 ditto ditto Arthur Savage, ditto
100 ditto ditto Henry Blake, ditto
100 ditto ditto Thos Scarborough, ditto
800 ditto ditto James Kinnear, ditto
                the year 1798 only
762 ditto ditto Thomas Beesely, ditto
200 ditto ditto Nathan Cook, ditto
50 ditto ditto Jacob Coston, ditto
50 ditto ditto Peter Caesar, ditto
100 ditto ditto Isaac Costen, ditto
150 ditto ditto John Currie, ditto
570 ditto ditto John Edens, ditto
50 ditto ditto Jacob Eason, ditto
351 ditto ditto Wm Hennessey, ditto
100 ditto ditto Joshua Knowlton, ditto
466 ditto ditto James Lee, ditto
40 ditto ditto Thomas Leddon, ditto
195 ditto ditto Isaac Lamb, ditto
400 ditto ditto Woney McLammy, ditto
100 ditto ditto Henry Miller, ditto
300 ditto ditto Benj. Aydelott, jun. ditto
450 ditto ditto Simon Malpus, ditto
300 ditto ditto Henry Malpus, ditto
500 ditto ditto George Newton, ditto
350 ditto ditto Joseph Newton, ditto
420 ditto ditto Hardy Powell, ditto
600 ditto ditto John Page, ditto
165 ditto ditto Wm H Ramsey, ditto
55 ditto ditto Charney Russel, ditto
860 ditto ditto Edward Spearman, ditto
111 ditto ditto Thomas Woodsides, ditto
350 ditto ditto James Wilson, ditto
The foregoing is the names of the persons who gave in the lands for taxation. Since then it is probable some of the same may have been conveyed, and now in possession of others. The lands are liable for the taxes, without attending to the person who gave in. Any person who may come forward to pay the taxes before the day of sale will apply in case of my being out of town to Marshall R Willkings, who is authorized to receive the same.
Wm Nutt, Shff
N.B. The lots in the town of Wilmington, as advertised, and sale postponed to this day - is again postponed until the 8th day of May next, when such as the taxes have not been paid upon - will be sold at the Court-House for the payment of the same.
Wm Nutt, Shff
Wilmington, Feb 7

Ran away from Fayetteville sometime since, a Negro Woman named Jenny, the property of the orphan children of Thomas Anderson, deceased. She has for some years past lived with Thomas Murphy of this town, and is well known. It is supposed she is lurking about or concealed in or near this place.
A reward of Five Dollars will be given to any person who will apprehend the said negro woman and deliver her to me or to the jailer, (if taken in town) or ten dollars if taken at any distance from it, with reasonable expenses.
Geo Hooper (Guardian)
April 10

Out of my pocket, since last Friday was a week, a black leather pocket letter case, containing sundry paper and accounts, some of which may be of consequence, but I cannot at present mention any in particular, except an account of Mr Gabie against me for boat hire, amounting to six pounds which was enclosed. It is probable it may have dropped out of my pocket when I was thrown from my Sulkey, about twelve or fifteen days ago; and having been since ill, I did not miss it 'till yesterday, when I had occasion to search for papers to send to Fayetteville. Whoever has found the said letter case and papers & will be so good as to deliver them to the subscriber shall be handsomely rewarded - if picked up by a negroe he shall be entitled to the six pounds and a small reward besides.
J Burgwin
Hermitage, April 17

Ranaway from his security, about a fortnight ago, James Metcalf, a shoemaker by trade. He also picked my pocket of 3 dollars, and carried with him sundry articles belonging to different people in this town. About the 19th or 20th inst he was up the North East, and robbed a woman of 60 dollars, 25 of which were afterward found in possession of a mulatto boy, who was with him. I will give fifteen dollars exclusive of all reasonable charges to any person who will take him up and deliver him to me, or lodge him in Wilmington gaol. He is an Irishman, light complected, wears his hair, which is of a sandy colour, platted and turned up, he is about five feet ten inches high, well set, and appears to be between 20 and 25 years old. When he went away he had on a striped red linen Jacket and Trousers of the same, and had with him another pair of striped corded trousers fringed below.
Frederick Buford
April 24

Lost in the last fire in March last, a Mahogany Case of Surgeon's Amputating Instruments belonging to the estate of Doctor James Geekie. Any person having the same or will give any information where they can be obtained will be generously rewarded by
Wm Green, Ex'r
April 17

To Be Let
The brick tavern belonging to the estate of Mr H Toomer, dec'd. Possession will be given on the 1st day of June. Also the tenement and garden lately occupied by Mr Wilkinson, the mason in Second street. Enquire of Dr De Rossett or
M M Toomer
Wilmington, April 17

The Wilmington Gazette
June 5, 1800

Forty Dollars Reward
Ran away on the 27th of Dec last, in the vicinity of Charleston, my Blacksmith Tom - about 40 years of age, dark complexion, a little pitted with the small pox, has large full eyes, prominent nose and lips, speaks property English but with a tone, about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, but is remarkable stout and athletic built, with an unusual thick neck. Tom was formerly the property of Mr Charles Cogdale of George-Town where he wroughs some years with James Shackleford, at the Blacksmith's trade; and was removed from thence to Newbern, NC by a person who hired him by legacy from Cogdale & wrought here at the smith and wheel wright business, until Oct last, when he was brought away by Major Edward Dudley, of Onslow county, New River.
James is about 30 years of age, is a small black fellow not exceeding 5 feet 1 or 2 inches high, with small eyes, but shews the whites conspicuously, thick lips, speaks good English, but with a cant - he is much scared on his face, neck, and hands, by being blown off a tar kiln - he was brought from N Carolina by said Dudley at the same time. The above reward will be given for securing them both in gaol, or two thirds for Tom and one for James.
For Andrew Burnett,
J Muse

All persons indebted to the estate of the late Philip Spaulding are requested to make immediate payment, and those who have demands against the same are desired to exhibit them properly attested, within the time prescribed by law.
John Fergus, Adm'r
M Spaulding, Adm'x
Wilmington, May 15

Doctor Poisson
Takes this method of informing his friends and the public in general that he has removed to Mr James's plantation, in the vicinity of Wilmington, where he intends practicing Physic, having been regularly bred in France, and practiced near forty years with great success both in Europe and the West India islands, particularly in case of the yellow fever.
May 20

To Be Let
And possession given immediately
The large and commodious dwelling house on the north side of Princess street, lately occupied by Monsieur Beaufort. There is a good oven that will contain five dozen loaves, and many other conveniences belonging thereto.
For terms apply to
Wm Campbell
April 24

The purchasers at the sale of the estate of Matthew Johnston, dec. are hereby informed, that their bonds and notes are now become payable - the subscriber therefore requests those indebted to come forward and make payment. He also requests all persons indebted to the firm of Johnston & Cunniam by note or book account, to make immediate payment, as no further indulgence can be given.
George Jennings, Ex'r
May 29

The Wilmington Gazette
June 26, 1800

The subscribers having qualified as administrators upon the estate of John Magill, late of Brunswick county, deceased. Those who are indebted to said estate are requested to make payment; and all persons who have any claim upon said estate are hereby required to exhibit their demands within the time limited by an act of the general assembly in such case made and provided.
William Magill
Benjamin Mills
May 1

Run-away from the subscriber, a French negro named Joe, Taylor by trade, speaks broke English - branded on the right breast with his former masters name, the letters P. P. - about 25 or 26 years old. Had on when he went away a Blue Jacket and Canvass Trousers. All masters of vessels and other persons are forbid from harbouring him at their peril. Any person who will deliver him to me or to the gaoler in Wilmington shall receive a reward of Five Dollars.
Peter Wiss

One Hundred Dollars
Will be paid to any person or persons who will secure in gaol in Wilmington a certain Negro fellow named Johnny whom I purchased from John Waddell, Esq, about twelve months ago. He is of yellow complexion, about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, straight, and well made, and has lost some of his fore teeth.
Geo Gibbs
June 5

Run away from the subscriber a Negro Fellow about five feet ten inches high, of a yellow complexion, plays on the violin and it is said that he can read and write; he formerly belonged to Mr Arthur baker, and passes by the name of Joshua, but it is probable will assume another name. A reward of Ten Dollars will be given in any person who will apprehend said runaway and deliver him to me at any plantation on Black River or to the gaoler in Wilmington.
Alexander Strahan
June 9

The Wilmington Gazette
November 6, 1800

Thirty Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber on the 9th inst a Negro Fellow named Jack of a yellowish complexion, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high and well made. He formerly belonged to Mr John Brown, of this place, and has a wife at Mrs M'Kinzie's plantation on Town Creek, Brunswick county.
Also at the same time a yellow negro called Christian, about 20 years of age, a very likely girl, formerly the property of William Campbell Esq. She has relations in town, and at Mr Thomas Picket's on Harrison's creek.
The above reward will be given for securing both in the Jail of Wilmington, or Twenty Dollars for Jack, and Ten for Christian, on application to
Holden M'Gee
Wilmington, Oct 23

Twenty Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber in Fayetteville, about two months past, two Negro women;
Brunetta, about 35 years of age, very stout, remarkably black, and considerably pitted with the small pox and
Suckey, her daughter about 17 years of age, well grown and black complected. I bought the above described negroes from Mr Alexander Shaw at whose plantation they (from report) are harboured. They are frequently in Wilmington, and have been known to stay at the kitchen of Mrs Hostler. The above reward will be given if delivered to me in Fayetteville or Ten Dollars if deposited in any gaol in the district.
M Molton
Wilmington, August 28

Those that purchased at the public sale of the estate of Richard Burden, are informed that their bonds became due the 8th October 1800, and it is requested by Mrs Burden, Administratrix, that they may be paid immediately, otherwise will be lodged with an attorney at law to recover.
D M'Neill, Agent for the Administratrix
November 6

The subscriber having administered on the estate of John R M'Come, late of this place, dec. requests all persons indebted to said Estate, to make immediate payment, and those who have any demands will pease (sic) make them known within the time limited by law.
Malcolm M'Kinzie
Wilmington, October 1800

The Wilmington Gazette
December 4, 1800

A Bargain
The day formerly advertised for the sale of the Houses and Lots belonging to the estate of the late John James, Esq in South Washington, being bad weather, prevented the sale from taking place.
The aforesaid property will be sold by private contracts at one, two, and three years credit to any person making application, and giving the necessary security for the payments.
Benj Liddon, Ex'r
John Holdon, Ex'r
Alice James, Executrix
South Washington, Nov 1, 1800

For Sale
That valuable Plantation on Rockey-Point, known by the name of Strawberry, whereon the late Mrs George Moore lived; containing five hundred acres, two hundred of which is excellent corn land - and about one hundred cleared and under fence. For terms apply to the subscriber.
R Moore
The above Plantation is under a lease to Mr Cobb for the ensuing year. The profits of said lease will be given up to the purchaser, if sold at the commencement of the year 1801.

Taken Up
And committed to the gaol of this district on the 17th ultimo, a Negro fellow between 5 feet 10 and 11 inches high, appears to be about 27 years old, has several scars on his legs and arms, and has lost several of his jaw teeth, particularly all his under ones, and is a little scarified with the whip. He calls himself Saul Maccana, and says he served his time with Reuben Brooks of Essex county, Virginia; as a certificate of which he has a pass signed by John Evens, C C bearing the date of 16th  May 1794, which is supposed to have been forged; and two papers, one signed by Wm Hatchett of Lunenburg county and the other by Richard Hayse of No?way, setting forth that he is a freeman and has been in their service as such for upwards of two years and behaved himself well.
It is supposed that the above described negro is a slave. If so, his owner is requested to come, prove his property, take him away, and pay charges.
Miles Knight, Jailer
Wilmington, October 2, 1800

Ran away about two weeks ago, my apprentice boy Enoch Hines. Any person harbouring said apprentice will be prosecuted as the law directs. One Cent reward will be paid to the person deliver him to
Jacob Hartman
December 4

Received in Wilmington gaol, August the 15th 1800, a negro fellow by the name of Mingo, between 60 & 70 year of age. Said negro was sold by Jonathan Standley of this county to one Manning now of Georgia. The owner of said slave is hereby requested to come forward within the time limited by law, and pay charges, or said slave will be sold to defray the same.
Miles Knight, Jailer
N.B. This is the last time Mingo will be advertised.
December 4

The copartnership between Richard Langdon & William Giles under the firm of Langdon & Giles was this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Richard Langdon
William Giles
Wilmington, Oct 21 1800

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