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Land Grants and Deeds for 'Croom' Surname

Transcribed by Michael & Judy Chesson

Land Grants and Deeds for our Croom Line Beginning with Jesse Croom (Abel, Daniel)

Grant Book N, Page 9, Grant 745:
A patent was signed by Jesse Croom and James Turner Esq our Governor Capt General and Commander and Chief at Raleigh on the 20th day of December in the 29th year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord 1804. Jesse received 400 acres of land for 50 shillings per 100 acres.

Deed Book S, Page 169
On the 5th day of November, 1823, Jesse Croom (Abel, Daniel) split 780 acres of land of the east side of the Northeast Cape Fear River, with 2 of his sons, Lott and Hardy Croom.

Deed Book W, Page 63
On 21 August, 1835, George W Murray sold 15 acres of land to Hardy Croom for 14 dollars.  Beginning on the west side of the NECFR adjoining the Murray land, beginning at a slooping white oak on the river bank about a quarter of a mile above the said Hardy Croom plot landing, east 24 poles to a sweet gum on the river bank there, up the meander of New River to the beginning.

Deed Book Z, Page 332
On July 4 1842, Hardy Croom purchased for 91 dollars and 35 cents, a parcel of land of the east side of the NECFR, containing 261 acres, beginning on Hardy Croom’s corner at a hickory tree on the river bank and running east 418 poles to a poplar tree, then south west to a cypress tree on the river bank back to the first station.  Of the 261 acres the Cypress Timber I Thomas Lee reserve for myself for a space of 20 years, except for a sufficient quantity for the Hardy Croom Plantation use.

Grant Book EE, Page 326
The state of NC granted to Hardy Croom 27 acres on the east side of the NECFR.
Grant Book DD, Page 378, Grant 1929
Lott and Hardy Croom paid to the NC Treasury 10 dollars for every 100 acres of land and were granted 311 acres on the east side of the NECFR adjoining the Croom land at the prong of DeRosseth’s Creek and a corner of 400 acres wened by Jesse Croom running to Chinquapin Bridge.

Grant Book II, Page 319, Grant 1588
On the 13 August 1851 warranted to Hardy Croom 100 acres of land on the east side of the NECFR, adjoining his won land beginning at a large pine tree on the Chinquapin Ridge and on the south side of the east prong of DeRosseth’s Creek, his own corner, the 3rd corner of 311 acres that had been granted to Lott and Hardy Croom, and the 4th line of said property to be N20degrees cropping the creek 100 poles to a stake, north 38 and west 125 poles to the 5th corner and south 71 east 200 poles then south 41 poles.

The next deed was the proof that I needed to link us to our progenitor Daniel Croom.  I have copied the deed here and where there are blanks, are words that I could not read clearly or could not read at all.  The jist of the deed for us, however, is to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that James C. Croom was the natural born son of Hardy Croom.

Deed Book RR, Page 301
The state of NC, the county of New Hanover, Know all men by these present that I, Hardy Croom, of the 1st part and James C Croom of the other part both of the state and county first above mentioned, witnessed that for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar, to the said Hardy Croom in hand paid by the said James C Croom, but more over for the natural love and affection which I have and bear to me my said son, James C Croom do hereby give , grant, sell, release, convey and confirm unto the said James C Croom and his heirs and assigns the following described  _____ land _______ as follows:
On the east side of the Northeast River beginning at a Hickory at the riverbank _______ my _______ corner; then N53 E90 poles to a spruce.  From there N 48 E 100 poles to a stake, then N 28 E 65 poles to the run of Derossets Creek, then up the East prong ______ of said creek to the edge of an old field to a footway crossing said creek near opposite the said JC Croom’s house, then N 3 poles to a spruce pine by the road.  Then up the North edge of the creek S 60 E 58 poles to near Newton’s corner, then N 65 E 20 poles to the mouth of a ditch then N 15 W with the dirch 40 poles, then again with the ditch N 40 E 32 poles, then again with the ditch N 18 and east to the edge of the field, the same course through the swamp to the dividing line between Lott Croom to the said Hardy Croom, then with said line N 63 E about 22 poles to the corner, then along the line of a 100 acre piece patented by myself, S 71 E about 75 poles then S 15 and E to the run of Derosset’s Creek then down the runoff said creek to Newton’s Line, then with his line N 56 W to his corner, North edge of said creek then with his other line S 34 W 98 poles to his corner to a stake then a southwesterly course with Laney Croom Robitzsch’s lower corner on the dividing line between myself and Lee 240 poles from a poplar and my corner and Lee’s to a white oak, then S 60 W 178 poles to the river then up the river to the beginning, containing about two hundred sixty-one acres, be the same more or less to have and to hold the above described piece to him the said James C Croom and his heirs and assigns forever (nevertheless, it is expressly understood and agreed to, that I the said Hardy Croom and my wife Ester is to have the use and privilege of all or any portion and privileges of said described land during out lifetime and I the said Hardy Croom do hereby warrant and defend the title of said land against the lawful claim or claims of all persons whomsoever (except the above mentioned).  In witness whereof I the said Hardy Croom have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of January 1862.

W S Larkins
Hardy Croom (seal)
September 18, 1862