Civil War Soldiers from Northampton County, North Carolina

Following is a paged list of records for 883 Northampton County soldiers, sorted alphabetically by surname, who served the Confederacy in the American Civil War. Enlistment statistics are provided with each record, along with other significant events related to the subject's service. Use the surname range links immediately below to display the list page with the selected surname range, and from any given list page, use the navigation controls provided near the bottom of the page to advance or retreat through the list ot scroll to the top of the current page.

Adams - Bell Bell - Bridgers Bridgers - Conner Conner - Deloatch Deloatch - Foster
Francis - Grant Grant - Hyatt Ingram - Kee Kee - McDaniel McDaniel - Parker
Parker - Pruden Pugh - Smith Sosby - Taylor Taylor - Warren Warren - Wright

Adams - Bell

©2010-2021 Kenneth Wayne Odom, Jr., Thomas Elder Davis, the NCGenWeb, Inc. and/or individual contributors. No content appearing at this site may be used for other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner.