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Anson H. Brite Collection
This collection is currently owned & kindly submitted by Janice Silverthorne Urban, granddaughter of James Gideon Silverthorne. She inherited the collection when Anson H. Brite married Martha Rutter in Currituck Co., NC in 1856 and they had a child named Sarah Elizabeth Brite who was born the following year. Sarah inherited the papers when her mother died in 1896. Sarah married William Richard McCotter but Sarah died in 1905 leaving the collection to her husband. At the age of 50 William R. McCotter married 18-year old Bessie Rawls on April 14, 1907. William died in 1935 and the collection passed to his widow who married James Gideon Silverthorne on July 27, 1938. [Delayed birth certificate and obituary has his middle name as "Gibion" but Bible states "Gideon"] Bessie died in 1978 leaving the collection to James who passed away in 1981. The collection was placed in a cedar chest and given to Janice after her grandfather died.
Anson H. Brite Genealogy | ||||||||||
Anson H. Brite, son of John
Brite, Sr. (1775 - 1845) & Charity _____ , was born in Camden Co., NC c1818 and
died in Pamlico Co, NC in 1892. He was first married to Courtney Spence in 1839 and they had at
least 2 children:
John Brite, Sr.'s Feb. 28, 1845 Camden Co. will
is found in Book C; pg. 307. It was probated Dec. 1845.
Anson was married the 2nd time to Martha Rutter in 1856 and they had the following
Census Information:
1860 Craven Co., NC (North of Neuse River -
Swift Creek P.O)
1860 Craven Co., NC Slave Census (North of
Neuse River)
1870 Craven Co., NC (Twp. #4 - Jackson P.O.)
1880 Pamlico Co., NC (Twp. #2) |
Deeds / Grants | ||||||||||
Copy (not original) 1769 Land Grant to John Avery 439
State of North Carolina, Office of Secretary of State,
1775 Deed between John Avery & John Tillman John Avery to John Tillman 11th October 1775 A true copy from the Records of Craven County Book No.
22 folic 508 & 509
Feb. 7, 1777 Craven Co. Deed between John Tillman & John Wright This indenture made this
Seventh Day of february In the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and seventy seven between John TILLMAN of the County of Craven and State of
North Carolina of the one part and John WRIGHT of the County and State
aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said John TILLMAN for and In
Consideration of the sum of Twenty five pounds Current money of North
Carolina to him in hand paid by the said John WRIGHT the receipt whereof the
said John TILLMAN doth hereby acknowledge he the said John TILLMAN hath
granted bargained and sold unto the said John WRIGHT and by these presents
doth grant bargain and sell alien and confirm unto the said John WRIGHT his
heirs and assigns forever a Certain Tract or parcel of land containing forty
three acres More of less Lying and being In the County of Craven on the
South Side of Bay River on the Southermost Branch of Trent Creek being part
of a patent granted Hynson WRIGHT Bearing Date the Ninth of November on
Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty four and is bounded as followeth (towit):
Beginning at the Northernmost Corner of the said patent and running S. 20 L
along a line of said patent to a Small Branch Near the Cypoop? Swamp then up
the said Swamp and with a line of Markt Trees to the Back Line then with the
Back Line No 11 L to the beginning. Signed Sealed & Delivered In the presents of us
- /s. John TILLMAN (seale)
Copy (not original) 1787 Land Grant to Abner Neale State of North Carolina, State of North
Carolina, Office of
Secretary of State,
July 1, 1815 Craven Co., NC Deed between John Wright & Eason Fulsher
This indenture made this thirty first day of July one thousand eight hundred
and fifteen between John WRIGHT of the County of Craven and State of
North Carolina of the one part and Eason FULSHER of the State and
County aforesaid of the part witnesseth that the said John WRIGHT
for and in consideration of the sum of ten pounds to him in hand by the said
Eason FULSHER the Rights whereby fully acknowledged he the said John
WRIGHT hath granted bargained and sold unto the said Eason FULSHER
his heirs and assigns forever all his Right and title to a certain piece of
land lying and being in the State and County aforesaid and on the west side
of the South prong of Trent Creek Being part of a plantation whereas the
father of said John WRIGHT Formely lived adjoining
Thomas JONESes and Patsy AVERYs Land in witness whereof the
John WRIGHT Hath hereunto set his hand and Seal this Day and year
above written Signed Sealed and Delivered in presents of us. William BRINSON
July 7, 1815 Craven Co., NC Deed between Eason Fulshire & John Fulshire Eason Fulshire to John Fulshire 7th July
1815 A true copy from the Records of Craven County Book No. 39, folio 615
Jan. 17, 1840 Camden Co., NC Deed between Benj. F. Culpepper & Anson Brite This Indenture made this the
seventeenth Day of January Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty
between Benjamine F. CULPEPPER of the county of Camden and state of
North Carolina of the one part and Anson BRITE of the county and
state aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that for and in consideration
of six hundred and thirty two Dollars and thirty three and 1/3 cents me in
hand paid the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have bargained sold
and conveyed and by these presents do bargain sell and convey unto the sd
Anson BRITE his heirs and admins. and assigns forever a certain piece
or parcel of land lying in the upper end of the aforesaid county butted and
bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at the mouth of the cave at Joab
OVERTONs corner and in Peter PICARNs line thence N 35 W 7 ch beach thence N 19 E 50 1/4 chs to Juniper thence S 62 E 2 chs 50
links to beach S 57 1/2 E 8 chs 70 links thence S 56 1/2 E 11 ch 20.L thence
S 31 E 9 chs 40 links thence S 22 1/2 W 2 chs (rubbed out) links thence N 88
W 10 chs thence S 84 W 15 chs 16 links to post station containing forty five
Acres and one sixth of an Acre. To have and to hold the above
disentered land and premises with all the improvements thereon rents profits
issues of any nature or kind soever unto him the sd Anson
BRITE his heirs execs adms. and assigns forever and I the said
Benjamine F. CULPEPPER for myself my heirs execs adms. and assigns do
covenant and agree to and with the said Anson BRITE his heirs execs
adms. and assigns to warrant and forever defend the sd disentered
land and premises against the claim or claims of all and any person or
persons of what nature or kind soever. In testimony where of I have
hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above written signed sealed
and delivered in presents of /s/ Benjamine F. CULPEPPER (seal)
County Court Septr Term 1841 Registered in Book X page 100 - Oct 18th 1841
Feb. 5, 1847 Camden Co. Deed between Thomas Booth & Anson H. Brite This indenture made this the
fifth day of Febry Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty nine
between Thomas BOOTH of the first part and Anson H. BRITE of the second part
and both of the county of Camden and North Carolina witnesseth that the said
Thomas BOOTH for and in consideration of the sum of Four Hundred and Twenty
five dollars to him in hand paid by the said Anson H. BRITE at the time of
executing these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath
granted bargained sold conveyed aligned and confirmed and by these presents
doth grant bargain sell align and confirm unto the said Anson H. BRITE his
heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land in the county and state
aforesaid Butted and rounded as follows - Beginning at a Pine in main road
thence down a lane to William WILLIAMS heirs line thence their line to
William BRITE's line thence his line to Timothy CREEKMORE? line thence to a
Big ditch in Kitty swamp Thence said ditch to main Road Thence main Road to
first station containing sixty more or less. To have and to hold the
said land and premises and all and singular the tenements hereditiments (??)
(??) (??) improvements issues profits priviledges and asspuns(?) (??) as
presents belonging and or any way use appertaining to him the said Anson H. BRITE his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use and behalf in
for simple forever. And the said Thomas BOOTH and his heirs all and
singular the premises hereby conveyed to the said Anson H. BRITE his heirs
and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend the lawful
claim or claims of any and all persons whatsoever in testimony when of the
said Thomas BOOTH doth (??) (??) his hand & seal the date first above
written in the presence of /s/ Thomas BOOTH (seal) Registered in Book Z page 26 - April 17th, 1849 Camden County (??) March in 1849 this deed of bargain
and sale from Thos. BOOTH to A. H. BRITE was proved in open court and the
execution thereof acknowledged and on motion it so ordered.
Feb. 9, 1847 Camden Co., NC Deed between T.G. Chamberlain & James H. Chamberlain This indenture made this the
ninth day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and
Forty seven between T. G. CHAMBERLAIN of the one part and James H.
CHAMBERLAIN all of the County of Camden and State of North Carolina of
the other part witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Five
Hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said James H. CHAMBERLAIN
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge have bargained sold & conveyed and
by these presents do bargain sell and convey unto the said James H.
CHAMBERLAIN a certain piece or parcel of land lying in the upper part of
the said County called the Island land containing Fifty four acres more or
less according to the following bounds. Beginning on the road leading by
Richard TAYLOR at Charles WHITEHURSTs corner thence along the
said James H. CHAMBERLAINs line to Joseph PRITCHARDs line
thence along said PRITCHARDs line to the corner of Charles
CHAMBERLAINs deed land thence along the said CHAMBERLAINs line
binding the swamp to the now swamp road thence along said road to the first
station so as to contain all the land left to me by the will of my father
and also all the land bought by me of Richard TAYLOR and wife Nancy TAYLOR to have and to hold the above described land and premises
with all the improvements there on rents issues & profits of every kind
whatever unto him the said James H. CHAMBERLAIN his heirs executors
administrators & assigns forever & I the said T. G. CHAMBERLAIN for
my self my heirs executors administrators & assigns do covenant & agree to
and with the said James H. CHAMBERLAIN his heirs executors admrs. &
assigns to warrant & forever defend the Title to the said land & premises
against the claims or claims of every person or persons whatever in witness
whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and date first above
written signed sealed and delivered in presents of /s/ T. G. CHAMBERLAIN (seal) Camden County Court - March 1847 Registered in Book Y; Page 191 & 192 - April 27th, 1847
Feb. 10, 1849 Camden Co. Deed between James H. Chamberlain & Anson H. Brite This Indenture made this the
tenth day of February Anno Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty nine
between James H. CHAMBERLAINE on the one part and Anson H. BRITE
on the other and both of the County of Camden and State of North Carolina
Witnesseth that the said James H. CHAMBERLAINE for and in
consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred and ninety dollars to him in hand
paid by the said Anson H. BRITE at the time of executing these
presents the receipt whereof is kindly acknowledged hath granted bargained
sold conveyed aliened and confirmed and by these present doth grant bargain
sell convey alien and confirm unto the said Anson H. BRITE his heirs
and assigns a certain tract or parcel of Land in the upper end of Camden
County and State of North Carolina and Bounded as follows. Beginning at
Kitty Swamp at the corner of Charles WHITEHURST and thence his line
to Nancy STAFFORD's line thence her line to foot of newswamp bridge
thence binding swamp to Joseph PRITCHARD his line thence this line to
B. F. CULPEPPERS's heirs line thence quick station containing one
hundred and four acres more less. To have and to hold the said land
and premises and all and singular the linements, hereditiments (?) ways
waters improvements (?) issues profits remainders privileges and
opportunities thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to him the said
Anson H. BRITE his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use
and behalf in fee simple forever . And the said James H. CHAMBERLINE
and his heirs all and singular the premises hereby conveys to the said
Anson H. BRITE his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever
defend from the lawful claim or claims if any and all persons whatsoever.
In testimony whereof the said James H. CHAMBERLAINE doth hereunto set
his hand seal the date first above written. Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of Camden County Court March Term 1849 Registered in Book Z page 28 - April 17, 1849
Apr. 23, 1852 Camden Co. Deed between Anson H. Brite & Hamilton C. Brite State of North Carolina} Witness: Registered Aug 1st 1852 in Book 7, Page 346 Camden County Court June Ten 1852
Dec. 13, 1853 Camden Co. Deed between E.D. Ferebee & A.H. Brite This Indenturement this 13th
day of Dec. A. D. 1853 between E. D. FEREBEE of the first part and
A. H. BRITE of the second part both of the County of Camden in the State
of No. Carolina. Witnesseth that the said E. D. FEREBEE for and
in consideration of the sum of fifteen hundred fifty dollars to him in hand
paid or secured to be paid by the said A. H. BRITE the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged he has granted, bargained & sold & by these
presents does grant bargain sell align convey & confirm unto him the said
A. H. BRITE his heirs and assigns the following pieces parcels or lots
of land situate lying and being in the upper end of the County of Camden
County aforesaid to wit that part of a tract of land known as the Francis
DAIR's tract bought by said E. D. FEREBEE from Nathan HALSTEAD
and F. N. MULLEN, excepting so much thereof as was sold by said E.
& others containing by estimation Sixty acres more or less also one other
tract called Yellow Wood adjoining said Francis DAIR's tract (see
above) OVERTON & others containing two hundred fifty acres more or
less and also one other tract known as Peter's Island, adjoining Yellow Wood
tract, the lands of (see above) OVERTON & others containing seventy
five acres more or less. Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of
Camden County Court Decr Term 1853 Registered in Book Z pages 524 & 5 - Feby 5th 1854
Mar. 9, 1857 Craven Co. Deed from Jones and Riggs to Anson H. Brite State of North Carolina} Signed Sealed & Delivered Witness
May 24, 1860 Letter Requesting Copies of Grants [appears to be a partial letter to an unknown person] Also a grant to John CARRUTHERS for 297 acres South side of Neuse River a little below Wilkinsons
May 24. 1860 You will please attend to having my bricks hauled as soon as possible. I may come down to Bay River soon. Yours Respectfully,
Sept. 12, 1860 Deed from W.W. O'Nesly to Anson Brite State of North Carolina} Signed Sealed Delivered in presence of /s/ W. W. O'NESLY? (seal)
Dec. 11, 1860 Request for Survey of Land for Anson H. Brite No. 765 To the Surveyor of said
July 24, 1861 Sale of Slaves from John W. Rutter to Anson H. Brite (incomplete deed)
Know all men by these presents I John W. RUTTER of the county of
Craven and state of North Carolina in consideration of ten thousand dollars
to me in hand paid by Anson H. BRITE of said county and state have
covenanted and agreed and by these presents do covenant and agree to and
with the said Anson H. BRITE to convey to him all the real estate
formerly owned by said Anson H. BRITE in Craven county and which said
BRITE conveyed to me by deed dated the [blank] day of April A. D. 1861 and
also the following slaves, to wit, Abby, Mary, Nerly,
Isaac, Margaret & Elira which said BRITE
conveyed to me in the deed aforesaid in testimony whereof I do hereunto set
my hand & seal this the 24th day of July A. D. 1861 Witness:
Aug. 24, 1866 Land Entry for William H. Lewis William H. LEWIS enters and claims 700 acres of land lying in Craven County on the South Side of Bay River and on the head of the South West prong of Trent Creek, beginning in CARUTHERS line at Eason FULSHER's upper Corner of his 300 pole line, runs with CARUTHERS line 400 poles,, thence North 60 degrees(?) West 300 poles, thence Northwardly or Eastwardly 400 poles & from thence to Eason FULSHERs NW Corner & thence to the beginning. August 24, 1866 A copy from the entry book of Craven County. Sept. 28, 1866 Request for Survey of Land for Anson H. Brite & Micajah Sawyer No. 837 To the Surveyor of said
Oct. 17, 1866 Request for Survey of Land for Anson H. Brite No. 840 To the Surveyor of said
Sept. 5, 1867 Bill of Sale from John W. Rutter to Anson H. Brite This is to certify that I have
this day sold unto Anson H. BRITE of the full and just sum of five
hundred dollars, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the following
articles of property, to wit: One horse one mule two carts and all of the
farming Implements and all of the household and kitchen furniture, which
property I purchased of the said Anson H. BRITE the 5th
day of September A. D. 1867. J. M. JOYNER March 25, 1868 Bankruptcy of Anson H. Brite In the District Court of the United States for the
Pamlico District of North Carolina } At New Berne, in said District, this 25th day of March, A. D. 1868 before R. T. LEHMAN, Register I the undersigned Register upon good proof before me
taken, do find that the said Anson H. BRITE has become Bankrupt with
the true intent and meaning of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to
Establish a Uniform System of Bankruptcy throughout the United States,"
approved March 2, 1867; and I do hereby declare and adjudge him a Bankrupt.
May 1, 1868 - John W. RUTTER appoints Anson H. BRITE Power of Attorney
Know all men by these presents, that I,
John W. RUTTER of
the city of Portsmouth, in the State of Virginia have made constituted and
appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint, and in my
place and stead put and appoint
Anson H. BRITE of
the County of Craven in the State of North Carolina, my true and
lawful attorney, for me, and in my name, place and stead, to grant, bargain
and sell all that tract, parcel or piece of land lying and being in
the County of Craven in the State of North Carolina, situated on or near the
head of "Trent Creek", containing six hundred and fifty acres, and bounded
by the lands of
Sarah A. LEARY,
Barney McCOTTER,
the heirs of
John W. RAWLS and
others; and being the same tract of land which was conveyed to me by the
Anson H. BRITE, by
deed of record in the Clerk's Office of Craven County, North Carolina, with
all the appurtenances thereto belonging, and all my estate, right,
title and interest therein, unto such person or persons, and for such piece
or pieces as he shall think proper, and also for me, and in my name, place
and stead, and as my proper act and deed, to sign, seal, deliver and
acknowledge all such deed or deeds of conveyance, as shall be necessary for
the absolute granting and assigning of the premises unto the purchaser or
purchasers in fee simple. And also for me, and in my name, place and
stead, to rent or lease said land, before mentioned and described; and also
to trade or sell, or dispose of, as my said attorney shall deem best, all of
my farming utensils upon said farm. And also for me, and in my name,
place and stead to sell or trade one horse, one mule, and two carts
belonging to me, now on said farm in said County of Craven, in the State of
North Carolina, and do make and pass all necessary acts of assignment,
transfer bill of sale for the same: And also for me, and in my name,
place and stead to accept and receive all and every the sum or sums of
money, or other consideration or considerations whatsoever, which shall be
coming to me on account of the said sale or sales, whether from the real or
personal property, and upon the receipt thereof, suitable aquittance or
aquittances, and in my name, place and stead, to make seal and deliver , and
generally giving and granting unto my said attorney, by these presents, my
full and whole power and authority in and about the premises, to have use
and take all lawful ways and means, in my name, for the purposes aforesaid.
And generally , all and every other act or acts, thing or things, in the law
whatsoever needful and necessary to be done in and about the premises, for
me and in my name, to do , execute and perform, as fully, largely and amply,
to all intents and purposes, as I, myself, might or could do if
personally present. Hereby notifying, allowing and holding for firm
and effectual, all and whatsoever my said attorney shall lawfully do in and
about the premises by virtue hereof.
State of Virginia } Letter pertaining to above Power of Attorney Portsmouth, Virginia Dear Sir, Yours Truly,
June 23, 1868 Bankruptcy of Anson H. Brite In the District Court of the United States for the
Pamlico District of North Carolina} Certificate of Exempted
Property At New
Berne, in said District, this 23rd day of June, A. D. 1868. 1) Necessary household property and kitchen furniture, not exceeding $500 in value
Given the day and date aforesaid
Oct. 23, 1868 Notice that Bankrupt has Applied for Discharge In the District Court of the United States, for the
Pamlico District of North Carolina} At New Berne, in said District, on the 23 day of Oct.
1868. To M_ Anson H. BRITE Creditor of said Bankrupt
Dec. 29, 1868 Opposition to Bankruptcy Discharge In the District Court of the United States, for the
Pamlico District of North Carolina} To the Hon. Geo. W. BROOKS, Judge of the District Court
aforesaid: 1st That said Bankrupt has concealed a part of his estate or effects by not surrendering the same and inserting them in his petition viz: about six hundred and fifty acres of land on Bay River, in the County of Craven State of N. C. purchased by the Petitioner of Mr. William OWENS & Henrietta SPARROW in 1855 or 1856 and also one mule and one horse in said land which the undersigned is unable more particularly to describe 2 That said Anson H. BRITE, bankrupt has willfully sworn falsely in his affidavit to his Petition, and to Schedule B thereof in relation to a material part concerning his debts in this: that he in the affidavit annexed to schedule B annexed of said Petitioner, swear that said schedule contained a statement of all his assets assignable under the Act entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of Bankruptcy throughout the United States" whereas in part as said Petitioner well knew he at the time of the filing of said Petition was the owner of a Certain tract of Land on Bay River in the County of Craven & State of North Carolina, by him purchased of William OWENS and Henrietta SPARROW in 1865 or 1866 Known as the JONES Land & one mule & one horse now on said land, and whereas neither said land nor said horse & mule were inserted in said schedule in said Petitioner's Petition. Dated at New Bern NC the 29th day of December A D 1868. /s/ A MITCHELL, Crediters I Chas. HIBBARD, Clerk of the
United States District Court for the Pamlico District of North Carolina, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true & faithful copy of the original
on file in this office. Witness my hand and the seal
of said Court at office in New bern NC this the 8th day of
January AD 1869.
Aug. 20, 1869 Chattle Mortgage between John W. & Esther Rutter to Anson H. & Martha Brite This Indenture made this 20th
day of August A. D. 1869. Between John W. RUTTER and Esther
his wife of the County of Norfolk State of Virginia, Anson H. BRITE
and Martha his wife of the County of Craven, State of North Carolina
parties of the first part, and Thomas I. MITCHELL of the County of
Craven State of North Carolina, party of the second part --- Witnesseth Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of /s/ John W. RUTTER (seal)
New Bern, N.C. State of Virginia } Craven County---In the Probate Court Presented October 16th A. D. 1869 at 10 A.
M. for registration Registered in the Register's Office of Craven County N.
C. in Book No. 70. Pages 74, 75 & 76. 1873 - received of Anson H. BRITE Two hundred &
one 00/100. (??) in full of Principal & Int. to date. Dec 12th, 1873
Oct. 28, 1869 Bankruptcy of Anson H. Brite No. 591 Filed this 28th day of October, 1869, at _____o'clock, I Chas. HIBBARD, Clerk
of the District Court of the United States, for the Pamlico District of
North Carolina, Do Hereby Certify, That the above is a true copy of the
original Certificate of Discharge of Record, and on file in my office as
such Clerk. In Testimony
Whereof, I have caused the Seal of the said Court to be hereunto affixed, at
the City of New Berne, in the Pamlico District of North Carolina, this 28th
day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and
sixty nine, and of the Independence of the said United States, the ninety
Oct. 17, 1877 Receipt of Richard McCotter Bayboro, N.C.
Nov. 23, 1877 Deed from W.R. McCotter to Nathan Tetterton
This Indenture made this 23 day of November in the year Eighteen hundred and
Seventy Seven, between W. R. McCOTTER of the County of Pamlico and
State of North Carolina of the first part and Nathan TETTERTON of the
County and State aforesaid of the second part. Witnesseth, that the
said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty
Dollars the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged has given granted
bargained sold and conveyed to the said party of the second part a certain
piece or parcel of land lying in the County and State aforesaid on the South
West prong of Trent Creek described as follows. Begins in the Back line 31
pole from a corner Beach Runs N 60 W 44 pole then S 21 W 44 pole then S 60 E
29 pole then to the beginning containing ten acres. To have and to hold the
same with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to Nathan TETTERTON
the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns. And the said
party of the first part for the consideration aforesaid does hereby covenant
and agree to warrant and defend the premises aforesaid to the said party of
the second part his executors administrators and assigns against the claim
of all (?) whatsoever. In witness whereof the said party of the first
part has hereunto set his hand and seal on the day and year above written. Signed sealed &
delivered in presence of State of North
Carolina} Probate Court Registered in the Public
Records of Pamlico County in Book No. 4 of Deeds Pages 22 & 23 Nov 22nd
Mar. 20, 1878 Loan from W. R. McCotter to H. H. Dowdy On the first day of March next
I promise to pay to H. H. DOWDY or order the sum of fifty dollars
with Eight per cent interest from date as witness my hand and seal this the
20th day of March 1878. Credit by Nate $5.00 Pade in fool
Jan. 4, 1893 Store Acct. of W.R. McCotter 1893 Jany 4 Please do something for
me on yr a/c. I am
needy please try & pay me part & settle
up book a/c by note or some way.
Feb. 8, 1894 Chattle Mortgage between W.R. McCotter & M. Hahn Co. I, W. R. McCOTTER, of
the County of Pamlico, in the State of North Carolina, am indebted to M.
Co., of Craven County, in said State, in the sum of Sixty 60/100 Dollars,
for which they hold my note, to be due Nov. 15/94 and to secure the payment
of the same I do hereby convey to them these articles of person property,
to-wit: Witness: Filed for registration at 10 o'clock, AM February 13,
1894, and enrolled in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County,
the 13 day of February 1894 in book No. 9, Page 390.
Mar. 5, 1895 Chattle Mortgage between W.R. McCotter & Merritt Pamlico County,
N.C., Mar 5 1895 Witness Present: I,
W. R. McCOTTER of the
county of Pamlico in the State of North Carolina, am indebted to Bough Sons
& Co. Norfolk in the sum of Seven 40/100 Dollars, for which they hold my
note, to be due on the 1st day of July 1895 and to secure the
payment of the same, I do hereby convey to them these articles of personal
property, to wit: My entire crop of Potatoes, Cotton & Corn which I may
raise or plant this year on the farm of 5 acres, owned by W. R. McCOTTER
adjoining the lands of C. H. FOWLER & C. BRIGHT and
others, in No. 2 Township, Merritt Post Office, together with other personal
property, as follows [blank] all of which is free
from encumbrance or lien. This mortgage is given for supplies
furnished for agricultural purposes, under an Act of Assembly of North
Carolina, but on this special trust, that if I fail to pay said debt on or
before the First day of July 1895, then they may seize and sell said
property, or so much thereof as may be necessary, by public auction, for
cash, first giving twenty days notice, at three public places, and apply the
proceeds of such sale to the discharge of said debt and interest on the
same, together with all costs, fees, and charges of collection, and pay
surplus to me. Given under
my hand and seal, this 5th day of March 1895. Witness: Name Richard McCOTTER Protest Waived Credit on written note Five Dollars
Feb. 26, 1898 Deed of Trust from W.R. McCotter to the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Trent P.O., Pamlico Co., N.C. Witness Present: Chattel Mortgage to Secure Money Note I, W. R. McCOTTER of
the County of Pamlico in the State of North Carolina am indebted to The
Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, James G. Tinsley & Company Branch of
Richmond, Virginia, in the sum of [blank] Dollars, for which they hold my
note, to be due on the 15 day of Oct A. D. , 1868, and to secure the payment
of the same, I do hereby convey to them these articles of personal property
to-wit:- [blank] my entire crop of every kind and description that I may
cultivate or have an interest in cultivating on my plantation near Trent or
on any other lands in Pamlico County, during the year 189__ which will
consist of about 15 acres in Cotton, Corn, Potatoes, etc. I agree to
deliver my crop to the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, James G. Tinsley
& Co. Branch, or their order, to be by them sold or shipped for the benefit
of this debt. All the property and crops enumerated above the party of
the first part represents to be his own, in his possession, free from all
encumbrance claim or lien, and that he has not nor will not contract any
account with the landlord whose land he cultivates. This mortgage is given
for supplies furnished for agricultural purposes under Act of Assembly of
North Carolina. Witness:
Aug. 2, 1899 Chattle Mortgage between W.R. McCotter to M.E. Davenport I, W. R. McCOTTER of the
County of Pamlico in the State of North Carolina am indebted to M. E.
DAVENPORT of Pamlico County in said State, in the sum of Forty seven 50/100
$47.50 Dollars for which she hold my note, to be due on the 18th
day of Dec A.D. 1899, and to secure the payment of the same I do hereby
convey to her these articles of personal property, to-wit: Witness: On or before the 18th day of
Dec 1899, promise to pay to M. E. DAVENPORT or order, the sum of Forty Seven
50/100 $47.50 Dollars, with interest from date, at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum until paid, for value received. The interest to be due and
payable at maturity. This note is secured by Chattel Mortgage of even date. Witness my hand and seal this 2 day of
August 1899. Witness: North Carolina, Pamlico County Filed for registration at 3 o'clock 1899 and enrolled
in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County, the___ day of ____
189__, in Book No. 14, Page 203. Received on the within note & mortgage $40.00/100 this the 12 day of Oct 1899. Satisfied in full. This Dec 22/99
Jan. 1, 1900 Deed from W.R. & Sarah E. McCotter to H.J. Kennedy State of North Carolina} Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of State of North Carolina, Pamlico County Paid in full this 5 Day Dec 1904
May 2, 1902 Chattle Mortgage between W.R. McCotter & M.E. Davenport
I W. R. McCOTTER of the County of Pamlico in the State of North
Carolina am indebted to M. E. DAVENPORT of Pamlico County in said
State, in the sum of Thirty $30.00 Dollars, for which she holds my note, to
be due on the 1st day of November 1902, and to secure the payment
of the same I do hereby convey to her these articles of personal property
to-wit: Witness: On or before
the 1st day of November 1902, I promise to pay to M. E. DAVENPORT or order, the sum of Thirty Dollars, with interest from date, at the rate of
6 per cent, per annum until paid, for value received. The interest to be
due and payable at maturity. This note is secured by Chattel Mortgage of
even date. Witness my hand and seal this the 2 day of May 1902. Witness: North Carolina, Pamlico
County Filed for registration
at 10 o'clock a. m. May 3, 1902 and enrolled in the office of the Register
of Deeds of Pamlico County,
the [blank] Day of [blank],
190_, in Book No. 16, Page 117. Register of Deeds with note & mortgage paid in full pleas cancil & oblige. Nov the 11 1902
Dec. 19, 1903 Letter regarding an 1882 deed Bayboro, NC - Dec 19, 1903 Mr. C. H. FOWLER My Dear Sir: These parties gave this deed in Feb 7 1882 nearly twenty two years ago made to John H. DELAMAR, being the same land deeded to C.A. & L. D. RAWLS by John A JONES of Craven County on the 23 day of Nov. 1869 and received in this office in Book No. 1 Page 147 etc. Hoping that this information may be of service to you
and with kindest regards I beg to remain Your obedient servant, To: Mr. Wm. R. McCOTTER
Yours Truly, |
Personal Letters |
Front Dear Sir I received your last communication some time ago. And also a letter for mother which I have sent to her. And I would have written sooner but was waiting for a letter from home so as they have none written to me, since I will write again. I was very glad to hear you were all quite well. We are all as well as usual. My little Cornelia is very unwell from the affects of cutting teeth. Well I presume we will have quite a time in Va. from now til July 6th 1869 when is the time set apart for the rejection or adoption of the New Constitution. And I think there will quite a light political contest, but I think everything will pass off very quietly. And also for a governor it is to be voted for, and other officers such as legislators &c. I was on an excursion up to York Town Va. On Saturday 29th ulto, which was under the auspices of the Union Sailors and Soldiers _____________ the Grand Army of the Republic for the _____________ ___ating the Graves of those who fell in the ________________ Rimtoy's? cause ____ after arriving at the Wharf at ____________crowd? __inded their way to the Nature __________found about 2 1/2 Acres of land filled _____________________ at the end of each was a white slab _____________________and on it inscribed his rank name Reg ___________________of not Simply U. S. Soldier unknown _______________________ the same.
Truly |
Misc. Documents |
1870 Craven Co., NC Tax Receipt No. 108 Received of Susan McCOTTER State & County Taxes in full
PATTERSON, Collector
Statement of Character [not dated but after 1872] To Whom it May Concern: |
Photos Can anyone identify these people? |
James G. Silverthorne Bible |
This Bible was large and hard to handle and the interior
pages were not in good shape.
This Certifies
A piece of notebook paper was inserted in the Bible with the following written on it-- Hannah E. Silverthorne Borned Sept. 14, 1889 Hannah & Alton Rawls children's ages Neta Day Borned April 15, 1889 Neta & Jim Silverthorne children ages Hannah & Jim Silverthorne children ages James E. Silverthorne married Jenna Mae McRae May 19, 1945 Bessie T. Rawls Borned Aug. 18, 1889 |
Obituaries |
Delayed Birth Certificate |
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