White - de Bry Map - 1590
This map was published with Thomas Harriot’s A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia in Vol. 1 of Theodore de Bry’s Great Voyages. Engraved by Theodore de Bry and based on a manuscript map by John White of 1585, a copy of which is in the British Museum, it was revised for additional names and coastal detail gained from Roanoke Colony travels in 1587 and 1588. It is one of the most significant cartographic milestones in colonial North American history. It was the most accurate map drawn in the sixteenth century of any part of North America, serving as the prototype map of the region for nearly 100 years. It records the earliest English attempts at colonization in the New World, showing Virginia before the demise of its first colony. The map shows the region from Cape Lookout to the Chesapeake.
For a view of the entire map click here. For color enlargement click here.
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