Person County Wills & Estates |
(Transcribed by Deloris Williams) |
Will of MATHIAS CATES-1815
Person County, Wills & Inventories 1815-1817
Pages 1-2 |
May Court 1815
In the name of God Amen this 19 day of March One Thousand Eight Hundred & fifteen I MATTHIAS CATES of the County of Person and State of North Carolina being
in perfect mind and Sound memory thanks be to God for the same and calling to mind the mortality of the body and knowing that it is appropriate for all men
once to die do make and appoint this my last will and Testament. That is to say and first of all I give my Soul to Almighty God who gave it me trusting
through the mercy and merits of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour to receive full pardon for all my past Sins to be admited and received into Eternal Bliss
and my body to the grave to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner and as touching my worldly goods wherewith it has pleased God to Bless me with I
give and dispose of in the following manner and form.
First. I will and bequeath to my beloved wife SARAH my possessions of land during her lifetime Including that my sons JOSHUA CATES, SOLOMON CATES and
WILLIAM CATES shall have peacable possession during the above mentioned period of time and at my wife SARAH's decease I will that each one of my sons above
mentioned shall have an equal division of the above mentioned tract of land except a certain piece of land lying in Orange County which tract I will and
bequeath to my son WILLIAM above mentioned also to him I will one Sorrel roan horse with a blase face and one saddle.
I also will and bequeath to my wife SARAH all my movable property except as much as will discharge all my lawfull debts and at my wife SARAH's decease I
will that all said movable property shall be sold and the money arising from the said sale to be divided as follows first I will that such of my children as
has had no movable property shall have of the sale money as much as will make an equivalent with those that has had movable property as nigh as can be
assertained and the balance of the sale money if any to be equally divided among all my lawfull legatees.
I appoint my two friends WRIGHT NICHOLS & EPHRAM HAWKINS as Executors to this my last will and testament hereby revoking and disannuling all other will or
wills by me heretofore made acknowledging this to be my last will and testament in witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hands and Seal the day and date
before mentioned.
Signed Sealed Published and declared in the presence of
No. Carolina
Person County
May Term 1815
The Executors of the foregoing will was proven in Open Court by the Oaths of JOSEPH ROUNDTREE one of the Subscribing witnesses thereto and it appearing to
the Court that ABSOLEM JOHNSTON the other Subscribing witness is dead the hand writing of said ABSOLEM JOHNSTON was proven by the Oaths of SIMON COCHRAN &
JAMES WILLIAMSON whereupon said wil was admitted to probate.
Person County, Wills & Inventories 1815-1817
Pages 2-3 |
In the Name of God Amen I CHARLES HOLEMAN of the County of Person & State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and
memory (blessed by God) do this day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and Thirteen make and publish this my last will and
testament in manner following that is to say,
First. I request all my just debts to be paid and for that purpose do give my executors hereinafter named full and ample powers to sell so much and such
part of my personal estate and in such manner as they may believe most expedient to enable them to discharge my said debts.
Secondly. I give and bequeath to my Mother JANE HOLEMAN my Negro woman OLD PHILIS during the life of my mother and after her death wish the said
PHILIS emancipated.
Thirdly. I authorize and empower my Executors to secure and sell the land I claim in Willson County State of Tennessee lying on the South Side of Cumberland
River opposite to Cairo and out of the proceeds therefrom to retain a sufficiency to indeminfy and pay themselves for all trouble and expenses they may
incur therby.
Fourthly. I give and bequeath to my nephews CHARLES HOLEMAN and JAMES HOLEMAN, all the residue of my estate both real and personal consisting of the parts
of land whereon I now live thirteen Negroes, viz, CUFFY, ISAAC, FRANK, TIM, MAJOR, SAM, JACOB, GREEN, MOSES, BETTY, YOUNG PHILIS, EDY and HANNAH.
Crop, stock, HH together with its increase to them and their heirs forever the Negro Slaves to be divided when JAMES HOLEMAN arrives to the age of twenty
one years in the following manner (to wit) CHARLES HOLEMAN to have first choice JAMES HOLEMAN the second choice and so on alternately till the whole be
divided Should there be an odd one notwithstanding and I do hereby nominate and appoint my brother RICHARD HOLEMAN Guardian to my said nephews CHARLES
Lastly. I do hereby nominate and appoint THOMAS PERSON SEN'R of the County of Granville and SAMUEL DICKENS of the County of Person Executors to this my last
will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed, Sealed published and declared by the said CHARLES HOLEMAN the testator as his last will & testament in the presence of us who was present at this
Signing and Sealing thereof
No. Carolina
Person County
May Term 1815
The Executor of the foregoing will was proven in Open Court by the Oaths of LAMBERT S. MOORE & PORTIOUS MOORE two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and
ordered to be recorded.
Will of JOHN SMITH HURST - 1809
Person County Wills & Inventories 1807-1811
Pages 135-139 |
August Court 1809
In the Name of God Amen, I JOHN S. HURST of the County of Person and State of North Carolina being in my perfect senses and sound mind and memory do make
and ordain this my last Will and Testament. Viz first I recomend my soul to Almighty God.
Secondly. it is my Will and desire that all my just debts be paid out of my estate.
Thirdly. it is my Will and desire that my beloved wife, SARAH HURST should have and enjoy all my personal estate her lifetime, and then to dispose of as she
sees cause.
4thly. It is my Will and desire that my land should be sold to pay my just debts, and after paging my just debts, the residue of the money to be for my
beloved wife SARAH to do as she sees cause.
5thly and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife SARAH HURST Executrix and NATHANIEL NORFLEET & THOMAS SNEED to be Executors of this my
last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 15th day of October 1804.
ARCHER WEST ("u" his mark)
State of North Carolina
Person County - August Court 1809
The Execution of this Will was duly proved in open Court by the oath of OSBOURNE JEEFREYS SEN'R one of the subscribing witnesses there to & on motion
ordered to be Recorded. At the same time SARAH HURST the widow & relict of of said dec'd & the Executrix thereon named qualified Executrix & Letters
Testamentary issued accordingly.
JESSE DICKINS CC (Note: Deceased was sometimes called John S. Hurst, John Smith Hurst, or John Hust in various records) |
Estate of SARAH HURST-1823 |
(Sarah Pryor - Hurst was first married to Jonathan Parker, d. 1775, she remarried to John S. Hurst, sometimes called, John Smithurst, who died abt 1809. Her daughter, Nancy Ann Parker, d. 1811, was the wife of Thomas Sneed, and were the parents of Jonathan P. Sneed & Dudley
Sneed, who died in 1827, mentioned in this will. See additional info on the Pryor, Parker & Hurst families in the Estate
of Jonathan Parker and of Sarah Parker) |
state of North Carolina
Person County- Feb'y Term 1823
This Inventory and acct of Sales was duly returned to Court and Ordered to be Recorded.
Recorded in Book No. 9, Page 433
Inventory of the Property of SARAH HURST Dec'd taken by J. P. SNEED the adm'r 1823.
1 Negro man BOB
1 Negro woman VENUS
2 blind mares
3 Featherbeds (divided amongst the Legatees)
1 Desk
1 Folding table
1 Water stand
1 chest
1 Family bible
1 Hymn Book
1 American magazine
1 Volume (the title page missing)
1 Cow and calf
1 cow
1 Bond on REUBEN INSCORE $10 with credits (Desperate amounting to $8)
List of the Sale of the property of SARAH HURST,dec'd sold 8th February 1823.
1 Desk --------------THOMAS V. HARGIS -------$1.25
1 Chest---------------"----------------"---------------------.40
1 Hymnbook--------"----------------"---------------------.30
1 Negro man BOB------"---------"---------------$271.05
1 Negro woman VENUS--"------"------------------10.00
1 Folding table &
toilet-------------------DUDLEY SNEED-------------1.25
1 Wash stand-------THOMAS SNEED--------------.10
1 Family bible-------"------------"----------------------3.50
1 Cow and calf------"------------"----------------------6.00
1 Cow-----------------"------------"----------------------4.75
1 Butter pott--------"------------"------------------------.25
1 Bay mare----------"------------"----------------------7.00
1 Sorrel mare-------"------------"----------------------3.30
1 American magazine--J.P. SNEED------------------.75
1 volume without title page--J.P.SNEED-----------.05
J. P. SNEED Adm'r ------------------------------------------------- State of North Carolina
Person County
Know all men that we JONATHAN P. SNEED, DUDLEY SNEED & WILLIE P. MANGUM are held and firmly bound with the Chairman & Others Justices of the County of
Person in the sum of four thousand dollars to be paid to the said Chairman or his successors and other Justices of the County of Person to this which
payment well & truly to be made, we bind ourselves our heirs, Ex'trs and Admin'rs jointly and severally, firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and
dated this 23rd day of Dec'r 1822.
The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bounden JON. P. SNEED is administrator of all & singular the goods & chattels rights &
credits of SARAH HURST dec'd do make or cause to be made a true & perfect inventory of all & singular the goods & chattles rights & credits of the dec'd
which have or shall come to the hands, knowledge or possession of the said JONATHAN P. SNEED or in the hands or possession of any person or persons for him
and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited in the secretary's office and an attesting copy thereof to the County Court where orders for
administration passed within ninety days of the date of these presents & the same goods chattels & credits and all other goods chattels & credits of the
dec'd at the time of his death or which at any time hereafter shall come into the hands or possession of the said JONATHAN P. SNEED or into the hands or
possession of any other person or persons for him do well & truly adm'r according to law and further do make or cause to be made a true and just account of
her said administration within ninety days after the date of their presents and all the rest and residue of the said goods chattels & credits which shall be
found remaining upon the administrated account (the same first being examined and allowed by the governor & council Superior or County court) shall deliver
and pay unto such person or persons respectively as or as the same shall become due pursuant to the true intent and meaning of the act in that case made and
provided and if it shall appear that any will or testament was made by the dec'd and the Ext'x or Executors thereon therein named do exhibit the same in
Court making a request to have it allowed and approved of accordingly if the said JONATHAN P. SNEED above bounden bring thereunto required do render and
deliver the said letters of administration (Approbation of such testament being first had and made in the said Court) then this obligation to be void
otherwise to remain in full force and virtue
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presents
Will of JAMES LEA- 1816
Person County, Wills & Inventories 1815-1817
Pages 79-80 |
February Term 1816
In the Name of God Amen, I JAMES LEA of the County of Person and State of North Carolina being in perfect health of body and of perfect mind and memory
thanks be given unto God, calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my
last Will and Testament: That is to say principally and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I
recommend to the Earth, to be buried in decent Christian burial, at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but the general Resurrection, I shall
receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such wordly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give advise,
and dispose of the same in the following manner and form,
1st. I give and bequeath unto my three Sons ABNER LEA, RICHARD LEA & BENJ'N LEA my land whereon they now live with the Mill to be equally divided at their
own discretion each one to keep the place he now lives on and if they cannot agree in the division they shall each one choose amon and they shall divide it
in value as near equal as they possibly can.
2ndly. I also give and bequeath unto my four daughters NAAMAH, FRANKEY, NICEY & ANNER the whole of my other property in equal proportion with my sons.
My request and will is, that the land excluding the Mill and the boys own improvements on the land, should be appraised with the whole of my other property
and be divided by an equal division amongst my sons and daughters, ABNER LEA, RICHARD LEA, & BENJAMIN LEA, NAAMAH SATTERFIELD, FRANKEY LEA, NICEY CHANDLER &
ANNER LEA, and if the land is over in proportion the boys must pay up to the daughters to make them equal in proportion with the sons and if the other
property is more in proportion than the land the daughters must pay up in the maner to the sons, and if there should be any thing coming from my Father in
laws estate at his death to me it is my will that it should be equally divided amongst my sons and daughters as above named. I also constitute and appoint
GEORGE LEA and JOHN McFARLAND my whole and sole Executors to this my last will & testament and I do hereby utterly disalow, revoke and disannull and every
other former testament wills Legacies bequests and executors by me in any way before me named, willed, and bequeathed. Ratifying and confirming this, and no
other to be my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of September One thousand Eight hundred &
Signed, Sealed and pronounced to be my last will and testament
In the presence of us
GEO. LEA (Jurat)
No. Carolina
Person County
February Term 1816
This will was exhibited in Open Court and proven by the oath of GEORGE LEA a subscribing witness and ordered to be recorded.
Will of DANIEL MELONE - 1815
Person County, Wills & Inventories 1815-1817
Page 28 |
August Term 1815
In the name of God Amen. DANIEL MELONE of Person County and province of North Carolina Sick and week tho of perfect mind and memory knowing that it is
alloted for men to die I have here made my last will and testament as follows, Viz, in the first place I give and bequeath my Soul to God that gave it me
Secondly. I give to my daughter SARAH RAINEY two dollars thirty I give to the heirs of ELIZABETH WILKERSON deceased two dollars Fourthly I give to ELIZABETH
MELONE daughter of STAPLES MELONE one feather bed being the bed that is called her bed and furniture Fifthly leaving and estate at my death to be sold and
my lawfull debts paid and out of the remaining parts of my estate my loving wife ELIZABETH MELONE to be maintain her life time and then to be equally
divided between these Eleven lastly mentioned JOHN MELONE, MARK MELONE, WILLIAM MELONE, the heirs of LEWIS MELONE, all one share the Heirs of STAPLES MELONE,
MELONE and NATHANIEL MELONE Executors of my last Will and Testament as Witness hereunto I set my hand and Seal this fifteenth day of July 1815.
Signed Sealed and declared in the presense of us.
DANIEL MELONE ("X" his mark)
No. Carolina
Person County
August Term 1815
This Will was Exhibited in Open Court and proven by the oath of STEPHEN JONES a subscribing witness and ordered to be recorded.
Will of WILLIAM MURROW- 1815
Person County, Wills & Inventories 1815-1817
Pages 4-5 |
May Term 1815
In the name of God Amen I WILLIAM MURROW of the County of Person & State of No. Carolina being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory
(blessed be God) do this 17th day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fifteen make and publish this my last will and testament
in manner and form following Viz--
First. It is my Will and desire that all my just debts and funeral charges be discharged out of my Estate.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife MARY MURROW during her natural life or widowhood, all my estate both real and personal as also my personal
property, but that each of my children which may remain unmarried and continue with her may be reasonably supported from the income of the aforesaid estate
and when my children or either of them should intermarry my beloved wife is hereby authorized to loan such of my Sons and Daughters such part of the
aforesaid estate as she may think proper which part of said estate (that may be so loaned) will be called on when a division may be requested.
Item. It is my Will and desire that should my beloved wife MARY MURROW intermarry that she then be <torn> of one third part of the Estate as aforementioned
and I do hereby lend her so much thereof with one third part of the will profits arising from said estate during her natural life.
Item. It is my will and desire that if my beloved wife MARY MURROW does intermarry (should this happen) that then the residue of the aforesaid Estate
(except the one third part alloted her) be equally divided with that part which my wife may have thought proper to loan as aforesaid among my surviving Sons
& Daughters or their lawfull issue to them and each of them and their Heirs forever.
Item. It is my will and desire, that after my beloved wife MARY MURROW does depart this life that then the one third part of the Estate as aforesaid which
is by this my last will and testament cause her be equally divided among my surviving Sons and Daughters or to his or her and each of their lawfull heirs to
them and their Heirs forever And I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife MARY MURROW my Executrix and my trusty and faithful Sons, JOHN MURROW
and EBENEZER MURROW my Executors of this my last Will and Testament when the said Executrix and Executors are authorized to dispose of any part of the
aforesaid estate for the benefit of the legatees and I do hereby grant them full power to make an ample and legal conveyance of lands & tenement goods and
chattles at their discretion if each of them should concur in Sentiments in any such sale as may be thought beneficial. In witness whereof I do hereunto set
my hand and Seal the Day and Year first within written.
The aforegoing Will and Testament Signed, Sealed, Published and declared by the said WM. MURROW the testator as his last Will and testament In presence of
No. Carolina
Person County
May Term 1815
The foregoing will was exhibited in Open Court and proven by the Oaths of JOHN McVAY & JOHN CHANDLER two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to
be recorded.
Estate of CATHARINE REDD- 1837
Person County Wills & Inventories 1835-1837
Pages 202-203 |
State of North Carolina
Person County
Know All Men By These Presents, That we LOFTIN WALTON, REUBEN WALTON and THOMAS BURTON are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina in the
just and full sum of four thousand dollars for the true payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly, severally and
firmly; sealed with our seals and dated this 21st day of March A.D. 1837.
The Condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bound LOFTIN WALTON administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights
credits of CATHARINE REDD deceased, do make, or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits
of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said LOFTIN WALTON or into the hands or possession of any other
person or persons, for him, and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited to the county court, where orders for administration passed, within
ninety days after the date of these presents; and the same goods, chattels and credits, and all other the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased
at the time of his death, or which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said LOFTIN WALTON or into the hands or possession of any
other person or persons for him, do well and truly administer according to law. And further do make or cause to be made a true and just account of his said
administration, within two years from the date of these presents, and all the rest and residue of the said goods, chattels and credits, which shall be found
remaining upon the said administrators account, the same being first examined and allowed by the county court, shall deliver and pay to such persons or
persons respectively as the same shall be due unto pursuant to the true intent and meaning of the acts of the general assembly in such cases made and
provided. And if it shall appear that any last will and testament was made by the deceased, and the executor or executors therein named do exhibit the same
into court, making request to have allowed and approved accordingly, and if the said CATHARINE REDD above named being thereunto required, do render and
deliver the said letter of administration, approbation of such testament being first had and made in the said court; then this obligation to be void and of
none effect, or else to remain in full force and virtue.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
In Presence of
WM. WHITFIELD ------------------------------------------------- State of North Carolina
Person County
Pursuant to an order of the worshipful County Court of this County aforesaid we have proceeded to audit and settle the Account Current of LOFTON WALTON
JUN'R, Adm'r in the estate of CATHARINE REDD dec'd and find a balance due from the Administrator of Eleven Hundred and Sixty seven dollars Seventy eight and
1/2 cents given under our hands & seals this 19th day of March 1839.
CHARLES HOLEMAN ------------------------------------------------- LOFTON WALTON JUN'R Adm'r In Acct with CATHARINE REDD Dec'd
To Amount of sales of perishable property sold 17th April 1838 --------209.38½
To Amount of cash on hand ------44.80
Cash received of JOHN NORWOOD----25.00
Check Girrard Bank, Philadelphia ----100.00
Sale of 2 Negro boys to A. CUNNINGHAM on 16th May 1837 due 16th May 1838 by the name of GUILFORD & SCIPIO ----922.00
To 1 boy named STANFORD to CHA'S A. BURTON ---361.00
Sale of Negro woman & child named SILVIA to JOHN W. WILLIAMS ---- 412.50
[Total] --------- $2074.68½
To balance due--- $1167.78½
By cash PORTIUS MOORE Atto of S. REDD---600.00
By cash paid FRANCES TIMBERLAKE on judgment --11.23
By cash paid H. SATTERFIELD as clerk--3.00
By cash pad THOMAS BURTON for keeping Negro woman----25.00
By cash P. MOORE as physician ---6.00
By cash paid E. G. READE as Attorney--- 8.00
By cash paid THO'S BURTON on account--- 4.05
By cash paid on judgment in favour of STEPHEN SNEED---- 63.50
Cash paid A. HOPKINS for rent of plantation-- 21.06
By cash paid THOMAS SNEED for coffin--- 2.00
By cash paid Clerks fees --- 3.70
By cash paid H. WALTERS Shff Tax--2.00
By cash paid JAS. SNEED on acct ---2.90
By cash paid BEDFORD VAUGHN for crying sale --4.00
By cash paid H. SATTERFIELD Cost - 1.00
By cash paid WM. HORNER on acct - 3.03 1/3
By cash paid WM. HORNER on acct - 2.12½
By cash paid postage letter - .25
By cash paid JAS. COTHRAN ---38.93
By cash paid Clerks fee for recording &c --- .75
[total]--------- 803.13
Commissioners fees-------- 108.77
By balance---------------$1167.78½
Person County Wills & Inventories, 1815-1817
Page 78 |
(Martha Russell married Laurence Richardson with a Marriage Bond filed on Nov. 12, 1782 in Warren Co.,NC; Laurence died in
1795 in Warren Co.; Martha Russell was the daughter of Twitty & Ann Russell, of Warren County, NC. Twitty Russell left a nuncupative will in May 1790 Warren
County; Ann Russell left a will probated May 1796 in Warren County.) |
February Term 1816
In the Name of God Amen. I MARTHA RICHARDSON of Person County State of N. Carolina, being weak in body but of sound memory blessed be God, do make and
ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say--
First, I give and bequeath to my son LAWRENCE RICHARDSON a tract of land lying on Licks in the County and State aforesaid adjoining the lands of JOHN
RUSSELL, DOWNEY WADE and others containing by estimation one hundred and forty three acres.
Also I give & bequeath to my sd son LAWRENCE one hundred and Sixty Dollars, being a ballance due him on Guardian account up to the year 1813 Also fifty four
Dollars a balance due him on said Guardian account from the year 1813 up to the present date.
The residue of my Estate after paying my just debts, I give and bequeath to my two daughters namely, ELIZABETH DOUGLASS & MARTHA WADE to be equally divided
between them. And I do hereby appoint my said son LAWRENCE RICHARDSON & DOWNEY WADE Executors of this my last will and testament In Testimony whereof I have
hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 2nd day of February Anno Do. 1816.
Signed Sealed & Published
In presence of
R. H. CHILDERS (Jurat)
No. Carolina
Person County
February Term 1816
This will was Exhibited in Open Court and proven by the oaths of JOHN RUSSEL and ROBERT H. CHILDERS subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
JESSE DICKINS CCC ------------------------------------------------- Estate of MARTHA RICHARDSON
State of No. Carolina
Person County
Aug't Term 1818
Ordered that ROB'T VANHOOK, NATH'L NORFLEET and JNO McMURRAY or any two of them be appointed to settle the a/c of DOWNEY WADE extr of MARTHA RICHARDSON
Dec'd and report to next Term.
[List of Names with notes debit or credit]
Tycey Paine
John Russel
Gabriel B. Lea
Jno. G. Willson
Wm. Nash
Elijah Jacobs
Dan'l Darsy
Jas. Johnson
Jas. C. Smith
Jno. Douglass ------------------------------------------------- State of North Carolina
Person County
Nov. Term 1818
The within acct was duly returned to Court with the Report of the Commissioners and ordered to be recorded.
(Recorded in Book No.8 pages 179 & 180)
State of North Carolina
To the Sheriff of Person County Greetings
Whereas JOHN DOUGLASS and ELISABETH his wife have filed their Petition in the County Court of Please and Quarter Sessions of Person County against DOWNEY
WADE Executor of the Will of MARTHA RICHARDSON, dec'd, and the said JOHN DOUGLASS hath duly made oath that to the best of his knowledge and belief the
amount due the Defendant matters stated in the said Petition of Six hundred dollars, and the said Court ordered that a Capius be issued against the will
DOWNEY WADE to hold him to raise(?) us the said cause(?) in the sum of twelve hundred dollars. You are therefore commanded to take the body of the said
DOWNEY WADE and him safely(?) paper until he shall give you good and sufficient bail in the said suit in the sum of twelve hundred dollars. Herein fail not,
and have you this writ before the Justices of the said Court in this ______ of_______next at the Court House in Roxborough, and how you shall have executed
the same.
Estate of AMERICUS J. SNEED -1836
Person County Estates |
(Americus J. Sneed was a son of Lemuel Sneed & Elizabeth Redd of Person Co.; he was apparently never married, but committed
suicide in 1836) |
Sundry Notes:
J. B. SNEEDE due 1st March 1836 ------------22.15
SAMUEL COTHRAN due 1 Jan'y 1830------------ 8.30
ELIZABETH SNEEDE 13th June 1832-----------283.22½
Credit by JAS. COTHRANs Note --- 40.65
ELIZABETH SNEEDE due 31st Dec'r 1831--------50.00
ELIZABETH SNEEDE due 25th Dec'r 1833--------40.00
Credit to April 24, 1835---------26.00
LOFTON WALTON due 30th Dec'r 1835----------500.00
Credit Jan 8th 1836-------------179.00
STEPHEN K. SNEEDE 1st Jan'y 1830-------------3.25
FRANCES TIMBERLAKE 3rd Jan'y 1835----------10.39
FRANCES TIMBERLAKE 24TH Oct 1836------------28.00
Cash on hand-------------------------------196.17½
Inventory and A/C of Sales of the Estate of AMERICUS J. SNEEDE decest Sale on the 15th July 1836 By PORTIUS MOORE Adm'r.
1 Plow
1 Weading hoe
1 Pole ax
lot Barrels & box
1 Lithe & cradle
1 small dirk
6 Saucers & 5 cups
1 Pitcher
1 Jug, 1 candlestick
1 Snuff bottle
1 Auger
1 Lot Knives & forks
1 Saddle
1 Razer box & strop
1 Bead & furniture
1 Bead cover
1 Rose Blanket
1 Barrel salt
2 3/4 bush. salt
1 Sorrel mare
6 1/4 Bacon
1 Bead cover
1 Pail and Table
(Total cost $98.74 ½)
1 Plow & tickle(?)
1 jug p??? saddle horn
1 Saddle blanket
1 Grind stone
50 doz. oats
(Total cost $9.69½)
1 Negro boy RETCH?
1 Clock & case
lot Articles
broken set plates
Gum & sope
(Total cost $415.75)
1 foot cotter & 2 hoes
coffy mill & stone cutter
Saddle baggs & pepper
1 Water bucket
11 Hoggs (various prices)
14½ doz. oats
50 doz. oats
Goard of dirt & grease
oz. Tobacco
1/4 oz. Flax
Lot Tobacco
1 Pitcher
Pasture & fruit
Garden rent house
1 tumbler
(Total cost $583.78 3/4)
1 Dutch plow
1 pair gear
1 pair of pole ax
Lot Snens??? & bottle
1 bridle & martingils
1 shot gun
4 chares - 1 beareau
1 Red heffer
150 doz. oats (total)
14½ doz. oats
1 oven
lot growing corn
1 growing corn
1 growing corn
(Total cost $106.29½)
1 Hatchet
2 Small dishes
1 white face heffer
50 white oats
75 white oats
2 box and 1 bushel corn
hire of HUMPHREY
(Total cost $55.43½)
ANDREW GREY: 1 small dish - $.12½
1 Saddle
1 Stock
1 Butt
16 # bacon
8 # bacon
(Total cost $13.92)
Lot lether
Lot of corn
(Total cost $16.70)
JULIUS BURTON: 3 Chares - $.96
1 pendergass & horn
53 doz oats
(Total Cost $7.09½)
Chest & Clothes
1 Sorrel horse
(Total Cost $78.26)
THO'S CARRINGTON: 1 Sack bag - $.36
ZACARIAH LEA: 1 Bay mare - $50.66
BENNET WILLIAMS: Bell cow & calf - $13.50
2 Barrels 1 bushel corn
Lot tobacco
(Total Cost $14.27)
RICHARD BOWEN: 50 lard - $.91 1/4
DAVID COTHRAN: 1 Deanture - $.50
STEPHEN K. SNEEDE - 1 basket - $.10 ===================================================================================
Notes: There is much incorrect information around about Americus J. Sneed, including claims that "he" was a "she" named "America Jane Sneed";
that can be disproved by the additional following information: |
Tarboro's Press
Tarborough (Edgecombe County, NC) Saturday, July 23, 1836 -
Vol. XII - No.29
We learn that MR. AMERICUS J. SNEED, of Person County, N.C. committed suicide on the 15th day of June last, by hanging himself. He was found suspended by a
rope in his own dwelling house. No cause is assigned for this rash act.
Milton Gazette
(DigitalNC Library- found 4/24/2013; link updated 3/11/2017) -------------------------------------------------- MARRIAGE
AND DEATH NOTICES,1826-1845, Pg.346.
Raleigh Register, July 12, 1836
Of Person County, North Carolina
(Died) June 15, 1836
Estate of JOHN SNEED-1809
Person County, NC, Wills, Inventories, 1805-1807
Pages 105-107
February Court 1809 |
(John Sneed was the son of Samuel Sneed & Jane Dudley, originally of Granville, later Person County; he was married to Susannah Redd, daughter of
John Redd & Catherine Sneed of Virginia) |
A list of the Sale of the property of JOHN SNEED Dec'd sold the 13th of January 1809.
1 cutting box and Knife
3 Small Books
1 pr of stillards
4 Ear Bales (?)
1 Bridle
1 small Jug
1 lining wheel
part of a set of of Blacksmith tools
1 (page cut off) and Jack(?)
and one sith Blade
1 Ram
2 Hammers & one Rule
1 Pair of Cotton cards
2 pr of Harness & chains
1 Cotton wheel
One Coulter plough
One sith and Cradle
one chain Halter
Two Files
one pair of wedgies
1 pr of Sattle Bags lock & Key
1 Sad. Iron
1 Gauge
2 Gauge
1 Bare Share plow Cleves & tree
1 Bare share plow
1 Jack Plow hoe
3 weeding hoes
1 Colear & 2 pr of Harness & 2 pr traces
2 Mattracks
2 Reap hooks ona Augur & Drawing Knife
1 Hand saw
1 lot of old pewter (6 plates/1 dish)
1 man's Saddle
1 Cotton wheel
1 Barrel
1 Basket
1 Table
1 Chest
1/2 Dozen chairs
1 looking Glass
1 Bible
2 small pots
1 Loom
1 Sow & three pigs
2 Decanters & 1 Tumbler
2 Water Vessels
1 Grind stone
6 Waggon Boxes
1 Case of Rasons one hone & strop
1 Chest
3 old Books
(signed) THOS. SNEED, Administrator
State of North Carolina
Person County, February Term 1809
This acct Sale was duly returned to Court by the
Adminst. & ordered to be recorded.
Test. JESSE DICKENS CCt ==================================== February Court 1809, Pg. 107-109
A List of an Inventory of the Property of JOHN
SNEED Deceast taken this 29th of December 1809**
**Note this date probably should have said
(a listing of all inventoried property was
included with the above sale of property, which
I am not including in this transcription)
(signed) THOS. SNEED, Administrator
Doubtful Debts - One note on JESSE SATTERFIELD for the sum of Nineteen pounds ten shillings Virginia money Due in December 1794 on other bond on DAVID ROARKE for one pare of cart wheels as the Value thereof assigned over by VINCENT WARREN - One Execution THOS. WORSHAM for one pound ten shillings of
An account one JOSHUA CATES for one pound ten currency An account on A. PEED for Four pounds Five shillings currency.
THOS. SNEED Administrator ===================================== Person County, NC, Wills, Inventories 1807-1811
November Term 1809, Pg. 140-141
An Additional Inventory of JOHN SNEED taken the first day of October 1809 - (viz)
One yoke of Stears
Two Bay mares
One sorrel horse
One Bay Colt
One Sorrel Colt
One Bay Colt
One Sorrel Mare
One Negro Man SIPHERO
One woman PATT
One Negro girl DINAH
One Desk & Book case
Four Bed & Furnature
One Negro boy SACK sold to GREEN WOMACK for the sum of 290 dollars to Discharge an Execution of Ray & Cain
One Negro child about a year old died shortly after JNO SNEED Intested died.
(signed) THOMAS SNEED admr.
A List of Sale of JOHN SNEED property sold 5th October 1809.
1 yoke of stears to OSBORNE JEFFREYS
1 Bay mare to SUCKY SNEED
Sorrel Horse to WILLIAM COCKE
1 Bay mare & colt to ABNER WILLIAMS
1 Bay colt to SAMUEL SNEED
1 Sorrel mare WILLIAM DUKE
1 Negro man SIPERO to JANE SNEED
1 Negro girl DINNAH to BENJAMIN BULLOCK =================================
Person County, NC, Wills, Inventories,1807-1811,
Pg. 189
May Court 1810
An additional Inventory of JOHN SNEED Estate taken the 15th of February 1810.
To one Negro man ABRAM
The amount of Sales of JOHN SNEED Property this __ of March 1810 to our Negro man sold for £226.
State of North Carolina
Person County May Term 1810
This Inventory and acctg. of Sale was duly returned to Court by the admr. and ordered to be recorded.
JESSE DICKENS CCt ==================================
Person County, NC, Wills, Inventories,
1820-1823, Pg. 25
Term 1820
List of the amt of sale of a negro man by the name of SIPPIO belonging to the Heirs at law of JOHN SNEED Decd in compliance with an order of
Person County Court Feby Term 1820
March 14th 1820
THOMAS BURTON in acct with the Heirs of JOHN SNEED Decd
To one negro man SIPIO $111_.00 given under my hand this 25th of September 1820
The foregoing acct of Sale was duly returned to court and ordered to be recorded.
Person County, NC, Wills, Inventories 1823-1827
Pg. 82
August Term 1824
An additional Inventory of the Estate of JOHN SNEED Dec'd
from LEMUEL SNEED executor of SAMUEL SNEED Dec'd
I received on the day of February 1824 bond amounting to five hundred and sixty two Dollars & Seventy four cents being the shear of my interest
under the will of our father.
State of No. Carolina
Person County
August Term 1824
This Inventory was duly returned to Court by the admr. and ordered to be recorded.
Will of MOSES STREET-1815
Person County, Wills & Inventories 1815-1817
Page 27 |
August Term 1815
In the name of God Amen I MOSES STREET SEN'R of the County of Person and State of North Carolina being in perfect mind and memory and knowing that all
men have once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows (viz)
First. I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter ANN PETEYPOOL ten shillings to be paid out of my Estate to her and her Heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter JANE JONES ten shillings to be paid out of my estate to her and her Heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter POLLY SANFORD ten shillings to be paid out of my estate to her and her heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter PATSEY HAGEN ten shillings to be paid out of my Estate to her and her Heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter SUSANNA GUN ten shillings to be paid out of my Estate to her and her Heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto the Heirs of my late and beloved daughter ELIZABETH as well as my Son in law JAMES PREWIT ten shillings inclusive to
them & their Heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto the Heirs of my late and beloved daughter SARAH as well as my son in law HUGH McVAY ten shillings inclusive to them &
their Heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved son WM. STREET one dollar to be paid out of my Estate to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I give to my beloved son MOSES STREET all and every other part of my property and estate both real and personal to him and his Heirs forever.
And I do hereby constitute and appoint my faithfull and trusty sons WILLIAM STREET and MOSES STREET as my sole and entire Executors to this my last
Will and Testament. In witness whereof I do hereby Sign Seal publish and acknowledge this to be my last Will and Testament this first day of January in
the Year of our Lord Christ and Thousand Eight Hundred and fourteen.
MOSES STREET ("X" his mark)
Signed Sealed and declared in presence of
No. Carolina
Person County
August Term 1815
This will was exhibited in Open Court & proven by the oaths of JOHN DAY & GABRIEL DAVEY (son WM) Subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be
Person County, Wills & Inventories 1815-1817
Pages 29-30 |
August Term 1815
State of Tennessee, Giles County
I ROBERT WILLIAMS being sick & not knowing when I may die & being of perfect memory & recollection do make & declare this my last will & testament.
My body I resign to the Earth from whence it came in that way my friends think best and my Soul to the Giver hoping for life and Immortality through
the Redeemer of mankind.
Item. I give and bequeath to NANCY PAINE Daughter of JAMES PAINE my trunk in which I keep my clothes.
Item. I give & bequeath to RALPH WILLIAMS my brother my saddle & bridle together with all my wearing clothes.
Item. I give & bequeath to ROBERT PAINE Son of JAMES PAINE my mare.
Item. I give & bequeath to LUCRETIA WILLIAMS my sister after paying all my just debts all my lands and tenements, goods & chattles of every description
which I enjoy or posses either in my own right or that of my father Grandfather or any other person.
Lastly. I nominate & appoint my brother JOHN W. WILLIAMS executor of this my last will & testament declaring this my last and only Will. In testimony
whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this Sixteenth day December 1814.
State of Tennessee
Giles County Court
March Term 1815
The within Instrument of writing was produced in Open Court at said Session and proved to be the last Will & Testament of ROBERT WILLIAMS dec'd by the
oaths of GABRIEL BUMPASS & JAMES PAYNE the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. In testimony whereof I GERMAN LESTER Clerk of said
have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at office in Pulaski this 8th day of June A.D. 1815.
August Term 1815
State of Tennessee
Giles County to wit
I JOHN DICKEY presiding Justice of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions holden for said County do certify that GERMAN LEST who signed the foregoing
certificate is the Clerk of said Court duly qualified and that due faith is and ought to be given to his official acts as such Given under my hand and
Seal this 8th day of June, 1815.
No. Carolina
Person County
August Term 1815
The foregoing Will with the annexed certificates was produced in Open Court and ordered to be recorded.

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