Fayetteville Observer, Thursday, May 19, 1859
Myrtle Bridges   January 11, 2010

Anson County has lost, within a few days, three from among its most valuable citizens. In our last we announced the deaths of 
Nelson P. Liles and Nathan Beverly. And now we have to add the loss ot Walter R. Leak, Esq., President of the Bank of Wadesborough, 
who died, after a few days' illness, at Terry's Landing, Arkansas, on the 5th instant. He was on a visit to friends and relations 
in that State, and the first intimation that many in North Carolina had of his death was on the arrival of his body at Wadesborough, 
for interment at home. He was one of the most respected and useful and influential citizens of the Pee Dee country, whose great 
sagacity and excellant good sense had secured him an ample fortune without deadening his feelings to the charities of life and the 
calls of the religion of which he was a worthy professor. His age was about 47.

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