Marriage Licenses of Tyrrell County, North Carolina

State of North Carolina Office of Register of Deeds
Tyrrell COUNTY Oct 13th 18 83
To any Ordained Minister of any Religious denomination or any Justice of the Peace of said County.
J. R. Tarkinton having applied to me for a LICENSE for the marriage of Edward Overton of Tyrrell Co., aged 21 years, color white the son of Mathew Overton and Marget Overton the father now Living, the mother Living, resident of Tyrrell Co And Caroline Godfrey of Tyrrell Co aged 20 years, color white, daughter of Kigh Godfrey and Darkis Godfrey the father Dead, the mother Living, resident of Tyrrell Co.
And the written consent of (blank) the (blank) of the said (blank) to the proposed marriage having been filed with me.
And there being no legal impediment to such marriage known to me, you are hereby authorized, at any time within one year from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county.
You are required, within two months after you shall have celebrated such marriage, to return this License to me, at my office, with your signature subscribed to the certificate under this License, and with the blanks therein filled according to the facts, under penalty of forfeiting two hundred dollars to the use of any person who shall sue for the same.
W. H. H. Cooper
Register of Deeds

J. R. Tarkinton, being duly sworn, says: That the parties applying for the License are of lawful age, and that so far as he is informed and believes, there is no lawful cause or impediment forbidding said marriage.
J. R. Tarkinton (his mark)
Witness: W. H. H. Cooper Regr.

State of North Carolina,
Tyrrell County.
I, C. J. Norman, a Justice of the Peace united in Matrimony Edward Overton and Caroline Godfrey the parties licensed above, on the 14 day of Oct, 18 83, at J. R. Tarkintons in Scuppernong Township, in said County, according to law.
C. J. Norman, J.P.
Witnesses present at Marriage:
J. R. Tarkinton of Tyrrell Co
M. L. Tarkinton of Tyrrell Co.
(blank) of (blank)

State of North Carolina Office of Register of Deeds
Tyrrell COUNTY October 19 18 83
To any Ordained Minister of any Religious denomination or any Justice of the Peace of said County.
Geo. B. Cahoon having applied to me for a LICENSE for the marriage of Alexander F. Jones of Tyrrell Co, aged 21 years, color white the son of Sillick Jones and Patsy Jones the father now Living, the mother Dead, resident of Tyrrell Co. And Isabell Armstrong of Tyrrell Co aged 19 years, color white, daughter of Bennet Armstrong and Edna Armstrong the father Dead, the mother Living, resident of Tyrrell Co.
And the written consent of (blank) the (blank) of the said (blank) to the proposed marriage having been filed with me.
And there being no legal impediment to such marriage known to me, you are hereby authorized, at any time within one year from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county.
You are required, within two months after you shall have celebrated such marriage, to return this License to me, at my office, with your signature subscribed to the certificate under this License, and with the blanks therein filled according to the facts, under penalty of forfeiting two hundred dollars to the use of any person who shall sue for the same.
W. H. H. Cooper
Register of Deeds

George B. Cahoon, being duly sworn, says: That the parties applying for the License are of lawful age, and that so far as he is informed and believes, there is no lawful cause or impediment forbidding said marriage.
G. B. Cahoon
Witness: W. H. H. Cooper Regr.

State of North Carolina,
Tyrrell County.
I, J. C. Meekins, Jr., a Justice of the Peace united in Matrimony Alexander F. Jones and Isabell Armstrong the parties licensed above, on the 25th day of Oct, 18 83, at 4 o'clock in Gum Neck Township, in said County, according to law.
J. C. Meekins Jr., J. P.
Witnesses present at Marriage:
Geo Cahoon of Gum Neck
C. E. Cahoon of Gum Neck
H. C. Norman of Gum Neck

State of North Carolina Office of Register of Deeds
Tyrrell COUNTY Oct 30 1883
To any Ordained Minister of any Religious Denomination or any Justice of the Peace of said County:
Andrew Bateman having applied to me for a LICENSE for the marriage of Joseph W. Young of Tyrrell Co, aged 46 years, color white the son of Don't Know and Don't Know the father now (blank), the mother (blank), resident of (blank) And Carianne Hutson of Tyrrell Co aged 19 years, color white, daughter of Wilson Hutson and Lazia Hutson the father Living, the mother Dead, resident of Tyrrell Co N.C..
And the written consent of (blank) the (blank) of the said (blank) to the proposed marriage having been filed with me.
And there being no legal impediment to such marriage known to me, you are hereby authorized, at any time within one year from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county.
You are required, within two months after you shall have celebrated such marriage, to return this License to me, at my office, with your signature subscribed to the certificate under this License, and with the blanks therein filled according to the facts, under penalty of forfeiting two hundred dollars to the use of any person who shall sue for the same.
W. H. H. Cooper
Register of Deeds

Andrew Bateman, being duly sworn, says: That the parties applying for the License are of lawful age, and that so far as he is informed and believes, there is no lawful cause or impediment forbidding said marriage.
Andrew Bateman
Witness: W. H. H. Cooper

State of North Carolina,
Tyrrell County.
I, J. H. Bateman, a Justice of the Peace united in Matrimony Jos. W. Young and Cate Hudson the parties licensed above, on the 3rd day of Nov., 18 83, at W. Hudson's in South Fork Township, in said County, according to law.
J. H. Bateman J.P.
Witnesses present at Marriage:
M. A. Young of Tyrrell Co.
Mealy Hutson of Tyrrell Co.
W. H. Hutson of Tyrrell Co.

State of North Carolina Office of Register of Deeds
Tyrrell COUNTY November 8th 18 83
To any Ordained Minister of any Religious denomination or any Justice of the Peace of said County.
W. W. Walker having applied to me for a LICENSE for the marriage of Alfred B. Lewis of Tyrrell Co, aged thirty two years, color white the son of H. E. Lewis M. D. and Hester Ann Lewis the father now dead, the mother dead, resident of (blank) And Mrs Mary E. Ashbe of Tyrrell County aged twenty three years, color white, daughter of J. F. White and Phebe Ann White the father Dead, the mother dead, resident of (blank).
And the written consent of (blank) the (blank) of the said (blank) to the proposed marriage having been filed with me.
And there being no legal impediment to such marriage known to me, you are hereby authorized, at any time within one year from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county.
You are required, within two months after you shall have celebrated such marriage, to return this License to me, at my office, with your signature subscribed to the certificate under this License, and with the blanks therein filled according to the facts, under penalty of forfeiting two hundred dollars to the use of any person who shall sue for the same.
W. H. H. Cooper by T. L. Jones acting Dept.
Register of Deeds

W. W. Walker, being duly sworn, says: That the parties applying for the License are of lawful age, and that so far as he is informed and believes, there is no lawful cause or impediment forbidding said marriage.
W. W. Walker
Witness: T. L. Jones

State of North Carolina,
Tyrrell County.
I, A. C. Sawyer, J. P., a Magistrate of lawful(?) united in Matrimony Alfred B. Lewis and Mrs. Mary E. Ashbe the parties licensed above, on the 7th day of November, 18 83, at bride home in Gum Neck Township, in said County, according to law.
A. C. Sawyer, J. P.
Witnesses present at Marriage:
J. B. Liverman of Tyrrell County
J. J. McClees of Tyrrell County
C. E. Cahoon of Tyrrell County

State of North Carolina Office of Register of Deeds
Tyrrell COUNTY Nov 10 18 83
To any Ordained Minister of any Religious denomination or any Justice of the Peace of said County.
Thos. C. Swain having applied to me for a LICENSE for the marriage of Major T. Brickhouse of Tyrrell Co, aged 17 years, color white the son of John Brickhouse and Sarah A. Brickhouse the father now Dead, the mother Living, resident of Tyrrell Co And Matilda F. Swain of Tyrrell Co aged 16 years, color white, daughter of Wilson Swain and Mary C. Swain the father Dead, the mother Living, resident of Tyrrell Co.
And the written consent of (blank) the Mothers of the said parties to the proposed marriage having been filed with me.
And there being no legal impediment to such marriage known to me, you are hereby authorized, at any time within one year from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county.
You are required, within two months after you shall have celebrated such marriage, to return this License to me, at my office, with your signature subscribed to the certificate under this License, and with the blanks therein filled according to the facts, under penalty of forfeiting two hundred dollars to the use of any person who shall sue for the same.
W. H. H. Cooper
Register of Deeds

Thos. C. Swain, being duly sworn, says: That the parties applying for the License are of lawful age, and that so far as he is informed and believes, there is no lawful cause or impediment forbidding said marriage.
Thomas C. Swain (?)
Witness: (blank)

State of North Carolina,
Tyrrell County.
I, A. W. Burfoot, a Baptist Minister united in Matrimony M. T. Brickhouse and Matilda F. Swain the parties licensed above, on the (unreadable) day of (unreadable), 18 (unreadable), at (unreadable) in (unreadable) Township, in said County, according to law.
A. W. Burfoot, B. Minister
Witnesses present at Marriage:
James B. Snell of (blank)
Warren Snell of (blank)
J. W. Syawer (?) of (blank)

State of North Carolina Office of Register of Deeds
Tyrrell COUNTY Nov 12th 18 83
To any Ordained Minister of any Religious denomination or any Justice of the Peace of said County.
F. D. Snell having applied to me for a LICENSE for the marriage of Warren Snell of Tyrrell Co, aged 32 years, color white the son of H. C. Snell and Elizer Snell the father now Living, the mother Living, resident of Tyrrell Co. N.C. And Cottie C. Swain of Tyrrell Co aged 25 years, color white, daughter of Don't Know and Martha Swain the father (blank), the mother Living, resident of Tyrrell Co..
And the written consent of (blank) the (blank) of the said (blank) to the proposed marriage having been filed with me.
And there being no legal impediment to such marriage known to me, you are hereby authorized, at any time within one year from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county.
You are required, within two months after you shall have celebrated such marriage, to return this License to me, at my office, with your signature subscribed to the certificate under this License, and with the blanks therein filled according to the facts, under penalty of forfeiting two hundred dollars to the use of any person who shall sue for the same.
W. H. H. Cooper
Register of Deeds

F. D. Snell, being duly sworn, says: That the parties applying for the License are of lawful age, and that so far as he is informed and believes, there is no lawful cause or impediment forbidding said marriage.
F. D. Snell
Witness: W. H. H. Cooper Regr.

State of North Carolina,
Tyrrell County.
I, J. W. Swain, a Justice of the Peace united in Matrimony Warren Snell and Cottie C. Swain the parties licensed above, on the 15th day of November, 18 83, at E. V. Davenports in Columbia Township, in said County, according to law.
J. W. Swain, J. P.
Witnesses present at Marriage:
Stephen Brickhouse of Tyrrell County
J. W. Sample of Tyrrell County
H. G. Brickhouse of Tyrrell County

State of North Carolina Office of Register of Deeds
Tyrrell COUNTY Nov 28th 18 83
To any Ordained Minister of any Religious denomination or any Justice of the Peace of said County.
Jesse White having applied to me for a LICENSE for the marriage of John E. McDaniel of Tyrrell County, aged 22 years, color white the son of Washington McDaniel and Mary McDaniel the father now Dead, the mother Dead, resident of Tyrrell County And Sarah Sawyer of Tyrrell Co aged 19 years, color white, daughter of Don't Know and Julia Ann Powers the father Don't Know, the mother Living, resident of Tyrrell Co N.C..
And the written consent of (blank) the (blank) of the said (blank) to the proposed marriage having been filed with me.
And there being no legal impediment to such marriage known to me, you are hereby authorized, at any time within one year from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county.
You are required, within two months after you shall have celebrated such marriage, to return this License to me, at my office, with your signature subscribed to the certificate under this License, and with the blanks therein filled according to the facts, under penalty of forfeiting two hundred dollars to the use of any person who shall sue for the same.
W. H. H. Cooper
Register of Deeds

Jesse White, being duly sworn, says: That the parties applying for the License are of lawful age, and that so far as he is informed and believes, there is no lawful cause or impediment forbidding said marriage.
Jesse White (his mark)
Witness: (blank)

State of North Carolina,
Tyrrell County.
I, F. C. Patrick, a Justice of the Peace united in Matrimony John E. McDaniel and Sarah Sawyer the parties licensed above, on the 30th day of Nov, 18 th, at Killkenny in Gum Neck Township, in said County, according to law.
F. C. Patrick, J. P.
Witnesses present at Marriage:
H. N. Meekins of Killkenny
Wm J. Cahoon of (blank)
J. P. Norman(?) of (blank)

State of North Carolina Office of Register of Deeds
Tyrrell COUNTY Dec 21st 18 83
To any Ordained Minister of any Religious denomination or any Justice of the Peace of said County.
J. W. West having applied to me for a LICENSE for the marriage of himself of Tyrrell Co, aged 26 years, color white the son of Joseph West and Ann West the father now Living, the mother dead, resident of Tyrrell Co. And Trudie Lietchfield of Tyrrell Co aged 21 years, color white, daughter of A. D. Lietchfield and Ann Lietchfield the father Living, the mother Living, resident of Tyrrell County.
And the written consent of (blank) the (blank) of the said (blank) to the proposed marriage having been filed with me.
And there being no legal impediment to such marriage known to me, you are hereby authorized, at any time within one year from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county.
You are required, within two months after you shall have celebrated such marriage, to return this License to me, at my office, with your signature subscribed to the certificate under this License, and with the blanks therein filled according to the facts, under penalty of forfeiting two hundred dollars to the use of any person who shall sue for the same.
W. H. H. Cooper
Register of Deeds

J. W. West, being duly sworn, says: That the parties applying for the License are of lawful age, and that so far as he is informed and believes, there is no lawful cause or impediment forbidding said marriage.
J. W. West
Witness: W. H. H. Cooper

State of North Carolina,
Tyrrell County.
I, W. G. Davenport, a Justice of the Peace united in Matrimony J. W. West and Gertrude Leachfield the parties licensed above, on the 26th day of Dec, 18 83, at W. G. Davenport in Columbia Township, in said County, according to law.
W. G. Davenport
Witnesses present at Marriage:
Jennie ??? of Washington Co
Mary E. Davenport of Tyrrell
F Tarvis Davenport (his mark) of Tyrrell

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