Tyrrell County Researcher Registry

Surnames Beginning with Letters A - C

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ADAMS 1840 to Present Bob & Sandra Phelps at phelps@erols.com
ADAMS 1700s John Collins at john@patsysales.com
ADAMS 1800s Mike Burdette at burdette@datastar.net
AINSLEY/ANSLEY To 1900 Vanessa Goodrich at goodrich@amug.org
AINSLEY/ANSLEY 1800 To 1900 Shirley Stertz Hawn at shawn10398@aol.com
AINSLEY/ANSLEY Not Stated Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net
AINSLEY/ANSLEY To Present Johnnie D. Ainsley at jainsley@hotmail.com
AINSLEY/ANSLEY 1700 to Present Kenneth R. Ainsley at thatupsguy@yahoo.com
AINSLEY/ANSLEY Before 1700 to Present Judi Raburn at judiraburn@yahoo.com
AINSLEY/ANSLEY Before 1800 to Present Patsey Campbell at patseycamp@attbi.com
AINSLEY/ANSLEY/ANSLY Before 1800 to Present Ken Ainsley at thatupsguy@yahoo.com
ALCOCK 1800 to 1900 John Clark at jdclark@netpath.net
ALCOCKS/ALLCOCKS 1700'S to 1800'S Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com
ALLCOCKS 1600 to Present Marion R. Sawyer at msrooskee@hotmail.com
ALLCOCK/ALLCOCKS/ALCOCK/ALCOCKS/ALCOX 1600 to Present Marvyl Sawyer Powelson at kaleidoscope@bmi.net
ALCOCK/ALLCOCK Not Stated Betty N. Hewitt at bnormanh@centurylink.net
ALCOCK/ALLCOCK/ALCOX 1700 to present Donna Meade at aedegus@msn.com
ALEXANDER 1800 to 1860 Charles Barnes at charles.barnes@twoveterans.com
ALEXANDER 1780 to 1880 Phillip P. Coulter Jr. at ppcoulter@cox.net
ALEXANDER 1700 - 1900 Vickie VanAntwerp at emprop2001@gmail.com
ALEXANDER 1850 to Present Suzannah Alexander at absinthe@rocketmail.com
ALEXANDER To 1800 Bob at Brobpat@aol.com
ALEXANDER To 1800 Mark Alexander at Abama23@att.net
ALEXANDER To 1900 Gloria Staley at gscosgrove@msn.com
ALEXANDER To 1900 Dave Wiser at SemCivWar@aol.com
ALEXANDER Not Stated Kristie Voliva Harmon at mrmsbo@wnclink.com
ALEXANDER 1635 - 1741 Alyce Matthews at sheba2@hal-pc.org
ALEXANDER To 1800 Mari Jones Bickmore at mbickmore@home.com
ALEXANDER Before 1750 Heather Crossland at heather2@itlnet.net
ALEXANDER To 1822 Peggy Kuykendall Crow at DPCrw@aol.com
ALEXANDER 1800s Lois Lane at Lane4009@msn.com
ALEXANDER 1800 - 1900 Linda Dail Rider at lindydail@yahoo.com
ALEXANDER Not Stated Pat Mayberry at pokieokie@geotec.net
ALEXANDER 1800s Hugh Tarkenton at tarkh01@inteliport.com
ALEXANDER 1800s Donna Rose at rosegang@beachlink.com
ALEXANDER Not stated Keith Nixon at dknixon@gmail.com
ALEXANDER Not stated Patricia Rhodes Stuever at patriciao82173@gmail.com
ALEXANDER To 1840 Barbara Diemer at barbdiemer@worldnet.att.net
ALEXANDER 1800 to 2008 Vanessa Alexander at Hersheykiss34@msn.com
ALEXANDER 1800s John Carawan at hannah1943@hotmail.com
ALEXANDER Not Stated Lorraine Peckham at tryway@yahoo.com
ALEXANDER 1700 to Present J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net
ALEXANDER 1635 to 1820 Myra Best Christeck at MyraAnn@cox.net
ALEXANDER 1730 to 1950 carrie at aparrish@infionline.net
ALEXANDER 1750 to 1850 I. B. Alexander at ibalex64@yahoo.com
ALEXANDER 1750 to 1840 A. Maner at ammaner@aol.com
ALEXANDER 1850 to Present Curtis at alexander4444@frontier.com
ALEXANDER 1800 to present Sandra Spruill at SANDRA.SPRUILL1@GMAIL.COM
ALFRED 1800 to Present Garry Wall at gbwall2@nc.rr.com
ALCOCK Before 1800 Heather Crossland at heather2@itlnet.net
ALLCOCK To Present Gregory W. Williams at gwwmaps@bigfoot.com
ALLCOCKS To 1810 William Benjey at benjey@earthlink.net
ALLCOCKS Not Stated Zella Londagin at davesgal@gte.net
ALLCOCKS To 1800 Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com
ALLEN 1800 to Present David R. Barnes at darbarne@gmail.com
ALLEN 1700s John Collins at john@patsysales.com
AMASON 1700 to 1850 Allan L. Bentley at bentgate@randomc.com
AMBROSE To 1860 Catherine Kastle at gkastle@earthlink.net
AMBROSE To 1850 Chris Ambrose at c.ambrose@vanderbilt.edu
AMBROSE To 1800 Leedy Ambrose at leedyambrose@comcast.net
AMBROSE To Present Virginia Clough Haire at vchaire@coastalnet.com
AMBROSE Not Stated Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net
AMBROSE 1800s W. Terry Martin at martin@lacollege.edu
AMBROSE Not Stated Loa Phelps Collins at collins@konnections.com
AMBROSE 1800s Khristine Januzik at januz@earthlink.net
AMBROSE 1600 to present Edward Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com
AMMEEN 1880 to Present Barbara Wessels at bwessels@satx.rr.com
AMMEEN 1900 to Present Susanne Fowler at minione65@yahoo.com
ANDERSON 1700s Rebecca Clough Harpole at 113030.1234@compuserve.com
ANDREWS 1700s Tomlinson at tomlin@accessatc.net
ARMSTED 1800 to Present Katie Sawyer Barker at knkbarker@gamewood.net
ARMSTRONG To 1900 Beth O'Briant at beth@obriant.net
ARMSTRONG To 1900 Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com
ARMSTRONG Not Stated Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net
ARMSTRONG To 1900 Shirlyn Dillon Brickhouse at herbert@beachlink.com
ARMSTRONG To Present Janet Swain at jjswain@ecsu.campus.mci.net
ARMSTRONG To 1850 Lewis Hinely, Jr. at lhinely@mail.mcg.edu
ARMSTRONG To 1890 D. A. Cobb at dacobb62@gmail.com
ARMSTRONG To 1900 Cathy Roberts at huntersglenn@yahoo.com
ARMSTRONG To Present W. Douglas Armstrong at Armstrong151@cs.com
ARMSTRONG 1800 to Present Katie Sawyer Barker at knkbarker@gamewood.net
ARMSTRONG 1800 to Present Sharron Brace at sharron6k@yahoo.com
ARMSTRONG 1800 to present Adriana Armstrong at arianna5d1@aol.com
ARMSTRONG 1610 to Present Edward D. Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com
ARMSTRONG 1750 to 1820 Linda Laffey at linda@laffeygroup.com
ARMSTRONG To 1850 Catherine Fleming at cfleming52@gmail.com
ARMSTRONG 1800 to 1920 Deborah Fries at dfries8503@comcast.net
ARMSTRONG 1600 to Present Edward Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com
ARNOLD/ARNEL To 1850 Karen Arnel at mkarnel@msn.com
ASHLEY 1650 to 1850 Allan L. Bentley at bentgate@randomc.com
AYERS/AYRES/AIRES/HAIRES 1600 - Present Jo ROBERSON Prytherch at prytherch@cconnect.net
AYERS/AIRS/AYARS/AIRES/AYRES 1700 to 1840 Abbye Ayers Faurot at afaurot@gmail.com
BAILEY 1850 to Present Brandy Clarke at brandynn@hotmail.com
BALANGIA/BALANGY 1800 to Present Kathy Parks at kparks@meckcom.net
BALFOUR 1800s Kathryn Haugan at khaugan@exis.net
BALFOUR 1800s to Present Ann Hathaway at annhath@southwind.net
BALFOUR 1800 to Present Sallye Bowen at sbandcb@verizon.net
BALLARD 1800 - 1850 Carolyn Long at calong@kans.com
BANKS 1750 - 1900 Gregory W. Williams at gwwmaps@bigfoot.com
BANKS 1750 - 1900 Lloyd Banks at livan4@sprynet.com
BARBRE/BARBARY 1700s Karen Farmer at KFarmer204@aol.com
BARBRE 1700s Sharon Spillman at SoGenGal@aol.com
BARBRE 1700s Kevin Arthur at KJARTHUR@email.msn.com
BARBRE/BARBREE/BARBREY 1700 to Present Donna Sheraden at donnasheraden@rocketmail.com
BARBARY/BARBRE/BARBAREE 1750 to Present Jerry Gault at jfg3387@aol.com
BARBARY/BARBRE/BARBAREE 1750 to Present Debra Dillard at dbdillard1@gmail.com
BARDEN/BARDIN 1700s Betty Barden Gila at bbgee@brightok.net
BARNES All Charles Barnes at charles.barnes@twoveterans.com
BARNES 1850 - 1950 David R. Barnes at darbarne@gmail.com
BARNES 1800 - 1950 Les (Buddy) Barnes at Manteo@aol.com
BARNES To Present Gordon Winson Barnes at barnesg1@nationwide.com
BARNES To Present Janet Swain at jjswain@ecsu.campus.mci.net
BARNES To 1850 Marie Brown at MattB03@aol.com
BARNES 1800 - 1920 Doug Cooper at cooperr@madhatter.greenvillenc.com
BARNES 1850 to Present Tim Barnes at www.almgirl5667@aol.com
BARNES 1800 to Present Henrietta Swayne Franklin at hsgboro@aol.com
BARNES 1800 to Present Rose Meadows at rosemkm@yahoo.com
BARNES 1770 to Present Beth Nichols at beth.nichols@insightbb.com
BARNES 1800 to Present Susan Southard Fortier at sfortier@emhs.org
BASNIGHT 1633 - Present Gordon L. Basnight at gbasnight@suddenlink.net
BASNIGHT 1700 - 1860 Mary McDaniel at Mcdlaw@aol.com
BASNIGHT To Present James M. Duval Jr. at jduval@exis.net
BASNIGHT Not Stated Vickie Richards at egees43@hot mail.com
BASNIGHT 1650 to 1850 Susan Holsan at zuzu93@nebnet.net
BASNIGHT 1800s Mary Hayman Kemp at marykemp@comcast.net
BASNIGHT 1600 to present Edward Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com
BASNIGHT 1770 to 1900 Tara Campbell at cambe89@aol.com
BASNIGHT 1730 to Present Patrice Camoston at patricecamoston53@gmail.com
BATCHELOR To 1775 William D. Lindsey at wdlindsy@swbell.net
BATEMAN 1800 To 1900 Shirley Stertz Hawn at shawn10398@aol.com
BATEMAN 1800 - 1850 Ann Clough Basnight at abasnight@hotmail.com
BATEMAN 1850 to Present Suzannah Alexander at absinthe@rocketmail.com
BATEMAN To 1830 Mildred Bateman Perry at Perry@fetc.doe.gov
BATEMAN To Present Gloria Staley at gscosgrove@msn.com
BATEMAN To 1850 Claudia Bateman at Cbateman@interconnect.net
BATEMAN To 1850 Herbert H. Bateman, Jr at BERTBATE@aol.com
BATEMAN 1600s - 1800s Christine at Celain@worldnet.att.net
BATEMAN To 1850 (Unknown) at Mindee5@aol.com
BATEMAN To 1800 Nan Hughes-Havlik at nhh1026@aol.com
BATEMAN To 1900 Herb Williams at williams65@aol.com
BATEMAN To 1850 Rita Modlin at rbmodlin@williamstonnc.com
BATEMAN 1700s Ann Causey at macausey@worldnet.att.net
BATEMAN 1600 to 1811 Sondra Bateman at sbb0004@aol.com
BATEMAN 1800 to 1900 Cheryl at Sunsider@aol.com
BATEMAN 1700 to 1850 Mark Nevins at nevinsmt@gmail.com
BATEMAN 1800 to Present Michelle at michjack77@yahoo.com
BATEMAN 1760 to Present Linda Rothwell at lbrothwell@att.net
BATEMAN 1750 to Present Virginia Bateman at v_bat@yahoo.com
BATEMAN 1800 to Present Steven Gilchrist at sgilchrist63@gmail.com
BATES 1745 - 1780 Carol Williams at ivyroad@prodigy.net
BAUM None Stated Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com
BAZEMORE 1850 - Present Gloria Carroll at jean228@home.com
BEACH 1850 - Present Dana Beach Gross at Danabgross@aol.com
BEACHAM/BEACHEM 1850 - Present Cynthia Beachem at cbeachem@ec.rr.com
BEAL/BEALES 1800s Cindy Fregoe at DAVCINEWA@aol.com
BEALS/DUVAUL (DUVALL) 1780 to 1900 Dan Beals at bealsd31@yahoo.com
BEASLEY 1760 to Present Kenneth Boyd at kenboyd@nc.rr.com
BEASLEY 1800 to Present Jennifer Halsey at jenhcocoacook@gmail.com
BELANGA/BELANGY 1650 - Present Kenneth Browning at kenb@alaska.net
BELANGA/BELANGY/BELANJAH 1800's to present Kim Edwards Susalla at kimberlysusalla@earthlink.net
BELANGIA/BELANGIE 1700 to Present J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net
BELOTE 1650 to 1850 Allan L. Bentley at bentgate@randomc.com
BENTLEY 1500 to Present Allan L. Bentley at bentgate@randomc.com
BERRY All Jessie Cooper Brickhouse at harjes@embarqmail.com
BERRY 1700s to present James Emery Midyette Jr. at emerymidyette@gmail.com
BEST 1700 - 1830 William Benjey at benjey@hpcc.epa.gov
BEST/PIPER/WHITSON 1705 - 1850 Alyce Matthews at sheba2@hal-pc.org
BEST 1700s Debbie Hendricks at mikeh@nidlink.com
BEST Before 1750 Heather Crossland at heather2@itlnet.net
BEST Before 1850 Michael Morgan at mimorgan@lycosmail.com
BEST 1850 to Present Nancy Brickhouse Pelletier at npelletier4@aol.com
BEST 1670 to 1820 Myra Best Christeck at MyraAnn@cox.net
BEST 1600 to Present Marion R. Sawyer at msrooskee@hotmail.com
BEST 1600 to Present Marvyl Sawyer Powelson at kaleidoscope@bmi.net
BIGGS To 1775 William D. Lindsey at wdlindsy@swbell.net
BIGGS To Present Richard Biggs at Woodmite@aol.com
BIGGS To 1800 Les Johnson at LESEJOHNSON@worldnet.att.net
BIGGS To 1850 Lisa Weber at lw1967@hotmail.com
BIGGS 1762 to 1800 Rita Mosley at mosley@logantele.com
BIGGS 1800s Robert L. Wright II at cherokeeamy29@net-change.com
BLOUNT 1700s Sara Young at hyllsyde@oregontrail.net
BLOUNT To 1900 Linda R. Willard at lwillard@netmcr.com
BLOUNT Not Stated Ronnie Condrey at rcondrey@mindspring.com
BLOUNT To 1850 Betty at steele@fuse.net
BLOUNT Not Stated Winnie Calloway at wcalloway@aol.com
BLOUNT 1700 to 1850 Susan at search4@mac.com
BLOUNT/BLUNT 1700 to 1850 Mary Blunt at mary_blunt@msn.com
BLOUNT 1750 to 1860 Peggy Copley at peggy.copley@gmail.com
BODWELL None Stated Sarah Frances Owens Languell at GmaSarah@languell.com
BODWELL Not Stated Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net
BODWELL/BARDWELL/BUDWELL 1700s John Caskey at jacask@email.msn.com
BOLTON/BOULTON 1700s to 1800s Ann Hathaway at annhath@southwind.net
BONNER 1700s Nancy Custer at ncuster@mcn.org
BOWEN 1800s Shelby Bowen at misswu1981@aol.com
BOWSER Not Stated Candice Bowser at candice.bowser@gte.net
BOWSER Not stated Christina Stolkley at chrissyloo@yahoo.com
BRABBLE To 1900 Owen Lupton at seawalkr@pamlico.net
BRABBLE 1650 to 1890 Christopher Sturcke at historydude784@yahoo.com
BRAY 1750 to 1900 Evelyn Paul at epaul57778@aol.com
BREEDLOVE Late 1700s to mid-1800s Shirley Bush at rivercity@prodigy.net
BRICKHOUSE 1740 to 1920 Charles Barnes at charles.barnes@twoveterans.com
BRICKHOUSE All Grady Gordon Brickhouse at gordon.brickhouse@verizon.net
BRICKHOUSE To Present Greg Kyte at fireczar@cox.net
BRICKHOUSE 1700 - 1900 Vickie Van Antwerp at emprop2001@gmail.com
BRICKHOUSE To Present Janet Swain at jjswain@ecsu.campus.mci.net
BRICKHOUSE 1700s - Present Chris Swensen-Hartie at CrisViz@aol.com
BRICKHOUSE 1850 - Present Aubrey L. Brickhouse at abrickhouse1@sbcglobal.net
BRICKHOUSE 1800s Lisa Zajkowski at Simzadi@aol.com
BRICKHOUSE All Jessie Cooper Brickhouse at harjes@embarqmail.com
BRICKHOUSE 1950 to present. Shelia Brickhouse at sabrick@charter.net
BRICKHOUSE 1895 to present. Linda Payette at lindap49@ec.rr.com
BRICKHOUSE 1700 to 1890 Mary Erra at Tmpunit@gmail.com
BRINN To 1900 Willene Cuthrell Brinn at willenebrinn@gotricounty.com
BRYAN 1700s Kay at KLWRAGEG@aol.com
BRYAN To 1850 Nova Mrad at dmrad@lib.drury.edu
BRYANT 1800s Thomas Lewis at THOMASMABLE@webtv.net
BRYANT 1850 to Present Brandy Clarke at brandynn@hotmail.com
BRYANT 1700 to present Elona Spencer at elonaspencer@yahoo.com
BRYANT 1845 to 1890 Ashley Prophete at chemfinger@gmail.com
BRYANT 1800s Renate at yarsan@aol.com
BRYANT 1800 to present Sandra Spruill at SANDRA.SPRUILL1@GMAIL.COM
BUTLER To 1775 William D. Lindsey at wdlindsy@swbell.net
BUTLER To 1850 Jim Kelly at gnelogjim@apex.net
BUTLER To 1850 Kerry Thon at Kerrthon@hotmail.com
BUTLER To 1850 Randle Butler at randlebutler@sbcglobal.net
CADENHEAD 1700's Dan W. Cadenhead at dc42@webtv.net
CADENHEAD/CADDENHEAD 1773 to 1784 Kenneth Cadenhead at kencadenhead@bellsouth.net
CAHOON Mid 1800's Mike McCarty at mccarty91@hotmail.com
CAHOON Early 1800's Beth and Paul O'Briant at beth@obriant.net
CAHOON 1735 - 1850 Nancy Dunbar at Njdunbar@aol.com
CAHOON To 1830 John Levtzow at levtzow@juno.com
CAHOON To 1800 Kathy (Cahoon) Linville at IRMUTT@aol.com
CAHOON/COHOON Not Stated Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net
CAHOON 1800 - Present Frank Ellwood Cahoon, Jr. at cahoon51@comcast.net
CAHOON To Present Janet Swain at jjswain@ecsu.campus.mci.net
CAHOON 1700s John Caskey at jacask@email.msn.com
CAHOON 1700 - 1850 Jill M. Stafford at jstafford@socket.net
CAHOON Not Stated Ellen Kroll at ellenkrol@dakotacom.net
CAHOON 1800s Edgar Cahoon at cahoon@networkusa.net
CAHOON 1800s Jean Pennell at jpennell@earthlink.net
CAHOON 1800 to Present Larry Riggs at LRiggs9725@aol.com
CAHOON/COHOON Not Stated Marilyn Howell at MHowell919@aol.com
CAHOON 1800s Don Giles at D-GILES1@COX.NET
CAHOON/COHOON To 1900 Willene Cuthrell Brinn at willenebrinn@gotricounty.com
CAHOON To 1900 Ann Parker at beauandi@sierratel.com
CAHOON 1800 to Present Pam Schumann at cpschumann@home.com
CAHOON/CALHOUN/CALHOON 1700 to 1800 Loren Calhoun at wlc689@aol.com
CAHOON/COHOON 1750 to 1900 Ann Parker at beauandi@sierratel.com
CAHOON/COHOON 1730 to Present Elaine Cohoon Miller at Elaineathome711@aol.com
CAHOON All Jessie Cooper Brickhouse at harjes@embarqmail.com
CAHOON 1800 to Present Connie Vermillion at cvermills@hctnet.org
CAHOON 1850 to Present Jeff Cahoon at jtcahoon@aol.com
CAHOON/COHOON 1700 to Present Sallye Elizabeth Hayman Bowen at sbandcb@verizon.net
CAHOON, WILLIAM S. 1880 to 1900 William Davis at Wdavis3910@aol.com
CAHOON 1700 to Present J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net
CAHOON To Present Connie at eunicepeabody1@aol.com
CAHOON All to Present Jessie Cooper Brickhouse at harjes@embarqmail.com
CAHOON 1825 to 1910 William Cahoon at hershey23062@cox.net
CAIN/KANE 1850 to Present Lillie Sethman at betsysethman@yahoo.com
CANNEDY/KENNEDY 1700s Joanne May at jmay@hpnc.com
CARKEET/KARKEET 1730 to 1800 Vail Hope Ellis at vailhope@AOL.com
CAROON To present Sharon Wease at weases6490@msn.com
CAROON To 1800 Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com
CAROON Not Stated Anthony S.Jones at tjones@interpath.com
CAROON 1800s Gary Mann at gmann@peoplepc.com
CAROON 1700s Sheila Shelton at SHEILAJIMMY@aol.com
CARTWRIGHT To 1900 Willene Cuthrell Brinn at willenebrinn@gotricounty.com
CASEY To 1910 Nancy Rhodes at nbrhodes@earthlink.net
CASWELL To 1775 William D. Lindsey at wdlindsy@swbell.net
CASWELL To Present Cherylynn Caswell at camerafa1@aol.com
CASWELL 1700s Ann Causey at macausey@worldnet.att.net
CASWELL 1700s Carolyn at marcarrey@yahoo.com
CHAMBERS 1790 - 1900 James William Fleming at mrflemz@embarqmail.com
CHAMBERS 1800 - 1900 Alice Griffin at geniealice@aol.com
CHAMBERS To 1870 Phyllis Chambers Lanoue at plan@netnitco.net
CHAMBERS Not Stated B. J. at Virgo90675@aol.com
CHAPLAIN/CHAPLIN 1840 to present Stuart Chaplain at pungo@cox.net
CHAPLIN/cHAPLAIN 1700, 1800s to present Doris Ann White Younts at dayounts@gmail.com
CHAPLIN/CHAPLAIN 1700 or before to present Jean Chaplin Davis at jdavis21169@nc.rr.com
CHERRY To 1775 William D. Lindsey at wdlindsy@swbell.net
CHERRY To Present Jeanette Howell at jkhowell@beaches.net
CHERRY To 1850 Lee Cherry at lcherry@bellatlantic.net
CHESSON To 1800 (Unknown) at RKCRick@aol.com
CHISOLM/CHESHOLM Not Stated Teresa Chisum Ellison at tellison9@yahoo.com
CHRISTOPHER To 1850 Carole Haywood at bellofcharleston@bellsouth.net
CLAGHORN/CLEGHORN To 1800 Carolyn Foster at gennutty@dotstar.net
CLAGON 1800s G. Blount at budsmail@earthlink.net
CLAGHORN/CLAGON 1750 to Present Kaye Herndon at kaye.herndon@yahoo.com
CLAYTON 1800s Lu at MDSNSKEET@aol.com
CLAYTON To 1850 Richard Sehrbrock at rsehrbrock@email.com
CLAYTON 1800 to Present Carole Haywood at bellofcharleston@bellsouth.net
CLAYTON 1700's to present Lu Anne Owens at mdsnskeet@charter.net
CLAYTON 1800 to Present Sue Kinsaul at sdk30@bellsouth.nrt
CLEGGS 1900 to 1983 Shirley Spencer at sspencer314@yahoo.com
CLIFTON 1800s Dorothy Smith at pawps1@yahoo.com
CLIFTON 1700s Carolyn Davis at Budsmum@aol.com
CLIFTON To 1850 Will at blfarms@mtnhome.com
CLIFTON 1720 to 1850 Gary F. Clifton at garyclifton@yahoo.com
CLIFTON 1750 to 1850 Kathy Clifton at chatykat@infionline.net
CLOUGH 1750 - 1900 Ann Clough Basnight at abasnight@hotmail.com
CLOUGH/CLOW/CLUFF To Present Virginia Clough Haire at vchaire@coastalnet.com
CLOUGH To Present Unknown at grandma_mary@chartermi.net
COAKLEY To 1850 Mary Jo Hanon at mjhanon1@mindspring.com
COFFIELD 1700 to Present Anna Bateman Buran at aburan@aol.com
COLLINS 1750 - 1850 Bob Stokley at 13stars@simflex.com
COLLINS To 1850 Jean Moore at jeantmsales@aol.com
COLLINS 1750 to Present Patsy Campbell at patc@insightbb.com
COLSTON 1870 to 1958 Rebecca Colston at scolston@mwci.net
COMBS To 1900 Betsy Taylor at betsy@instantgroup.com
COMBS Civil War Shanon Armstrong at Shannonb72@msn.com
COMBS 1850 to Present Quentin Liverman at qdl518@aol.com
CONEBY/CONABEE To 1800 Katie Connors at kmconnors00@yahoo.com
COOPER Mid 1800's Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com
COOPER 1840 to Present Bob & Sandra Phelps at phelps@erols.com
COOPER To 1900 Beth O'Briant at beth@obriant.net
COOPER To Present Debbie at Angelley43@aol.com
COOPER To 1880 Tammy Quidley at tammyquidley@yahoo.com
COOPER All Jessie Cooper Brickhouse at harjes@embarqmail.com
COOPER Civil War Shanon Armstrong at Shannonb72@msn.com
COOPER 1700 to Present J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net
COOPER 1750 to Present Margaret Cooper at Marcotz4@aol.com
COOPER 1700 to Present William Cooper at wescooper@comcast.net
COOPER 1700 to present Sheila Rhodes Judge at grandmajudge@embarqmail.com
COOPER 1800 to present Laura Swain at LMSzoro@yahoo.com
COPELAND Late 1800s Ann Clough Basnight at abasnight@hotmail.com
COPELAND 1700 to Present Sheila Judge at gramajudge@embarqmail.com
COREY/CORRIE 1700s Sylvia Corey at CoreySyl@aol.com
CORMACK 1750 - 1850 Alyce Matthews at sheba2@hal-pc.org
COVERNTON 1880 to Present Chas Covernton at chazritz@mts.net
COWELL To 1900 John Laird at JohnLaird9@aol.com
COWELL To 1900 Nancy Rhodes at nbrhodes@earthlink.net
COWELL 1700 to 1850 NJean Schroeder at jfstms@bellsouth.net
COWELL Not Stated Melinda Barnard at melinda.barnard@yahoo.com
COX 1800s Kathryn Haugan at khaugan@exis.net
COX 1800s to Present Ann Hathaway at annhath@southwind.net
COZIER 1700's Peter N. Chelemengos at zapper751@comcast.net
COZIER To 1900 Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com
COZIER Before 1750 Heather Crossland at heather2@itlnet.net
CRADDICK/CRADDOCK To Present Victoria Craddick at craddick@ptialaska.net
CRADDOCK 1800s Marsha Sawyer at sawyerj@beachlink.com
CRADDOCK 1800s Vickie Craddock at vecraddock@yahoo.com
CRADDOCK 1730 to 1900 Joyce C. Lassiter at kelly1@inteliport.com
CRAIN/CRANE To Present Howard Crain at hcrain1@msn.com
CRAIN/CRANE 1800 to present Brenda Creef Cagle at brenda28425@yahoo.com
CRANE/CRAIN 1784 to Present Dennis Crane at dennisbigdcrane@yahoo.com
CRANE/CRAIN 1700 to Present J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net
CRANK 1700's - 1850 Marion Toler Crank at Nana878@aol.com
CRANK 1700's - 1850 Jean Schroeder at jfstms@bellsouth.net
CREEF 1800 - 1870 Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com
CREEF To 1900 Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com
CREEF 1700 to Present Judy Domanski at JADFED5@aol.com
CREEF To Present Gary Cartwright at cartrobi@hotmail.com
CREEF Not Stated Anthony S.Jones at tjones@interpath.com
CREEF/CRIEF To Present Jean Owens Schroeder at jfstms@bellsouth.net
CREEF 1850 - Present Elena T. Creef at ecreef@wellesley.edu
CREEF Not Stated Diana Ross at ndross49@home.com
CREEF To Present Kitty Truitt at kittytruitt@msn.com
CREEF 1800 to present Brenda Creef Cagle at brenda28425@yahoo.com
CREEF 1980 to Present Vergie Melisa Creef at wtoler@suddenlink.net
CRISP To Present Jeanette Howell at jkhowell@beaches.net
CRISP To 1800 Unknown at StreborJC3@aol.com
CULIPHER Not Stated Charles R. Toler at crtoler@bellsouth.net
CULLIPHER 1760 to 1800 Dianna Anderson at genetree@sbcglobal.net
CULLIPHER 1700s Dale Huffaker at 1dale@comcast.net
CURLINGS Not Stated Mary at mary4163@home.com
CURLINGS Not Stated Elbert Parisher at egatp@msn.com
CUTHRELL To 1900 Willene Cuthrell Brinn at willenebrinn@gotricounty.com

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Updated to December 1, 2017