Submit YOUR Tyrrell County Registry Entry here Submit an Update to Your Email Address on an Existing Entry here |
DAILEY | 1700 - 1850 | John McGowan at jmack@carolina.net |
DANIEL | To 1850 | Charlotte Pierce at PIERCE_C@popmail.firn.edu |
DANIEL | To 1850 | James Harp at jharp@baltimoreopera.com |
DANIELS | To 1850 | Olive Thornton at olivethornton@hotmail.com |
DANIEL/DANIELS | To 1800 | Judith Garner at judithgarner@hotmail.com |
DANIELS | 1800s | Mary at marykemp@comcast.net |
DANIEL/DANIELS | 1650 - 1850 | Guy at lion_sprt@hotmail.com |
DASHIELL/DESHIELDS | 1810 to 1852 | Ed Deshields at edeshields@edeshields.com |
DAVENPORT | 1800 to Present | Chuck Sawyer at csawyer3@charter.net |
DAVENPORT | None Stated | Sarah Frances Owens Languell at GmaSarah@languell.com |
DAVENPORT | To Present | Richard Biggs at Woodmite@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1640 - 1850 | Janice Worley at worley@hson.com |
DAVENPORT | To 1900 | Phil Triebes at PTriebes@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1800s | Virginia Weiss at deardorf@classic.msn.com |
DAVENPORT | 1800 - 1860 | Alice Walker Davenport at saswv1981@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | To Present | Janet Swain at jjswain@ecsu.campus.mci.net |
DAVENPORT | 1800s | Ellen Kroll at ellenkrol@dakotacom.net |
DAVENPORT | Not Stated | Ginger Morris at Gingerlhm@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1700s | Unknown at FranDBak@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1800 - 1900 | Alice Griffin at geniealice@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1700s | Clyde Davenport at cmdaven@comcast.net |
DAVENPORT | To 1850 | Patty Seaquist at p_seaquist@yahoo.com |
DAVENPORT | To 1850 | Tracy Stancill at TracyStancil@hotmail.com |
DAVENPORT | 1800 to 1950 | Virginia Morrisette at MissGinger1939@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | To 1850 | Mary Ann at MM062764@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1750 to Present | Carole at BellofCharleston@bellsouth.net |
DAVENPORT | 1640 to 1850 | D. Harold Davenport at haroldns@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1800 to 1880 | Tamara Jarvis at artzleigh3@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1650 to present | Susan Davenport Pater at susansgarden@yahoo.com |
DAVENPORT | 1700 to Present | Patsy Campbell at patc@insightbb.com |
DAVENPORT | 1600 to Present | James Davenport at jdav0716@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1600 to Present | James Davenport at jdav0716@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1830 to 1836 | Armstrong at hotrod195378237@yahoo.com |
DAVENPORT | 1700 to Present | J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net |
DAVENPORT | 1800 to Present | Lucy at ackermanhj@aol.com |
DAVENPORT | 1800 to Present | Jim Davenport at jdavenport6@cox.net |
DAVENPORT | 1660 to Present | Judy Davenport at sofa@carolina.rr.com |
DAVENPORT | 1750 to Present | Linda Willard at lwillard@northstate.net |
DAVIDSON | 1770 to Present | William Davidson at coffee@maas.net |
DAVIDSON | 1770 to 1850 | Suzanne Forester Stein at suzstein@swbell.net |
DAVIS | None Stated | Sarah Frances Owens Languell at GmaSarah@languell.com |
DAVIS | 1770 to 1850 | Suzanne Forester Stein at suzstein@swbell.net |
DAVIS | 1700s to 1900 | Viola Lindley Crowder at viatthebeach@gmail.com |
DAVIS | 1800s and Previous | Christine at Celain@worldnet.att.net |
DAVIS | To 1900 | Thomas R. Davis at puzzles@wimberley-tx.com |
DAVIS | 1740 to 1800 | Anna Buran at Aburan@aol.com |
DAVIS | 1650 to Present | Melvin D. Crumpler, Jr. at dougcrumpler@gmail.com |
DeBERRY | 1730 to 1885 | G. C. DeBerry at gingerd@2khiway.net |
DEMPSEY | 1800s | Lois at LOisAS2003@aol.com |
DESHIELDS/DASHIELL | 1810 to 1852 | Ed Deshields at edeshields@edeshields.com |
DEVENPORT | 1800s | David Christopher Devenport at daviddevenport@alpha1.net |
DILLON/DILLIN | 1700 to Present | Evan Dillon at edillon1@aol.com |
DILLON | To 1900 | Shirlyn Dillon Brickhouse at herbert@beachlink.com |
DILLON | 1750 - 1850 | Noel Crawford Matthews at noelm@xplorenet.com |
DILLON | 1700 to Present | Tom Dillon at thomas_dillon@link.freedom.com |
DILLON/DILLIN | To 1820 | Robert E. Louden at robdeblouden@juno.com |
DILLON/DILLIN | 1700 to Present | Grant Collar at gcollar2@citlink.net |
DILLON/DILLIN | 1700 to Present | Bevin Creel at bevincreel@aol.com |
DILLON/DILLIN | 1730's to Present | Dennis Dillin at d_dillin@yahoo.com |
DODGE | 1830 - Present | Jille Parlett at jofemme@yahoo.com |
DODGE | Not Stated | Andrea Dodge at cnasammy@yahoo.com |
DORSEY | 1700s | Nancy Custer at ncuster@mcn.org |
DOWDY | 1750 to Present | Robert L. Dough at rdough1@earthlink.net |
DOWNING | To 1750 | Joy Q. Stearns at jqstearns@mindspring.com |
DUGGAN | To 1774 | Amy Knight Appleton at jamyappleton@prodigy.net |
DUNBAR | 1735 - 1850 | Nancy Dunbar at Njdunbar@aol.com |
DUNBAR | To 1900 | Beth O'Briant at beth@obriant.net |
DUNBAR | 1800s | Jim Powell at Calopogon@aol.com |
DUNBAR | 1800s | B.J. Rountree at Virgo90675@AOL.Com |
DUNBAR | 1800s | Lena at lena@valu-line.net |
DUNBAR | To 1900 | Willene Cuthrell Brinn at willenebrinn@gotricounty.com |
DUNBAR | 1850 to Present | Rhoda at Yanisma@aol.com |
DUNBAR | 1800 to present | Sue Dunbar Kinsaul at sdk30@bellsouth.net |
DUNCAN/DUNKIN | 1730 to Present | Tom Duncan at tgdjr@atmc.net |
DURANT | To 1800 | Unknown at StreborJC3@aol.com |
DURRENCE | 1600s to Present | J. Michael Durrence at jmike45@aol.com |
DUVAL | 1780 to Present | James M. Duval Jr. at jduval@exis.net |
DUVAL | 1800s | Cindy Fregoe at DAVCINEWA@aol.com |
DUVAL | 1800s | Diane Duvall King at dianedking598@aol.com |
DUVAL | To Present | Robert Duval at rduval@c21superstars.com |
DUVALLS | To 1800 | Les (Buddy) Barnes at Manteo@aol.com |
DUVALLS | Not Stated | Anthony S.Jones at tjones@interpath.com |
DUVALS | Not Stated | Ellen Kroll at ellenkrol@dakotacom.net |
DUVAUL (DUVALL)/BEALS | 1780 to 1900 | Dan Beals at bealsd31@yahoo.com |
EAST | 1700s - 1800s | Freda P. Summar at Sumrtime@cmaster.com |
EDWARDS | 1700 - 1860 | Mary McDaniel at Mcdlaw@aol.com |
EDWARDS | 1800's to present | Kim Edwards Susalla at kimberlysusalla@earthlink.net |
EDWARDS | 1900s | Sandy Edwards Meads at sandymeads@hotmail.com |
EDWARDS | 1750 - 1850 | Susan Holsan at zuzu93@nebnet.net |
EDWARDS | 1700 - 1850 | Joliene Byrd Clark at jobclark@verizon.net |
ELLIS | 1750 - 1850 | Amy Ausbun at amyausbun@earthlink.net |
ELLIS | 1850 - 1930 | W. F. Ellis at HPFV98A@prodigy.com |
ETHERIDGE | None Stated | Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com |
ETHERIDGE | Not Stated | Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net |
ETHERIDGE | 1800s | Patricia Lynn Rhodes Tillett at sptillett@coastalnet.com |
ETHERIDGE | 1800s | Roseanne O'Neal Thomas at ralphrat@worldnet.att.net |
ETHERIDGE | 1750 to Present | Sharon Etheridge Vierrether at vierrether_s@yahoo.com |
EURE | 1839 to 1880 | Patsy Campbell at patc@insightbb.com |
EVANS | 1700 to 1850 | Christy Lopez at lopez27889@yahoo.com |
EVERETT | To 1800 | Diane Everett at DianeMarie70@worldnet.att.net |
EVERETT | 1707 to 1747 | David Everett at Devere13420@yahoo.com |
EVERITT | To 1810 | Jackie Frye at frye@nceye.net |
EVERETT/EVERITT | Not stated | Helen Wallace at helen.wallace@sbcglobal.net |
EVERETT/EVERITT | 1700s | Nancy Komlos at nancy.komlos@comcast.net |
EVERTON | None Stated | Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com |
EVERTON | To Present | Dan Crews at dancrews@sbcglobal.net |
EVERTON | To 1900 | Donald L. Everton at Vaevertons@infionline.net |
FAGAN | To 1850 | James S. Fagan at lizfagan@gte.net |
FAGAN/FAGIN | 1735 to Present | Betty Fagan Burr at bfburr@aol.com |
FENNER | 1800 to Present | Jackie Denny at jackienyc@gmail.com |
FEWOX | To 1775 | William D. Lindsey at wdlindsy@swbell.net |
FEWOX | Not Stated | Neil Fewox at uncleneil@worldnet.att.net |
FEWOX | 1600s - 1750 | Belinda Melton Hughes at bjhughes@erols.com |
FINCH | 1900s | H. Barlow at hbarlow@wt.net |
FISHER | 1700 to Present | Linda Laffey at linda@laffeygroup.com |
FITZPATRICK | 1694 to 1800 | Lisa Patrick at lcpatrick124@yahoo.com |
FITZPATRICK | 1700 to Present | J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net |
FLEMING | To Present | James William Fleming at mrflemz@embarqmail.com |
FLOWERS | 1800 to Present | Larry Flowers at larryflowers1@bellsouth.net |
FORNELSON | 1779 to unknown | Randy Stalnaker at randystalnaker_7155@msn.com |
FORTUNE | 1700s - early 1900s | Brenda Crowley at bcrowley@erols.com |
FRANCIS | 1790 to 1865 | Noela Nagle at noelanagle@bigpond.com |
FRASIER/FRAZIER | 1750 to Present | Tom Frasier at tmf24556@aol.com |
FREEMAN | 1800s to 1850 | Ann Hathaway at annhath@southwind.net |
FRILEY/FRYLY | To 1800 | Penny Fraley Richardson at muffin2@gte.net |
FURLOUGH | 1800 - 1900 | Alice Griffin at geniealice@aol.com |
FURLAUGH | 1800 - 1900 | Cheryl Hummer at chummer@cox.net |
FURLOUGH | 1800 to 2000 | Floyd Thomas Furlough at tomfurlough01@gmail.com |
GADDEY | 1763 - 1779 | Bob Gaddey at Mrclean66@aol.com |
GALLOP | Early 1800s | Jackie Dotson at jackie_dotson@hotmail.com |
GARD | Not Stated | Susan Gard Nelson at saltybreeze55@hotmail.com |
GARDNER | 1700s | Nancy Pattullo at MIKNAN58@aol.com |
GARDNER | 1700s | Unknown at jo-dan@itlnet.net |
GARRETT | 1700s | Sue Meinhart at SUEMEINHRT@aol.com |
GARRETT | To 1850 | Unknown at mzgcg@yahoo.com |
GARRETT | 1800 - 1900 | Cheryl Hummer at chummer@cox.net |
GARRETT | 1700 - 1800 | Noel Baucom at noelcooks@aol.com |
GARRETT | 1700 - 1800 | Dean Garrett at dgarr7136@aol.com |
GARRETT | 1750 - 1850 | Cynthia Garrett at cgmiles00@gmail.com |
GARRETT | 1700 - 1800 | Wayne Garrett at kinchafoonie@aol.com |
GARRETT | 1700 - Present | David Garrett at moose7580@gmail.com |
GERKING/GERKIN | To 1760 | Cheryl Gerkin at Rustynut@comp-res.com |
GIBBS | 1700s | Louise McLeod at lmcleod@nceye.net |
GIBBS | 1805 to 1823 | Susan at bugssbunny@aol.com |
GIBBS | 1850 to Present | Cal E. Gibbs, Jr. at Cg7007@aol.com |
GIBBS | 1610 to Present | Edward D. Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com |
GIBBS | To 1820 | Susan at bugssbunny@aol.com |
GIBBS | 1600 to Present | Edward Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com |
GIBSON | To 1900 | Jean May at JMay115006@aol.com |
GIBSON | To 1900 | Kim Midgett Rodriguez at blackwidoe2373@yahoo.com |
GILPIN | 1800s | Freda P. Summar at Sumrtime@cmaster.com |
GODARD/GODWARD | To Present | Jim at JimWB6ODO@aol.com |
GODFREY | 1750 to Present | Don Godfrey at GodfreyRainbow@aol.com |
GODFREY | 1700 to Present | Donna Sheraden at donnasheraden@rocketmail.com |
GODWIN | To 1900 | Becky Bruton at bjbruton@his.com |
GODWIN | To 1850 | Judy James at judyjames@bdfusa.com |
GODWIN | 1800 to Present | Connie Vermillion at cvermills@hctnet.org |
GOMM/GUM/GUMM/GUMS | To 1760 | Linda at ladyebug39@hotmail.com |
GOODMAN | 1800s | Unknown at joyjenson@uswest.net |
GOODMAN | 1800 to 1823 | Roy Goodman at Granpossum@aol.com |
GOODWIN | To Present | Janet Swain at jjswain@ecsu.campus.mci.net |
GRAY | To 1900 | Audrey Gray Hilton at AHilton999@aol.com |
GRAY | To 1900 | Jan Carlen at Cowshine@aol.com |
GRAY | To Present | Linda Gray Mayo at mayo.linda@yahoo.com |
GRAY | 1800 to Present | Claudia Murphy at clauray126@verizon.net |
GRIFFIN | 1600s - early 1800s | Betty Moran at Bess188@aol.com |
GRIFFIN | 1600s - early 1800s | Waymon Griffin at Griway@aol.com |
GRIFFIN | 1700s | Janice Griffin Branch at Jbranch@digital.net |
GRIFFIN | 1700 to 1800 | William Cooper at wescooper@comcast.net |
GUESS | 1750 - Present | Teri Herbert at therbert@sisna.com |
GURGANUS | To Present | Ray Gurganus at ray@gurganus.org |
HAIRE/HAIR/HARE | To Present | Virginia Clough Haire at vchaire@coastalnet.com |
HALSEY | 1700 - Present | Karen Hunnings at hunnink@hotmail.com |
HARDY | 1700 to Present | Donna Sheraden at donnasheraden@rocketmail.com |
HARDISON | 1700s | Diana Wood at BruceWood@ec.rr.com |
HARRINGTON | 1800s | Bettie Hamilton at bghomeport@always-online.com |
HARRIS | 1600 - Present | Jo ROBERSON Prytherch at prytherch@cconnect.net |
HARRIS | Not Stated | Earline Barnes at earlinebarnes@hotmail.com |
HARRIS | Before 1700 to Present | Edward D. Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com |
HARRISON | To 1800 | Lynda Webster at lkwebster@mindspring.com |
HARRISON | To 1850 | Betty Ann DuVall Armes at bettyann3920@aol.com |
HARRISON | 1700 to 1803 | Alice Sheppard at alisheppard@comcast.net |
HASSELL | To 1775 | William D. Lindsey at wdlindsy@swbell.net |
HASSELL | 1700 - 1900 | Vickie Van Antwerp at emprop2001@gmail.com |
HASSELL | To 1820 | Ann Causey at macausey@worldnet.att.net |
HASSELL | To Present | Janet Swain at jjswain@ecsu.campus.mci.net |
HASSELL | To 1820 | Tami Thompson at zanthiaz@infinet.com |
HASSELL | To 1800 | Mari Jones Bickmore at mbickmore@home.com |
HASSELL | 1830 to Present | Unknown at Camp61976@aol.com |
HASSELL | 1740 to Present | David Hassell at hassell@hctc.net |
HASSELL | 1800 to Present | Mary Lowery at marylowery@mindspring.com |
HASSELL | To 1900 | Marc Hassell-Cramer at bighairmarc@yahoo.com |
HASSELL | 1800 to Present | Lillie Twiddy Sethman at betsysethman@yahoo.com |
HASSELL | 1750 to Present | Pam Schumann at cpschumann@home.com |
HASSELL | To Present | April Warden at Conneram@copper.net |
HASSELL | 1800's to present | Kim Edwards Susalla at kimberlysusalla@earthlink.net |
HASSELL | To 1850 | Joe Arsena at jarsena@msn.com |
HASSELL | To Present | Cheryl Davis at sgtdkd@aol.com |
HASSELL | 1750 to Present | Earl Hassell at ehassell@msn.com |
HASSELL | 1750 to Present | Margaret Cooper at Marcotz4@aol.com |
HASSELL | 1800 to Present | Lisa Hassell Patton at lpatton61@yahoo.com |
HASSELL | 1750 to Present | Judy McKnight at hangingoutwiththegrandkids@yahoo.com |
HASSELL | 1650 to Present | Marie French at renmfrench@abcglobal.net |
HASSELL | 1700 to Present | Jeff Adams at jadams@fbckaty.com |
HASSELL/HADSELL, Alexander | 1770's to 1850 | Roz Doyle at rdoyle@cimarroninc.com |
HASSELL | 1750 to Present | Cary N. Alford at cary.alford@rtxbb.net |
HASSELL | 1800 to Present | B. J. Bibeau at djbeebo@aol.com |
HASSELL | 1700 to present | Sharlene Weeks at sharlenesh@aol.com |
HATFIELD | To 1900 | Carol Lawrence Vidales at vidales@worldnet.att.net |
HATFIELD | To 1800 | Marie-Paulette Smith at mpsmith.@mail2.gis.net |
HATFIELD | Not Stated | William T. Hatfield Jr. at williamhatfield@cox.net |
HATHAWAY | Late 1700s to Present | Ann Hathaway at annhath@southwind.net |
HATHAWAY | Late 1700s to Present | Michael Lebarron at michaellebarron206@msn.com |
HAWKINS | To 1800 | Tracy Stancill at TracyStancil@hotmail.com |
HAYMAN | To Present | Sharon Wease at weases6490@msn.com |
HAYMAN | 1765 To Present | Sallye Hayman Bowen at sbandcb@verizon.net |
HAYMAN | 1800 To Present | Elizabeth Brannon at Elizabethlbrannon@mac.com |
HAYMAN/HAYMON/HAMAN/HAMON | 1800 To Present | Sallye Hayman at sbandcb@verizon.net |
HAYS/HAYES | 1800 to Present | Jean Sladek at jean.sladek@verizon.net |
HAZELTON | Mid 1800's | Mike McCarty at mccarty91@hotmail.com |
HAZELTON | Not Stated | Betty Vasquez at septembersapphireday@yahoo.com |
HAZELTON | Not Stated | Elias Hazelton at twoashley@aol.com |
HEFLIN | To 1850 | J. Todd Scott at scott717@earthlink.net |
HILL | 1800's | Jim Porter at JPorter303@aol.com |
HILL | 1790 - 1800 to Present day | Fanta Davis at davisfanta@hotmail.com |
HILL | 1800 to 2008 | Vanessa Alexander at Hersheykiss34@msn.com |
HILL | 1800 to Present | Donna Farrar Boyd at donnamfarrar@yahoo.com |
HILL | 1750 to present | Renate Sanders at yarsan@aol.com |
HOLADIA/HOLIDAY | 1900's | Debbie Holadia Fitzgerald at homschoolingmom@cs.com |
HOLLIS | 1800 to Present | Phyllis Belangia at belangp1@nationwide.com |
HOLLIS | 1800 to Present | Barbara Spicer at catlady12358@yahoo.com |
HOLLOWAY | 1800 - 1930 | James William Fleming at mrflemz@embarqmail.com |
HOLLOWAY | 1850 - Present | Lucy Lucas at cateyes19@msn.com |
HOLIDIA | Not Stated | Loa Phelps Collins at collins@konnections.com |
HOLMES | 1800 - 1870 | Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com |
HOLMES | To 1850 | Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com |
HOLMES | 1700 to Present | Judy Domanski at JADFED5@aol.com |
HOLMES | 1800s | Jim Powell at Calopogon@aol.com |
HOLMES | 1700 - 1950 | Keri Gorman at kgorman@texas.net |
HOLMES | 1800s to present | Doris Ann Younts at dayounts@hotmail.com |
HOOKER | 1760 to 1880 | Jane Gradeless Phillips at diamondgp@suddenlink.net |
HOOKER | To 1800 | Al Hooker at REKOOHLA@aol.com |
HOOKER | 1800 - 1860 | Rob Hunnings at Rob_Hunnings@fweb-corp.CCMAIL.CompuServe.com |
HOOKER | To 1830 | Nancy Stout at GoNan58@aol.com |
HOOKER | 1750 To 1820 | Kate Stirk at stirkk@juno.com |
HOOKER | 1800 - 1900 | Robin Muse at robinmuse@ymail.com |
HOOKER/SMITH | 1700 to 1870 | Delena Gray Ostrander at obxmamadee@yahoo.com |
HOPKINS | 1800 - 1900 | Cathy Roberts at glrobert@erols.com |
HOPKINS | To 1900 | Charles W. Farmer at CHFARMER@FTC-I.NET |
HOSKINS | To 1850 | Trina Huskins at trinahuskins@netscape.net |
HOUGH | 1850 to Present | Lucy at ackermanhj@aol.com |
HOWARD | 1700s | Susan Howard Blevins at SHBlevins@aol.com |
HOWELL | 1700s | Marilyn Finer-Collins at marilync@hal-pc.org |
HUBBLE/HUBBELL | 1800s | G. Blount at budsmail@earthlink.net |
HUDSON | 1800s | Jean Pennell at jpennell@earthlink.net |
HUDSON | 1900s | Barbara Jones at greatdane_2@hotmail.com |
HUDSON | All | Jessie Cooper Brickhouse at harjes@embarqmail.com |
HUMPHREY | 1745 - 1780 | Carol Williams at ivyroad@prodigy.net |
HUNNINGS | 1800 - 1860 | Rob Hunnings at Rob_Hunnings@fweb-corp.CCMAIL.CompuServe.com |
HUNNINGS | 1800 - 1850 | Steve Lynn at slynn@mail.lrc.state.ky.us |
HUNNINGS | To 1850 | James C. Hunnings at hunmar@webtv.net |
HUNNINGS | To 1900 | Linda Dail Rider at lindydail@yahoo.com |
HUNNINGS | 1800 - Present | Cynthia Beachem at cbeachem@ec.rr.com |
HUNNINGS | 1700 - Present | Karen Hunnings at hunnink@hotmail.com |
HUNNINGS | 1800 to present | Evelyn Paul at epaul57778@aol.com |
HUNNINGS | 17?? to 1860 | Sandi Jones at sajones45@gmail.com |
HUNNINGS/SAWYER | 1730 to 1920 | Durward Lewis at deeray1949@outlook.com |
HUNTER | To 1830 | Ann Avery Hunter at annh@erols.com |
HUSSEY | 1850 to Present | Francis Blount at foblount4468@gmail.com |
HUTSON/HUDSON | 1800 to Present | Doris Mayo-Henry at dot@cconnect.net |
JACKSON | To 1800 | David Jackson at Djack272@wmconect.com |
JACKSON | To 1850 | John Jackson at jacks4@aol.com |
JACKSON | Not Stated | Kimberly Arthur at blackwidoe2373@yahoo.com |
JARMAN | To 1850 | William Benjey at benjey@earthlink.net |
JARMAN | 1850 - Present | Shirley Hayes at Hayessa@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu |
JARMAN | Before 1800 | Heather Crossland at heather2@itlnet.net |
JARMAN/JERMAN | 1750 to 1850 | Judith Anne Wilkinson at judith@towerravens.com |
JARMAN/JARMAIN/GERMAN | To 1850 | Sieglinda Ladymon at sjladymon@sbcglobal.net |
JARMAN | 1600 to Present | Marvyl Sawyer Powelson at kaleidoscope@bmi.net |
JARMAN | 1600 to Present | Marion R. Sawyer at msrooskee@hotmail.com |
JARVIS | To 1850 | Merlin S. Berry at SwanQuat@aol.com |
JENNETT | To 1775 | William D. Lindsey at wdlindsy@swbell.net |
JENNETT | 1670 - 1750 | William Rhodes at brhodes3@bbnp.com |
JENNETT | 1670 to Present | Dawn Taylor at amongthebranches@yahoo.com |
JENNETT | 1730 to present | Barbara Waage at bwaage1@comcast.net |
JERMAN | Before 1850 | Shirley Haskell at IRUBY@aol.com |
JOHNSON | 1750 - 1800 | Dallas R. Reese Jr. at 102076.324@compuserve.com |
JOHNSON | To 1900 | Willene Cuthrell Brinn at willenebrinn@gotricounty.com |
JOHNSON | Not stated | Keith Nixon at dknixon@gmail.com |
JOHNSON/JOHNSTON | Not stated | Peggy Abbott at peggyabbott2010@hotmail.com |
JONES | 1800 to 1950 | Henry Floyd Phelps at hfpstorm@vance.net |
JONES | 1800 to 1900 | Christine Swensen-Hartie at CrisViz@aol.com |
JONES | To Present | Joe Pinner at Joepinner@aol.com |
JONES | To 1900 | Carl Fisher at kingfish@tulsa.oklahoma.net |
JONES | Not Stated | Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net |
JONES | 1800s | Elaine Cohoon Miller at Elaineathome711@aol.com |
JONES | 1800s | Susan Lilly at tjones@interpath.com |
JONES | 1800s | Sherry Smith at chilula@fast.net |
JONES | 1800 to 1950 | Virginia Morrisette at MissGinger1939@aol.com |
JONES | 1800 to 1912 | David Perry at DAVE-CATHYPERRY1@worldnet.att.net |
JONES | To Present | Nita Herbert at njhjng@hotmail.com |
JONES | 1800 to Present | Linda at summerplace2@yahoo.com |
JONES | To 1800 | John Woolley-Jones, England at willerwayart@fsmail.net |
JONES | 1800s | Lona Jones Brannon at cbrannon15@comcast.net |
JONES | 1750 - Present | Larry Riggs at larryriggs@rocketmail.com |
JONES | To 1850 | Catherine Fleming at cfleming52@gmail.com |
KANE/CAIN | 1850 to Present | Lillie Sethman at betsysethman@yahoo.com |
KELLY | 1750 - 1760 | Linda Cox Barton at lpc@net-magic.net |
KELLEY | 1700s | Marilyn Smithwick at marilyn@gotricounty.com |
KEMP | To Present | Joe Pinner at Joepinner@aol.com |
KEMP | 1860 to Present | Katie Sawyer Barker at knkbarker@gamewood.net |
KEMP | 1850 to Present | Fay Kemp at FayKemp@charter.net |
KEMP/KEMPE | abt 1780 to 1805 | Doris Williams at eww@widowmaker.com |
KENNEDY/CANNEDY | 1700s | Joanne May at jmay@hpnc.com |
KENNEDY | 1890 to 1910 | Henry N. Hassell at hhassell@tds.net |