Tyrrell County Researcher Registry

Surnames Beginning with Letters L - R

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LAMB To Present Mrs. S. Harder at sharder@netzero.net
LAMB 1800s to 1900s Ann Hathaway at annhath@southwind.net
LANCASTER 1900 to Present Shannon Lancaster Birdsong at 2bigbirds@earthlink.net
LANGUELL 1800 to Present William Languell at b.languell@comcast.net
LANIER 1700s Unknown at jo-dan@itlnet.net
LAWRENCE To 1800 Gerry McKinnie Weir at weir@bayou.com
LEARY 1800 to 1890 Henry Floyd Phelps at hfpstorm@vance.net
LEARY To Present Joseph Carter Leary at leary1@gotricounty.com
LEARY 1700 - 1900 Martha Swanner Russell at 3512@home.com
LEARY/O'LEARY 1850 to Present Alexis McKenna at acmckenn@aol.com
LEE To 1770 Rosemary Henderson at rosemary@rose.net
LEE To 1800 Wayne at Holein1820@aol.com
LEGGETT To 1800 Roy C. Leggitt at Royc@cts.com
LEGGETT 1850 to Present Wiley Tripp May at prmay@triad.rr.com
LEGGETT 1650 to 1850 Allan L. Bentley at bentgate@randomc.com
LINCOLN 1900 to Present Walter B. Lincoln at waltnebula@aol.com
LIVERMAN To 1900 Mary Bier Wilson at mbwilson@jhu.edu
LIVERMAN/LIVERMON To 1900 Beth O'Briant at beth@obriant.net
LIVERMAN 1750 - 1850 Carolyn Spruiell Lane at CLane318@aol.com
LIVERMAN Not Stated Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net
LIVERMAN To 1900 Valerie Jordan at Valajor@aol.com
LIVERMAN 1850 to Present Linda Sawyer McCampbell at Lsmcstx@aol.com
LIVERMAN 1800s Lisa Simpson and Rodney Liverman at lisasimpson68@webtv.net
LIVERMAN Not Stated Marilyn Howell at MHowell919@aol.com
LIVERMAN 1800 to 1900 Carole Haywood at bellofcharleston@bellsouth.net
LIVERMAN/LIVERMON 1800 to Present Connie Vermillion at cvermills@hctnet.org
LIVERMAN 1900 to 1983 Shirley Spencer at sspencer314@yahoo.com
LIVERMAN 1730 to Present Patrice Camoston at patricecamoston53@gmail.com
LONG 1700s Kimberly Long Browning at browning@cameron.net
LONG 1730 to 1810 James Jones at jtjones@cebridge.net
LOVETT/LOVIT/LOVITT 1740 to Present Sheryl at salvernaz@yahoo.com
LUDFORD To 1850 Merlin S. Berry at SwanQuat@aol.com
LUPTON 1800 to 1925 Patsy Campbell at patc@insightbb.com
LUPTON 1850 to Present Cal E. Gibbs, Jr. at Cg7007@aol.com
LYONS To 1850 Edgar Bell, Jr. at edbell@htcomp.net
MADISON 1700 to Present Charles at cmguy@copper.net
MAITLAND 1700 to Present Sheila Rhodes Judge at grandmajudge@embarqmail.com
MANN 1800s Bettie Dall at dall26@telis.org
MANN To present Sharon Wease at weases6490@msn.com
MANN To 1900 Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com
MANN Not Stated Sel Mann at mannharbor@aol.com
MANN 1700 - 1800 Noel Crawford Matthews at noelm@xplorenet.com
MANN 1800s Sally Carroll at SALLYCARR@prodigy.net
MANN 1800s Gary Mann at gmann@peoplepc.com
MANN 1700s Solomon Mann at selmann@bellsouth.net
MANN 1800 to 1900 Jean Sladek at jean.sladek@verizon.net
MANN 1800 to present Julia Woods at Juliathebomb@webtv.net
MANN Before 1850 to Present Dottie Surrett at surrett@vtc.net
MANN 1800 to PRESENT Sabrina Gibson at sabrina.mgibson@gmail.com
MANN 1806 to 1823 Fred Mann at fredm1234@aol.com
MANNING 1650 to 1850 Allan L. Bentley at bentgate@randomc.com
MARRINER To 1870 Catherine Kastle at gkastle@earthlink.net
MARRINER To 1900 Thomas R. Davis at puzzles@wimberley-tx.com
MARRINER To 1800 Diane Minton at mindee@mail2.coastalnet.com
MARRINER To 1800 Lou Marriner at llmarriner@netscape.com
MARTIN To Present Judy Martin Howard at colorado65@msn.com
MASON 1750 to Present Bob Mason at rdmason@numail.org
MATHERLY 1750 - 1850 David Keeling at wdkmba@aol.com
McALLISTER To 1900 Dave Wiser at SemCivWar@aol.com
McCABE 1750 to Present Lynn Schultz at lynnmakesart@gmail.com
McCLEES To Present Allen D. Aldridge at ADASR@worldnet.att.net
McCLEES To Present Rebecca McClees at luckyjayda@aol.com
McCLEES 1870 to Present Brande McCleese at lefthandpoet@hotmail.com
McCLEES/McCLEESE/McLEAS/McLISH 1735 Back Carey K. McCleese at appmac333@aol.com
McCLEESE 1850 to Present Michael Johnson at mjohn030@yahoo.com
McCLEES/McCLEESE 1880 to present Brande McCleese at bemcclees@gmail.com
McCRAY/McRAE/McCRAE 1750 to Present Kaye Herndon at kaye.herndon@yahoo.com
McGOWAN 1750 - 1930 John B. McGowan at jmack@carolina.net
McGOWAN Not Stated Christopher McGowan at cmcgowan@sympatico.ca
McGOWAN, Jabez 1840 to 1860 Marcy at caoki464@yahoo.com
McHENRY To 1850 Jim Kelly at gnelogjim@apex.net
McHENRY To 1850 Brian McHenry at bgmac1958@aol.com
McKEEL Not Stated Mary B. McKeel at mbmckeel@eudoramail.com
McKIMMY 1750 - 1900 Joan at JUHLAR@aol.com
McKIMMY 1800s Jim Horney at jhorney@prodigy.net
McKIMMY/McKINNEY/McKEMMY 1700 to 2002 Randi Sue McKinney Slade at robrand@gotricounty.com
McLAMB,McLAMMY,McLEMMY 1700 to 1850 wayne mclamb at WAYNE@MCLAMBSLPGAS.COM
MEEKINS Mid 1700's to Present Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com
MEEKINS To Present Gregory W. Williams at gwwmaps@bigfoot.com
MEEKINS To Present Janet Swain at jjswain@ecsu.campus.mci.net
MEEKINS 1800s Ina Allen Moore at inaa@charter.net
MEEKINS 1800 to Present Phillip P. Coulter Jr. at ppcoulter@cox.net
MEEKINS 1800's to present Kim Edwards Susalla at kimberlysusalla@earthlink.net
MEEKINS 1878 to 1903 Bobbi Cavender at bcavender@ec.rr.com
MEEKINS 1790 to 1942 Sabralin Alexander at purpleclicker@gmail.com
MEEKINS Not Stated Kimberly Arthur at blackwidoe2373@yahoo.com
MELSON 1800s Rick Melson at rick.melson@msfc.nasa.gov
MELSON ca 1749 to Present Jean Owens Schroeder at jfstms@bellsouth.net
MELSON 1800s to present Doris Ann Younts at dayounts@hotmail.com
MERCER To 1775 William D. Lindsey at wdlindsy@swbell.net
MESHAW To 1850 Jean Moore at jeantmsales@aol.com
MERRITT 1770 to Present Charles Barnes at charles.barnes@twoveterans.com
MIDDLETON 1750 - 1850 Carolyn at bcjarvey@gfherald.infi.net
MIDDLETON To 1850 Lynda Webster at lkwebster@mindspring.com
MIDGETT None Stated Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com
MIDGETT To Present Gregory W. Williams at gwwmaps@bigfoot.com
MIDGETT 1700 to Present Kimberly Arthur at blackwidoe2373@yahoo.com
MIDYETT/MIDGETT Not Stated Unknown at ewillgolf@aol.com
MIDYETT 1800 - 1900 Robert L. Dough at rdough1@earthlink.net
MIDYETT To 1850 Noel C. Matthews at noelm@noelm.com
MILLER 1750 - 1850 Cynthia Garrett at cgmiles00@gmail.com
MILLS 1700s Marilyn Finer-Collins at marilync@hal-pc.org
MINCHEW 1700s Bob Kerr at rlk1407@earthlink.net
MITCHELL Not Stated Aimee Stubbs at aimee_stubbs@hotmail.com
MIZELL 1700s John Mizell at john@directinter.net
MOORE To 1900 Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com
MORRIS None Stated Sarah Frances Owens Languell at GmaSarah@languell.com
MORRIS To 1900 Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com
MORRIS To 1900 Dave Wiser at SemCivWar@aol.com
MORRIS Not Stated Ellen Kroll at ellenkrol@dakotacom.net
MORRIS 1750 to Present Joan Nicholls at joannich@beaufortco.com
MORRIS 1800 to 1912 David Perry at DAVE-CATHYPERRY1@worldnet.att.net
MORRIS 1800s Linda Goodwin at summerplace2@yahoo.com
MORRIS 1800s Toni M Campbell at norfolkejnana@netzero.net
MUNDEN 1800s Hugh Tarkenton at tarkh01@inteliport.com
NEIL 1700s Tom Neving at thefloydian@hotmail.com
NEVING 1700s John Caskey at jacask@email.msn.com
NEVING 1700s Tom Neving at thefloydian@hotmail.com
NEWBERRY/NEWBURY 1700 to Present Grant Collar at gcollar2@citlink.net
NICHOLLS 1750 to Present Joan Nicholls at joannich@beaufortco.com
NOONEY 1800 to Present Barbara Wessels at bwessels@satx.rr.com
NORMAN To 1850 Sarah Parmley at parmley@gate.net
NORMAN 1800 to Present Carole Haywood at bellofcharleston@bellsouth.net
NORMAN 1800 to present John Norman at jhnorman@aol.com
NORMAN 1800s to Present Ann Hathaway at annhath@southwind.net
NORMAN To 1900 Jacob Parker at parkerjacobj@hotmail.com
NORMAN 1750 to Present Margaret Cooper at Marcotz4@aol.com
NORMAN 1650 to Present Curt Norman at curt.norman@gmail.com
NORMAN 1700 to Present Robert Waters at robertwaters1241@comcast.net
NORMAN 1750 to Present Terry Williams at olkargi@aol.com
NORMAN 1800 to Present James Norman at jenorman1@gmail.com
OATES 1700s Jacob L. Bateman III at LeBateman@NetZero.Net
OLIVER 1700s to Present Brenda Crowley at bcrowley@erols.com
OLIVER 1700s to Present Debbie Oliver Madearis at DEBSMAC@AOL.COM
OLIVER 1700s Viki Black at VikiOma@aol.com
OLIVER To 1810 Virginia Welding at virginia161@webtv.net
NEAL/O'NEAL/O'NEILL 1600's to present Derrick O'Neal at derrick28538@yahoo.com
O'NEAL 1600 to Present Edward Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com
OVERTON 1800s Tommy White at twhite@simflex.com
OVERTON To 1900 Valerie Jordan at Valajor@aol.com
OVERTON 1800 to Present Barbara Jean Overton at BMunoz4236450@att.net
OVERTON 1800 to Present Spencer M. Overton at ssov@widomaker.com
OVERTON 1800 to Present Tim & Barbara Rawlings at squabit@erols.com
OVERTON 1800 to Present A Pinner at luvstruck4dta@yahoo.com
OVERTON 1800 to Present William L. Sawyer at flynopa@att.net
OWEN 1704 to 1750 Roxann Kays at rkays@earthlink.net
OWENS None Stated Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com
OWENS None Stated Sarah Frances Owens Languell at GmaSarah@languell.com
OWENS To Present Billie Tucker Owens Mock at mockone@innet.com
OWENS 1700s & 1800s Ann Clough Basnight at abasnight@hotmail.com
OWENS 1700 - 1800 Yvonne Owens Parks at dlparks@earthlink.net
OWENS Not Stated Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net
OWENS Not Stated Ellen Kroll at ellenkrol@dakotacom.net
OWENS 1800s Lu Anne Owens at mdsnskeet@charter.net
OWENS 1700s - 1850 Jackie Dotson at jackie_dotson@hotmail.com
OWENS 1700 - 1950 Keri Gorman at kgorman@texas.net
OWENS 1700s to Present Jackie Dotson at jackie_dotson@hotmail.com
OWENS 1800 to 1912 David Perry at DAVE-CATHYPERRY1@worldnet.att.net
OWENS 1800s Kitty Truitt at kittytruitt@msn.com
OWENS To 1900 Jean Owens Schroeder at jfstms@bellsouth.net
OWENS 1700 to Present J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net
PAGE 1700s & 1800s Marilyn Page Capps at capps@livenet.net
PARISHER 1700s & 1800s Jimmy Fleming at u5z3h7py@coastalnet.com
PARISHER/PERISHER Not Stated Loa Phelps Collins at collins@konnections.com
PARISHER 1850 - Present Dolores Jean Smith Luckie at jdluckie@alaweb.com
PARISHER/PERISHO 1700 to 1900 Lisa Folk at RoseKingsbury@hotmail.com
PARRAMORE 1780 - 1880 Addie P. Howell at aph1@cox.net
PATRICK To Present Dan Crews at dancrews@sbcglobal.net
PATRICK To Present Ralph Patrick at FPat354382@aol.com
PATRICK 1694 to Present Lisa Patrick at lcpatrick124@yahoo.com
PATRICK 1700's to present Lu Anne Owens at mdsnskeet@charter.net
PATRICK 1700's Joe Arsena at jarsena@msn.com
PATRICK 1800 to Present Frank Patrick at fpat120@yahoo.com
PATRICK 1730 to Present Patrice Camoston at patricecamoston53@gmail.com
PATTERSON 1700s (Not Stated) at MiMiSaun@aol.com
PATTERSON To 1850 (Not Stated) at Figmunt@aol.com
PAYNE 1700 to Present Judy Domanski at JADFED5@aol.com
PAYNE/PAINE 1700s to present Doris Ann Younts at dayounts@hotmail.com
PENNINGTON 1854 to 1900 Jim Scholl at jimscholliii@yahoo.com
PERRY 1800 to 1900 Sharon Little at phebee@wcnet.net
PETTIGREW 1750 - 1900 Dan Thomas at dthomas@ivex.co.jp
PETTIVER 1700 - 1732 Janice Worley at worley@hson.com
PHELPS To Present Henry Floyd Phelps at hfpstorm@vance.net
PHELPS 1750 - 1820 Carol Lolli at clolliaz@gmail.com
PHELPS 1800 - 1900 Cathy Roberts at glrobert@erols.com
PHELPS 1600s - early 1870s Brenda Crowley at bcrowley@erols.com
PHELPS To Present Richard Biggs at Woodmite@aol.com
PHELPS 1700 - 1900 Vickie VanAntwerp at emprop2001@gmail.com
PHELPS To 1850 Arman Glen Allen at agallen@brightok.net
PHELPS 1800s Joanne Dryden-Lee at joanne.drydenlee@cwix.com
PHELPS To 1850 Karen Newell at knefamily12@gmail.com
PHELPS 1765 - 1808 Nora Acton at NBActon@aol.com
PHELPS To 1800 Melissa Thompson Alexander at mada@cmc.net
PHELPS To 1850 (Not Stated) at WDiel33103@aol.com
PHELPS To 1850 Friench Tarkington at friench@icsi.net
PHELPS Not Stated Loa Phelps Collins at collins@konnections.com
PHELPS 1600 - 1892 Melinda Phelps Cannon at jacannon@prodigy.net
PHELPS 1783 - 1800 Cienwin Clark at grcole@infocom.com
PHELPS To 1850 Sherry Petersen at mato@gohighspeed.com
PHELPS To 1850 Tom Swain at swain_thomas_@grapevine.net
PHELPS To 1850 Maria Cornelius at RUTHLIFF@aol.com
PHELPS 1800s Sandra Onley at sandraonley@hotmail.com
PHELPS Not Stated C. Mansfield at farmbears@inteliport.com
PHELPS Not Stated Anna Buran at aburan@aol.com
PHELPS 1800 to present George Haislip at georgehaislip@yahoo.com
PHELPS 1700 to 1850 Katie Phelps Wyum at katiewyum@hotmail.com
PHELPS To Present Nora B. Acton at nbacton@aol.com
PHELPS 1675 to Present Day Wade Ferri at wferri@satx.rr.com
PHELPS/FELPS 1800 to present Cindy Sherwood at csherwood@clis.com
PHELPS/FELPS 1750 to 1830 Carla Phelps Wert at trestlewood@yahoo.com
PHELPS 1800 to Present Lucy Hough Ackerman at ackermanhj@aol.com
PIERCE 1700s Tomlinson at tomlin@accessatc.net
PINNER 1800 to Present A Pinner at luvstruck4dta@yahoo.com
PLEDGER 1700 - 1800 Nancy Smith at nsmith1@peop.tdsnet.com
PLEDGER 1700 to Present J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net
POOLE 1800s Stephen E. Poole at s.poole@home.com
POPE 1800 to 1925 Adrienne Dahl at adriennedahl@hotmail.com
POWERS 1800 - Present Alice Yezarski at Ayezarski@earthlink.net
POWERS To 1770s Mark Powell at mharpow@yahoo.com
POWERS 1800s Linda Goodwin at summerplace2@yahoo.com
PRITCHETT To Present Donna Ruby Manfredi at p2d2u4py@coastalnet.com
PRITCHETT 1800s Jim Powell at Calopogon@aol.com
PRITCHETT 1700 to Present Kandi Diane Blue at kandi.blue@yahoo.com
PRITCHARD To Present Janet L. Pritchett at Ruby@cris.com
PRITCHARD/PRITCHETT 1849 to present Karen Maurer at kmm1956@bellsouth.net
PURDY 1700 - 1900 Alyce Matthews at sheba2@hal-pc.org
QUALLS 1775 to 1800 Philip Qualls at Philip58@AOL.com
RANHORN/RANKHORN To Present Kay at wmoseley@3rddoor.com
RAPHELD/RAYFIELD 1730 - 1800 Angie Rayfield at rayfield@qni.com
RAPHELD Not Stated Jim Rapheld at GoldBug5@aol.com
RASCOE/RASCOW 1700s James R. Rasco at Jrrasco@aol.com
RAY To 1800 Carole at caroleg@mail.mepinc.com
REASON 1850 to 1930 Ken Reason at rea1kr@verizon.net
REDDICK Not Stated Earline Barnes at earlinebarnes@hotmail.com
REGUSTERS 1800s Herman Regusters at hregusters@earthlink.net
RHOADS 1700 to Present J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net
RHODES 1740 - 1900 Charles Barnes at charles.barnes@twoveterans.com
RHODES 1700 to Present Sheila Judge at gramajudge@embarqmail.com
RHODES 1750 - 1800 William Rhodes at brhodes3@bbnp.com
RHODES 1800s Patricia Lynn Rhodes Tillett at stueverpr@gmail.com
RHODES 1700s Janet Shade at j.r.shade@worldnet.att.net
RHODES 1800s Marlene Pointer at mpointer@OregonVOS.net
RHODES 1700s Nancy W. Huffman at omarolaf@sandtech.net
RHODES/RHOADS To 1800 Lita Rhodes Evans at DEvans9713@aol.com
RHODES 1800 to Present Barbara Wessels at bwessels@satx.rr.com
RHODES/RHOADES/RHOADS 1700 to 1900 Tom Rhodes at topsail77@netzero.net
RHODES Late 1600's to Present Reita Rhodes at Comlawyer@earthlink.net
RHODES 1700's to Present Bill Rhodes at wjrhodes3@bbnp.com
RHODES 1700 to Present Sheila Rhodes Judge at grandmajudge@embarqmail.com
RHODES 1700 to Present Reita Rhodes at Reitamay@cox.net
RHOADS 1700 to Present Joanne Wyrick at mrapol@yahoo.com
RICE 1800 to Present Gloria Tulip at glotulip@hotmail.com
RICHARDSON To 1800 Roy Rhodes at rhodes@detnet.com
RICHARDSON 1850 to Present Suzannah Alexander at absinthe@rocketmail.com
RICHARDSON 1800s Susan Lilly at tjones@interpath.com
RICHARDSON 1800 to Present Larry Jones at sanshag@aol.com
RIPPY 1730 to 1800 Patti Rippy Hair at pattijohnh@comcast.net
ROBASON To Present William Davidson at coffee@maas.net
ROBASON/ROBERSON/ROBERTSON 1700s Shirleyan Beacham Phelps at shirleyanphelps@sprintmail.com
ROBERSON 1700s Phil Roberson at proberso@arlington.k12.tx.us
ROBASON/ROBERSON 1600 - Present Jo ROBERSON Prytherch at prytherch@cconnect.net
ROCHELE/ROCHEL 1700s Sloan Mason at slomas7@comcast.net
RODGERS To 1900 Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com
ROGERS 1700 to Present Judy Domanski at JADFED5@aol.com
ROGERS To 1810 Jackie Frye at frye@nceye.net
ROGERS To 1800 Clint Rogers at kennesawteach@yahoo.com
ROLLINS/RAWLINS Not Stated Ronnie Condrey at rcondrey@mindspring.com
ROSE To 1900 James Rose at J8283@aol.com
ROSE 1610 to Present Edward D. Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com
ROSE 1600 to Present Edward Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com
ROSS 1700 to 1800 Wayne Langston at elvislangston@bellsouth.net
ROUGHTON To Present James William Fleming at mrflemz@embarqmail.com
ROUGHTON None Stated Sarah Frances Owens Languell at GmaSarah@languell.com
ROUGHTON 1700s Curtis E. Roughton at genesandman@verizon.net
ROUGHTON To 1900 Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com
ROUGHTON To 1900 Bob Roughton Christopher at bc303@uswest.net
ROUGHTON To 1900 Dave Wiser at SemCivWar@aol.com
ROUGHTON To 1850 James Lee at riddick1@gte.net
ROUGHTON 1700 to Present Cheryl Roughton Sawyer at Cottonscandy1@aol.com
ROUGHTON 1800 to 1925 Adrienne Dahl at adriennedahl@hotmail.com
ROUGHTON/ROUTON 1750 to Present Elizabeth Roughton Meriwether at GEMERM@aol.com
ROUGHTON/ROUTON 1700 to Present J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net
ROUGHTON/ROUTON/ROWDAN 1700 to Present Sarah Owens Languell at GmaSarah@languell.com
ROUGHTON 1850 to Present Dawn Hayman Curl at dawnhc4@aol.com
ROUGHTON/ROUTON 1700's to 2010 Curtis E. Roughton at genesandman@verizon.net
ROUGHTON 1800 to Present Susan Southard Fortier at sfortier@emhs.org
ROWSOME/ROUSOME To 1800 Ciaran Rowsome at rowsomec@indigo.ie
ROWSOM/ROWSOME/ROUSON 1790 - 1800 to Present day Fanta Davis at davisfanta@hotmail.com
RUSS 1700s - Present Chris Swensen-Hartie at CrisViz@aol.com

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Updated to September 27, 2017