Submit YOUR Tyrrell County Registry Entry here Submit an Update to Your Email Address on an Existing Entry here |
SAMPLE | 1800 to 1900 | Virginia Morrisette at MissGinger1939@aol.com |
SANDERLIN | 1750 to Present | Dennis Phelps at dmphelps3860@gmail.com |
SANDERLIN | 1800 to PRESENT | Sabrina Gibson at sabrina.mgibson@gmail.com |
SANDERS | 1700s - 1800s | Linda Sanders Bizzell at libi@sc.tds.net |
SANDERS | To 1900 | Linda Dail Rider at lindydail@yahoo.com |
SANDERSON | 1800 to Present | Wendy Roane at wendyroane@aol.com |
SAWYER | 1650 - Present | William Benjey at benjey@earthlink.net |
SAWYER | None Stated | Chris Meekins at dearnerve@aol.com |
SAWYER | 1800 to Present | Chuck Sawyer at csawyer3@charter.net |
SAWYER | 1800 to Present | Gloria Wesner at birdmania@ecsu.campus.mci.net |
SAWYER | 1700's | Peter N. Chelemengos at zapper751@comcast.net |
SAWYER | None Stated | Sarah Frances Owens Languell at GmaSarah@languell.com |
SAWYER | To 1900 | Beth O'Briant at beth@obriant.net |
SAWYER | To 1850 | Claire Sawyer Liskow at dliskow@comcast.net |
SAWYER | To 1800 | Arcell Sawyer at thesawyers@worldnet.att.net |
SAWYER | 1800s | Ann Clough Basnight at abasnight@hotmail.com |
SAWYER | 1700s to 1900 | Viola Lindley Crowder at viatthebeach@gmail.com |
SAWYER | To 1900 | Tara M. Campbell-Walton at cambe89@aol.com |
SAWYER | 1700 to Present | Robert L. Hallam at KHLM93A@prodigy.com |
SAWYER | 1700 to 1900 | Belle Myers at dmyers@goodnet.com |
SAWYER | Not Stated | Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net |
SAWYER | To 1850 | Bill Sawyer at texz@earthlink.net |
SAWYER | To 1850 | Philip Alfeld at gryffyn1@dlrweb.com |
SAWYER | 1800s | Sammy Anson Pierce at Pierce3369@aol.com |
SAWYER | 1850 to Present | Linda Sawyer McCampbell at Lsmcstx@aol.com |
SAWYER | 1800s | Dorothy Smith at pawps1@yahoo.com |
SAWYER | 1700 - 1800 | Alyce Matthews at sheba2@hal-pc.org |
SAWYER | 1700 - 1850 | Ellen Combs at GenealogyMom@aol.com |
SAWYER | Before 1750 | Heather Crossland at heather2@itlnet.net |
SAWYER | 1700 - 1950 | Keri Gorman at kgorman@texas.net |
SAWYER | 1700 - 1850 | Carroll Rufener at carrolb@uswest.net |
SAWYER | 1800 to 1910 | Virginia Morrisette at MissGinger1939@aol.com |
SAWYER | 1850 to 1920 | Otis Lloyd Armstrong at oarmstrong@adelphia.net |
SAWYER | 1800 to Present | Martha McCumbee at mc_martha@yahoo.com |
SAWYER | 1800 to Present | Betty Gilbert at gilbert_betty@hotmail.com |
SAWYER | 1700 to 1830 | Florence Harris Abel at abel@us.net |
SAWYER | 1800s | L. Carpenter at Lindy777@hotmail.com |
SAWYER | To 1830 | Sue Wilkie at nirahli@yahoo.com |
SAWYER | 1750 to Present | Dave Trottier at dave@keepwriting.com |
SAWYER | 1800's to present | Barbara Scott at bsscott_51@yahoo.com |
SAWYER | 1800 to 1900 | Carole Haywood at bellofcharleston@bellsouth.net |
SAWYER | 1800 to 1900 | Lillie Sethman at betsysethman@yahoo.com |
SAWYER | 1750 to 1850 | Carol Dunaway at misscarol@earthlink.net |
SAWYER | 1880 to Present | Columbus Taylor Jr at goldwingone@aol.com |
SAWYER | 1850 to Present | Cindy Swain at cindyleeswain@yahoo.com |
SAWYER | 1700 to Present | J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net |
SAWYER | 1800 to Present | Martha Sawyer Peveto at mpeveto45@netzero.net |
SAWYER | 1800 to Present | Susan Holmes Jackson at ssljackson@centurylink.net |
SAWYER | 1800 to Present | Cynthia Fordney at cfordney@hotmail.com |
SAWYER | 1600 to Present | Marvyl Sawyer Powelson at kaleidoscope@bmi.net |
SAWYER | 1600 to Present | Marion R. Sawyer at msrooskee@hotmail.com |
SAWYER | 1750 to Present | Leigh Cullen at lacullen@aol.com |
SAWYER | 1650 to Present | Peggy Thomas at pjt.thom@gmail.com |
SAWYER | 1730 to Present | William Leon Sawyer, Jr at flynopa@att.net |
SAWYER | 1800 to Present | Elaine Mazur at ncjoel@embarqmail.com |
SAWYER | 1600 to Present | Edward Rose at nuclearsailor@gmail.com |
SAWYER | 1800s | Linda Goodwin at summerplace2@yahoo.com |
SAWYER | 1700 to Present | Stanley Brewer at brewer.stanley@gmail.com |
SAWYER | 1650 to Present | Cindy Leonard at leonardc@madisontelco.com |
SAWYER | 1700 to Present | Shelly at Srdimitroff@gmail.com |
SAWYER | 1700 to 1890 | Mary Erra at Tmpunit@gmail.com |
SAWYER/HUNNINGS | 1730 to 1920 | Durward Lewis at deeray1949@outlook.com |
SAWYER | 1750 to Present | Rex Perry at rex@rexperry.com |
SCARBOROUGH | To present | Sharon Wease at weases6490@msn.com |
SENNETT/SENET | To present | B. J. at Virgo90675@aol.com |
SEXTON | 1800 to Present | Chuck Sawyer at csawyer3@charter.net |
SEXTON | To 1900 | Lona Gibson at LonaGibson@aol.com |
SEXTON | 1700 - 1850 | Julia Anderson at jand-ab@webtv.net |
SEXTON | 1800 to 1900 | Virginia Morrisette at MissGinger1939@aol.com |
SEXTON | Not Stated | Mary at mary4163@home.com |
SEXTON | To 1850 | Perry Sexton at psexton@verizon.net |
SEXTON | 1850 to present | Connie Vermillion at cvermills@htcnet.org |
SEXTON | 1800's to present | Kimberly Edwards Susalla at kimberlysusalla@earthlink.net |
SHAW/SPENCER | 1800 to to present | Vanessa Alexander at Hersheykiss34@msn.com |
SIKES | 1700 to 1900 | Belle Myers at dmyers@goodnet.com |
SIKES/SYKES | 1800s | Robert Allen Britton, Sr. at lion21@ecsu.campus.mci.net |
SIKES | 1800s | Jimmy Dwight Sikes at CSikes5135@aol.com |
SIKES | 1700 - 1850 | Carroll Rufener at carrolb@uswest.net |
SIKES | 1680 to Present | Peggy Thomas at pjt.thom@gmail.com |
SIMMONS | To Present | Greg Kyte at fireczar@cox.net |
SIMMONS | 1700 to Present | Beth O'Briant at beth@obriant.net |
SIMMONS | Not Stated | Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net |
SIMMONS | 1850 to Present | Suzannah Alexander at absinthe@rocketmail.com |
SIMMONS | To Present | Johnnie D. Ainsley at jainsley@hotmail.com |
SIMMONS/SERMONS (Victoria) | 1876 to 1901 | Barbara Brickhouse at sinnamon@ntelos.net |
SIMMONS | 1800 to 1900 | Sharon Little at phebee@wcnet.net |
SIMMONS | 1800 to Present | Linda at summerplace2@yahoo.com |
SIMMONS | 1700 to Present | J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net |
SIMMONS | 1750 to Present | Cathy Bittner at c_bittner66@msn.com |
SIMPSON | 1850 to Present | Nancy Brown at asu69_70@hotmail.com |
SIMPSON | 1800 to 1900 | Carla pollard at crp72@bellsouth.net |
SITTERSON | To 1900 | Lisa Nichols Hopper at 72263.3155@compuserve.com |
SKITTLETHORP/SKITTLETHARP | Not Stated | B. J. at Virgo90675@aol.com |
SLADE | 1700s | Susan Kulcher at harleybabe@pamlico.net |
SMITH | To 1800 | Unknown at CuttySak1@aol.com |
SMITH | To 1820 | Hugh Rodgers at rodgers_hugh@colstate.edu |
SMITH | 1800s | Howard L. Dickerson at howard@ezy.net |
SMITH | 1830 to Present | Joyce Campbell at Camp61976@aol.com |
SMITH | 1800 to 1900 | Virginia Morrisette at MissGinger1939@aol.com |
SMITH | To 1850 | Jane Smith at jsmithrn@vnet.net |
SMITH | 1700s | C. Smith at Callen@metc.net |
SMITH | 1800's to present | Kim Edwards Susalla at kimberlysusalla@earthlink.net |
SMITH | 1800's to present | Barbara Scott at bsscott_51@yahoo.com |
SMITH | 1700's to present | Ian Sutherland at mildrk62@shaw.ca |
SMITH | Not Stated | C. R. Smith Jr. at crs@gotricounty.com |
SMITH/HOOKER | 1700 to 1870 | Delena Gray Ostrander at obxmamadee@yahoo.com |
SMITHWICK | 1700 to Present | Donna Sheraden at donnasheraden@rocketmail.com |
SNELL | 1750 - 1900 | J. A. Paul (?) at japaul@mail.infoave.net |
SNELL | 1700 - 1800 | Alyce Matthews at sheba2@hal-pc.org |
SNELL | 1700s | Cordelia Snell Holem at SnellHolem@aol.com |
SNELL | 1700's to present | Lu Anne Owens at mdsnskeet@charter.net |
SNELL | 1790 to 1830 | Melanie Torrance at comcody@AOL.com |
SNELL | 1800 to 1900 | Carole Haywood at bellofcharleston@bellsouth.net |
SNELL | 1850 to Present | Tia Kelley at tiakelley@earthlink.net |
SNELL | 1700 to Present | Terry Snell at malinda@embarqmail.com |
SNELL | 1650 to 1850 | Lynda at hippiewitch13@yahoo.com |
SOLOMON | 1700s | Jacob L. Bateman III at LeBateman@NetZero.Net |
SPEAR/SPIER | 1840 - Present | Brenda Crowley at bcrowley@erols.com |
SPENCE | To 1850 | Gregory W. Williams at gwwmaps@bigfoot.com |
SPENCE | 1750 - 1900 | Gregory W. Williams at gwwmaps@intercom.net |
SPENCE | 1700 - 1800 | Alyce Matthews at sheba2@hal-pc.org |
SPENCER | To Present | James William Fleming at mrflemz@embarqmail.com |
SPENCER/SHAW | 1800 to to present | Vanessa Alexander at Hersheykiss34@msn.com |
SPENCER | Not Stated | Earline Barnes at earlinebarnes@hotmail.com |
SPIRES | To 1800 | Ken Schlomann at Kschlomann@excite.com |
SPRUILL | To 1800 | Teresa Kelley at TAKELLEY@erols.com |
SPRUILL | 1600s - 1850 | Brenda Crowley at bcrowley@erols.com |
SPRUILL | 1600s - 1800 | Ronald Spruill Jr. at tspruill@onslowonline.net |
SPRUILL | To Present | Greg Kyte at fireczar@cox.net |
SPRUILL | To Present | Richard Biggs at Woodmite@aol.com |
SPRUILL | To 1900 | Barbara Spruill at barmac@erols.com |
SPRUILL | 1850 - Present | (Karen Estey) at Lizbeth199@aol.com |
SPRUILL | 1750 - 1850 | Carolyn Spruiell Lane at CLane318@aol.com |
SPRUILL | 1800s | Kathryn Haugan at khaugan@exis.net |
SPRUILL | 1750 - 1850 | Chuck Kimes at cjkimes@uswest.net |
SPRUILL | 1750 - 1860 | Barbara L. Hruza at PikeGirl@hamilton.net |
SPRUILL | 1800s | Bobby Spruill at chantilly@ecsu.campus.mci.net |
SPRUILL | To 1900 | Billie Owens Mock at mockone@innet.com |
SPRUILL | To 1850 | Jim W. Kelly at j_kelly@wku.campus.mci.net |
SPRUILL | 1700s | Sue Meinhart at SUEMEINHRT@aol.com |
SPRUILL | 1700 - 1950 | Mary Elizabeth Spruill at need@erols.com |
SPRUILL | 1800s | Jim Selover at jselover@adelphia.net |
SPRUILL | 1800s | Marilynn Thompson at BigRed4710@aol.com |
SPRUILL | To 1800 | Marie-Paulette Smith at mpsmith.@mail2.gis.net |
SPRUILL | 1700s | Carolyn Davis at Budsmum@aol.com |
SPRUILL | 1800s | Joann Spruiel at Joanns@peoplepc.com |
SPRUILL | 1600's to present | Sherry Spruill England at glorybound29@hotmail.com |
SPRUILL | 1700 to 1850 | Dee at Mindee527@yahoo.com |
SPRUILL | 1700 to 1800 | Sondra Goodin at sondragoodin@hotmail.com |
SPRUILL | 1700s to Present | Ann Hathaway at annhath@southwind.net |
SPRUILL | 1700's to Present | Lu Anne Owens at mdsnskeet@charter.net |
SPRUILL | 1700's to Present | Carla Perkins at perkc2@aol.com |
SPRUILL | 1850 to Present | Connie Vermillion at cvermills@htcnet.org |
SPRUILL | 1650 to 1850 | Patsy Campbell at patc@insightbb.com |
SPRUILL | To 1800 | Lou Marriner at llmarriner@netscape.com |
SPRUILL | 1750 - Present | Sherry Spruill Young at jsje@cpomail.net |
SPRUILL | 1880 to Present | Ida Saunders at idasaunders@netscape.net |
SPRUILL | 1800 to Present | Sallye Bowen at sbandcb@verizon.net |
SPRUILL/SPRUELL | To Present | Cheryl Casey at Sunsider@aol.com |
SPRUILL/SPRUELL | 1800 to Present | Sherry Mathews King at obx4two@aol.com |
SPRUILL/SPRUIL | 1800s | Lois at LOisAS2003@aol.com |
SPRUILL | To Present | D Leigh at luvstruck4dta@yahoo.com |
SPRUILL | 1850 to Present | David Spruill at singspru@bellsouth.net |
SPRUILL | 1750 to 1950 | Evelyn Paul at epaul57778@aol.com |
SPRUILL | 1780 to Present | Tegan Swain at nanswain@yahoo.com |
SPRUILL | 1680 to Present | Linda Rothwell at lbrothwell@att.net |
SPRUILL | 1780 to Present | Chicknr at acschickn@yahoo.com |
SPRUILL | 1900 to 1983 | Shirley Spencer at sspencer314@yahoo.com |
SPRUILL | Not Stated | Marsha Spruill Meyer at marsh70@comcast.net |
SPRUILL | 1675 to Present Day | Wade Ferri at wferri@satx.rr.com |
SPRUILL | 1800s | Shelby Bowen at misswu1981@aol.com |
SPRUILL | 1800s | Beverly Spruill at beverly51@comcast.net |
SPRUILL | 1800 to Present | Jennifer Halsey at jenhcocoacook@gmail.com |
SQUIRES | 1800 to present | Cynthia Beachem at cbeachem@ec.rr.com |
STANSELL | 1700s | Sharon Tate Moody at stmoody@worldnet.att.net |
STANSELL | 1700s | Sharon Spillman at SoGenGal@aol.com |
STANSELL/STANCIL/STANCELL | 1700 to Present | Donna Sheraden at donnasheraden@rocketmail.com |
STANSELL/STANCELL | 1700 to 1760 | Carla Stancil at Carlastancil@gmail.com |
STARR | 1800s | Virginia Weiss at deardorf@classic.msn.com |
STELLY | To Present | Travis J. Stelly at travis@inti.net |
STEVENSON | To 1880 | Peggy Kuykendall Crow at DPCrw@aol.com |
STILLMAN | 1800s | Roger M. Stillman at rogstillman@hotmail.com |
STILLMAN/STEELMAN | 1750 - 1900 | Anna Du Pen at anna.dupen@gmail.com |
STOCTON/STOCKTON/WHITESIDES | 1769 to 1820 | Dink at dinksgenealogy@yahoo.com |
STUBBS | To 1850 | Garry Stubbs,M.D. at gstubbs1@airmail.net |
STUBBS | To 1800 | Lynda Webster at lkwebster@mindspring.com |
STUBBS | To 1810 | Jim Stubbs at jimstubbs@clas.net |
SUTTON | To 1800 | Judy Wright at KWright354@aol.com |
SUTTON | To 1800 | Bob Sutton at bsutton@interactive.net |
SUTTON | To 1900 | Audrey Hilton at AHilton999@aol.com |
SUTTON | To 1900 | Addie Howell at aph1@cox.net |
SUTTON | 1800 to present | Laura Swain at LMSzoro@yahoo.com |
SWAIN | 1800 - 1900 | Cathy Roberts at glrobert@erols.com |
SWAIN | 1800 - Present | Alice Yezarski at Ayezarski@earthlink.net |
SWAIN | 1700s - 1920 | Brenda Crowley at bcrowley@erols.com |
SWAIN | Not Stated | Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net |
SWAIN | To 1900 | Leta Waddle Horine at lhorine@ida.org |
SWAIN | To Present | Janet Swain at jjswain@ecsu.campus.mci.net |
SWAIN | To 1850 | Trudy Swain at TRS0304@aol.com |
SWAIN | To 1850 | Tom Swain at swain_thomas_@grapevine.net |
SWAIN | To 1800 | Leland Dyals at fattboy@ictransnet.com |
SWAIN | 1800s | Unknown at VDeantonio@aol.com |
SWAIN | 1800s | Faye Swain Paolino at Pugthree@aol.com |
SWAIN | 1700s | Judy Swain Malone at kjmalone@bellsouth.net |
SWAIN | Not Stated | Loa Phelps Collins at collins@konnections.com |
SWAIN | 1800s | Jim Selover at jselover@adelphia.net |
SWAIN | To 1820 | Tom Swain at swain_thomas_@grapevine.net |
SWAIN | To 1900 | Margaret Swain Mealor at mlsmnc@aol.com |
SWAIN | To 1800 | Sue at chewey96@primenet.com |
SWAIN | 1700 to 1800 | Jane Gradeless Phillips at diamondgp@suddenlink.net |
SWAIN | To 1900 | Audrey Gray Hilton at AHilton999@aol.com |
SWAIN | 1750 to Present | Pam Schumann at cpschumann@home.com |
SWAIN | Not Stated | Cindy at escc99@aol.com |
SWAIN | 1700 to Present | Dee at Mindee527@yahoo.com |
SWAIN | 1800s | Eddie Swain at edswain@eastern.wvnet.edu |
SWAIN | 1750 to Present | Henrietta Swayne Franklin at hsgboro@aol.com |
SWAIN | 1850 to Present | Cindy Lee Swain at cindyleeswain@yahoo.com |
SWAIN | 1800 to Present | Laura Swain at LMSzoro@yahoo.com |
SWAIN | 1800 to Present | Sharon Sherman at calico@ctitech.com |
SWAIN | 1850 to Present | Terry (Swain) Williams at olkargi@aol.com |
SWAIN | 1750 to 1800 | Anna Bateman Buran at aburan@aol.com |
SWAIN | 1800 to Present | Dawn Hayman Curl at dawnhc4@aol.com |
SWAIN | 1800 to Present | Lisa Swain at katfannky@yahoo.com |
SWAIN | 1780 to Present | Tegan Swain at nanswain@yahoo.com |
SWAIN | Not Stated | Betty Long at longrandall58@yahoo.com |
SWANNER | 1700s to 1800s | Jenny (Swanner) Terry at luvgwife@gte.net |
SWANNER | 1700 - Present | Martha Swanner Russell at 3512@home.com |
SWANNER | 1712 - 1850 | Ned Swanner at Katienyounme@yahoo.com |
SWANSON | 1750 - 1900 | Vicki Winston Michel at michel@ccape.net |
SWINDELL | To Present | Johnnie D. Ainsley at 76576.1315@compuserve.com |
SWINDELL | 1850 to Present | Cal E. Gibbs, Jr. at Cg7007@aol.com |
SYKES | 1800 to Present | Dawn Hayman Curl at dawnhc4@aol.com |
TAFT | Not Stated | Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net |
TAFT/TAFF | Not Stated | Jan Scott at twincranch@hotmail.com |
TAFT/TAFF | 1800 to present | Liz Blount at etblount@gmail.com |
TARKENTON | 1850 - 1950 | Evelyn Robertson at evrobert@epix.net |
TARKENTON | To 1900 | Marilynn Thompson at BigRed4710@aol.com |
TARKENTON | 1800s | Hugh Tarkenton at tarkh01@inteliport.com |
TARKENTON | 1800s | Nancy Reeves at ncreeves@yahoo.com |
TARKENTON | 1700s | Joe Arsena at jarsena@msn.com |
TARKENTON/TARKINTON | 1800's to present | Kimberly Edwards Susalla at kimberlysusalla@earthlink.net |
TARKINGTON/TARKINTON/TARKENTON | To 1900 | Debby Marriott at dmarriot@bellsouth.net |
TARKINGTON/TARKENTON | To 1850 | Westa Talton Morris at Mawpar@aol.com |
TARKINGTON | To 1850 | Virginia Potter at potter@ipa.net |
TARKINGTON | Not Stated | Christine Brothers Ambrose at familytree@centurylink.net |
TARKINGTON | To 1900 | Shirlyn Dillon Brickhouse at herbert@beachlink.com |
TARKINGTON | To 1900 | Debbie Young at topsaw@ftc-i.net |
TARKINGTON | Not Stated | Loa Phelps Collins at collins@konnections.com |
TARKINGTON | 1750 - 1900 | Vicki Winston Michel at michel@ccape.net |
TARKINGTON | To 1800 | Mari Jones Bickmore at mbickmore@home.com |
TARKINGTON | To 1800 | Dale Tarkington at dtarkington@sbcglobal.net |
TARKINGTON/TARKENTON/TARKINTON | 1716 to 1880 | Kamala Tarkington at kamaladonald@yahoo.com |
TARKINGTON | Not Stated | Lorraine Peckham at tryway@yahoo.com |
TARKINGTON | 1850 to Present | Cindy Swain at cindyleeswain@yahoo.com |
TARKINTON | 1740 - 1800 | Carol Lolli at clolliaz@gmail.com |
TARKINTON | 1800s | Mary Brown at manebr@plymouthnc.com |
TARKINTON/TARKENTON/TARKINGTON | 1600 to Present | Clyde Thomas at clydethomasjr@gmail.com |
TAYLOR | 1885 to Present | Columbus Taylor Jr at goldwingone@aol.com |
TAYLOR | 1800 to Present | Kevin Ashley at kla3271@yahoo.com |
TETTERTON/TETHERTON | 1670 to 1780 | Robert Woodrow Tedder at Manrek@aol.com |
THOMAS | 1800s | Clyde M. Thomas at clydethomasjr@gmail.com |
THOMPSON | 1800s | John Laird at JohnLaird9@aol.com |
THROUGHGOOD/THOROUGHGOOD | 1700 to Present | J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net |
TODD | 1800 to 1850 | Teresa Windley Kishbaugh at tkishbaugh2@verizon.net |
TOXEY/TOSEY/TORKSEY | 1750 to 1820 | John B. McGowan at jmack@carolina.net |
TRUITT | 1800s | Noela Nagle at noelanagle@bigpond.com |
TURNER | 1750 - 1810 | Betty Fagan Burr at bfburr@aol.com |
TWEEDY | 1800s | Jim Powell at Calopogon@aol.com |
TWEEDY | Not stated | Keith Nixon at dknixon@gmail.com |
TWEEDY/TWITTY/TWIDDY/TWEDY | To 1850 | Neisa Tweedy Swearingen at neisas@yahoo.com |
TWEEDY/TWIDDY | 1800 to Present | Brenda Creef Cagle at brenda28425@yahoo.com |
TWEEDY | Not Stated | Pamela Stemmerich at islandappraisal@earthlink.net |
TWIDDY | To Present | James William Fleming at mrflemz@embarqmail.com |
TWIDDY | 1800 to Present | Gloria Wesner at glogonc1@embarqmail.com |
TWIDDY | 1800 to Present | Lillie Twiddy Sethman at betsysethman@yahoo.com |
TWIDDY | 1800 to Present | Bob Tweedy at firsthero@mcn.net |
TWIDDY/TWEEDY | 1800s to present | Doris Ann Younts at dayounts@hotmail.com |
TWEEDY/TWIDDY | 1700s to present | Gwen Speckman at gspeckman49@comcast.net |
TWIFORD | 1700 to Present | Judy Domanski at JADFED5@aol.com |
TWIFORD | 1800 to 1900 | Jane Gradeless Phillips at diamondgp@suddenlink.net |
TWIFORD | 1800 to present | Brenda Creef Cagle at brenda28425@yahoo.com |
TWIFORD | 1700 to Present | J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net |
TWIFORD | 1700s to present | Doris Ann Younts at dayounts@hotmail.com |
VANCE | To 1850 | Carolyn V. Smith at carolyn.smith@colin.cc.ms.us |
VANCE | 1800s | Allen B. Vance, 613 W. 25h Street, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 |
VANCE | 1800s | Ann Vance at annvance@hotmail.com |
VAN HORN | 1750 - 1850 | Amy Ausbun at amyausbun@earthlink.net |
VASS/VOSS/VESS | Not Stated | Earline Barnes at earlinebarnes@hotmail.com |
VENDRICKS | To Present | Elena Creef at ecreef@wellesley.edu |
VOLIVA | To Present | James William Fleming at mrflemz@embarqmail.com |
VOLIVA | Not Stated | Kristie Voliva Harmon at mrmsbo@wnclink.com |
VOLIVA | 1800 to Present | William Malcom Martin IV at wmvette@hotmail.com |
WALKER | 1700s to 1900 | Viola Lindley Crowder at viatthebeach@gmail.com |
WALKER | 1800 - 1860 | Alice Walker Davenport at saswv1981@aol.com |
WALKER | To 1850 | Lynda D. West at lyndadwest@gmail.com |
WALKER | 1800 - Present | Sallye Hayman Bowen at sbandcb@verizon.net |
WALKER | To 1850 | Terry Sale at tls555@hotmail.com |
WARD | To 1800 | Ray Hardison at rayhardison@sprintmail.com |
WARD | To 1850 | Rita Hill Pullum at Rhpullum@aol.com |
WARD | To 1800 | Amanda Pearson at apearson@pdq.net |
WARD | 1700s | Janelle James at jjames@catalytica-pharm.com |
WARD | 1800 to Present | Lillie Twiddy Sethman at betsysethman@yahoo.com |
WARD | 1770 to Present | Rhonda Whitehurst at rlwhite2@excite.com |
WARD | 1700s | Unknown at jo-dan@itlnet.net |
WARD | To 1820 | Millie Arnold at marnold@plantatincable.net |
WARD | To 1820 | Noel Baucom at noelcooks@aol.com |
WARD | 1800 to unknown | Robert Hopkins at roberth387@sbcglobal.net |
WARD | To 1850 | Amber at amber.n.gremillion@gmail.com |
WARREN | To Present | Billie Tucker Owens Mock at mockone@innet.com |
WARRINGTON | 1700s | Romulus S. Spencer Jr. at Romsandy@beachlink.com |
WEATHERLY | To Present | Greg Kyte at fireczar@cox.net |
WEATHERLY | 1700 to Present | J. A. Owens at cowens@pinn.net |
WEATHERLY | 1800 to Present | Cynthia Fordney at cfordney@hotmail.com |
WELLS | 1850 to Present | Barbara Wessels at bwessels@satx.rr.com |
WESCOTT | 1800s | Kathryn Haugan at khaugan@exis.net |
WESCOTT | 1700s to 1800s | Ann Hathaway at annhath@southwind.net |
WEST | 1800 To 1900 | Shirley Stertz Hawn at shawn10398@aol.com |
WEST | Not Stated | Sonny Deibler at sdeibler56@comcast.net |
WEST | To 1900 | Debbie Young at topsaw@ftc-i.net |
WEST | Not Stated | Loa Phelps Collins at collins@konnections.com |
WEST | 1800s | Mary Brown at manebr@plymouthnc.com |
WEST | To Present | Adair at abrick_99@yahoo.com |
WEST | To Present | Wiley Tripp May at prmay@triad.rr.com |
WEST | To Present | Johnnie D. Ainsley at jainsley@hotmail.com |
WEST | 1800's to present | Kim Edwards Susalla at kimberlysusalla@earthlink.net |
WEST | 1800 to Present | Connie Vermillion at cvermills@hctnet.org |
WEST | 1745 to Present | Kim West at kimawest@charter.net |
WEST | 1850 to Present | Sandra Collins at slcollins1972@yahoo.com |
WEST | 1800 to Present | Cheryl West at cheryl.heco@verizon.net |
WHICHARD | 1700 - 1950 | Mary Elizabeth Spruill at need@erols.com |
WHITBY/WHEDBEE | To 1775 | William D. Lindsey at wdlindsy@swbell.net |
WHITE | To 1900 | Shirlyn Dillon Brickhouse at herbert@beachlink.com |
WHITE | To 1850 | Betty White Waters at waters@hyperaction.net |
WHEATLEY/WHITLEY | To 1790 | Linda Stockdale at mike@compu.net |
WHEATLEY/WHITLEY | To Present | Jeanette Howell at jkhowell@beaches.net |
WHEATLEY/WHITLEY | To Present | Steven Whitley at SWDOUBLE07@AOL.COM |
WHIDBEE/WHIDBY/WHITBY | 1800 to Present | Jennifer Halsey at jenhcocoacook@gmail.com |
WHITE | 1800 to 1950 | Christine Swensen-Hartie at CrisViz@aol.com |
WHITE | 1800s | Mike McCarty at mccarty91@hotmail.com |
WHITE | 1800 to Present | Joan Russell at valley_elf@yahoo.com |
WHITE | 1800 to Present | Lucy at ackermanhj@aol.com |
WHITE | 1700, 1800 to present | Doris Ann White Younts at dayounts@hotmail.com |
WHITE | 1800 to 1920 | carol allen at callen@inteliport.com |
WHITESIDE | 1700 to 1777 | Carol Frieszell at carolfz@excite.com |
WHITESIDES/STOCTON/STOCKTON | 1769 to 1820 | Dink at dinksgenealogy@yahoo.com |
WHITSON | 1700 - 1800 | Alyce Matthews at sheba2@hal-pc.org |
WHITSON | 1700 to 1820 | Myra Best Christeck at MyraAnn@cox.net |
WHITTINGTON | To 1700 | Philip Whitenton at pwhitenton@msn.com |
WILEY | To 1800 | Judy Wright at KWright354@aol.com |
WILEY | 1730 to 1800 | Ken Wiley at wileyovfox@aol.com |
WILLIAMS | 1754 to Present | Theodore Williams at stackpole168@cs.com |
WOOD | 1850 - Present | De Wood at KermitWood@aol.com |
WOOD | To 1820 | Noel Baucom at noelcooks@aol.com |
WOODHOUSE | Not Stated | Sabrina Gibson at sabrina.mgibson@gmail.com |
WOODHOUSE | 1800 to PRESENT | Sabrina Gibson at sabrina.mgibson@gmail.com |
WOODLEY/WOODLAND | 1780 - 1880 | Carol Lolli at clolliaz@gmail.com |
WOODLEY/WOODLAND | 1700s - Present | Brenda Crowley at bcrowley@erols.com |
WOODLEY/WOODLAND | 1700s - Present | Frank Blount at foblount4468@gmail.com |
WOODLEY/WOODLY | 1700s - Present | David N. Talley at shdtalley@msn.com |
WOOLARD | 1600 - Present | Jo ROBERSON Prytherch at prytherch@cconnect.net |
WORLEY | 1700s | Susan Kulcher at harleybabe@pamlico.net |
WORLEY/WORELY | 1750 to 1850 | Mona Walker at gallady@yahoo.com |
WRIGHT | 1700 - 1950 | Keri Gorman at kgorman@texas.net |
WRIGHT | Not stated | Keith Nixon at dknixon@gmail.com |
WRIGHT | 1800 to Present | Robert Lee Wright II at cherokeeamy29@net-change.com |
WRIGHT | Not Stated | Pamela Stemmerich at islandappraisal@earthlink.net |
WRIGHT | 1850 - Present | B'Lyn Creasy at pabbiec@aol.com |
WRIGHT | 1800 - Present | Harry Schoettle at harryschoettle@gmail.com |
WYATT | 1750 - 1850 | Pat at krazeemum@gmail.com |
WYNN | To 1900 | Carol Lolli at clolliaz@gmail.com |
WYNN | 1800s | Tommy White at twhite@simflex.com |
WYNN/WYNNE | To Present | Billie Tucker Owens Mock at mockone@innet.com |
WYNN | To Present | Mike Turner at turnerm_2@yahoo.com |
WYNNE | 1700s & 1800s | Ann Clough Basnight at abasnight@hotmail.com |
WYNNE | 1700s to 1900 | Viola Lindley Crowder at viatthebeach@gmail.com |
WYNN/WYNNE | 1900 to Present | Michael Wynn at wynn9966@comcast.net |
WYNNS | To 1900 | Melanie L. Armstrong at tyrrellcorod@beachlink.com |
YARRELL | To Present | Jeanette Howell at pjkh@comcast.net |