William A. Armistead, son of John and Sarah Carmock (Harrimond) Armistead, was born near Plymouth, N.C., November 14, 1809, and died of apoplexy at Franklin, Va., January 17, 1856.
He prepared for college at Edenton Academy; and entered the A.L.S. & M. Academy in 1825, graduating in 1828. He studied medicine for some time with Dr. Norton in Edenton and graduated M.D., from the University of Pennsylvania, about 1832.
He made his residence at his estate, “Woodlawn,” near Plymouth, N.C., until his death. Here he practiced his profession, until about 1850, when he was obliged to give up active work, owing to inflammatory rheumatism, from which he suffered the rest of his life. His death occurred while returning from a professional visit to a relative, a student at the University of Virginia. He achieved marked success in his profession, being considered one of the most skillful physicians in his State. He was a Whig in politics, but never held office.
He was married, February 26, 1835, to Sophia Elizabeth Capehart of Avoca, N.C., who died December 21, 1860. Three children were born to them: Cullen died in infancy; Amelia Rhodes, born July 20, 1838, married Baldy Ashbun Capehart, died in Vance County, N.C., in 1887; Susan Priscilla, born December 24, 1843, died in Bertie County, N.C., May 2, 1860.
Ellis, William A, and Grenville M. Dodge.Norwich University, 1819-1911; Her History, Her Graduates, Her Roll of Honor. Montpelier, Vt: The Capitol city press, 1911. [Available online at the Open Library]