HALL, Hanson K. (d. 1919)

The Burlington Falcon, 08-01-1919
Hanson K. Hall Died Monday

In Memoriam

Was born September 5th, 1830, died July 28th, 1919 age 88 years. 7 months and 23 days. Married Mary Ann Gales on the 5th of January sixty-one years ago. This union. was blessed with five children, four boys and one girl. Two of the boys preceded their parents to the heavenly home. The wife and darling mother of the five children is now lingering upon the silent shore of that stream upon which she will sail so soon. He remembered his Creator in the days of his youth and united with the M. E. Church South, remaining a faithful Christian until he closed his eyes in death’s slumber, and went to that beautiful home to which so many happy pilgrims are going day by day.

He served four years in the Confederate army, a member of Co C., 54th Regiment. He enlisted at Fayetteville with Kenneth Murchison as his Colonel, Davis A. Culberth, captain, J. Marshal Williams, first lieutenant and W. W. Cole, second lieutenant.

Father Hall, was a brave soldier as ever marched through the white smoke of battle, yet. when the star of the Confederacy paled to a close, and Lee sheathed his sword and retired to the cloisters of Washington & Lee University, he accept the decision of the high court of war and a more loyal citizen to the U. S., did not live beneath the billowy folds of the Star Spangled banner.

He was a devoted husband to a true and loving wife. His tenderness to his children and his children’s children will never be forgotten. His agreeable disposition and industrious habits are well known to the citizens of Alamance county and the city of Burlington, where he lived the last thirty or forty years of his life.

So dry your tears a good and faithful man has been gathered home to those shores where the angels gather. I. am so glad, so glad, that God has arranged it that when we reach the end of our earthly pilgrimage, and no medicine can do us any good, that the sweet angel of death can come, unbar the gates of life, there vanish forever. And to you who are not prepared for that inevitable hour, hear me, the bitterest drop of gall, in the cup of your sorrow will be that you did not love and trust the savior.