Ashe County NC 1815 Tax List

Sandra Lake Lassen has graciously submitted this information in hopes that it might aid others in their family research. She has granted permission for this to be used as long as the purpose is genealogical and not commercial. 

Sandra Lake Lassen
1499 Lakeside Dr.,
West Jefferson, NC 28694

Pages coincide with printed version by Mrs. W. O Absher & Mrs. W. C. Sidden (undated), located at the Ashe County Public Library

NOTE: Email Sandra Lassen for tax entry information regarding specific names.

Permission is granted for copying of this index by individuals for genealogical purposes only. Permission is NOT given for any commercial purposes.

Adams, John				 6
Adkins, Present			         3
Adkins, William				 3
Allen, John				12
Allen, MIles				15
Allison, William			15
Allison, William Sr			15
Anderson, William			 9
Arnold, Jarrett				 5
Baird, Bedent				 6
Baird, William				 6
Baker, Elijah				 7
Baker, Jacob				16
Baker, James				 9
Baker, John				 7
Baker, Marris				 7
Baker, Thomas				 9
Baker, Zachariah			 9
Balawn (Baldwin?), Stephen		14
Bal'd. (Baldwin), Theophelus		15
Baldwin, Enoch				15
Baldwin, Jacob				15
Baldwin, Jno. Sr			15
Baldwin, John Jr			15
Baldwin, William			14
Ballow, Meredith			 9
Bare, Henry Sr.				16
Bare, Jacob				16 (2)
Barker, Edward				 9
Black, Andrew				16
Black, Frederick			16
Blackburn, Edmon			12
Blackman, Solomon			 3
Blevins, James Jr.			 9
Blevins, Joseph				 9
Blevins, Wells				 7
Bower, Absalom				16
Bower, George Jr.			16
Bower, George Sr.			16
Bower, John				15
Bower, Peter				 3
Bridges, Jos.				16
Brower (Browen? Brown?), John	        13 (2)
Brown, Benjamin			        16
Brown, Eli				10
Brown, John				11
Brown, John (heirs)			16
Brown, Joseph				12
Brown, Volt.				16
Brown, William				10
Bomgarner, Cen(?)			16 (2)
Bomgarner, John			        16
Boon, Jessee				12
Boon, Jonathan			        11
Brackins, Samuel			13
Brinegar (Bunenger?), Adam		 9
Brinegar, Jacob				12
Brooks, Thomas				 2
Bryan, Francis				14
Bryan (Brian), Morgan			13
Buck, Eletheu(?)			11
Buck, Ephrom				11
Buck, Jonathan Jr.			11
Buck, Jonathan Sr.			11
Buck, Thomas				11
Bunyard, Ephraim			 3
Bunyard, James B.			 4
Bunyard, Larkin				 4
Bunyard, Samuel			 	 3
Burket, Chris				15
Burkett, John				16
Burns, Samuel				 5
Burten, William				13
Burton, Allen				13
Burton, John				 9, 14
Burton, Hutch				15
Burton, Richard				15
Calloway, Eljh.				16
Calloway, Shad				16
Calloway, Thos.				16
Carpenter, David			 2
Carpenter, Jacob			 1
Carpenter, Methias			 3
Cassel, Eben				12
Chance, John				 7
Chapman, Isaac				 7
Chapman, James				 7
Chapman, William			 7
Choat, John				13
Choat, Joseph				13
Choat, Saberte				13
Church, Aron				16
Church, Philip				10
Cleveland, Eli				 4
Closen, William				12
Coffee, Elijah				12
Coffee, Jesse				 8
Coldwell, Jas.				16
Coldwell, William			15
Colwell, Jos Jr				15
Colwell, Jos Sr				15
Conley, John				14
Conley, William				14
Cook, McKee				11
Cooper, Saml.				16
Councel, Jorden				10
Cox, Alex				15
Cox, Andrew				15
Cox, David Jr				13
Cox, David Sr				13
Cox, Jesse				16
Cox, John				 7
Cox, Rankin				13
Cox, Samuel (Va.)			13
Crook, Dudley				13
Crouse (Croase?), Adam			13
Crouse, Jacob				12, 13
Curd, Ezekel				 3
Curnutt, William			 3
Curtis, Thomas				 6
Datson (Dotson?), James			 8
Datson (Dotson?), Reuben		 6
Davies, Golston				 8
Davis, Sarah				 6
Deboard, Benjamin			 7
Devnport (Devenport?), William		15
Dickson, Danl				16
Dickson, Douglas			10
Dickson, Jas.				16
Dickson, Thos.				16
Dixon, Moses				15
Doughten, Jos.				15
Duggar, David				 6 (2)
Duggar, Joel				 8
Dugles, John				13
Dunan, Jas.				16
Dyer, Rhody				 6
Eamert (Earnest), Chris			16
Eamert (Earnest), David			16
Earnest, John				12
Eastep, Ruth				 8
Eastes, Leonard			         6
Eastes (Estess?), John			 6
Edmund (Edward), David			13
Edmund, William				13
Edwards, Edward				13
Edwards, John				14
Edwards, Richard			14
Edwards, Starling			13
Edwards, Stoke				13
Edwards, William			13
Edwards, Young				14
Edwards, Young Jr			14
Eldridge (?), John			15
Egger, Landrine				 8
Eggers, Daniel				10
Eggers, Hugh				 5
Eller, Henry				 5
Eller, Jacob				 4
Eller, Peter				10
Elrod, Adam				12
Elrod, Koonrad				10
Evans, Barnabas				15
Evans, William				15
Fairchilds, Ebanezar (heirs of)		10
Fairchilds, Lewis			11
Fairchilds, Siras			12
Fann(?), Maleth				12
Faw, Jacob				16
Feese, Jacob Sr				16
Fender, Absolom				13
Fender, Daniel				13
Fender, John				13
Fender, Nimrod				14
Fleming, Abraham			 6
Floid, Thomas				 7
Floyd, Stephen				15
Ford, John				 8
Foster, John				11
Frances, Elijah				 3
Fouts, Jacob				16
Fouts, Jos.				16
Fulton, Saml.				16
Gambell, William			13 (2)
Gambill, Jeremiah			 9
Genings (Jennings?), William		12
Gentry, James				 9
Gentry, Nickolas			 9
Gentry, Richd				16
Gilly, Charles				 2
Goodman, Peter				16
Graybeal (Graybel), David		 4
Graybeal, Eli				 4
Graybeal, Henry				 2
Graybeal, Peter				16
Green (Greer?), Benjamin		11
Green (Greer?), Daniel			11
Green (Greer?), Isaac			11 (2)
Green (Greer?), Jerremiah		12
Green (Greer?), John			12
Green (Greer?), Joseph			11
Green (Greer?), Richard			11
Greer, Isaac				 9
Greer, Jerremiah Jr			10
Greer (Green?), John Sr			12
Greer, Richard				10
Greer, Samuel				11
Greer, William				10
Griffith, David				16
Griffith, Jas.				16
Griffith, John				 9
Griffith, Samuel			 9
Griffith, Sam'l Jr			16
Griffith, Sam'l Sr			16
Griffith, William			16
Grob(Grubb?),Carrod (Conrad?) 		16
Gross, Simon				14
Hagaman, Joseph Jr(?)			11
Hagaman, Thomas				11
Hagarman, Joseph Sr(?)			12
Halely (Hately?), Moses(?)		 6
Halsey, Amos				 9
Hanes (Harres?Harris?),Jonathan 	14
Harbart, Will				14
Harden, William				13
Hardin, Henry				16
Harmon, Cutlif				 6
Harmon, Mathias				 6
Harmon, Mathias exceters		 6
Hart, Edward				15
Hart, Jno.				15
Hart, John				15
Hart, Stephen				15
Hart, William				15
Hartley, Reuben				11
Hartzog, David				16
Hartzog, Jacob				16
Hash(?), John				14
Hately, Henry Sr			 6 (2)
Hatham, Jas.				17
Heath, Levy				 5
Henderson, Freeland			 6
Henson, Nancy				 2
Hill, Jesse				13
Hill, Thomas				10
Hill, William				15
Hix, David				 6
Hix, Samuel				 8
Hodges, Gilbert				12
Hodges, William				11
Holensworth, Isaac			 3
Holensworth, Vincen			 2
Holsclaw, Henry				 5
Holsclaw, John				 6
Holsclaw, John Sr			 8
Horten, David				10
Horten, James				10
Horten, Nathan				10
Horten, William				10
Houk, David Jr				17
Houk, David Sr				16
Houk, George				16
Howard, George				10
Howel, James				 2
Hubbard, William			 2
Hulm (?), William			11
Humphris, Sarah				17
Ingerhan (Ingerham, Ingram?),David 	17
Ingram, Jacob				11
Isaacks, David				 6
Isaacks, Elijah				 5
Isaacks, James				 5
Isaacks, Richard			 5
Jackson, James				10
Jenings, Elijah				10
Johnson, Alexander			 9
Johnson, Benj.				17
Johnson, Danl.				15
Johnson, Isaac				 2
Johnson, Jas.				17
Johnson, Jno. O.			17
Johnson, Joseph				 2
Johnson, Leonard			14
Johnson, Thos.				17
Jones, John				 2, 15
Jones, Levi				 4
Judd, John				17
Kates, Robart				14
Kessler, John				17
Kilby, Abram				17
Kilborn, Elijah				 8
Kilborn, Martain 			 6
King, Edward				 5
King, John				 2
King, Robert				 3
Knight, Robt.				15
Koons, Devault				 3
Koons, Gaspar				 2
Koons, George				 3
Koons, John				 3
Koonts, Geo.				17
Kounts, Mary				17
Land(?), Soloman			15
Landers, Stephen			14
Landers, William			15
Larance, Thos.				15
Lathrem, John				12
Lenore, Heirs Wm.			15
Lenore, Thos.				15
Lenore, William				15
Lenore, Wm. B.				15
Lewes, Chars				14
Lewes, Gedeon				 1
Lewes, Isaac				 1
Lewes, James				 3
Lewes, Nathan				 2
Lips, John				11
Long, Benj.				15
Long, George				14
Long, Jese(?)				15
Long, Jno.				15
Long, John Jr				 9
Long, Tobias				14
Lorance, Geo.				17
Lorance, John				12
Lorance, Peter				12
Lunsford, Lemuel			 2
Lyle, John				 9
McBride(?), John			14
McBride, Mosses				14
McClure, Jas.				17
McMillian, Jas.				15
McMillian, Jno. Jr			15
McMillion, Andrew			 9
Maner, James				 7
Mast, Adam				 8
Mast, David				 5
Mast, John				 6
Mast, Joseph				 8
May, Jacob				 4
May, William				 1
Maxwell, Jos.(Jas?)			15
Maxwell, Sidney				 2
Maxwell, William			13
Maxwell, Wm Jr				15
Mikee (McKee?), Frederick		12
Mikel, Dan'l.				17 (2)
Mikel, Fred				17
Mikel, Henry				17
Millar, David				10
Miller, Geo.				17
Miller, Henry				17
Miller, Henry Jr			 2
Miller, Henry Sr			 2
Miller, Jacob				17
Miller, John				 3
Miller, Jonathan			 1
Miller, Stephen				17
Miller, Valentine Jr			 2
Miller, Volentine Sr			 2
Mink, William				 7
Mitcheal, Levy				13
Mitcheal, Robt.				13
MItchel, Abram				13
Mitchel, Isaac				13
Moody, Edward				 6
Moody, George				 6
More, John				 9, 10
Morefeald, William			 3
Moxley, Daniel				14
Moxley, William				14
Mulkey, James				 9
Mullins, Jesse				12
Mullins, John				11
Mullins, Mark				12
Murphew, Jehu (John?)			11
Neves, William				10
Norris, Ephrom				11
Norris, Gilbert				12
Norris, John				10, 12
Norris, William				10
Norris, Wm				12
Null (Nall?), Robert (Tenn.)		13
Olliver, Pleasent			17
Osborn, Ephram				 1
Osborn, Jazedeck			 1
Osborn, Robert				 1
Osborn, Seth				17
Osborn, Zachariah			15
Osten (Orten?), Batt			15
Owens, Barnett				17
Oxford, Samuel				 6
Pacemore (passmore?), Augustine(?)  	13
Parkes, Ambrose				17
Parsons, Geo.				17
Parsons, Robert				 9
Parsons, Solomon			14
Pase (Pose?), James 			12
Penington, Aaron			10
Penington, Ephrom			 9
Penington, Levi				 5, 9
Penington, William			10
Pennington, Micajah			 1
Perkins, Jos.				17
Pery, John				17
Percival, Robert			 4
Perivel (Percival?), James		 4
Perivel (Percival?), Ruben		 4
Perry, Jas.				14
Perry, John				14
Perry, Prescella(?)			14
Perry, Richard				14
Perry, Sam'l.				14
Perry, William				14
Phips, Jesse				12, 14
Phips, John				14
Phips, Lam'l.				15
Phips, William				14
Phlips (Phillips?), Jothns		17
Philips, Ezra				12
Philips, Paiton				17
Plummer, Jessee				 7
Plummer, Joseph				 7
Plummer, William			 7
Poe, John				 3
Pond, Giffin				17
Pope, Nathan				17
Potter, John				 5
Potter, Levi				 2
Potter, Ruben				 5
Pow, Matthas				17
Power, Loamma				 4
Powers, Joseph				 4
Powers, Major				 4
Powers, William				 4
Pugh, Julen				14
Pugh, Nathaniel				14
Purkins, Luther				12
Purkins, Timothy			10
Purkins, William			 4
Purkybile, George			15
Ragon, Daniel				 2
Ragon, Jacob				 2
Ray, James				17
Ray, Jesse				17
Ray, Jno.				17
Ray, Wm					17
RCD (Richardson?), William		15
Reaves, Jese(?)				15
Reavs, Widow				15
Rees, Antony				11
Rees, Jacob				 8
Rees, John				 5
Rees, Vollentine			 5
Reeves, William				14
RICHD (Richardson?), Jas.		15
Richardson, Kaenady			 9
Riggan, James				13
Roark, Charles				 1
Roark, Timothy				 1
Ross, Reuben				 7
Rose, Joel				15
Roughton, Joseph			 1
Rowland, And.				17
Sands, David				11
Sands, William				11
Scoot (Scott?0, Solomon 		15
Scott, Samuel				14
Sells, Nancy				17
Sexton, William				 3
Shearer(?), And(?)			17
Shearer, John				11
Shearer, Robert				11

Sheets, And.				17
Sheets, And. Sr				17
Sheets, Geo.				17

Shull, Mary				 8

Smith, Abner				 8
Smith, Alex.				17
Smith, David				17
Smith,  Jeremiah			13
Smith, Thomas				13

Snow, Wm.				17

Sproul, Jas.				18

Spurlin, John				14
Spurlin, Zachariah			14

Spurling, Zachariah Jr			13

Staley, Fredrick			 3

Stamper, Job				14
Stamper, Jonathan			14
Stamper, Joshua				15
Stamper, More				 7
Stamper, Solomon			14
Stamper, William			 7

Standiford, Ephrom			 9

Stedham, John				 9
Stedham, Samuel				 9 (2)

Stephens, William			11

Stogill, Frank				 7
Stogill, Rebeckah			 7

Stonesipher, Joseph			 6

Strunk, Daniel				 9

Sturgill, Joel				17

Sutherland, Thomas (Capt)		 1

Swift, Elias				 8
Swift, Samuel				 5
Swift, Thomas				 5
Tatom, George				11
Taylor, Edward				15
Taylor, Isaac				 3
Taylor, Jonathan			 3
Taylor, Nathan				14
Taylor (?), William			14
Testerman, James			 9
Testerman, Thomas			 9 (2)
Toliver, Jesse				14
Toliver (?), John			15
Toliver (Tolivr), John Sr		15
Toliver, Wm				15
Tolliver, Charles			12
Tolliver, David				12
Tolliver, John				12
Tolliver, William			12
Tompson, Joseph				12
Tomson, Robert				14
Tredway, Christopher			 9
Tredway, Robt.				18
Tyrie, George				 3
Tyrie, Thomas				 3
Turman, Wm				 2
Turner, Andrew				 9
Vanderpool, Abraham			 6
Vanderpool, John			 4
Vanour (?), Cornelius			15
Vanover, Cornelius			15
Vanover, Elijah				15
Vanover, Henry				14
Vanover, Lam'l.				14
Vanover, Richard			 2
Vanover, Wm				15
Waggonner, Adam				13
Waggonner, Eliza			13
Waggonner, Henrey			14
Waggonner, John				13, 14
Wallace, Ruben				 3
Ward, Benjamin Sr			 6
Ward, Daniel				 6, 8
Ward, Duke				 6
Ward, Kelly				 6
Warwick (?), Wm				15
Watters (Walters?), Sol.		18
Watters (Walters?), Wm			18
Waugh & Tirly(?)			18
Weaver, Edward				 7, 9
Weaver, Isaac				 2
Weaver, John				13
Weaver, Joshua				 3
Weaver, Mark Jr				 1
Weaver, Nathan				 7
Weaver, William				 1, 15
Weaver, William Sr			 7
Webb, Benjamin				 5
Webb, John				 5
Welker, David				 2
Wheelar, Amor				 9
White, Luke				18
White, Robert				14
Whitteker (?), Jean			15
Whittington, John			 6
Wilborn, Jas.				18
Wilcos, San'l. (Saml?) Sr		18
Wilcox, Squie (Squire?)			18
Willcockson, Samuel			11
Williams, And				15
Williams, Charles			 9
Williams, Henry				13
Williams, James Jr			 7
Williams, James Sr			 7
Williams, John				13
Williams, Mathias			 9
Williams, Richard			13
Williams, Vinson			13
Wilson, John				 5
Wilson, Jonathan			12
Woodruff, Allon				14
Woodruff, John				13
Woody, James				 9
Woody, Loggins				 7
Workman, Phillip			 3
Wright, Martin				15
Wyatt, Wm				15
Yonts (Youts, Yountz?), Jus(?)   	18


This page was last updated on May 31, 2020.
