to Beaufort County Home Page
Beaufort County Records
in the
North Carolina State Archives
Bath County established in 1696
Pamptecough Precinct established in 1705
Beaufort County established in 1712
Research Materials in
the North Carolina State Archives
Section B: County Records
BEAUFORT COUNTY Established in 1712 from Bath County.
ORIGlNAL RECORDS COURT RECORDS County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes, 1856-1868 (not inclusive); l0 volunes. Appearance Dockets, 1744-1745, 1828-1868; 4 volumes. Execution Dockets, 1808-1868; 7 volumes. State Trial Dockets, 1846-1868; 2 volumes. Trial Dockets, 1794-1868; 13 volumes. Superior Court Minutes, 1817-1902; 9 volumes. Equity Minutes, 1807-1868; 3 volumes. Appearance Docket, 1811-1817; l volumes. Civil Issue Dockets, 1866, 1870, 187l, 1873-1885; 2 MS boxes Criminal Issue Dockets, 1870, 1873-l885; 2 MS boxes. Equity Account Book, 1859; 1 volumes. Equity Execution Docket, 1835-1868; 1volume. Equity Trial Docket, 1834-1868: l volume. Trial Docket, 1835-1845; 1 volume. Civil Action Papers, 1785-1915; 8 fibredex boxes. Civil Action Papers Concerning land, 1855-1938: 8 fibredex boxes. InferiorCourt Minutes, 1878-1886; 1 volume.
ELECTION RECORDS Record of.Elections, 1878-1922; 4 volumes. Registers of Voters: Registration Books; 1868, 1872-1898; 9 MS boxes.
ESTATES RECORDS Records of Accounts, 1868-1911; 4 volmnes. Administrators' Records, 1897-1911; l volume. Assignees, Receivers, and Trustees Records, l869-1913; 2 fibredex boxes. Estates Records, 1808-1868; 13 volumes;: 1760-1949; 28 fibredex boxes. Guardians' Bonds, 1867-1925; 2 volumes. Guardians' Records; 1845-1870;1 volume; 1794-1918, 1948, 2 fibredex boxes. Partitions and Divisions, 1792-1909; l volume. Report on Devised Estates, 1908-1913; 2volumes. Record of settlements, 1869-1914; 2 volumes.
LAND RECORDS Record of Deeds, 1695-188l; 42 volumes. Index to Deeds, Grantor, 1701-1800; 1volume. Attachments, Executions, Liens, and Levies on Land, l791-1904; 2 fibredex boxes. Miscellaneous Land Records, 1750-1947; 2 fibredex boxes. Patent Records, 1798-1816; 1 volume.
MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, AND VITAL STATISTICS Dlvorce Records, 1868-1902, 1923; 2 Fibredext boxes.
MILITARY AND PENSION RECORDS Record of Pensions, 1912-1931: 1 volume.
MLSCELLANEOUS RECORDS Homestead and Personal Property Exemptions, 1869-1906; 2 fibredex boxes.. Miscellaneous Records, 1755-1942: 1 fibredex box.
ROADS AND BRIDGES Road Records, 1843-1869; 1 Volume. Railroad Records, 1878-1903: 2 fibredex boxes.
TAX AND FISCAL RECORDS Journals and Financial Records, 1850-1855; 1 volume. Lists of Taxables, 1850-1860, 1866; 3 volumes. Various Tax Records, 1832-18.52, 1878-1905; 1 MS box. Schedule B Tax Lists, 1897-1898; 1 volume.
MICROFILM RECORDS COURT ROCORDS County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes; 1785-1868 (not inclusive): 3 reels. Minutes, Appearance, Prosecution, and Trial Dockets, 1756-1761; Record of Overseers, 1845-1868: 1 reel. Superior Court Minutes, 1837-1960: 17 reels. Equity Minutes; 1807-1868, l reel. Inferior Court Minutes, l878-1886; Magistrates' Minutes, 1875-1895; 1 reel.
ELECTION RECORDS Record of Elections, 1878-1960: 1 reel.
ESTATES RECORDS Record of Acounts, 1868-1960; 7 reels. Administrators' Bonds, 1867-l898; 1 reel. Administrators' Records, 1897-1960; 7 reels. Cross Index to Administrators, 1897-1940; Appointments of Executors, 1868-1937; l reel. Appointments of Executors, 1937-1960: Cross Index to Executors, 1868--1940; Index to Administrators, Guardians, and Executors, 1868-1960: l reel. Guardians' Bonds, 1845-1960; 3 reels. Inheritance Tax Records, 1920-1960; 1 reel. Orphans'Books, 1801-1873; Index to Orphans' Books, 1800-1868; 6 reels. Partitions and Divisions, l736-1878; Appointments of Receivers, 1908--1932; 1 reel. Record of Sale and Resale underr Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, 1915-1960; 5 reels. Record of Settlements, 1862-1960; 5 reels.
LAND RECORDS Record of Deeds, 1695-1903; 54 reels. Real Estate Conveyances, 1903-1960; 196 reels. Index to Real Estate Conveyances, Grantors and Grantees, 1696-1959; 22 reels. Deeds, Mortgages and Bills of Sale, 1784, 1803-1807; 1 reel. Land Entries and Land Patents, 1778-1795; 1 reel.. Land Fntries and Claims, 1882-1926; Deeds Proved in Court, 1802-1805; 1 reel. Patent Book (Grants), 1798-1816; 1 reel. Registrations of Titles, 1914-1959; Index to Regislrations of Titles; 4 reels. MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, AND VITAL STATISTICS Marriage Registers, 1847-1960; 6 reels. Cohabitation Records, 1851-1868;Resumptions of Maiden Names, 1926--1960; l reel. Record of Delayed Births, various dates; 5 reels. MILITARY AND PENSION RECORDS Armed Forces Discharges, 1917-1960 and Index to, 1922-1959; 4 ree1s. Record Of Pensions, 1912-1930; 1 reel. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Minutes, Wardens of the Poor, 1839-1868; 1 reel. Orders and Decrees, 1869-1960; 14 reels. Special Proceedings, 1874-1960; 3 reels. Cross Index to Special Proceedings, 1874-1960; 3 reels. OFFICIALS, COUNTY Minutes, Board of County Commissioners, 1876-1937; 6 reels. SCHOOL RECORDS Minutes, Board of Education, 1909-1957; 2 reels. TAX AND FISCAL RECORDS Tax Lists and Scrolls, 1779-1927 (not inclusive); 23 reels. WILLS Record of Wills, 1729-1960; 7 reels. Cross Index to Wills, 1720-1960; 1 reel.
Guide to Research Materials in the North Carolina
State Archives - Section B: County Records; copyright 1979;
North Carolina Dept. of Culture Resources; Division
of Archives and History; Archives and Records Section.
Copyright 2009