Wyriot/Wyriott Ormond, Jr.
(died 1773)
[Source: Dictionary of North Carolina Biography
edited by William S. Powell; Vol. 4; pg. 396]
Wyriott Ormond, Jr., colonial official, was a resident of Beaufort County and succeeded his father, Wyriott Ormond, Sr., in the colonial Assembly. He had two brothers, Henry and Roger.
In 1762 he was elected to the Assembly as the borough representative from Bath; his election was contested but resolved in his favor. During this term and again in 1764, he served on the propositions and grievances committee. In 1766 Ormond was appointed a port commissioner for Bath, and two years later he became receiver of duties on spirituous liquors for the town. In 1770 he sat on a committee that drafted a bill establishing inferior courts of pleas and quarter sessions. The following year he was licenses to practice law by the court of Bertie County and was a member of the commission that laid out the town of Martinsborough (later renamed Greenville). In 1772 he was clerk of Beaufort County.
By his wife, Elizabeth Penelope, Ormond was the father of two daughters, Nancy and Sarah. His will, proved Dec. 1, 1773, left the bulk of his estate, including six slaves, to his wife and young daughters. He left firm instructions concerning the daughters' education. There is evidence that Ormond died young and probably after an illness of a few months.
© 2010 Kay Midgett Sheppard