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A. Holder
About 2 miles due south of Windsor is "A. Holder." This is Abram Holder, son of Ezekiel Holder and Mary Pruden Holder [who I believe is a daughter of David Pruden, but I have no proof]., Abram Holder was then married to his cousin, Elizabeth Jane Holder, daughter of Isaiah Holder and Sarah E. Cherry.
Jim Holder

Mrs. Johnson
The Mrs. Johnson in the Windsor map, just north of the Will's Quarter Swamp is Harriet Johnson (widow-2nd wife). Her husband John (Jack) died in 1861. Censuses list John and Abbygail (1st wife died before John) next to Williamson Butler, who is shown on the CSA map right across the swamp and thus possibly next in the order the census taker went.
Mrs. Johnson's neighbor to the east, "J Welford,"is my ggg grandfather Jonathan Williford
I am almost but not completely certain that the Mrs. Cobb to the west of Capehart Church on the Colerain and Merry Hill maps is my ggg grandmother Rutha Cowand Cobb, recently widowed by the death of James Cobb.
Paul Johnson

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