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Coleraine very close to the border of Hertford County (the straight line going across the map is the county line.
The Trap community is at the crossroads (fork of the two roads) --just above Mars Hill Church -- of the roads from Colerain to Powellsville and from Harrellsville to beyond Holy Grove Church.
North from Trap and Mars Hill Church, the road leads across into Hertford to Harrellsville.
William Miller - shown on the civil war map as W.Miller just north of Mars Hill Church and THE TRAP. He had one son, Levi Miller who fought for the Confederacy, and two sons - David Rice Miller and John C. Miller who fought for the Union. Levi and David Rice settled in Perquimans County and John C. in Hertford County.
Researcher: Louise
J. Hobbs (Joseph Hobbs) wife, Mary E. in 1850 Census. Joseph Ruffin is 18, living with them after death of his father, Whitmell.
Mrs. White (west of W. Miller) is probably Mrs. Jacob White in 1850. This might be Mrs. Aurelia 56 in 1850, and perhaps Jacob's aunt.
J. Green and Mrs. Brown south of Mars Hill Ch. in The Trap.
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