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Detailed map. The W. Smithic noted on the map was actually William C. Smithwick or Capt. Billy. He was my ggg-grandfather. He was born in December 11, 1812 and died September 12, 1890. He was married twice first to Winiford Gill daughter of Edward Gill and Sarah Lednum. To my knowledge they reared three sons, Alfred Jordan, William Hyman and John Thomas. His second wife, from whom I descend, was Caroline Thomas Allen. Together they had two sons, Joseph Dorsey and George Henry, my gg-grandfather. His home was located on the right at the end of what is today Jimmy Love Road off Rt. 45. Located on this property today is the remains of the home of one of his sons John Thomas Smithwick who built the house. The family cemeteryis hidden away in the woods behind the house. Capt. Billy is buried here along with both his wifes and others. My thanks to T-Bud Smithwick for showing me this cemetery and telling me his story of his grandfather John T. I would not have found the graves without his help.

SHIPYARD LANDING on the map is located at approximately the corner of Rt. 308 (Cooper Hill Road and Rt. 45). Continuing up Rt. 45 is the land of who I believe to be Richardson Pearce. I am not positive which Cobb family was living next to Pearce but based on the 1860 census it was probably Thomas Cobb.

Mrs. Shaw was Sarah Lednum, second wife of Samuel Shaw, one of my ggg-grandfathers. Sarah had been previously married to James Hodder. Either James died or they divorced as she married Sam in late 1847-early 1848. Sam's first wife Margaret died in January 1847 so he didn't waste anytime getting remarried. I suspect that Margaret and Sarah were sisters. Apparently Sam and Sarah had a somewhat short lived marriage as they were living apart on the 1860 and 1870 census. A marriage contract dated November 12, 1847 indicated that her estate was to remain separate from Sam's. Sounds like a prenuptial to me. Sarah died in 1877.

Next to Sarah is the home of James Monroe Britt which was located on the right hand side of the road approximately where Winston Farm Road is. James, born in December 1819 and died in 1901 was married to Margaret Shaw who I believe to be the daughter of Samuel Shaw and first wife Margaret (last name possibly Lednum). James and Margaret had 9 children, 6 boys and 3 girls. Their family cemetery is located on Rt. 45 in the woods directly across the street from Winston Farm Road. In 1869 James Britt bought about 15 acres of land from Sam Shaw and daughter Francis Shaw Leicester.

The land, located in the Salmon Creek Township area, was bounded by Sally (Sarah) Shaw and Micajah Phelps and was referred to as the Hudson Land. In January 1878 James was the highest bidder, at public auction, paying $160 for 26 acres that belonged to the late Sarah Shaw. It was located on the main road from Merry Hill to Shipyard and joined the lands of James Shaw, J.M. Britt and P.H. Winston.

This was land I believe to have once belonged to Charles Hodgson/Hudson and was left in part to one of his daughters Mary who never married. In 1841 Mary Hodgson willed 56 acres of land to Sarah Hodder and Sam Shaw and wife Margaret. Sarah Hodder would later become Sam's second wife. This inheritance of Sarah's was most likely part of her estate in the 1847 marriage contract between her and Sam Shaw. The next Shaw was probably either James or John Shaw. I believe James and John to be the sons of Sam Shaw and first wife Margaret. James was born in 1822 and died sometime after 1880. He married Naomi Morris. John was born in 1821 and married Francis Johnston. John died during the civil war in April 1864.

J. Morris isJohn Morris who was married to Mary Phelps. The next who is named on the map is JJ Rhodes or John J. Rhodes as indicated on the 1860 census.

Bucklesberry Pocoson

1.John Anthony and Martha Phelps
2. Thomas and Delilah Mizell
Thomas and Delilah Mizell actually lived right on the edge of Bear Swamp.
3.Henry and Mary Cobb whose home may have been right
on what is Hwy. 17 across and east of Greens Cross Church.
4. Lawrences who lived in the Bucklesberry and Bear Swamp area but are not shown on this map. These Lawrences were my ancestors.

M.R. Cobb'shomeplace was just south of Hwy. 17 near Ducken Run and south of Capeharts Church.

Cricket Swamp appears to drain into the beginning of Salmon Creek and shown aa David Ryan's dam. John Cobb lived on the Eastmost Swamp north of Hwy. 17 Researcher: Yvonne Parks

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