Historic Woodville

Preserving Woodville's Heritage

Letter to Friends of Historic Woodville

December 14, 2014

Dear Friends,

17 years ago, after a comprehensive 18 month study and review by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and the Department of the Interior, Woodville was designated one of only 5 Rural Historic Districts in NC.

Why did our history, culture, structures, and landscapes matter to those historians who determined it worthy of National Register status? Why should we care about this, protect and preserve it?

Our Rural Historic District is one of the rare surviving   intact planter villages. Today, it is virtually undisturbed by intrusions that have marred similar sites of that period. All but a few of these clusters of homes and churches have disappeared, while  Woodville has retained most of its antebellum appearance. The NR study remarks that Woodville seems "a miracle of preservation".

Robert Stipe compellingly wrote: "We seek to preserve the past because we believe in the right of our cities and the countryside to be beautiful... not only because it is unique, exceptional, architecturally significant or historically important, but because in many cases what replaces it is inhumane and grotesque... most of it is junk.  It assaults our senses." Our historic district is beautiful, unique and exceptional, and merits our care.

The 1998 National Register study documenting Woodville’s history is fascinating, and well worth reading The first half elaborates on the prominent architecture of our structures. The last half, SECTION 8 - STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE, capsules our early families, and Woodville’s historical and cultural importance.

Woodville’s highly praised St. Frances Methodist Church is now a rural event/wedding venue, under the capable stewardship of Kim and Annette Ringeisen. Please spread the word. Their website.

We are slowly adding to and organizing our history center – and continue to seek donations of materials relevant to Woodville’s 200+ year history – Books, letters, document, photographs, artifacts. We won’t turn away any funds offered us for this project, either! *

Merry Christmas, and a rewarding 2015 to all!  

3104 Hillmer Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27609
Phone: 919.833.4009 E-Mail murquharmears@gmail.com

Visit our website at Historic Woodville

* All donations/grants are tax deductible and 100% funded to our various projects – directors receive no compensation

Please send us your comments and questions.

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