Written in 1893 by Charles Smallwood, MD (1828-1900) when he was 65 years old
Note: This was retyped in 1998 from an old transcription. The only changes made were for clarification and are noted by brackets.
In 1831 or 1832 when I first knew Woodville, it was a small struggling village built up on each side of the main road leading from Roxobel on the North and the road from Windsor on the East to Hill and Taylors ferries. The road from Windsor came into the road from Roxobel just in front of the Old Tavern - then occupied by Mrs. Frances Byrd and her family. Just above where St. Frances Methodist Church now stands lived Mrs. Betsy Smith, the mother of Mrs. Moore Rawls [Moore Rawls was the overseer for Lewis Thompson's plantation], Tom and Dr. Stark B. Smith; on the same side of the road lived Noah Hinton. [View Map]
Next came the Old Tavern.
Then up a few hundred yards from the road in a large grove lived William Whitmell Pugh. [View Map]
A little lower down lived Dr. James Walker. Then a few hundred yards down just where the road divided on going to Hill's Ferry and the other to Taylor's Ferry was a dwelling whether occupied at this time or not I do not remember. Mr. Peter B. [Boyd] Martin, Noah "Soak" Thompson and Mrs. Rob C. Watson had lived there before this time. A few hundred yards lower on the Taylor Ferry Road was Canady Hill - the limit of Woodville in that direction. On the Hill's Ferry Road, a short distance lived a Mrs. Johnson. Across Lewark Swamp - not strictly in Woodville - lived Mrs. Robert C. Watson, Abram Smith, and Hezekiah Thompson [brother of Lewis Thompson].
Just below where St. Frances now stands on the west side of the road was the Old Bertie Union Academy - where the children of the village were educated.
Just below the Old Academy on the east side of the road lived Colonel Jesse Averitt. [View Map]
Then in a large grove opposite the Old Store lived William [Alston] Pugh. On the Windsor road in back of Col. Jesse Averitt my father lived - this place was know as the Old Silas Smith place, at which Dr. [John Sam] Griffin lived, now occupied by his family. Mr.John Ruffin lived about two miles on the same road nearer Windsor. Mr. Humphrey Hardy and Mr. William King lived in what is now known as Lewiston, and were in co-partnership as merchants just where the roads cross and opposite the Old Jumping Run Church. Of the family of Betsy Smith, her daughter married Moore Rawls; she died on the farm of Mr. Lewis Thompson - on which Mr. Rawls was overseer, leaving two daughters. Mary, the elder first married Sam Cox, after his death married a Parker and had one daughter, she is now living - the other daughter married Peele, had several children and is still living. Tom Smith went to Florida as an overseer for Noah "Soak" Thompson and returned to NC, and was an overseer for Lewis Thompson [and] Dr. Kenneth and Samuel Clark on the old Clark farm in the Indian Woods, and died about the middle of October 1860 on the farm of David C. Clark in the marshes. Dr. Stark B. Smith was a merchant in Woodville and Windsor for several years, read medicine in middle age, located in Windsor, married ____, a stepdaughter of ____ Rhodes, went to California, returned after a year or two to Windsor and died there ____, ____. His wife and children returned to California and are still living there.
Noah Hinton had four children, two sons and two daughters; they went to school at the Old Academy and were named ____, ____, William, and Joseph Eugene. Mr. Hinton soon sold his possessions in N.C. and moved to Mississippi, when last heard from the whole family were (sic) dead except William. Mr. John B[Bennett] Griffin bought his residence and farm about 1849. Mr. Griffin committed suicide by shooting himself about 1862 and his family or what is left are still living there except Hezekiah, who married the daughter of Lewis A. Thompson [Temperence Jean Thompson], who is living at the Old Watson place with his wife and several children. One of his daughters (Miss Mary) married Bog Slade of Hamilton and died June 1892. Dr. J S [John Sam] Griffin married Mary Lockhart Smallwood [daughter of Charles Smallwood], practiced medicine a few years and died at the Balance place, Lewiston, NC August 13, 1892. Another daughter Cora B[Bennett] married A T [Alfred Thomas] Eason, died April 1893, leaving a daughter [Sallie Cora Griffin Eason]. Miss Jenny [Virginia A. Griffin] married W C [William Clark] Thompson, had three sons and is now living with her mother - at the Hinton place.
Mrs. Frances Byrd was the sister of Robert C. Watson, lived at the Old Tavern when I first knew her. She was a widow with five children; one of her sons died early at Rich Square while clerking for Watson Grimes. His death was the first I ever remembered having heard, and it made a lasting impression upon me, one that I have never forgotten. Joseph, one of her sons, went to California and died there. John Byrd went to Alabama, married, and died there. Frank volunteered in the Civil War of 1862-65, was Captain of a company, made a good soldier, and was killed in the battle of _____. Her daughter married P.H. Winston, an eminent lawyer, who located to Windsor, practiced law for many years and died there. Mrs. Winston had four sons and one daughter. Her daughter Alice married Frank Spruill, a lawyer and is now living in Louisburg, NC. Her oldest son Henry is a lawyer and living in Idaho. George is President of the University of North Carolina. Robert W. married the daughter of James Horner, a noted schoolteacher of Oxford, NC and is now judge of the Superior Court. Francis D. is now living near Windsor, NC and is a lawyer and stands well in his profession. Mrs. Byrd removed from Woodville and died near Oak Grove. Mrs. Winston is now living near Windsor in well preserved old age and I hope may live many years in the blessing of her children who are noted for their intelligence. Few mothers have given to their State move useful sons than Mrs. Winston.
William Whitmel Pugh lived at the old Walton place [before it was called the Walton place] opposite Mrs. Laura Williams [the William Alston Pugh home].[View Map] [This house is the Federal styled tripartite house on the plantation originally named "Woodville", for which the town of Woodville was named. [Woodville is now named Lewiston-Woodville.] This house was built in 1801 by John Pugh Hill who died 1802. William Whitmel Pugh married his widow, Mary Whitmel Bryan, and lived in this house. It is still standing and occupied by Burges Urquhart, IV and family.] He removed when I was quite young to LaFourche, La.[1819] and was living when last heard from and must be nearly ninety years old. Dr. James Walton bought his place, lived and died there. He was a very wicked man, and all the children of the village stood in awful fear of him. He could be heard cursing his slaves every morning by the time the sun rose and was feared by his family as much as by the children. When he died he threatened to come back if he could not, before dying, do as he wished and whip one of his servants. He died without doing it and none of the family, white or black, moved about the house after dark without carrying a light. I well remember when I was a little chap he would be sent for when I was sick. He could hardly ask me to put out my tongue before it would be pushed out as far as possible; and when he would mix the never failing dose of Calomel and jalop and tell me to take it, I would swallow as quickly as if it were the best thing in the world. Poor old man, he is gone to his final resting place many years ago and I hope has a more merciful judge than those on earth. When he died he was buried - I suppose by his own order - North and South instead of East and West. He left two sons Thomas and William. Thomas married the daughter of Perry C. Tyler of near Roxobel, lived several years in Woodville and then moved to his farm and died, about the close of 1857. He left two daughters and one son. His widow moved to Roxobel after his death, married James Beck and died there; the son died while an infant. His daughter Ella married and went to Georgia. Her husband dying, she returned to NC and married Mr. Harrell. He has died and she is living in Norfolk with her sister, Mrs. Agnes Johnson. Agnes married James P. Johnson, lived several years opposite the old academy and is now living in Norfolk, VA. She has several children; her oldest son Claude has married and is living in the West. Had one daughter Annie, who is single. Of the Mrs. Johnson who lived on Hill's Ferry Road I know but little as she moved to Mississippi when I was quite small. She must have been industrious, as I have heard it said that when she first married she did not know a shoulder from a ham, but it was not long before she could turn a shoulder into a ham. Quite a laughable thing happened to me (that came very near ending quite the opposite) at her house on the occasion of a funeral over one of her children I attended with others of the children. When the preacher was at pray, the old brethren groaned very heavily at certain parts of the prayer and I innocently thinking it was the right thing to do, also groaned to the best of my ability. After the sermon, I told an older brother who was present, of my performance and it was with difficulty I escaped a good whipping. It learned me a good lesson and I never did the like again. My Uncle Thomas Pugh bought the place and lived there many years. His wife [Frances Ann Gray] was the daughter of Captain Gray of Windsor, sister of George and William Gray. She died very suddenly from the rupture of an aneurysm. They had one son William who died after lingering five or six months with an abscess on the back. My uncle lived until he was 72 years old, died at his sister's, Mrs. Winifred Walton, in April 15, 1877, and was buried with his wife and son at the old Gray graveyard at the old Gray residence in Windsor [Rosefield]. The place [where he lived in Woodville] has become very unhealthy. Mr. Williams, who bought the place of Mr. Pugh, after living there several years and leaving two children, one nearly or quite grown, died himself. His family, after his death moved to Harrellsville and all have died but one daughter. Mr. Gus Hall then rented the place; after losing several children about twelve months ago, he left it and it is now empty. I boarded with my uncle [Thomas Pugh] at the same place for two years after my marriage [1850-52]. My daughter, Mary Lockhart, was born there in June 1852. The house is now standing without anyone living in it and it is one of the haunted places of Woodville. Just across Lewark Swamp lived Mr. Robert C. Watson, who was a large landowner and also did business in Woodville as a merchant. Stark Smith was his clerk for a long time. Mr. Watson married my mother's sister, Winifred Hill Pugh; his children were John, Julia, Pattie, Winnie, Ned, Robert and Betsy. John was drowned at Flag Run on the Roanoke by falling from a boat. I well remember that afternoon when the message came that he was drowned. Several of the gentlemen went down to the river and I rode behind my father. Nothing could be done, as it was dark when we reached Flag Run. My father stopped at my Aunt's on his return and did all he could to comfort her in her distress. My Uncle Thomas Pugh went every day to the river and did all he could to rescue the body; it was not found for several days and was buried in the family graveyard. Julia married Dr. Cobb of Martin county in 1843, lived in Martin County a few years, then came over in Bertie and lived at the Old Robbins place near Mt. Olive for a few years, then moved to Alabama, where she and Dr. Cobb died leaving several children. [Ty Cobb related to these Cobbs]. Pattie married Captain Prince of Halifax,NC. She and Captain Prince are both dead. They left children who I think live in Virginia with his relatives. Winnie died unmarried, Betsy also died unmarried. Edward married Miss Lee; they had several children; the sons living are now in Texas. They have a daughter living in Baltimore. He and his wife are both dead. Robbin read medicine and moved to Texas, married there, and died a few years ago. Mr. Watson died in 1841. Mrs. Watson _____. The old place has passed out of the family and is now owned by Hezekiah Griffin, who lives there with his family. Mr. Abram Smith lived near Mrs. Watson. There was quite a large family of children. Eliza married Rob Powell; they moved to Mississippi. William married Miss Goodman of Virginia, lived at the old Smith place a few years and moved near Suffolk, Virginia. He and his wife are both dead, leaving several children. Pricilla married W.R. Savage, moved near Roxobel, lived there a few years and went to Mississippi - both living when last heard from. David went to Mississippi and died there. John read medicine and died in Virginia. Robert went to Mississippi and read law. I think there was another daughter but have forgotten her name; think it was Celia. The family broke up from the old homestead many years ago and moved to Mississippi.
Whit Pugh [son of William Whitmel Hill Pugh, who moved his family to Louisiana in 1819] returned from Louisiana about 1860, bought the place and died there in 1867. Dr. Bernard, at his death, bought it, lived there a few years and moved to Battleboro. After his death the house was rented by Negroes and finally burned. This place was near Mr. Watson and was occupied by Hezekiah Thompson who died there[1836], then by his brother Lewis Thompson until he built in Woodville [-1840] where Mr. Burges Urquhart now lives.
Near this place Dennis Linton and his sister Old Miss Rachel lived. Old Dennis had a daughter Edna who married Marcey Bishop of Halifax Co. She died leaving one son who died during the Civil War. Old Dennis moved West in his early years. There his wife left him and he returned to NC bringing his daughter, then an infant. He had another Sister, Miss Sallie; both of them died at Mrs. Jenkins in the Indian Woods. Old Dennis was something given to the marvelous. Mr. Robert Watson, Abram Smith and Dennis went possum hunting; they caught only one possum and Mr. Watson proposed that the one who told the biggest lie should have the possum. All agreed to it and Mr. Watson commenced first. Mr. Smith next; and Dennis last. I do not remember what Mr. Watson or Smith told but old Dennis said that on his way to the West he heard one day, as he was traveling along, quite a noise in the woods among the bushes and, examining closely to see the cause, he discovered a log rolling about, it being too crooked to lie still. On his return - from the West.... he looked for the log and it was still rolling around. Mr. Watson and Smith both agreed that Dennis was entitled to the possum. He used to haul fish in the spring of the year to Woodville from the sound, and there he learned that one of his neighbors for some offense had been dunked in the sound by Mr. Sutton. Meeting him one day in the road, Old Dennis said he raised his head to say "good morning", expecting him to say "good morning" in return, but what should he say but "Boo", and in relating it said "I said, `boo, and damn you into the middle of Edenton Sound' ".
The old store of Watson and Grimes stood just below the Old Tavern just where the road leaves the main road; this road crossed Lewark Swamp, passed by the dwelling where Mr. Watson lived to Flag Run on the Roanoke. Mr. Abram Smith and Hezekiah Thompsan lived on this road. The country people used to meet at this old store on Saturday, drink apple brandy, get drunk and occasionally fight. I have seen many fights there. Old Ned Williams, a soldier of the Revolutionary War died there sitting on the steps. I think a man named Wimberly was stabbed in a fight there and died before he could be carried away. Elections and musters were held there. After Mr. Watson died, Jack Grimes and James Lee were the merchants (I may be mistaken about this for my Father and Mr. Lewis Thompson did business there - in fact it was before the time of Grimes and Lee). Grimes moved to Tennessee and was killed there. James Lee and Dr. H.F. Williams [were merchants]- after them; then James Lee and Edward Watson. Ned and Robert Watson then built in front of the Old Tavern, where McRae now lives and did business there. Dr. Watson moved to Texas and Ned went out of business. Mr. William Alston Pugh lived in a large grove opposite the old store. He died September 1836, leaving a wife and five children: William Augustus, Laura, Joseph, Fannie, and Whit. Augustus married Harriet Cotton, bought a farm in the Indian Woods, lived there until the commencement: of the war in 1861, sold out to Lewis T. Bond, moved to Dr. Askew's place, now owned by Mrs. Askew, and died there, leaving a wife and several children. His wife died not long after at her Mothers, Mrs. Maria Cotton, and the children are scattered to the four corners of the globe. Lizzie their daughter, married Dr. Walker of Plymouth, now living in Danville, VA. A son Joe is living in Norfolk, William in Texas, George I do not know.
Laura Pugh married Dr. H.F. Williams in 1846. Dr. Williams died leaving her with two children, Augustus and Helen. Gus lives in Baltimore; Helen is living at the old place with her Mother. She married Mr. Phelps and has four children, all boys. Fanny [sister of Laura Pugh] married Stephen Andrews Norfleet, lived many years at Kelford and the old Norfleet residence. She died leaving one daughter Fanny, and seven sons. Joe [Joseph James Pugh, brother of Laura] married Charity Dawson Williams, bought the old Averitt place in Woodville, had it rebuilt and lived there many years. His wife died first, he was partially paralyzed and lived several years in that condition. He was very fond of hunting the wild turkey and the morning he was taken cross the river at Flag Run, his dog flushed the turkeys and he attempted to call, but found he was unable to do so. He started to return home, got in his canoe, put his gun in it, and in trying to get in himself, fell between the canoe and the river bank. He caught hold of the canoe and put one leg over it and he and the canoe floated nearly or quite a mile before he was rescued. A Negro man, Perry Pugh, swam to the canoe and brought it with Mr. Pugh to the shore. He left several children, Dr. E.W. Pugh of Windsor, Joseph; his three daughters married sons of Stephen and Fanny Norfleet[Laura, Mary, Carrie]. Alice married Moxley and is a widow with three children; Frank is an engineer in Mexico. Jule died young. W.C. Thompson bought the place, and it is now unoccupied.
I wish it were possible for me to give a true history of this old building and the many instances that have happened there, but the length of time that has passed since I first knew it has dulled my memory of many things that would interest the present generation. I first started to school ____,,____ Miss Eliza Bond taught in the female department. At that time there were two buildings, one male department, one female. The children were all educated at the old Academy and many never attended any other school. The trustees took boarders and many children from other parts of the county went to school there. One incident of my early school days I have never forgotten; although a little funny now, when I think of it, it was quite serious I thought at the time. Mr. Mhoon, who lived above Lewiston, where Mrs. Lewis now lives, had several children who came to school. Among them was a little girl named Betty, I think. One day at noon recess, the children were playing as usual. She was eating and running around the Academy while I was running in just the opposite direction. We ran together, she fell down and commenced crying; as she did so, the biscuit she was eating ran out of her mouth. I thought it looked like hog brains, that I had broken her skull, and it was her brains that were running out, and for a while I was badly frightened. The boys and girls played together and some of the girls could jump as high and run as fast as any of the boys. Sometimes they would meet in the female part and dance all during the recess at twelve o'clock. Some of the girls who are grandmothers and old members of the church [St. Frances Methodist Church] are doing the singing and clapping. Sometimes the boys filled the well up with wood and the trustees would let us go six months without digging a well or doing anything to provide water for the school. Then most of us would go to Lewark Swamp for water and one day one of the boys caught a pike in the bottle he was holding in the stream. After a long time the trustees hired Old Jerry Simpson, nicknamed "Old Red Caesar", to dig a well, the one now there, and while digging the boys who were standing around would snatch each others' hats and throw them down the well. Old Jerry would kindly bring them up for a while, until getting tired of the fun, he would put it in the bucket and cover it up with mud and the boy whose hat was sewed thus, would be a mad one when it came out and wanted to fight the whole school. I have known every boy in school but one get a whipping in one day and the one who escaped did so by not telling the truth. In those days, the whip was in frequent use; in fact, it was used without stint. There was a psalm singing rascal who came to Woodville under the assumed name of Richard Williams - he had stolen a horse and buggy in Virginia and was a fugitive from justice. He taught a while, but at last was arrested for the offense, but managed by some means to escape punishment. I well remember the day and how the scholars prayed they might carry him away and punish him. The officer told his right name to a friend. He took delight or apparently did, in whipping the younger scholars. I got so afraid of him I could repeat my lessons to him without missing any, as I knew he would whip me for missing one word. Every day saw me taking at least one if not, two whippings. He stayed one night at my Father's, sang his hymns, and appeared very devout. I had been out in the branch that evening and when I came in my mother spoke to me about getting my feet wet. The next day at school he called me up and gave me a thrashing. I think he left Woodville in debt and I was truly glad when he did go. I can remember the name of Hicks, Harmon, Rev. A.M. Craig, and Brooks who taught there when I went to school. Hicks' usual punishment was to make a boy sit on nothing, back up to the wall, and sit down until you come on a level with your knees and remain in that position; in a short time, the strain on the muscles of the leg became so painful that you would either straighten up a little or sink down a little; in either case a sharp blow with the whip would remind you that you must gain his level again. I had rather take a whipping anytime than to stand it fifteen or twenty minutes. As schools built up through the county, the Old Academy came down, the part the girls were taught in was moved off and sold, only one house is now standing. As I pass by the old place I often think of the many boys and girls with whom I have spent many happy hours in play around the Old academy and wonder what has become of them. I can recall a few only of the many of those I first knew that are now living: Mrs. M.A. Taylor, Mrs. P.H. Winston, and Mrs. Nichols - of the girls. W. Capehart, and Joe Hardy of Roxobel, Whit Swain, as I have not heard of his death. What a few out of such a multitude of children. The majority have long since lain down the burdens of life and have gone to another, and I trust a better land where there is no gray hair, no growing old, no death. The few of us yet left bare the marks of old father time and the number is steadily decreasing year by year. I hope we may spend our years in this world in the service of our heavenly Father, that after death we may spend an eternal youth in that happy land where pain and death never come.
The family of Colonel Jesse Averitt consisted of himself, wife, and six children, and a Miss Spain, I think. Miss Mary Eliza was not married when I heard from her last, and I do not know if she is still living. Sally Ann married Jacob Parker, and died in Murfreesboro about 1857, and was buried in the old Averitt graveyard near the place Alfred Spivey now lives. Louisa was married. Henry married a lady in Petersburg, VA and is dead. _____ and the other son I have never heard from. Colonel Averitt sold his place many years ago which was bought by Joseph James Pugh; he [Averitt] moved to Florida. My Father [John Smaw Smallwood] moved to the Silas Smith place in 1831 or 1832 for the purpose of sending his children to the Academy. My brother was born there. He afterwards moved to the place at the fork of the road leading to Hills and Taylors and lived until his death June 26, 1843, leaving his wife and seven children. Thomas [brother] read medicine, practiced medicine 10 years in Woodville, then moved in the Indian Woods, married Sally Ruffin and died September 1875. His wife died about 1858, left several children. Mary Winifred, my sister, never married; is now in her 70th year, living at the old home Quiroque [ [View Map] ] with the wife of my brother Robert. Sallie married W.P. Gurley, lived at Merry Hill afterwards in Windsor, and died there in 1841 or 1862. She left several children. I was born at Quiroque April 12, 1828, read medicine and practiced medicine in Woodville about 11 years. I sold out to Dr. Rhodes Taylor of Washington, NC who only lived three months after settling in Woodville. January 1861 I moved to the farm in Indian Woods, lived there until the close of the war, came to the old Silas Smith place, bought a field just opposite the residence, and lived there until my children were grown or off at school. I now live with my daughter, Mary Lockhart Smallwood Griffin, widow of Dr. John Sam Griffin. I was married to Harriet Joyner Clark in Jumping Run Church March 20, 1850 by Reverend Joseph B. Cheshire of Tarboro who is now living.
My wife died March 19, 1889 and was buried at the Clark graveyard in the Indian Woods; she left me with four children. Mary Lockhart married Dr. J.S. Griffin who died August 13, 1892, and is now living at the Silas Smith place with four children. John Pugh read medicine and is now located at Corburn, VA. Lewis Thompson is now at Aulander in the Employment of the ,,____Co. Frances Whitmel is at school at the M.W. College, Abington, Virginia. Robert Watson Smallwood who married Sarah A. Johnson of Halifax County lived and died September 1891 at the old home Quiroque. His widow with my sister Mary W. and her son, John Willis, live at the same place. His daughter Mary W. married Turner Bond and lived in the Indian Woods. They have several children, all girls. My brother's oldest son married Lula Hardy daughter of Mr. James Hardy and now lives in Louisiana.
Mr. John Ruffin's family consisted of his wife and several children; two of his daughters died of scarlet fever, Sarah married my brother Dr. Tom Smallwood and died on the farm. Willie Ruffin married Dr. John Hill of Wilmington, moved to Halifax, near Littleton, and there Dr. Hill died, leaving one daughter who married Dr. John H. Tucker. Mrs. Hill afterwards married Bob Hamlin, and after a few years they separated. Bob has since died and she is now living with her daughter, Mrs. Tucker, in Henderson. The son, John Ruffin, died young unmarried, leaving his property to the son of my brother, John Ruffin Smallwood, and the only good it ever did him was to ruin him.
Whitmell Smallwood read medicine, married Miss Porter of Tennessee, and moved to Paris, Tennessee where he still lives. His wife died, leaving him four children. His daughter married a Mr. Porter in December 1892. They now live in Birmingham, Alabama. One of his children lives in Colorado City, 2 in Texas, one a lawyer, the other a druggist. Whit has been married three times and now is living in Paris, Tennessee and has one child by his last wife. Whit was born at the Smith place. My sister Frances was the youngest of the family, born October 1836, married in Tenn. to Honorable Hampden McClanahan and is now living in Trinity. Hers has been a hard lot. God grant she may have her reward in heaven; she has several children. (The families above are sort of mixed, but will be understood, I hope.)
John Willis, son of my brother Robert is living with his mother, attending to the farm and they are doing quite well. He is unmarried. Mr. H.H. Hardy had a large family of children by his first wife; they are all dead I think, but two. James is living in LA., Mrs. Gillam living at the old Robbins place near Mt. Olive. Mr. Hardy married the second time Mrs. Simons [Simmons?] of VA had several children. His son James married her daughter by her first husband and is now living in LA. He bought the old tavern, had it torn down and rebuilt it, lived there a few years, and left it to go to LA. It was burned down several years ago and the place is occupied by a Negro tenant. Of the new buildings erected in Woodville since I first knew it: St. Frances Church was built about 1847 [1845] by Thomas Bragg, father of General Bragg and Governor Bragg. The money to build it was given by Mrs. Frances Pugh, wife of William Alston Pugh. It stands opposite the old Hinton place, now occupied by Mrs. Griffin. It is a Methodist Church.
Dr. Robert Watson built a physician's office near the old tavern, just in the fork of the road. He and his brother Ned built a storehouse just across the road from the tavern. It is now occupied as a dwelling by Mr. H.S. McRay. The Episcopalians have a rectory [[View Map] ] near the Silas Smith place with the Rev. Edward Wooten as a resident. The land was given him by Mrs. Margaret Thompson, wife of Lewis Thompson. Mr. Wooten on leaving Woodville, sold it to the Episcopal Church.
Opposite the Silas Smith place I bought a tract of land of Dr. Griffin and put up a small house, at which I lived until after the death of my wife. Grace Episcopal Church [[View Map] ] has been built for sometime; it stands on the main road just below the store built by Dr. Rob and Edward Watson. The land was given by Dr. H.F. Williams.
Mr. Lewis Thompson [[View Map] ] built the residence now occupied by Mr. Burges Urquhart, who married Mary, the daughter of Lewis Thompson. Mr. Thompson was a man of large wealth. He died in December 1867 and is buried in the churchyard at Grace Church. His daughter died in November of the same year. Thomas, his son, built on Canady Hill, married Helen Clark, his first cousin, the daughter of his uncle William M. Clark. She died in March 1893. Thomas, at this writing, is in bad health, and is not expected to live long, by his friends. William Clark [Thompson] the youngest son of Lewis Thompson, moved to LA, was a sugar planter for several years, returned to Woodville, married Miss Virginia Griffin, daughter of John B. Griffin, and is now living at her mother's. They have three children, all boys.
Dr. Tom Smallwood built up a place where S.J. Meekins now lives, used it as a medical office for several years, then sold to me; and when I moved to the farm in 1861, I sold to Dr. Rhodes Taylor who died there. Dr. Bernard then bought it; John Britt bought it, sold to Dr. James Cotton of Halifax, who died there. His widow now rents it to S. J. Meekins. Mr. Meekins is a native of Maryland and is engaged in the shingle business. Married to Alice, daughter of Mr. McRae. They have several children.
Mr. Kenneth Bazemore now lives at the old Peter B. Martin place [[View Map] ] and he has wife and several children. Dorsey Mizell [his daughter, Emily married Burges Urquhart, son of Burges Urquhart and Mary Bond Thompson, and grandson of Lewis Thompson] is living at the old Walton place, has wife and several children. [note: Dorsey Mizell's great grandson, Burges Urquhart IV, lives at this home now]. My Mother and Father were married at this place, then the residence of William Whitmel Pugh who was her uncle, in 1818. Woodville does not by any means present the same appearance that it did sixty years ago. The beautiful groves in which many of the residences were placed have been cut up, some of them in parts cultivated. The Old Tavern and the building that replaced it have passed away and the place is bare and lonely. And there are only two human beings living that I know of that were living there in 1831 or 1832, and that is Mrs. Laura Williams and myself.