Cemeteries in Burke County by Find-A-Grave
Includes photographs

001 Abees Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery-Valdese
002 Abees Grove Baptist Church Cemetery-Valdese
003 Abernathy Methodist Church Cemetery-Rutherford College
004 Alexander Family Cemetery #1
005 Alexander Family Cemetery #2
006 Alexander Family Cemetery #3
007 Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
008 Arney Cemetery
009 Arneys Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery
010 Avery Family Cemetery #1-Morganton
011 Avery Family Cemetery #1
012 Avery Family Cemetery #2
013 Avery Family Cemetery #3
014 Bollenger Chapel Cemetery-Valdese
015 Barrier Family Cemetery - Jonas Ridge
016 Beam Family Cemetery- Morganton
017 Belvedere Family Cemetery
018 Benfield Cemetery
019 Berrytown Cemetery
020 Bethany Lutheran Church Cemetery
021 Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery-Chesterfield
022 Bethel Methodist Church Cemetery-Morganton
023 Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery-Glen Alpine
024 Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetery
025 Bible Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
026 Big Hill Cemetery (See: Bollingers Chapel)-Valdese
027 Bollenger Chapel Cemetery-Valdese
028 Bollingers Chapel UMC Cemetery-Valdese
029 Boone Family Cemetery
030 Bost Cemetery
031 Bost-Forney Cemetery-Morganton
032 Bridgewater Presbyterian Church
033 Broughton Hospital Cemetery-Morganton
034 Buff Cemetery-Connelly Springs
035 Burke Cemetery-Hildebran
036 Burke Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery-Hildebran
037 Burke Memorial Park-Morganton
038 Burkemont Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton   
039 Burns Family Cemetery-Icard
040 Calvary Assembly of God Cemetery-Morganton
041 Calvary Memorial Gardens
042 Calvin Heights Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
043 Carswell Family Cemetery
044 Carswell Memorial Baptist Church Cemetery
045 Catawba Valley Baptist Church Cemetery
046 Chapman Cemetery - Connelly Springs
047 Chapman Cemetery-Hildebran
048 Church of Jesus Christ Cemetery
049 Cline Family Cemetery-Icard
050 Community Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
051 Conley Road Pentecostal Holiness Church Cemetery-Morganton
052 Connelly Springs Cemetery (See: Mountain View)-Rutherford College
053 Connelly Springs Freewill Baptist Church Cemetery
054 Corpening Chapel AME Church Cemetery
055 Corpening Family Cemetery
056 Corpening Family Cemetery - Piney Rd-Morganton
057 County Home Cemetery
058 Curtis Family Cemetery-Morganton
059 Cuthbertson Cemetery
060 Dentons Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery-Morganton
061 Devault Farm Burial Ground-Morganton
062 Dobson Cemetery
063 First Church of God Cemetery-Drexel
064 Drexel Memorial Park
065 El Bethel Church Cemetery-Morganton
066 Enon Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
067 Erwin Cemetery
068 Erwin Family Cemetery
069 Fairview United Methodist Church Cemetery
070 Faith Freewill Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
071 Faith Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
073 Faith Temple Tabernacle Church Cemetery
073 Fellowship Baptist Cemetery-Hildebran
074 First Baptist Church Cemetery-Connelly Springs
075 First Church of God Cemetery-Drexel
076 First Presbyterian Church Cemetery-Morganton
077 First United Methodist Church Columbarium & Memorial-Morganton
078 Flat Gap Baptist Church Cemetery
079 Forest Hill Cemetery-Morganton
080 Forney Family Cemetery
081 Fox Family Cemetery
082 Friendly Freewill Baptist Church Cemetery
083 Friendship United Methodist Church Cemetery-Connelly Springs
084 Fullwood Family Cemetery
085 Gibbs Chapel Wesleyan Church Cemetery-Glen Alpine
086 Gilboa Methodist Cemetery
087 Gilead Baptist Church Cemetery-Lake James
088 Giles-Devault Farm Burial Ground (See: Devault Farm Burial Ground)
089 Gillian Baptist Church Cemetery


089 GingerCake Cemetery
090 Glen Alpine Cemetery-Glen Alpine
091 Grace & Truth Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
092 Grace Episcopal Church Cemetery-Morganton
093 Grandfather Mountain
094 Grandview Baptist Church Cemetery
095 Granite Hills Cemetery - Valdese
096 Graveyard Island
097 Harbison Family Cemetery
098 Harshaw Family Cemetery-Morganton
099 Hartland Baptist Church Cemetery
100 Hartland Community Cemetery-Morganton
101 Hartland Missionary Methodist Church
102 Hemphill Cemetery (See: Smyrna Baptist Church Cemetery)
103 Hemphill Cemetery-Morganton
104 Henry River Baptist Church
105 High Peak Baptist Church Cemetery
106 Hildebran First Baptist Church Cemetery
107 Hildebran View Baptist Church Cemetery-Hildebran
108 Hildebrand Cemetery (Old)-Icard
109 Hillcrest Cemetery-Valdese
110 Hoffman/Hildebrand Cemetery
111 Hopewell Baptist Church-Morganton
112 Huffman Cemetery
113 Hunter Cemetery on Linville River-Table Rock
114 Hutchins Family Cemetery-South Mountains
115 Icards Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
116 Isaac Family Cemetery-Morganton
117 Israel Chapel A.M.E. Church
118 Jaynes Family Cemetery
119 Jehovahs Witness Cemetery-Morganton
120 Johnson Family Cemetery (Piney)
121 Jonas Ridge Cemetery-Jonas Ridge
122 Kincaid Cemetery
123 Lake James Baptist Church Cemetery
124 Largent Family Cemetery
125 Laurel Haven Baptist Church Cemetery
126 Liberty Church Cemetery
127 Linville United Methodist Church Cemetery-Linville
128 Lovelady Cemetery (See: Mountain View Cemetery)-Rutherford College
129 Lowman Family Cemetery (Private Property)
130 Lowman Family Cemetery - Connelly Springs
131 Maple Grove Church Cemetery
132 Martin Family Pet Cemetery-Hildebran
133 McDowell (McElrath) Presbyterian Church Cemetery-Morganton
134 McDowell-Tate Cemetery (See: Quaker Meadows Cemetery)
135 McElrath A.M.E.C. Cemetery-Glen Alpine
136 Mineral Springs Mountain Baptist Church Cemetery
137 Mission AME Church Cemetery
138 Missionary Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
139 Morning Star Freewill Baptist Church Cemetery
140 Mount Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery
141 Mount Gilead Baptist Church-Connelly Springs
142 Mount Harmony UMC Cemetery
143 Mount Hebron Baptist Church
144 Mount Herman AME Cemetery (old)-Glen Alpine
145 Mount Herman AME Church Cemetery
146 Mount Home Baptist Church-Morganton
147 Mount Olive Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
148 Mount Pleasant Methodist Church Cemetery-Morganton
149 Mount Zion Memorial Park-Valdese
150 Mountain Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery-Morganton
151 Mountain View Baptist Church Cemetery #1
152 Mountain View Cemetery-Rutherford College
153 Mountain View Number #2 Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
154 Mulls Grove Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
155 NC School for the Deaf/Stevelie Cemetery-Morganton
156 Nowlings Chapel Baptist Church-Morganton
157 Oak Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
158 Oak Hill United Methodist Church Cemetery
159 Oak Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery
160 Oak Ridge Memorial Park
161 Obeth Cemetery
162 Old Adventist Cemetery
163 Old Antioch Methodist Cemetery
164 Old Mount Herman Cemetery (See: Mount Herman AME Cemetery)-Glen Alpine
165 Old Mount Zion Baptist Church Cemetery-Valdese
166 Old Saint Paul Episcopal Church Cemetery
167 Olive Hill Cemetery-Morganton
168 Park Hill Memorial Gardens-Parkhill
169 Parks Cemetery
170 Patton Family Cemetery (Pollard-Patton Rd)
171 Penelope
172 Penelope Baptist Church Cemetery-(See: Arney Cemetery)
173 Pentecostal Holiness Church
174 Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery
175 Phillips Family Cemetery-Morganton
176 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
177 Pleasant Grove Methodist Church Cemetery
178 Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cemetery-Enola
179 Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery-Morganton
180 Presbyterian Church of Glen Alpine Cemetery-Glen Alpine
181 Pritchard-Clontz Family Cememtery-Morganton
182 Quaker Meadows Cemetery-Morganton
183 Quaker Meadows Presbyterian Church Cemetery-Morganton
184 Rainhill Wesleyan Methodist Church Cemetery-Morganton
185 River Valley Baptist Church
186 Riverside Baptist Church Cemetery
187 Rutherford College Cemetery (See: Mountain View Cemetery)
188 Saint James Church of God Cemetery-Morganton
189 Saint Johns Baptist Church Cemetery-Connelly Springs
190 Saint Mary's Episcopal Church Cemetery
191 Salem United Methodist Church Cemetery-Salem
192 Setzer Cemetery (See: Old Adventist Cemetery)
193 Seventh-Day Adventist Memorial Cemetery
194 Shady Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
195 Shady Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery
196 Shiloh A.M.E. Church Cemetery
197 Shoups Grove Baptist Church Cemetery-Icard
198 Silver Creek Baptist Church Cemetery-Brindletown
199 Smarts Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
200 Smyrna Baptist Church Cemetery
201 Snow Hill Methodist Church Cemetery-Morganton
202 Solid Rock Baptist Church Cemetery
203 South Fork Baptist Church Cemetery
204 South Mountain Baptist Church Cemetery
205 Swan Ponds Cemetery-Morganton (See: Avery Family Cemetery #1)
206 Swan Ponds Plantation, Burke Co
207 Swink Cemetery
208 Table Rock Adventist Church Cemetery
209 Table Rock Baptist Church Cemetery
210 Trinity Baptist Church Cemetery-Drexel
211 United Baptist Church Cemetery-Valdese
212 Valdese City Cemetery (See: Hillcrest Cemetery)
213 Victory Baptist Church Cemetery
214 Victory Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
215 Waldensian Presbyterian-Valdese
216 Walker Top Cemetery
217 Walkers Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery-Connelly Springs
218 Warlick Cemetery-Enola
219 Warlick Family Cemetery-Connelly Springs
220 Warlicks Baptist Church Cemetery-Connelly Springs
221 Warlicks Chapel UMC Cemetery
222 Westview Baptist Church Cemetery-Pumpkin Center
223 Wilkies Grove Baptist Church Cemetery-Hickory
224 Willow Tree AME Church Cemetery-Oak Hill
225 Winkler's Grove Baptist-Hickory
226 Zion Baptist Church Cemetery-Oak Hill
227 Zion Hill Baptist Church Cemetery-Camp Creek
228 Zion Memorial UMC Cemetery-Drexel


All About Find-A-Grave

Find-A-Grave is a non-profit organization that relies on volunteers to both survey cemeteries and provide photographs of gravestones. Their website currently contains 48 million graves and tools are available to search for cemeteries and individuals.

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Robin Mace Barger - © 2008-present
Last Modified:  07/09/2020 00:10:31