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Sarah (Womack) Barrett Deeds
Contributed by Anne  Burton Washburn


Deeds of Sarah (Womack) BARRETT assigning personal property to her grandchildren, children of Lucy Barrett BURTON and Capt. Noel BURTON

Caswell County Deed Book, 1777-1817,  Deed book A, pp. 305 and 306, NC State Archives.

To all to whom these presents shall come Greetings, Know ye that I Sarah Barrett of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina for divers good causes & considerations and more especially for the Love, Good will & affection which I have and bear unto my Grandsons, James Burton & William Barrett Burton & my Grand Daughter Anne Burton hath Given and Granted by these presents I Give and Grant unto the Said James Burton, William Barrett Burton and Anne Burton their Heirs & afsigns for ever to Wit, Five Pewter Dishes, Six Plates, and one large Iron pott I give unto James Burton his Heirs and Afsigns. I give and grant unto William Barrett Burton one Feather Bed & furniture, Two pewter Dishes and Six Pewter Plates. I Give unto Anne Burton Two Pewter Dishes Three plates and one Small Bason To have and to hold the [?]. Granted Articles to each of them, their Heirs and afsigns and to the only Proper use of the Said James Burton, William Barrett Burton and Anne Burton respectively as above Granted and to their Heirs & afsigns for ever. Provided Neverthelefs that it is the True Intent & Meaning of these presents that the  Said Sarah Barrett is to keep possession of the Several Articles during her natural life. In Testimony whereof the Said Sarah Barrett has here unto set Her hand & Seal this 22d Day of February Anno Dom 1780

Sealed & Delivered                                                     Sarah Barrett  (seal)

In presence of

A Tatom (jurat)
John Dix

To all whom these presents shall come Greeting, Know ye that I Sarah Barrett of the County of Caswell & State of North Carolina for divers Good causes and considerations and more Especially Love and Good will & affection which I have and do bear unto my Grandson Robert Burton hath Given Granted & by these presents [I duly?] give and Grant unto the said Robert Burton his Heirs and Afsigns for ever, Two Negroes Phill & [?] and one large Copper Kettle, two dishes & one bason To have & to hold the said Negroes [etc?] unto him the Said Robert Burton his Heirs and afsigns for ever, [etc?] [this?] only Proper use of [?], Provided Neverthelefs that it is the True intent & Meaning of these Presents that the Said Sarah Barrett is to keep Pofsesion of the above Granted articles, Negroes etc. during her natural Life at which Time the said Robert is to take them in Pofsesion. In Testimony whereof the Said Sarah Barrett hath hereunto Set my hand & Seal this 22nd day of February Anno Dom 1780


Sealed & Delivered                                                                Sarah Barrett (seal)

In presence of

A Tatom (Jurat)
John Dix

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