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Robert Blackwell Land Grant 1779

Page 456

State of North Carolina          No. 130

To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting,

Know ye that for and in consideration the sum of fifty Shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted, paid into our Treasury by Robert Blackwell have given & granted & by these presents do give and grant unto the said Robert Blackwell a Tract of Land Six Hundred & Forty Acres lying and being in our County of Caswell on both sides of the Stoney fork of Moon’s Creek. Beginning at a Red Oak & running thence West Eighty Chains Crossing said Stoney fork to a White Oak. Thence North Eighty Chains crossing said fork to a Poplar on a Branch. Thence East Eighty Chains to a Stake. Thence South Eighty Chains to the first Station as by the plat hereunto annsaid  doth appear. Together with all the Woods, Waters, Mines, Minerals, Hereditaments & appurtenances to the said Land Belonging or Assertaining. To hold to the said Robert Blackwell his Heirs & Assigns forever. Yielding and paying to us such sum of Money yearly or Otherwise as our General Assembly  from time to time may Direct. Provided always that the said Robert Blackwell shall cause this Grant to be Registered in the register’s office of our said County of Caswell within Twelve months from the Date hereof. Otherwise the same shall be Void and of no effect. In Testimony whereof we have caused our Great Seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness Rich’d Caswell Esquire our Governor Captain General & Commander in Chief at Kingston the fourteenth Day of December in the fourth year of our Independence & in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Nine.


By His Excellency’s Com.                                                          R.C. Caswell


Wm. Sheppard   Sec.

Transcribed by: Mark Phelps   2003            

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