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Collection of Morton Deeds contributed by Mark Phelps


Mesheck Morton Land Deed to Thomas Tatam

Deed Book 6 Page 186 

October 19, 1778

This indenture made the nineteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight between Mesheck Morton of the County of Prince Edward of the one park and Thomas Tatam of Cumberland County of the other park.  Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of seventy five pounds good and lawful money of Virginia to him the said Mesheck Morton in hand paid by the said Thomas Tatam the receipt whereof he does acknowledge and thereof does aquit ______ the said Thomas Tatam, his heirs assigns forever by this presents has granted, bargained and sold unto the said Thomas Tatam one certain track or parcel in the County of Prince Edward County on the waters of Bryer River containg one hundred acres more or less and is bounded as followeth beginning at Blased pine at Daniel Daverson line along the beginning, the Beginning line of the _____of said 400 acres land from thence to the white oak by a branch thence to a path known by the name of Dickson path along the path to Daniel Daverson’s line thence along his line to the beginning together with all and singular the appurtenances to the said land belonging or in any wise appertaining with the reversions remainders rents and profit thereof to have and to hold the said one hundred acres of land and appurtences to the same belong unto the sait Thomas Tatam, his heirs and assigns for ever to the only proper use and behoof of this said Thomas Tatam his hirs and assigns forever and the said Mesheck Morton does for himself and his heirs covenant and agree to and with the said Thomas Tatam and his heirs shall and will warrant forever defend the right title fostered and property of the said land against the just claim of all and every person or persons whatsoever in witnesseth of the said Mesheck Morton has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. sealed and delivered in

Presence of ______________               Meshech  x  Morton   SEAL

At court held for Prince Edward County October 19, 1778.  T-- with deed from Mesheck Morton to Thomas Tatam was presented and acknowledged in court by the said Mesheck party, thereto ,Mary his wife, privily examined relinquished her dower to lands in said deed mentioned and ordered to be recorded.

John Ashburn Land Deed to Meshack Morton

March 2nd 1782
Deed Book A ---- Page 616
Caswell County, North Carolina

This Indenture made this second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven & eighty two and in the seventh year of our American Independence John Ashburn of the State of North Carolina & County of Caswell  of the one part & Mashak Morton of the State and County aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that John Ashburn for and in consideration of Fifty Pounds Proclamation Money of the said State to me in hand paid by the said Mashak Morton at or before Sealing & Delivering of these presents the Receipt whereof he the said John Ashburn doth hereby acknowledge hath given, granted, bargained Sold & by these presents doth give, grant, bargain & sell_______,Release and Confirm unto the said Mashak Morton his Heirs Executors Administrators & Assigns forever a Certain Tract or Parcel of Land. Lying & being in the County of Caswell aforesaid and on the Waters of North Hyco. Beginning on a Post Oak on Thomas Kilgore’s line & Running Near a West Course to a point of a Ridge above the said John Ashburn’s spring & then down his Spring Branch to his South West corner a Sycamore on William Moore’s  line including Anderson Ashburn’s Improvement, thence his line North twelve chains to a Hicory, then East fifteen chains to a White Oak, thence North thirty five chains to a Poplare, thence East twenty eight chains to a Pine on Thomas Kilgore’s___ line, thence his line to the Post Oak first Beginning Containing One Hundred Acres be the same more or less it being part of a Tract of Land that the said John Ashburn purchased of Richard Caswell Esq. then Our Governor Capt. General and Commander in Chief, with the Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders Rents & Services thereof  & also all the Estate Right Title Claim or Demand whatsoever of him the said John Ashburn of  in & unto the said premises of in & unto every part & parcel thereof. To have and to hold the said Tract or Parcel of Land & premises above Mentioned with the Appurtenances unto the said Mashak Morton for himself his Heirs Executors Administrators & Assigns to the only proper use & behoof of the said Mashak Morton his Heirs & Assigns forever & the said John Ashburn for himself his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns doth Covenant and agree to & with the said Mashak Morton his Heirs & Assigns forever by these presents that he the said John Ashburn & his Heirs all & every other person & persons & his or their Heirs anything having or Claiming in the said premises above mentioned or any part thereof by for or under him shall & will warrant & forever Defend. In Witness whereof the said John Ashburn hath hereto set his Hand & Affixed his seal this day & year first above written.

 John Ashburn   ----*Seal*       

Signed Sealed Published  
and Delivered in the
Presence of us.

Robert Long

 Transcribed by: Mark Phelps   2003

Jonathan Law Land Deed to Meshack Morton
July 1784 Deed Book E Page 79
Caswell County North Carolina

This Indenture made this 2_ Day of July 1784between Jonathan Law of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina of the one part and Meshag Morton of the County and State afore said of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Jonathan Law for and in cosideration of the sum of Sixty one pounds Current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Meshag Morton at or before the Delivery and Sealing of these presents Whereof the said Jonathan Law Acknowledged Granted Bargained and Sold Alinated _____ Release and Confirm and by these presents Doth from himself and his Heirs and assigns Grant bargain and Sell Alianate ____ and Confirm Unto the said Meshag Morton his Heirs and Assigns forever a Certain Tract or Parcel of land Situate Lying and being in the County of Caswell and State afore said and on the Waters of the Redy fork and bounded as follows.

Viz: Beginning a Red Oak Corner at William Richmond’s on Matthew Richmond’s Line and Running thence with his line South thirty nine chains to a White Oak, then West twelve chains to a Stake, then South to a Stake, then West thirty eight chains to a Post Oak, then North sixteen Chains to a Pine, then West twenty six chains to a Pine, then North twenty three chains to a Pine, then East with William Richmond’s Line to the first Station, containing Three Hundred and Twenty Acres of Land which said tract of land unto the said Meshag Morton. The said Jonathan Law do warrant and forever defend against the Claim or Claims of Me, my Heirs or any other person pretending Right of Title thereunto. With the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders and also all Rights Title Claim Interest and Demand of Me the Said Jonathan Law of in and to the Said premises above mentioned with Appurtenances unto the Said Meshag Morton his Heirs and Assigns forever and the Said Jonathan Law for himself and his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns doth Covenant and Grant to the Said Meshag Morton his Heirs and Assigns  forever by the presents that the Said Jonathan Law and his Heirs all and every other person or persons Whatsoever. And his or their Heirs anything having or Claiming in the said premises above mentioned or any part thereof by from and unto. Shall Warrant and Defend the Said parcel and premises above mentioned with the Appurtenances there unto the Said Meshag Morton his Heirs and Assigns forever by these presents in Witness Whereof the Said Jonathan Jonathan Law has hereunto set his hand and Seal the day and year above Written.

 Jonathan Law  *Seal

Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of :

Alex Wiley
Thomas Wiley ---Jurat

Transcribed By: Mark Phelps – November 16, 2003

Robert Kimbrough  Land Deed to Meshack Morton
November 20th, 1793 Deed Book H Page 268
Caswell County North Carolina

This Indenture made this twentyeth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety three Between Robert Kimbrough of the County of Caswell and the State of North Carolina of the one part and Meshack Morton of the Said County and State of the other part. Witnesseth that the Said Robert Kimbrough for and in consideration of sum of two hundred and twenty four pounds VC to him in hand paid and made  sum the receipt whereof he doth confess and acknowledge himself therewith to be to be fully satisfied and paid of every part and parcel thereof and doth the Said Meshack Morton his heirs & fully Exonerate Aquit and discharge hath bargained and sold and doth by these presents Bargain sell Alienate make over and confirm to the said Meshack Morton a certain tract or parcel of land whereon the Said Morton now lives Situate lying and being in the County of Caswell on the waters of the south fork of Country Line Creek.

Beginning at an Ironwood by a branch a fork of _______ Branch, thence then up said Branch as it meanders North Easterly 66 chains to a Birch in the old line, then East along said line 41ch & 50 links to a Stake and pointers, then South 41ch & 50 links to a Black Jack, then West with Said Line 22ch & 50 links to a Post Oak, then South with Said line 30 chains to a Pine, then West with Said line 60ch & 60 links to the head of a Branch, then down said Branch to the mouth thereof, then down the south fork of ______ Branch to the mouth thereof and up the North Fork to the first Station. Containing by Estimation Four Hundred and Forty Eight Acres of Land.

To have and to hold to the Said Meshack Morton his Heirs & Executors Administrators, Meshack Morton his Heirs Executors  & Assigns forever free from the Claim Right Title or Interest of him the Said Robert Kimbrough His Heirs Executors Administrators to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Meshack Morton his Heirs Executors and Assigns forever together with all and singular the Appurtenances Privileges and Endowments there unto belonging or in anywise Appurtaining to the Said tract or parcel of land and the Said Robert Kimbrough against himself his Heirs Executors Administrators, or any other person or persons whatsoever claiming from by or under him, the right of the aforesaid lands and premises will warrant and forever defend to the Said Meshack Morton his Heirs etc. In Witness whereof the Said Robert Kimbrough hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the day and year above written.

Robert Kimbrough----*Seal*

Signed Sealed & Delivered
In the presence of:

Robt. Mitchell


John   x   Kimbrough------Jurat


Caswell County January Court 1794

The Execution of this deed was duly proved in Court by the Oath of John Kimbrough  one of the subscribing witnesses & on Motion ordered to be registered.

Test----A. Murphey  C.C.

 Transcribed By Mark Phelps --  November 16, 2003

Gabriel Lea (Guardian for Orphans of Meshack Morton)  To Thomas Wiley
September 10th, 1797  Deed Book K  Page 112
Caswell County, North Carolina

This Indenture made this tenth day of September in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven. Between Gabriel Lea as Guardian for the orphans of Meshack Morton-Dec’d.  {To Wit} William, Meshack, Paton, Acey, Jacob, Martin, Ezeriah- Mortons the said Lea being appointed by the County of Caswell January Term 1797, to sell a Certain Tract of Land Belonging to the orphans above mentioned an here under described with a reserve of the Widow’s Dowery during her natural life the Said Lea in behalf of the orphans as above of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina of the one part and Thomas Wiley of the Said County and State of the other part. Witnesseth that the Said Gabriel Lea as above for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and thirty two pounds five schillings & six pence in hand paid and made sure the receipt whereof  doth confess and acknowledge himself therewith to be fully satisfied and hath Bargained Sold and doth by these presents bargain Sell alienate make over & confirm to the said Wiley a Certain tract or parcel of Land.Situate lying and being in the said County of Caswell and on the waters of the South Fork of Country Line Creek.

Beginning at an Ironwood by a branch a fork of Mitchels Branch, thence up Said Branch as it meanders North easterly to a Birch in the old line, then East along Said line 41ch & 50 links to a Stake and pointers, then South 41ch & 50 links to a Black Jack, then West with Said Line 22ch & 50 links to a Post Oak, then South with Said line 30ch to a Pine, then West with Said line 60ch & 60 links to the head of Branch, then down Said Branch to the mouth thereof, thence down the South Fork of Mitchel’s Branch to the mouth thereof and up North Fork to the first Station containing by Estimation Four Hundred and Forty Eight Acres of Land.

To have and to hold to the Said Thomas Wiley his Heirs Executors & or Administrators or Assigns forever free from the Claim Right Title or interest of them the Said Orphans their Heirs Executors or Administrators to the only the only proper use and behoof of him the Said Thomas Wiley his Heirs Executors Administrators & Assigns forever together with all and singular the appurtenances priviledges________ thereunto belonging or in anywise Appertaining to the Said Tract or Parcel of Land and the Said Gabriel Lea in behalf of the orphans as above his Heirs Executors & Administrators or any other person or persons whatever claiming from by or under him the right of the aforesaid Lands and premises will warrant and forever defend to the Said Thomas Wiley etc. In Witness whereof the Said Gabriel Lea hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written.

Gabriel Lea   *Seal*



Anderson   x   Morton


Signed Sealed & Delivered:

William Richmond
John Langley

Caswell County October Court 1797

The Execution of this deed was duly acknowledged in open Court
By Gabriel Lea the Guardian and Anderson Morton for him self &
on motion ordered to be registered.

Test: A. Murphey  C.C.

Gabriel Lea to Elijah Morton Land Deed
Caswell County , N.C. May 25th  1830

This Indenture made this twenty fifth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty, between Gabriel Lea of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina of the one part; and Elijah Morton of the County and State aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Gabriel Lea for and in consideration of the sum of Five hundred Dollars to him in hand paid by the said Elijah Morton, the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath given, granted, bargained and sold, and doth by these presents give grant, bargain and sell---- --------release and confirm unto the said Elijah Morton his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of Land situate, Lying and being in the said County of Caswell on a prong of Killgore’s branch of North Hyco: Beginning at a white oak at said branch an running thence north forty five degrees East nine chains to a Red Oak. Thence South eighty three degrees East seven chains and fifty links to Pointers, Thence North sixty seven degrees east five chains to a Red Oak, Thence North forty five degrees East seven chains and fifty links to White Oak by a drain, Thence North seventy six degrees East five chains to a small White Oak and pointers. Thence North fifty four degrees East thirteen chains and forty links to a pine near a mud hole, Thence East five chains and ten links to Hickory on William Lea’s line, Thence South with his line twenty nine chains and eighty links to a Pine, Thence West four chains and twenty links to pointers, Thence South five degrees east twenty one chains and fifty links to a stake in the road, Thence South eighty two degrees West twenty six chains to a Spanish Oak, on the said branch, Thence down the branch as it meanders fifty chains and fifty links to the Beginning, Containing One hundred and fifty Acres, be the same more or less, and said Gabriel Lea doth hereby for himself, his heirs executors etc. covenant with the said Elijah Morton that he will warrant and forever defend the above bargained land and premises from the claim of all other persons whomsoever to the only proper use and behalf of him the said Elijah Morton his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said Gabriel Lea, hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written.

Sealed and delivered in the presence of:                            Gabriel Lea       Seal

Solomon Lea
William Lea Jr.
James Lea

Transcribed by: Mark Phelps 2003

Elijah Morton to Vincent L. Morton
January 21st, 1869
Caswell County, North Carolina

State of North Carolina Caswell County

                               This Indenture made and _______this the 21st day of January 1869. Witnesseth that for and in consideration the natural love and affection which Elijah Morton bears his Son Vincent L. Morton and for and in consideration of a bond executed and delivered by said Vincent L. Morton to support and maintain the said Elijah Morton and for other good causes and considerations the said Elijah Morton hath given granted bargained Sold & delivered to the said Vincent L. Morton his heirs and assigns the tract of land whereon he the said Elijah Morton now lives containing five hundred 500 acres more or less adjoining the lands of John S., Wm. Peterson, William______and others to have and to hold the Said tract of land to the only proper use & behoof of the said Vincent L. Morton his heirs and assigns forever.

                                                                      Elijah Morton  *Seal*



Wm. Paylor Jr.
A.W. Garner 

Vincent Lea Morton To James Monroe Morton
Caswell County, N.C. June 28th 1877

Know all men by by these presents that I, V. L . Morton Executor of Elijah Morton and for and in consideration of the sum of Twelve Hundred & Ten dollars to me as Executor aforesaid in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by J. Monroe Morton all of Caswell Co., N.C. do hereby give grant bargain & sell unto the said J. M. Morton his heirs & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County of Caswell on the waters of North Hyco adjoining the lands of the said V. L. Morton, J. W. Stephens & Mrs. Shanks containing by estimation Sixty Three acres be the same more or less to have and to hold the aforesaid premises with all & singular the privileges & appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said J. M. Morton his heirs & assigns executors & administrators to his and their use and be hoof forever & I the said V. L. Morton as Executor aforesaid do covenant with the said J. M. Morton that he has a right to sell & convey the same and will for himself his heirs & assigns executors & administrators warrant & defend the title to the same to the said J. M. Morton his heirs & assigns forever against the lawful claim of any & all persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I as Executor aforesaid hereto set my hand & affix my seal this the 28th Day of June, 1877.

                                                                     V. L. Morton ----- SEAL

                                                                Executor of Elijah Morton-Decd.


George N. Thompson

State of N.C.}       In Superior Court

Caswell Co}.       Nov. 17, 1885

The execution of the written deed is this day duly proven by the oath & examination of Geo. N. Thompson the subscribing witness and is adjudged to be correct let the deed & certificate be registered.

                                                                        S. B. Adams---C.S.C.

Transcribed By: Mark Phelps  February 2004

Q. E. Morton Commissioner To J. M. Morton

North Carolina

Caswell County

This deed made this 5th day of September, 1917, by Q. E. Morton, Commissioner of Person County, North Carolina, party of the first part, and J. M. Morton of Caswell County, North Carolina, of the second part.


That whereas, the said Q. E. Morton, commissioner, under and by virtue of the authority vested in him by a decree of the Superior Court of Caswell County, in that certain special proceeding entitled “ Q.E. Morton and others versus D. L. Morton and others ”, did, on the 30th day of December 1916, at the store of S. P. Newman in Leasburg North Carolina, after first having advertised the said sale by publishing notice thereof in the Caswell County Democrat, a newspaper published weekly in Caswell County, for four successive weeks immediately preceding the date thereof, and by posting notices of the same at the court house door and four or more other public places in Caswell County for thirty days immediately preceding the said date, did expose the land hereinafter described at public sale to the highest bidder, when and where the said J. M. Morton became the last and highest bidder for same, /- and was declared the purchaser thereof for the sum of $1330.

 And whereas the said sale has been duly confirmed by the said court and it has been ordered that the said Q. E. Morton Commissioner, shall, upon the payment to him of the said purchase price, make, execute / and deliver a good and sufficient deed conveying the said land to the said J. M. Morton in fee simple, and the said J. M. Morton has paid the said purchase money.

 Now therefore, in consideration of the premises, and of the sum of one dollar to the party of the first part paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said Q. E. Morton Commissioner, has bargained and sold and by these presents does bargain, sell and convey unto the said J. M. Morton and his heirs and assigns that certain tract of land situated in Leasburg township, Caswell County, North Carolina, being tract No. 4 of the V. L. Morton Land, as shown on the plat prepared by E. H. Copley, surveyor and described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit :

 Beginning at a stake in the Pinson road, corner of tract No. 3 thence south 86 ½ o east 4465 feet to stake in Cora Stephens line; thence with her line north 4 ¾ o east 660 feet to hickory stump in the King’s Mill and Leasburg road; thence with said road 514 feet to stake; thence north 75 o west 1175 feet to red oak; thence north 7 ½ o west 290 feet to a mulberry; thence north 73 o west 2060 feet to a rock in the Pinson road; thence with said road 2250 feet to the beginning containing 127 acres more or less.

 To have and to hold the said land, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the said J. M. Morton and his heirs and assigns forever in fee simple, in as full and ample manner as the said Q. E. Morton, Commissioner is authorized and empowered to convey the same.

 In testimony whereof the said Q. E. Morton Commissioner, has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal.                                   

                                                         Q. E. Morton, Commissioner—(Seal)

North Carolina

Caswell County

I, R. L. Mitchelle, Clerk of the Superior Court of Caswell County, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day Q. E. Morton, Commissioner, and acknowledged the deoe execution of the foregoing deed, therefore let the deed , together with this this certificate , be registered

.Given under my hand and seal, this 10th day of Sept. 1917

                                                                            R.L. Mitchelle  C.S.C.

Filed for registration at 9:30 A.M. Sept. 10th , 1917 and registered.

                                                                           Robt. T Wilson
                                                                           Register of Deeds.

Transcribed By: Mark Phelps  February 2004

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