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Pearce to Hughes Deed

Submitted by John Hughes

Caswell County Deed Book K: Page 14. Transcribed by John Hughes from microfilm of the original on 14 April 2004. There was no attempt to correct spelling. Undecipherable or illegible words are in brackets [] legible letters included.


This Indenture made & done this twenty fourth day of August in the year of our Lord God one thousand Seven Hundred and ninety Six Between Moses Pearce of the County of Caswell & State of North Carolina of the one part & John Hughes of the County of Orange and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseeth that Moses Pearce for & in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred & Seventy Seven Dollars to him in hand paid at the sealing & delivering of these presents hath bargained Sold [.....] made over Confirmed and made Sure unto the the Said John Hughes a Certain tract or parcel of land and by these presents doth bargain Sell alien make over Confirm and make Shure unto the Said John Hughes a Certain tract or parcel of Land for the Consideration first above mentioned the Right whereof the Said Moses Pearce doth hereby acknowledge and himself fully Satisfied for the Said Land lying and being in the County of Caswell lying on both sides Jordan Creek Joining the orange line and one hundred acres of Land belonging to the Said John Hughes by late Sale [symbol] Beginning at a white oak near a branch runs then East Forty Three Chains to a white oak then South twenty Seven chains and forty links to a post oak on the orange line then West Said line forty three Chains to a stake then North Obediah Martins to the first station [symbol] Containing by Estimation one hundred and Eighteen acres of land agreeable to the grant for the same be the same mor or less and together with all & singular the rents and Services [remaindor and remaindires revotion and revotion] with Each and Every thing belonging or in any wise appertaining of in & to Every part & parcel thereof and the Said Moses Pearce for himself and his heirs doth Covenant agree to & with the Said John Hughes and his heirs that he the Said Moses Pearce & his heirs will Warrant & forever defend the said land & premisses from himself his heirs Executors Adm'_ and from Every person or persons Whatsoever claiming or remanding Right title [symbol] but for the only proper use and behoof & of the said John Hughes his heirs [symbol] will warrant and forever defend the same for that use In Witness whereof the said Mosses Pearce hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal this day and date first above written

Signed Sealed acknowledged and }

Mosses Pearce {Seal}

Delivered in presents of us }  
Samuel Browning (Test)  
Ch's. Taylor  

Caswell County Jan'y Court 1797 the Execution of this deed was duly proved in open Court by the oath of Samuel Browning of the Subscribing Witnesses and on motion ordered to register


Test A. E. Murphy CC

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