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Zeri Rice to Thomas Blackwell thru Lancelot Johnston- Power of Attorney
Deed Book M Page 4  Caswell County, North Carolina 1801
Contributed by
Mark Phelps

This Indenture made this___day of___One Thousand Eight Hundred and One, Between Lancelot Johnston of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina of the one part and Thomas Blackwell of said County and State of the other part.

Witnesseth that the said Lancelot Johnston for and in the consideration of the sum of Five Hundred and Forty Dollars to Zeri Rice paid and made sure at or before the Sealing and Delivering of these presents the___ where of is hereby___. The said Zeri Rice to the said Thomas Blackwell having bargained and sold a certain tract or parcel of Land Willed to him by his father Thomas Rice lately Dec’d. and by a power of attorney made to said Lancelot Johnston by the said Zeri Rice to Convey a good and lawful Right in fee simple for the same by which power he the said Lancelot Johnston doth alienate make over and Confirm to the said Thomas Blackwell his heirs Executors and assigns forever the aforesaid Tract of land and premises thereunto belonging  it being part of the Land whereon the aforesaid Thomas Rice lived before his Decease. Exclusive of the Widow’s Dower.

Beginning at a Birch on the bank of Country Line Creek in John Buchannon’s line running thence along said line South 29ch’s to pointers, thence his line West 5ch’s to a stake then his line South 40ch’s to a Willow Oak bounded for Thomas Slade, thence along his line East 16ch’s and 88 links to a small Post Oak, thence with the line of the Widow’s Dower North 38ch’s and 72 links to a small Red Oak and pointers, thence along Dower’s line East 38ch’s and 72 links to a stake in the old line, thence with said line North 13/4ch’s to a Branch and down the branch it’s various courses to a Persimmon tree near the mouth bounded for John Graves, then with his line West 10ch’s to Country Line Creek, and up the Creek it’s meanders to the Beginning.

Containing by Estimation Two Hundred and Seventy acres of land, together with all and Singular the appurtenances privileges and_________ there unto belonging or otherwise appertaining to have and to hold to the said Thomas Blackwell, his heirs Executors and assigns forever. To and their only proper use and behoof free from the Claim Right Title or Interest of him the said Zeri Rice, his heirs Executors or Administrators or any other person or persons whatever, and the said Lancelot Johnston by the said power in him Established to the said Thomas Blackwell his heirs etc. the Right of the aforesaid Lands & premises, will Warrant and forever defend against all persons Whatever.

 In Witness Whereof he hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the day and year first above written.

Signed Sealed & Acknowledged

In the presence of us:                                                         Zeri Rice  {Seal}

  Jethro Brown                                                                         by

                                                                                  Lancelot Johnston – attorney

Caswell County April Court 1801

The Execution of this deed was duly acknowledged in open Court by Lancelot Johnston attorney in fact for Zeri Rice and on motion ordered to be Registered.



                                                                                           A.Murphey   CC


 Power of Attorney to Lancelot Johnston From Zeri Rice 1800

 Know all men by these presents that I Zeri Rice of the State of South Carolina & County of Abbeville do Constitute Nominate and Appoint Lancelot Johnston of the County of Caswell & State of North Carolina my Lawful Attorney to make unto Thomas Blackwell of the County of Caswell a Good & Sufficient Warranty Deed for a Tract of land lying on the South Side of Country Line Creek, it being the balance of a tract of Land willed to Zeri Rice by Thomas Rice Dec’d., which is to include the whole after the Widow of Said Thomas Rice Dec’d. takes her Dower in said land agreed to the Last Will & Testament of Thomas Rice Dec’d. bearing Date 13th April 1800.

 Witness my hand and Seal 24th September 1800,


Jethro Brown (Jurat)                                                                Zeri Rice  {Seal}

John H. Brown

 Caswell County April Court 1801

 The Execution of this letter of attorney was duly proved in open Court by the oath of Jethro Brown one of the Subscribing Witnesses there to & on motion ordered to be Registered.



                                                                                                  A. Murphey   CC

