Caswell Co., North Carolina Surnames with Researcher
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If you have Caswell County ancestors and would like to hear from others searching surnames in which you are interested, please let us know. [AA] indicates African-American surnames. Please submit a changed email address. New entries are at the top. |
Surnames |
Researcher |
Adkins, Allen, Ball, Guthrie, Nichols, Page, Pass, Phelps, Royster, Tapley | Anita Avery |
Alderdice, McClain (all spellings), Keen, Dill | Garry Brown |
Aldridge; Brannock; Crawford; Graves; Hodges; Lea; Simpson; Swift; Walker | Jack & Dottie Pickett |
Anderson, Bird, Harrison, Hubbard, Miles, Rice, Satterwhite | Slade Anderson |
Ashburn, Evans, Lea, Morton, Villines | Leslie Hines |
Atkins(Adkins), Page, Vaughn | Julia Hall |
Barton, Compton, Henslee/Hensley | Jerry L. Barton |
Bass | Lena Bass |
Bigelow, (Bigloe, Biglow, Bagelow); Pattillo (Patilo, Petullo, Patilo); Donnell (Darnell); Leath | V. J. Payne |
Black, Randolph, Dye | Jan Lopez |
Boswell, Price, Pride, Robeson,Dunaway, Mitchell, McCain, Booker, Williams, and Williamson | Walter Boswell |
Boulton; Farley; Stanfield | Francie Lane |
Bradsher, Jones, Thompson and Connally | Martha Spencer |
Burch and Willingham/Winningham | Glenda Brothers |
Burford, Terrel | Gil |
Burton, Pass | Anne Burton Washburn |
Carman, Quine | Wiliam L. Wallace |
Carnel/Cearnal; Mitchell; and Holloway | Linda Franks |
Crowder, Samuel | Terry |
Crumpton/Compton | Karen Martin |
Elizabeth Halcomb, William Henry Chaney | Willette |
Foster, Perkins and Grant | Mary Perot |
Frederick; Moorefield; Smith; James; Adkins; Stanfield; and Fox | Rick Frederick |
Fuller, Lea | Carol Ann Vian Bennett |
Gooch, Hightower, Kerr, Miles, Rice, Slade | Nancy Crawford |
Graves, Settle, Yancey; Howard; Slade | Pat Hansen |
Hester | Melissa C. Mihok |
Holt; Powell | Jayne |
Horton, Gillaspy, Gillaspie, Williams | Wayne and Peggy Horton |
Hughes, Paschall (and all variants) | John Hughes Sr. |
James Randall/Randolph | Shirley Pierre |
Jones | Paula Carle-Bosch |
Lea; Lee; Grinstead; Royster; Westbrook; Draper | Randall Lee |
Link, Malone, Warren | Charlie Weaver |
Lyon Chance; Hinton; Howard; Watlington; Roberts; Allen | M. Benson |
Lyons, Nichols | Lorraine Robinson |
Lunsford, Sparrow, Beavill | Russell Brown |
Martin | Niota |
Massey; Hastings; Collier; Simmons; Barton; Bush; Low | Pamela Lavery |
McDaniel, Eubanks | Vernon Compton |
McGonigle, Yates | V. Brian Anderson |
Mitchell, Foster, Spencer, Sawyer(s), Hensley/Henslee, Lackey, Anderson, Ector | Phil Mitchell |
Mitchell, Jones, Murphey | Tom Fox |
Perkins, Loafman | Gail Loafman |
Phelps, Dye, Bateman | Jack Phelps |
Powell, Carrol/Carroll, Phillips/Philips | Jo Ellen (Powell) Jester |
Price | Don Price |
Pittard | Anne Bowden |
Rice, Bullock | Marylou Denyer |
Richmond, Dameron, Johnston, Malone and Gray | Cindy Horrace |
Smith, Walker, Rudd, McKinney. Arnold, Montgomery, Terrell, Anglin, Sheppard, Miles, Sartin, Bush, Tapscott, Rice, Windsor, Allred, Stadler, Thomas, Jones, Evans, Lea/Lee | Ramona Supensky |
Somers; Landman (Lanman, Lanmon) | Grace Upshaw |
Somers/Summers, Wade, Carter, Gillaspey/Gillaspy | Betty Phillips |
Stephens, Groom, Johnson and Brim | Mary Anne Stephens |
Stephens, Pleasants | Ronald Weiss |
Strader, Graham | E. Perkins |
Stubblefield, Weathers | Elreeta Weathers |
Tennison, Dennis | Sue Dennis Green |
Terrell, Henshaw, Lewis, Kennon, Cannon, Bush. | Doug Terrell |
Terry | Kathy Argo |
Tinker | Betty Tinker Wells |
Walker, Somers, Sommers, Summers, Dove | Roberta Butler |
Wiley, Noel, and Richmond | Mary Wiley Campbell |
Williams,Henry; wife Elizabeth; Simpson; Kincheloe, Oldham, Jesse; Harris, Tyree | E.W.Wallace |