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Will of Thomas Pattillo Bigelow


20th Day of September 1873
H.F. Brandon,  Probate Judge, Caswell County, NC
Will Proved – Thomas Bigelow

In the name of God, Amen, I Thomas Bigelow of the County of Caswell and state of North Carolina being of sound mind do make this my last Will and Testament.  That after death I desire that my body be immediately interned. Second, that all of my just debts be paid.

 Item 1 - I give & bequeath to William Bigelow the track of land on which he now lives containing fifty or sixty acres and which has never been surveyed.  The line to begin at or near Williams Stables and running in a Southwestern direction along a road to the land of Mrs. Smith compromising all the land on the West side of that road, also I give William Bigelow our Bay Mare named Mary.

Item 2 - I give & bequest to John Henry Bigelow the track of land known as the Page track containing ninety or one hundred acres adjoining the land of Barzillai Graves, John B Stanfield and others, said land was purchased of Thomas D. Johnston.   

Item 3 - I give & bequeath to Albert Bigelow the track of land on which Clem Williamson now lives and where Cheesman Bigelow formerly lived containing 90 or one hundred acres it being two tracks of land bought of Goodwin Evans, Henry F. Adkins, reference may be made to the deeds and said Albert Bigelow shall be entitled to all the land the deeds call for.

Item 4 - I give & bequeath to Cora Virginia Bigelow one thousand dollars in Bank Stock in the National Bank at Raleigh, N.C.

Item 5 - I give & bequeath to Saluda Bigelow one thousand dollars in Bank Stock in the National at Raleigh, N.C.

Item 6 - I give & bequeath to Mary Bigelow one thousand dollars in Bank Stock in the National Bank at Raleigh, N.C.

Item 7 - I give & bequeath to Laura Bigelow one thousand dollars in Bank stock in the national Bank at Raleigh, N.C.

Item 8 - I give & bequeath to Nancy Bigelow, six hundred dollars in Bank Stock in the National Bank at Raleigh, N.C., also four hundred dollars in money to be paid out of my Estate not given away.

Item 9 - I give & bequeath to James Bigelow a life Policy taken out by me 11th day of Nov 1867 for five thousand dollars in the North American Insurance Company, New York and Countersigned 14th Nov 1867 registered No of said Policy 2487 and Policy No 12925.

Item 10 - I give & bequeath to Zackariah Bigelow one thousand dollars in money to be invested by my Executor in Bank or other stock such as the Executor may think best for the use and benefit of said Zachariah Bigelow until the said Zachariah Bigelow arrives at the age of twenty one years.

Item 11 - I give & bequeath to my Sister Mary Catherell formerly Mary Turner, Four hundred dollars also to Thomas Turner of the State of Texas and a Nephew of mine, Four hundred dollars, also to James Turner and John Turner and Thadeius Turner of the State of Texas, nephews of Mine, Four hundred dollars each, also to Lucreitia Collins of the State of Texas, a niece of mine, Four hundred dollars also to Anderson W. Pattillo of Caswell County, three hundred dollars.

I direct my Executor to pay the legacies mentioned in this Item to the amount of $2,700 to be paid out of monies due me from Daniel Pierson for a track of land sold Pierson should this debt be collected of Pierson in my life time, then in that case my Executor shall pay the legacies in this item moneys of my Estate not given away however if four any cause the debt due from Pierson on the lands which he bargained for fails to pay the legacies due in this item I direct that no other monies of my Estate shall go to pay this legacies.  I think that debt sufficient to pay these legacies and leave a balance.

Item 12 - I give & bequeath to Mary Bigelow our Piano.

Item 13  - I give and bequeath to Betsy Bigelow who was once my slave and has attended to me in sickness and who has treated me kindly and nursed me in my old age the balance of my personal property consisting of Horses, cattle, hogs, household and kitchen furniture also farming utensils, crops of every kind, also all debts, moneys, effects of every kind not heretofore given away.

I give and bequeath to Betsy Bigelow the same person named in Item 13 the balance of my Real estate not given off in this will including the Mansion and it surroundings also if from any cause the lands bought of the heirs of Thomas Covington died should fall to my Estate then and in that case, I give the same to Betsy Bigelow, with the same restrictions that I make in regard to my other real estate given her this will.  I mean all other Real estate given Betsy Bigelow she shall have during her lifetime and then to be equally divided between Betsy Bigelows children named in this will.  

I appoint my friend, Brice Harralson my Executor and my wish is that he shall not be required to give security as Executor nor is he required to make an Inventory to count of my Estate, my desire is that he shall act for the minor children in collecting the dividends due them also the Policy due them and that no Guardian be appointed for them.  The Executor shall use the money for their benefit in the education & other purposes which he may deem fit.

The Executor shall not be required to pay interest on any money collected for the minor children and when they arrive at 21 years of age, the Executor will settle with them and take their receipts.

Made 24th day of January 1873.

In presence of Witness:          F. A. Wiley
                                                     James T. Oliver  


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