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 Will of Robert Blackwell (1742-1813)

Caswell County Will Book F-- Page 346
April Court 1813

In the name of God Amen I Robert Blackwell Sr. of the County of Caswell and state of  North Carolina being sick in body but perfect in memory and reason and believing that in  a short time must leave this world and having a desire to settle my affairs before I go  home; do hereby make constitute and ordain this my last will and testament in manner  and form following Viz,

First--- I desire to give my soul to Almighty God who gave it me; as to my temporal  affairs I give as follows,

Secondly--- I will that all my just debts be lawfully and contentedly paid by my executors  hereafter named; and that is not sufficient to satisfy the debts that two Negro men by the  name of Sam and Ned be hired out to settle the same.

Thirdly---To my well beloved wife Zillah Blackwell I give and bequeath 583 acres of  land including the dwelling house during her mortal life and after her decease to be  equally divided between my two Sons Robert Blackwell and John Blackwell.

Fourthly---I give to my wife to dispose of as she thinks proper all the house and kitchen  furniture together with the Spinning wheel loom, barrels, hogsheads, all the____ and  vessels excepted what is hereafter named. Also one wagon and gears, ---- ---- horse ratter,  and one Sorrel horse, and one mare, two plows, four hoes, one mattock, one axe, two  cows and calfs, one steer and one heifer, ten head of sheep, all the flock of hogs, geese  and all the crop of corn fodder, oats, wheat, brandy, tobacco, leather, beehives, two  scythes and cradles;

Fifthly---I give to my beloved wife one Negro man named Peter and his wife Lucy and  two Negro women by the Dafney each and their increase during her life and after her  decease to be equally divided between my children as follows, Carter Blackwell, Nancy  Malone (Deceased), Levi Blackwell, Thomas Blackwell, Garland Blackwell, Polley Watt,  Kitturah Watt, Robert Blackwell, John Blackwell and I give to my daughter Betsy  Malone(Deceased) five shillings for reason of my not giving her an equal part in all that I  have given all that I intend her to have as she departed this life without life without an  heir.

Sixthly--- I give and devise to my Son Robert Blackwell two hundred acres of land  adjoining the lands of Richard Smith, Thomas Swift and Yancey lying on both sides of  the Rock Branch, also one feather bed and furniture and bedstead, one walnut desk, one  cow and calf, one plow and hoe, one mattock and two ewes and lambs.

Seventhly--- I give and devise to my son John Blackwell two hundred acres of land  adjoining the land of Levi Blackwell and Jesse Carter lying on both sides of Moon's  Creek. Also one feather bed and furniture and bedstead, one cow and calf, two ewes and  lambs, one walnut desk, one plow and hoe, mattock and axe, one Shot Gun.

Now I think I have done justice to all my children and placed them on an average; It is  my will and desire that the balance of my property be equally divided among the  following children; Namely, Carter Blackwell, Nancy Malone (Deceased), Levi  Blackwell, Thomas Blackwell, Garland Blackwell, Polley Watt, Kitturah Watt, Robert  Blackwell and John Blackwell, consisting of one Negro boy named Jiles, this property to  be divided as before stated.

Lastly I give to my Daughter Kitturah Watt sixty dollars and now I do by these presents  devise to be my last will and testament and no other utter by word or writing and which  witnesseth the same. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 28th day of  November 1812

I now appoint my executors, my wife Zillah Blackwell, Thomas Blackwell, and Robert  Blackwell

Robert Blackwell (Seal)

Signed in the presence of
Test. Charles Mitchell
Chas. Brooks

State of North Carolina
Caswell County April Court 1813

The executor of this will was duly proved in open court by the oaths of Charles Mitchell  & Charles Brooks the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be  recorded; At the same time Thomas Blackwell & Robert Blackwell qualified as executors  and letters of testimony issued accordingly.

Test. A.E. Murphy CC

Transcribed by: Mark Phelps
August 5th 2003

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