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(adjudged valid at the April Term 1819)

In the Name of God, Amen, I Samuel Henderson, of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina, being in perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God for the same, but calling to mind the mortality of the body and knowing it appointed for all men once to die, I do make and devise this my last Will and Testament, That is to say, First of all, I recommend my soul to God who gave it, and my body to the earth, hoping to receive the same again; and as touching such worldly goods, wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give and dispose of as follows--- I lend unto my beloved wife, Priscilla Henderson, three Negroes towit Sucky, Nutty and Alfred, to her during her life, these to be equally divided between my five last children and her increase, James S. Henderson, Harriet Henderson, Minerva Henderson, Ludolphus Henderson, and Frances A. Henderson, to them and their Heirs forever.--I give to my son James S. Henderson the tract of land I now live on 352 acres to him and his Heirs forever. Item I give to my daughter Harriot Henderson the tract of land Benjamin Graves now living on l00 acres to her and her Heirs forever.--Item I give to my daughter Minerva Henderson the tract of land adjoining Thomas Foster on the waters of the Lick Fork Creek 100 acres to her and her Heirs forever.--I give to my son Ludolphus Henderson a tract of land lying on the north side of Moons Creek adjoining Joseph Henderson containing 390 1/2 acres to him and his Heirs forever.-Item I give to my Daughter Frances A. Henderson the tract of land on Lick Fork Creek that I bought of Zachariah Hooper 129 acres to her and her Heirs forever--Ester, Negro, Nerow, Negro, Kiesy, Negro, Lige, Negro, Bob, Negro, Patience, Negro, Sam, Negro, Rody, Negro, Sampson, Negro. Item I give the above named Negroes to my son James Henderson, my Daughter Harriot Henderson, my Daughter Minerva Henderson, my son Ludolphus Henderson and my Daughter Frances Henderson, they and their increase forever to them and their Heirs forever, to be equally Divided when my son James Henderson comes of age. My stock of Horses, Cows, Hogs, Sheep, and stock of all kind I give to be left on the plantation to raise my last five children Herein mentioned. xx
Item I give my Cupboard and Table with all and everything belonging to the plantation that is called Household furniture and Cooking tools, I give to the above mentioned children and my beloved wife to be equally divided when my son James Henderson becomes of age. Item I give to my son James Henderson my still, Cap and worm clear above equal Division, to him and his Heirs forever.-Also I give to my son James Henderson One Hundred and fifty Dollars in specie, also my Daughter Harriot Henderson one Hundred and fifty Dollars in specie, also my Daughter Minerva One Hundred and fifty Dollars in specie, also my son Ludolphus Henderson One Hundred and fifty Dollars in specie, also my Daughter Frances Henderson One Hundred and fifty Dollars in specie, to them and their heirs forever; The balance of my money I leave to my beloved wife Priscilla Henderson to school my above mentioned children with, and lastly I do constitute my son Hiram Henderson and my wife Priscilla Henderson, Joseph Henderson, Executors of my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of December, One Thousand One Hundred and Eighteen in the presence of us.
Samuel Henderson (Seal.)

Woodlief Hooper William Hatchett
Richard R. Vernon H. Hooper
(Second Sheet)

My will is that the children I had by my first wife, Priscilla Henderson, This property is for them here mentioned--Bill, Negroe, Lucy, Negroe, Aggy, Negroe, Squire, Negroe, Charity, Negroe, Grif fin, Negroe, Grace, Negroe, Clarisfy, Negroe, Gin, Negroe, Daniel, Negroe little Gin, Negroe, Grace, Negroe, Rose, Negroe, Rody, Negroe, Rondo, Negroe, Wat, Negroe--Sarah Holcomb, Martha Haralson, Nancy Hooper, Priscilla Hooper, Mary Kennon, Elizabeth Watt, William Henderson, Samuel Henderson, Thomas Henderson and Jacob Henderson is to have his choice of the above named Negroes, My daughter Hanner is to have Jerre, Negroe, here mentioned if she applies personally, and if she does not apply personally herself she never is to have said Jerre, Negroe order or power; said Jerre is to be left on this plantation where I now live until my son James S. Henderson becomes of age, then Jerre, Negroe, is to be equally divided between my wife Priscilla Henderson, my son James S. Henderson, my Daughter Harriot Henderson, my daughter Minerva Henderson, my son Ludolphus Henderson and my Daughter Frances A. Henderson, to them and their Heirs forever,

Sarah Holcomb, Martha Haralson, Nancy Hooper, Priscilla Hooper, Mary Kennon, Elizabeth Watt, Jacob Henderson, William Henderson, Samuel Henderson and Thomas Henderson, These Ten children above mentioned is to take Ten of the above named Negroes, that is one Negroe each, then my son Joseph Henderson and my son Hiram Henderson is to come in with equal division with the last named ten children for the balance of the said Negroes and their increase.

My stock at my quarter and Mill of all kind is to be equally divided between Sarah Holcomb, Martha Haralson, Nancy Hooper, Priscilla Hooper, Mary Kennon, Elizabeth Watt, William Henderson, Samuel Henderson, Thomas Henderson and Jacob Henderson, to them and their Heirs forever.--
Given under my hand and seal this the first day of December, One Thousand eight Hundred and eighteen.

Samuel Henderson (Seal.)

William Hatchett
H. Hooper.

Contributed by: Kevin W. Daniel

© 2002 - 2006  by Martha Spencer, Nola Duffy and/or individual contributors as named.   No portion of the material posted here is to be reproduced in any form for any purpose without the express consent of the owner of said material. 01/14/2006

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