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Will of Thomas Hodges (1778 -1857)

Transcribed by Dorothy Sutton Pickett


In the name of God Amen I Thomas Hodges of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina being of sound mind and disposing memory and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die do hereby make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows to wit.

1  I desire that all my just debts be paid out of my property before any division takes place.

2. I give to my daughter Martha Simpson one neagro boy Basmy worth five hundred and fifty dollars.

3. I give to my daughter Mary West one neagro woman Jinny and her children namely George Henry John Preston Sally Betty & Silby worth four hundred and fifty dollars. I enter a Security for Cary W. West Guardian ship for his childrens legacy in their grandfather Benjamin C. West Esstate to the amount of four hundred dollars for which if I have it to pay which my papers will show She is not to draw one cent more of my Esstate untill the balance of my children is made equal with her and then she is to come in for her equal part.

4. I give to Robert A. Gatewood one neagro girl Maria worth five hundred and thirty dollars it is further my desire that whatever is due my daughter Eliza Gatewood deceased at my death shall go to the heirs of her body forever

5. I give to my daughter in law Susan W. Hodges five hundred dollars which my son Samuel Hodges deceased is due me on the purchase of a piece of land and I further desire she shall not receive one cent more of my Esstate until all the ballance of my children is made equal with her and then for her to come in for her equal part

6.  It is further my desire that the balance of my children be made equal with my daughter Martha Simpson

7. It is my desire that my land be laid off in three equal lots as near as possible and sold by my Executors here in after named Also my neagroes and all of my Esstate sold and equally divided among all of my children namely James A. Hodges Samuel Hodges deceased Thompson C. Hodges Mary West Henry E. Hodges Nancy Hagood Eliza Gatewood deceased Harrison L Hodges William H. Hodges Martha Simpson Yuel F. Hodges and Thomas W. Hodges

8. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my three sons James A. Hodges Henry E. Hodges and Thomas W. Hodges Executors of this my last Will and Testament in witness where of I here unto set my hand and affix my seal this the 9th day of December in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and fifty seven.


? ? Garrett (Jurat)
W. H. Gatewood (Jurat)

Thomas X Hodges {Seal}

North Carolina]
Caswell County] January Court 1858

The execution of this will was duly proved in open Court by the oaths of ~. Garrett and William H. Gatewood the subscribing witnesses to the same to be the last will and testament of Thomas Hodges deceased ordered to be registered at the same time James A. Hodges, Henry E. Hodges and Thomas W. Hodges, the Executors therein named came into open Court and was duly qualified according to Law as the Executors & letters Testamentary issued to them accordingly.

Tho. W. Graves CLK


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