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Last Will & Testament of THOMAS HORNBUCKLE

Transcribed and contributed by Ken Smith


Last Will & Testament of THOMAS HORNBUCKLE
Caswell County, North Carolina Will Book C
Page 376 January Court 1799

In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas Hornbuckle of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina, being in a low state of health but of Sound & Perfect mind and memory, do make Ordain and Establish this my Last Will and Testament in the following manner. First I Recommend my Soul to God who gave it, believing it will appear Qualified at the Resurrection when Every Sinful Thought will be Disclosed, and Desire my body to be Decently laid in the Earth out of which it Was Made, at the expense of my Estate by my Executors hereafter to be Appointed, and I hereby Depose of my Goods which God has blessed me with in the following manner (that is to say)

First I Lend to my beloved Wife Nancy four Negroes (viz.) Bob, Lenny, John and Joe, Three head of horses Sterling Catty and Lady, five Cows and Calves, five head of Sheep, six Killable Hogs, and six small ones, one Breeding sow, also forty Barrels Corn and thirty Bushels Wheat , a thousand weight Tobacco and one Hundred weight Cotton out of the Ensuing Crop, also Two sides Leather for and During her natural Life, and at her Death to be Equally Divided among my Children, Except the four Negroes, two old Negroes, Bob and Lenny who shall be at Liberty to work with any one of my Children they think fit and to Receive Eight Dollars a year for their labor as long as they Live. I also Lend to my Wife the Land Whereon I Now Live During her Natural Life.

Secondly I Will to my Son Richard Hornbuckle one Hundred and Eighty Acres of Land Whereon he did live but when the farm is [ ] off Should it Include any part of the houses I now [ ] my Wife shall not be interrupted on the [ ] thereof During her Life. I also give and Bequeath to my Daughter Milly Windsor Wife of Thomas Windsor Thirty Acres of Land joining his Deeded Land that I gave him. I also give and Bequeath to my Son Richard Hornbuckle one Negroe Boy known by the name of Simon. I also give to my Daughter Elizabeth Hardin wife of Henry Hardin one Negroe fellow Named George. Likewise I give to my Daughter Susannah Windsor wife of John Windsor one Negroe Boy Called Hugh. Also I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Sally Simpson wife of James Simpson one Negroe Boy Called Peter. I also will that the four Negroes Above Named shall be valued and those must pay [ ] that is get best to the rest in properties in [ ] to the Negroes----I also Will and Bequeath to my Son William Hornbuckle one Negroe Fellow know by the name of John after my wifes Death. I also give to my Daughter Francis Rogers wife of William Rogers one Negroe boy called Joe after my wifes Death & one Hundred and thirty five acres of land on the [ ] of the Haw River----I also give and bequeath to my Son George Hornbuckle one Hundred pounds Virginia Currency also to Nancy Keen wife of John Keen one Hundred and Twelve pounds Virginia Money----Also to William Keen my Grandson, Ten pounds V. Money----I also lend to my Wife all Household and Kitchen furniture, with my Loom and Gears during her life----I also give and Bequeath to my Daughter Milly Windsor wife of Thomas Windsor the Remainder of the land whereon I now live, after my Wifes Death. Also the Land to be [ ] and Should it Amount to more than his part for him to Repay to those that are Lacking as above [ ].

And Lastly I Nominate [ ] and Appoint my Beloved wife Nancy, my Son Richard and Son in Law James Simpson Executors to this my Last will and Testament in Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 20th Day of March 1799

Samuel Cobb Thomas X Hornbuckle (seal)
his mark
Thomas X Brensfiels ?
his mark

Page 378 April Court 1799
Caswell County April Court 1799
The Execution of the [ ] will was duly served in Open Court by the Oaths of Samuel Cobb and Thomas Brensfiels? Two Subscribing Witnesses and on motion Ordered to be recorded. At same time Richard Hornbuckle and James Simpson Qualified Executors On Motion Ordered to be recorded.

Above is the will of Thomas Hornbuckle, who died in Caswell County, North Carolina, in the Spring of 1799. The spaces [ ] are words which were undecipherable, but as far as the genealogical value of the will, are unimportant. The capitalization was taken directly from the microfilm copy of the will.

