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Caswell County, North Carolina
Record Book M, Page 162

(Transcribed by Deloris Williams)

In the name of God, Amen, I THOMAS JEFFREYS of Caswell County, North Carolina being in bad health but of sound mind & memory do make and ordain this as my last will & testament hereby revoking all others.
In the first place I desire my Executors herein aftr named to give me a Christian burial, my property I dispose of as follows
I give & bequeath to my son JAMES W. JEFFREYS the following Negroes & their increase, to wit, NEWBERN, CHARLES the blacksmith, JAMES, STEPHEN, JOE, JOHN, EDMOND, BUCK, SQUIRE, NED, FREDERICK, PHILIS, VINEY & Child, JAMES the son of JAMES, MARTISIA, BEDFORD, NUTTY, NICEY, ABRAHAM, HENRY, JULIA, RITTER & Child named AUSTIN, JULIA, LUCY, GRANISON, MARTHA & her three children to wit- GILBERT, PHEBIA, FANNY- MARY, daughter of DAFNEY, ARENA, stock of all kinds, household & kitchen furniture, Blacksmith tools & plantation tools which I may vie possession at my Red House plantation, waggon & carts, the smiths are given to JAMES with the injunction that he win as the blacksmiths work of my son GEORGE W. JEFFREY as long as he may keep up the shop free from any charge. I made a deed at some previous period to my son JAMES of my Red House Plantation & my Hyco Plantation, now if such deeds have not been recorded or should they be out of date in any way, I hereby give & bequeath to my son JAMES the Red House plantation & the Hyco plantation as mention in those deeds, to him & his heirs forever, all the property above mentioned I give to my son JAMES his heirs & assigns forever.
In the second place give & bequeath a Negro woman named DOLLY to my daughter in law, AGNES JEFFREYS & her heirs.
Thirdly, I give & bequeath to my son GEORGE W. JEFFREYS & my grandchildren ADELINE, THOMAS, MUMFORD & ELLEN McGEHEE children of my deceased daughter ELIZABETH McGEHEE the following Negroes, to wit, BIG TOM, ABRAHAM, JOHN, TOM, ALBERT, PHILL, HARRY, JACK, ROBIN, BOB, GEORGE, SPENCER, DICK, BECK, SISSELY, BECKY, daughter of SISSELY, MOSES, ELMIRA, EMILY, MARTHA, NANCY, RHODY, LOUISA, MABANE, DAPHNEY, JEFFREY, HARRISON, SAM with their increase since 1826 to be divided into two equal shares having respect to families one share or mostly I give & bequeath to my son GEORGE W. JEFFREYS the other share to my four grandchildren by my deceased daughter ELIZABETH or to their survivors of them at my death, to them, their heirs & assigns forever, the said division to be made by three men chosen by my Executors.
Fourth. I give & bequeath to my grand daughter ISABELLA JEFFREYS daughter of AGNES JEFFREYS a Negro girl named ELLEN daughter of MARTHA.
Fifth. I give & bequeath to my grand daughter ANN ELIZA JEFFREYS a Negro child named ANNIE daughter of NANCY.
Sixth. I give & bequeath to my sons JAMES & WASHINGTON my Negro carpenter BRANDON.
Seventh. It is my will & testament also that the Negroes now at my Hyco plantation which in the previous part of this will has been bequeathed to my son WASHINGTON & my grand children, by my daughter ELISABETH, shall be kept on the plantation & worked & the crops shall be annually applied to the payment of the debts for which I am bound as partner as security as principal with my son JAMES & then & not until the full payment of those debts to be divided & distributed as above mentioned. The crop & stock, plantation tools of all kinds also to remain on the plantation use & benefit of my son JAMES until the discharge of the above referred to debts & there with the then existing crop to be equally divided between my sons JAMES, WASHINGTON & my grandchildren by my daughter ELIZABETH making three parts.
Eight. It is my further will & testament that the Negroes which I have sent to the gold mines shall remain there or not at the will & pleasure of my son JAMES & the profits of their labor applied to the payment of the debts for which I am bound either as principal or security with my son JAMES, but if my son JAMES should deem it better, to return the said Negroes to my plantation on Hyco, they shall then remain & the proceeds of their labor be applied to the payments & discharge of the debts above referred & when such debts are paid, then & in that case to be distributed as the will directs.
Ninth. I devise & bequeath that my last years crop of tobacco, when sold shall be paid to JOSEPH CURRIE of Caswell on account of a bond due said CURRIE from my son JAMES & myself. The crop of all other description to remain for the support of said plantation & if any overplus to be applied to the payment of the above named debts.
Tenth & lastly. I give & bequeath my Roanoke stock of five shares, bonds, debts, with all the rest of the property of all kinds which I may die seized & possessed not herein before dispose of to my Executors in trust & with this condition that all my individual debts be discharged with the same & in the event of there not being sufficient, then they are to be paid by my sons WASHINGTON, JAMES & my grand children by my daughter ELIZABETH, that is to say one third by WASHINGTON, one third by JAMES & the other these by the grandchildren mentioned. The property as above given is to be divided without any of my children being held responsible or accountable for any advancements heretofore made during my lifetime.
Lastly & finally, I nominate & appoint my son WASHINGTON, my son JAMES & MY son in law THOMAS McGEHEE Executors of this my last will & testament. Given under my hand & seal this 3 of March 1832, eighteen hundred & thirty two.



State of North Carolina
Caswell County
April Court 1832

The Execution of the foregoing last will and testament of THOMAS JEFFREYS dec'd was duly proved in open court by the oaths of DAVID POINTER and JAMES W. McCAIN two of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and on motion ordered to be recorded. At the same time JAMES W. JEFFREYS and THOMAS McGEHEE two of the Executors named in said will came into open court and was duly qualified as Executors aforesaid by taking the oath necessary and lawful. And the Court thereupon ordered that Letters Testamentary be issued to them, which did issue accordingly.


©2019 by Deloris Williams for the NCGenWeb Project.  No portion of this or any document appearing on this site is to be used for other than personal research.  Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 12/18/2019