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Gabriel Lea's Will
Transcribed by Mark Phelps

 Caswell County Court - October Term 1834 - Book M Page 433

In the name of God Amen. I Gabriel Lea of Caswell County and State of North Carolina being of sound in perfect mind and memory blessed be God, do this 17th day November in the year of our Lord, Eighteen hundred and twenty-six, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in the manner following:

That is to say I first will and bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth during her lifetime such property as she and mine son's William and James may think proper to appropriate to her for her maintenance and support.

2nd after the first appropriation is made as pointed out in the 1st clause. It is further my Will and desire that the whole of property and estate of every description whatsoever be divided and appropriated in the manner herein, after pointed out, To Wit: I first will and bequeath to my son James that partial or part of my land of which he has made his improvements on so much there of as in here in specified here in to say, beginning at the corner near a large white oak at the east in of my peach orchard and running from there due north until it intersects William A. Lea's land. All my land east of said line be it more or less I will give and bequeath to him as in the article herein specified.

It is furthermore my Will and desire in the settlement of my estate that my daughter Mary Morton shall be charged with five hundred dollars as a part of my estate which she has already received that being the estimated value of the tract of land on which she now lives and for which I have made her husband Elijah Morton a deed to the same without having received any equivalent value for the same.

It is furthermore my Will and desire that the remainder of my estate of every description whatsoever be divided in the following manner To Wit: I will and bequeath to my beloved children as follows:

To my son William two equal shares of my estate

To my son Vincent nothing saving my love and affection

To my son Gabriel B. one equal part

To my daughter Elizabeth one equal part

To my daughter Mary one equal part

To my son James one equal part

To my daughter Phoebe one equal part

To my daughter Barbara one equal part

Making in the whole eight parts, and I hereby make and ordain my son's William and James my executors this my last Will and Testament in witness where of I the said Gabriel Lea have to this my last Will and Testament have set my hand and seal this day and year above written.

Gabriel Lea (Signed)

In the presence of :  James Darby
                                     James M. Lea
                                     Willis M. Lea  

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