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Will of William Richmond  14 April 1832
Will Book M Page 222, Caswell Co., North Carolina
Contributed by Cindy Horace

In the name of God Amen, I William Richmond Senior of the County of Caswell and the State of North Carolina being in a low state of health but of sound mind and memory blessed be God do this fourteenth day of April in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two make and publish this my last will and testament in the manner following (viz)

Item) I give to my son John Richmond one Negro woman named Judah and her four boys, Romalas, Henry, Goins, Nash.

Item) I give to my son William Richmond five Negrows Sam, Dinah, Barbery, Liza and her child Averline.

Item) I give to my son Daniel Richmond five Negrows Sampson, Amy and her child Aziah, Lily and her child Mariah.

Item) I give to my son Adams S. Richmond three Negrows Aron fill and Sinah.

Item) I give to my daughter Sally Rice one Negrow woman and her five children Francis, Iverson, Jim, Jance and Allin.

Item) I give to my grandson Sanders Carney one hundred and fifty dollars.

Item) I give to my grandson Smith Carney fifty dollars.

Item) my will is that my heirs choose men and have each tol of Negrows valued and then that have the value establish lots pay to the others till all is made equal.

Item) my will is that my land be divided amongs my four sons according to quality and quantity.

Item) my will is that my servant Ginny have twenty seven dollars out of my estate yearly her lifetime for his support.

Item) my will is that all my property not willed away be sold to make up two hundred dollars for my two grandsons before named.

Lastly I do appoint my four sons John, William, Daniel and Adam s Richmond executors to this my last will and testament hereby revoking disannulize and making void all other will or wills by me heretofor made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament in ?? whereof I have set my hand and seal the day and year above written signed sealed in presence of us.

William Richmond Sr. his mark

Jos.  Langley
J. Wiley
Benjamin Mattock  his mark