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Will of Zephaniah Roberts
Submitted by Carol Vincell


I Zephaniah Roberts of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina being in feeble health but of sound disposing mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following.

Item 1st. It is my will that my property remain together till the present life is completed and then be sold by executor and devided as hereinafter detailed

Item 2nd.  It is my will that my son James and daughters Martha, Fanny, and Elizabeth shall each have one choice hog over and above the other children.

Item 3.   It is my will that all my other property, both real and personal be sold by my executor and divided equally between my son James, my daughters Martha, Fannie, Sarah, and Elizabeth, and to the children of James W. Warren, and the children of my daughter, Mary Lewis. Said children to inherit this portion their parents would inherit provided, I had maid no last will and Testament.

Item 4th.  It is my will that the portion going in division to the children of James M. Warren, James Lewis and the children of my son David be placed in the hands of a guardian appointed by the Court and he deliver to my daughter Nancy and Mary such portion as they may need for their comfortable substance.

Item 5th. I here by nominate and appoint John W. Fuller as executor to this my last will and testament given under my hand and seal this 1st day of March 1864.

                                                                                    Signed Zephaniah Roberts

Signed in presence of

     B. Cooper X
     John W. Fuller

Codicils to the above will of Zephaniah Roberts does here by altar and amend.

Item No. 4 of the above written will, so as to authorize my executor to advance to my daughters Nancy and Mary such sums of money as they may need for their comfortable subsistence while the funds are in his hands and until a guardian may be appointed. Given under my hand and seal this 5th day of March 1864.

                                                                                     Zephaniah Roberts

B. Cooper
J. H. Fuller

Codicil, to the above written will, I do here by alter and amend the above will so as to give to my daughter Fannie and Elizabeth one ____ and its necessary furniture each and also one cow each, given under my hand and seal this 2nd day of June 1866.        

                                                                                    Zephaniah Roberts

B. Cooper & J. H. Fuller
