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Last Will & Testament of THOMAS ROBERTSON
Transcribed and contributed by Anne Burton Washburn


Caswell County, NC, Will Bk A, p. 247

In the Name of God Amen

I Thomas Robertson of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina being in a state of Sound Mind and Memory and Calling to Mind Certainty of Death and that all Flesh is Mortall [sic] but the Times thereof being Concealed from us do Make this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and Form Following (That is to Say) In the first Place I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God in and Through the Mercies of Jesus Christ my Savior hoping thro [sic] him to be [Received?] into the Mansions of Eternal Happiness there to abide forever and ever and my body to be Decently Entered at the description of my [?] hereafter Mentioned

Item I lend unto my beloved Wife Penina Robertson all my personal Estate for her use and the Support of her and the Children during her Natural Life or as Long as She Shall remain a Widow and then the Said Estate to Return as follows To wit I Give to Joab my youngest son the Plantation whereon I now live to be laid of[f] by a straight line from Charles Boultons line Begining [sic] at a Slash Commonly known by the Name the Marbury [?] Slash and [?] a Straight Course South till it Comes to David Halls line.

Item I give to Gideon Robertson my Eldest son all the land that lies between Archibald Samuels line and Joabs line to the Said Gideon and Joab to them and there [sic] Heirs forever.

Item it is my will and Desire that the Peace [sic] of Land lying along the Miry [?] branch bounded by Sol Parks line containing about One Hundred Acres Less or More, be sold by my Estate for the use and behalf of my Family.

Item it is my Will and Desire that all my Perishable Estate and Household Furniture be Equally divided amongst my Girls Viz Nelly Patty Kisiah Rebeca [sic] & Penina Robertson and also the Negro Wench Named Nell be sold in the Family if there should be cause to and the Money Equally divided amongst the Girls before mentioned.

Item it is my Will that all Debts due to me after my [?] .... Debts are paid, either by bond [?]…otherwise be [?] by my Estate and the Money be Equally Divided amongst my Daughters aforementioned.

Item I Cons[?] and appoint my wife, Penina Robertson and [?] Talbert Executors of this my Last Will and Testament Revoking and undoing all other [?] or Wills heretofore made or Caused to be Made by me or any other Person in my Name Including [?] the [Dale?] hereof In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Affix my Seal the fifth day of May one thousand Seven Hundred and eighty three ….[ordered?] June Court 1783 ….

Thomas Robertson (Seal)

???? certify ….???
?? CC [clerk of court] (lines and names at very bottom are completely illegible)

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