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Last Will & Testament of Royal Boman
Transcribed and contributed by Byron Boman


Will of Royal Boman, 1791
Caswell County NC Wills 1777-1800
C.020.80001 Vol B Page 407

In the Name of God Amen this Twentieth day of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand and ninety one I Royal Boman of Caswell County and state of North Carolina being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind & memory Thanks be Given unto God therefore calling unto mind the Mortallity of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men (?) to die do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament, that is to say, Principally and first of all I Give and recomend my Soul into the hands of God that first gave it and for my body I recomend it to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the Discressions of my Executors hoping that at the Genl. Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God and as Touching such Worldy Estate, wherewith it hath Pleased God to bless me with in this life, I Give and Devise and Dispose of the same in the following manner and forms. Impromis I Give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Boman my Dearly beloved wife My Mannor Plantation and all the utentials belonging thereunto and one Black Mare and one Negro Fellow Jack and all my stock of Cattle and Hogs and two Feather Beds and furniture and one Hair Trunk and one Wooden Chest and all my sitting chairs and all my pewter and Earthen Ware and all my Iron Potts & Dutch Oven and frying pann During her life and at her Decease the plantation with Seventy-five Acres of Land Beginning on the Creek at Sanders line and so running to include the same unto my son Siah Boman & the feather bed and furniture and one Cow when she sees cause to give it or at her Decease

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Boman Seventy-five acres of Land Beginning on Sanders line to Joyn the first land given to my son Siah and to run with Sanders line East to the Back line and then to make complement not runing nigher upon Simon Roberts than a notc’d Beech Between my son Thomas & Roberts on the Branch

Item I give unto my son in law Simon Roberts Seventy five acres of land Beginning on the back line with my son Thomas and runing North to make Complement Joyning my son Siah and one Lame

Item I give unto my son Joseph Royal Boman Seventy-five Acres of land Beginning on the back line with Simon Roberts and runing North for Compliment and one Cow out of my stock.

Item I give unto my son Samuel Boman one Hundred Acres of Land lying and being in Virginia and Charlotte County and the above Negro Jack at my wife's Decease and one Bed & furniture and one Cow when my Wife sees cause or at her Decease & one Horse Coult,

Item I give unto my son Leonard Boman one Cow when my wife sees cause or at her decease,

Item I give unto my son Robert Boman One Iron Pott rack and two Flatt Irons,

And I desire the just Debt I owe Jesse Carter to be the first paid and then all other Debts that is made to appear Just And Now Constitute John Zachary Thomas Boman and Simon Roberts my Only and Sole Executors and I do hereby utterly disallow unmake and disavowal all and every Other former Testaments Wills & Legacys bequeaths & Executors by me in any ways before this time Named Willed and bequeathed Rattifying and Conforming this and no Other to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this and year above written Royal X Boman (seal)

Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of us (Teste)

William Sawyer (Jurat)

Jonathan Starkey (Jurat)

Caswell County

The Execution of this Will was duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of William Sawyer and Jonathan Starkey Two of the subscribing witness thereto & on Motion Ordered to be recorded At the same time John Zachary & Simon Roberts Qualify as Executors Teste AE Murphy CoC


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