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 Will of Aaron Simpson - 1833
Contributed by Sherri Sontag


280  Jan Court 1833

Aaron Simpson Will

In  the name of God Amen.

This 6th day of December in the year of our Lord  One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two, I Aaron Simpson being in common health , of sound mind and memory and knowing the certainty of death and the uncertainty of life, do hereby make constitute and appoint this my last will and testement---I will and bequeath my soul to God that gave it, and my body to the earth to be decently buried at the descretion of my Executors, without pomp, ceremony or parade , with the firm belief of ressurection of the same, and as to worldly affairs as to the Lord has lent me here, I mean to dispose of in the following manner, viz—

First then, I wish I wish all my debts to be paid, and my just dues collected.  Item 2nd, I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Charlotte, Seven negroe slaves, viz, Old Sampson,  a boy  young Sampson, Jerre, Stephen, Rebecca, Vina and Matilda, to have and to hold during her natural life, together with what of my household and kitchen furniture she may think proper to choose, also the land and plantation whereon I now live, also four work horses of her own choosing out of my stock that I may die seized and possessed of also my waggon, three cows and calves, and as many of the plantation tools as she may think proper to keep, and at her decease I will all above named property  to be sold; ( the land excepted); and equal distribution made among all my children, theirs and theirs.

Item 3rd, I will and bequeath to my son Joseph, the tract of land on which I now live, to have and to hold at the decease of his mother, I also give to him now a negro man, John, and his smithing tools, a bed and furniture, one cow and calf, six sheep and six hogs, in order to make him equal with my other children.

I will and bequeath to the heirs of my son, Moses,deceased the nineth part of the estate I may die seized and possessed of, of not otherwise diverged, I will and bequeath to my daughter, Kitty Bozwell, the nineth part in like manner as above stated, I will and bequeath to my son, Roger, the nineth part as above mentioned after paying to the Estate the sum of sixty dollars it being a sum received over and above his equal part with my other children, I will and bequeath to my son, Heydon, the nineth part of my Estate, not otherwise devised after paying the Estate the sum of three hundred dollars, which has been received by him in property. I will and bequeath to my daughter Penelope Graves, the nineth part of my Estate after paying the sum of three hundred dollars to the Estate it being for a negro girl which she now has in possession named Jemima. I will and bequeath to my daughter Nancy, the nineth part of my Estate as above mentioned  Except the tract of land which I purchased from her husband James Bozwell Senr. Which is to be sold and equally divided amoung my other children, their heirs or assigns etc. I will and bequeath to my daughter Priscilla, the nineth part of my Estate as above named, I will and bequeath to my son, Enoch, The nineth part of my Estate as above stated with the addition of two hundred dollars to be received out of the above named Estate it being due to him in consequence of him having received no land.:-  I will an bequeath to my son Joseph, the nineth part of my Estate as before  stated, making it equal to them all.

Furthermore, before the division takes place among my children, One Hundred Dollars, A good bed and furniture, The divisional part of the Estate, that I may die seized and possessed of be sold by the Executors, and divided as I before devised, and do here appoint my son Joseph and my son in law Francis Simpson

Executors of this my last will and testement revoking and annulling all other will or wills here to fore made by me, In Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this day and date before mentioned,

Test,                                                                                       Aaron Simpson [seal]

Azareah Morton
William Hasten

 State of North Carolina of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Caswell County, January Court 1833

The Execution of the Foregoing last will and testement of Aaron Simpson dec’d, was duly proved in open court by the oaths of Azariah Morton and William Hastin the subscribing witnesses thereto and in motion ordered to be recorded.

And at the same time Joseph Simpson and Francis S Simpson the Executors named in Said will came into open court and duly qualified to execute the same  and letters of testmony were ordered to be issued which did you accordingly    Test. Paul A Haralson, Clk