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Last Will and Testament of Sylvanus Stokes
Contributed by Mona Knight


Caswell County, North Carolina

Sylvanus Stokes Will, 25 October 1844

Daughter Nancy W. Swift to be supported; sons William and Thomas D. Stokes to hold in trust for Nancy the home given to her plus 150 acres of land; at her death, land in trust to go to son Allen D. Stokes and his heirs. Residue of land to be sold and divided: one fifth to grandsons Robert and William Gatewood to hold for their mother Sally Gatewood, wife of Lewis Gatewood, then to her children and grandchildren; one fifth to daughter Susan B. Price, wife of W. W. Price for her life, then to grandson Thomas Harrison and great grandaughter Martha Blackard; one fifth to daughter Polly Stokes, wife of Allen Stokes and her heirs; one fifth to daughter Eliza F. Price, wife of Daniel Price, and her heirs; one fifth to sons Thomas D. and Allen Y. Stokes, and Thomas to hold Allen's part in trust. Grandson Thomas Harrison to have negro boy Pharoa plus $150; grandau Martha Blackard a negro boy Joe plus $150. Rest of slaves and estate to be sold with one ninth division to following: grandsons Robt. and William Gatewood; daughter Susan Price; daughter Polly Stokes; daughter Eliza F. Price; son William Stokes; son Dudley Stokes; son Joel A. Stokes; son Thomas D. Stokes; son Allen Y. Stokes.

Court to appoint an administrator with will annexed.

Witnesses: J. W. Garrett, James Hagood, John Hagood.


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