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Some Abstracts  of Wills and Deeds  of Caswell Co.  –Tait-Tate
Submitted by Catherine McNeill


J-185 dated 20 Nov?1790, proved 1796    Deed

Zephaniah Tate to Thomas Lloyd, both of Caswell, Deed, land in Caswell W. side of Tom’s Creek, small piece

Wit: Ezekiel Jones

Allen Tait? appears to be Tait



L-338   dated  11 March 1799    Deed

Zephaniah Tate to John Jones, both of Caswell, for $65,land in Caswell W. side of Tom’s Creek where Zephaniah’s line crosses the creek...Thos. Lloyd’s acres.

Proved in Jan. Court 1808 by Zephaniah Tate

Wit: Robert Mitchell

Henry Davis ?

B—275  Will of Waddy Tate  dated 14 Jan. 1789, probated July Court, 1789

Wife Ann all my educate the children...during life or then to be divided among my children, not named.  See estate division.

Ex: Wife and Tyree Harris and son William when he arrives at 17 years.

Wit: John Widsor
       Richard Windsor
       Rebecca Widsor



Will Book B-331 Power of Attny. April Ct.1790

Anne Tate, Ex. of Waddy Tate, decd.,appoints John Ried,”my trusty friend” to go to Fairfax Co. in VA and recieve from Richard Simpson, Ez. of Moses Simpson, the legacy bequeathed to me by said Moses Simpson.    dated 17 April 1790

Wit: Mary Simpson                                      signed Ann Tate

       Jerre Williamson

       George Foote



C-29  (prob.Will Book, failed to copy)   Power of Attny.

Ann Tate, widow of Waddy Tate appoints John Windsor attny to get legacy from Ex. of Moses Simpson of Fairfax Co., his will...etc.

Wit: Robert Williams       24 April 1793     signed Ann Tate, Ex. of Waddy Tate


 Deed J-172   Jan Court 1796,done July 1795

Division of the estate of Waddy Tate

1.      Eda Tate

2.      Simon Carlisle in right of wife Uphan, dau. of the decd.

3.      Wm. Tate

4.      Zedekiah Tate

5.      Jesse Tate “drawn for”

6.      Richard Tate  “       “

7.      Susannah Tate  “      “

8.      Zachariah Tate  “     “


Caswell  Court  dated 27 Jan 1795    Indenture

Richard Tate bound by the Justices of the court to Hudson Brown....”art and mystery of a hatter”...until 21 years...Richard Tate, orphran now 18 years the last 9th Dec.


 Deed Q-387   Jesse Tate of Smith Co. Tenn. to Jethro Brown of Caswell...29April 1809 for $ in CaswellCo. on Country Line Creek.....Fayetteville Road...Edney Tapscott’s line..H. Harden’s line....45 A.

Wit: Henry Poslon

Wm. H. Rice (prover)              recorded April  1812

Deed R-25   dated 2 Sept. 1811

Uzziah Tate of Caswell Co. NC being indebted to Nathaniel Gooch of Caswell...for $290....for this and other good causes grant all manner of goods and chattels...debts owed..etc,etc. apparently everything.

Wit: W.L.Webb

Abram Morton                Registered in April Court 1813, it being shown that the

                                        subscribing witnesses are no longer in the state Jesse

                                       Carter and Elijah Graves swear that the witnesses names

                                        are in their own handwriting and that Uzziah Tate’s

                                        name is his own handwriting.



Deed Q 398 dated 15 Feb 1812    recorded April 1812

John T. Street of Williamson Co. Tenn appts trusty friend Zephaniah Tate of Caswell my attny in fact in and about the collection of my rateable part of the estate now in the hands of Ann Vincent...

Wit: Brice Collins

D. Jones (see below)

Quinton Anderson.    

says proved in court by Richard Jones one of the subscribing Witt.


On 14 Oct 1816 Nathaniel Gooch was appointed Administrator of Zephaniah Tate, who died intestate, making bond with Alexander Wiley and William Graves for 10,000 pounds current money. A complete record of the inventory and sales , including  accounts with merchants, etc.  exists in Caswell Estate Records and makes fascinating reading if such things interest you.

C-392   Appraisement and division of the slaves of Zephaniah Tait decd.Nov. 1816-

One slave named Juba,described as a blacksmith, was sold to Isaac Griffey for $850

Brice Collins...Abel $615, Leah 400

Alexander Wiley...Simeon$608, Lucy $400

Lucinda Tait...Peter and Joe,$661...Milly.$400

Elizabeth Yancey...Sam and Kezza,$570, andCreasy $400

Fanny Tait......Gill and Lina  $616, and Vilet $400

Nathaniel Gooch...Dorcas, Hannah and (illegible)$637,  George $400

Henry Tait.....Linda,America and Dabney?,$665 andThomas $350


Deed R-439 dated 7 March 1817   The heirs of Zephaniah Tate decd, who died intestate, possessed of a tract of land in Caswell, his heirs all being of mature age did jointly and severally agree to offer said land to highest bidder on the premises at dwelling of said decd., which was done on 8 Nov last. Henry Tait was high bidder wherefore we Nathaniel Gooch and Patsey his wife, Alexander Wilie and Polly his wife, Brice Collins and Hulda his wife, Elizabeth Yancey,Fanny Tait, and Lucinda Tait, heirs and devisees of sd. decd.,  deed to Henry 560 A on the waters of Tom’s Creekfor $1632, $233.14 to each...

Nathl. Gooch

Martha Gooch

Brice Collins

Hulda x Collins

Alexander Wiley

Polly x Wiley

Elizabeth x Yancey

Frances x Tait

Lucinda x Tait          (Henry, as shown in other receipts, was also one of the heirs)

                                 (. Elizabeth was the widow of Thomas Yancey)