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Will of Nicholas Thompson

Contributed by Martha Spencer

Will is undated but he died in 1857
 Recorded  in Will Book R, page 564
Caswell Co., North Carolian

I, Nicholas Thompson of the county of Caswell state of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory do make and declare this my last will and testament, to wit That my executors shall provide for my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my relations and friends and pay all expences and just debts out of monies that belong to my estate.

Item 1st I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Lucretia Thompson my dwelling  house and all of the out houses belonging to my residence in the town of  Leasburg and all of real estate adjoining said town (excepting my tanyard  and lot there to thereto [words repeated in original] for her sole use during  her natural life also all of house hold and kitchen furniture and my farming  utensils belonging to said place my carriage and a pair of horses Milly (a  negro woman) and her children and a negro man named Nathan and my  stock of hogs and cattle belonging to said place to have and use for her  natural life.

Item 2nd It is my will that my said wife have all the interests dividends and bonuses  arising from my stock in the bank of the state of North Carolina, the  Yanceyville Bank and my North Carolina state bonds during her natural  life and should the charter or charters of either bank expire during her life  that the principal arising from said banks or bank be reinvested in good  stock and the interest arising therefrom be paid to her during her life and  should the bonds be paid, it is my will that the amount be invested in other  good stock and the interest accruing thereon be disposed of as aforesaid.

Item 3rd It is my desire and my will that all of my property both real and personal and money to be distributed equall among my children, the child or  children of a deceased son or daughter to represent their deceased father or  mother in the the division of my estate and the more fully to carry out this  intention, I have kept an account of the advancements made to each of my  children and now have the receipts of my sons Joseph Sidney, James  Young, Jacob and John for five thousand dollars advanced to each of  them, the receipt of my son William for six thousand dollars advanced to  him, the receipt of Yancey Wiley for five thousand dollars advanced to the  children of my daughter Eliza Ann Wiley deceased and the receipt of  Abner Y. Lewis for five thousand dollars advance [sic] to my daughter  Sarah M. Lewis these advancements have been made [in] money, negroes,  & other property , also a running account against my son George Nicholas  as will be seen by reference to my Ledger, which advancements I wish to  be taken into consideration in the distribution of my estate.

Item 4th It is my will that all of my lands and real estate be sold at publick auction by my executors and the proceeds in money arising therefrom be divided and the proceeds in money arising therefrom be divided equally among  my children, the children of Eliza Ann Wiley deceased representing their  mother and taking one share except the land given to wife which after her  death will be sold, the proceeds to be distributed as that arising from other  lands.

Item 5 [sic] It is my will that all of my negroes except those given to my wife be divided into eight lots to suit the families as much as possible and the  differences in the value of the lots to be made up in money or monies  belonging to my estate, one lot to go to each of my children and one lot to  the children of my daughter Eliza Ann Wiley deceased.

Item 6th It is my will that all of my perishable property excepting that given to my wife be sold by my executors and the monies arising therefrom be
distributed as in four & five.

Item 7th It is my will that all the debts that may be due me be collected and  distributed as in Item four & five.

Item 8th It is my will after the death of my wife that all of the property given her  for her life-time be sold and divided as directed in Item four & five.

Item 9th I appoint my sons Joseph S. & George N. executors of this my last will & testament.

Test Nicholas Thompson [signature]
I. [or J.] Whitefield
Benj. Stanfield

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