Catawba County Genealogical Society

The Catawba County Genealogical Society was founded in 1986 to serve the needs of genealogists seeking more information about the history and ancestry of the German and Scot-Irish pioneers that settled in Western North Carolina in the mid to late 1700's.

Catawba Co. location


Membership in the Society is from April 1st to March 31st. Dues for Individuals or Institutions are $10.00. Family dues are $15.00 (with one journal per address). The journal is "Catawba Cousins" which is published quarterly and contains a minimum of 40 pages.


The Catawba County Genealogical Society meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month, except December, in the auditorium of the County Library in Newton, NC at 7:00 PM. Guests are always welcome.


Catawba County Heritage
(Vol. I - 1986 reprint)

$55.00 ea. + $8.00 S&H
see description)

Catawba County Heritage
(Vol. II - all-new 2006)
$65.00 ea. + $8.00 S&H
see description)

Catawba County Cemeteries (Vol. 1-9) 

$15.00 ea. + $2.00 S&H

Catawba County Court of
Pleas & Quarter Sessions

Mar 1843-Jan 1850

$20.00 ea. + $2.00 S&H

Catawba County Court of
Pleas & Quarter Sessions
Apr 1850-Oct 1855

$20.00 ea. + $2.00 S&H

Catawba County Census
1840/50, 1860, 1870, 1880

$20.00 ea. + $2.00 S&H

Catawba County Death Certificate Abstracts-1915

$8.00 ea. + $1.50 S&H

Catawba County Marriages
(2 Vol. A-K, K-Z)

$35.00/set + $3.00 S&H

Catawba County Probates 1843-1885

$12.00 + $1.50 S&H

Catawba Cousins
(CCGS journal) 1986-2002

$12.00/yr. + $4.00 S&H

NC Residents - include NC sales tax
Send all orders (except 1900 census) to:

Catawba County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 2406
Hickory, North Carolina 28603-2406
The Catawba Cousins editor can be reached at

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Derick S. Hartshorn - ©2008-present
Last Modified:  10/27/2009 16:29:05