Further details of these counties

North Carolina Counties at the beginning of 1700.
North Carolina Counties at the beginning of 1740.
North Carolina Counties at the beginning of 1760.
North Carolina Counties at the beginning of 1775.
North Carolina Counties at the beginning of 1780.
North Carolina Counties at the beginning of 1800.
North Carolina Counties at the beginning of 1840.
North Carolina Counties at the beginning of 1850.
North Carolina Counties at the beginning of 1870.
North Carolina Counties at the beginning of 1900.
North Carolina Counties since the beginning of 1912.

NOTE: These maps have been reproduced from The Formation of the North Carolina Counties, 1663-1943 by David Leroy Corbitt, published and copyrighted by the Division of Archives and History, North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC.

This useful volume is a basic resource for genealogical research and the study
of state and local history. It contains the date and history of the formation of each
North Carolina county; a description, taken from the laws, of boundary lines;
and maps (1700-1912) that show the development of the state from northeast to
southeast and then westward. Paperbound, 323 pages. This book a must-have for
anyone researching the history of North Carolina and its citizens.

The book may be obtained at a very reasonable price. Visit this site for more information..

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Derick S. Hartshorn - ©2008
Last Modified:  04/10/2008 14:42:04