Fourth Generation

125. George Emanuel KAYLOR was born on 8 September 1838 in Lincoln (Catawba County), North Carolina.69 His record in the War Between the States is as follows:406 KAYLER, GEORGE E., Sergeant - Resided in Catawba County where he enlisted on August 13, 1861. Mustered in as Corporal and was promoted to Sergeant on September 1, 1862. Died in hospital at Jordan's Springs, near Winchester, Virginia, on or about July 19, 1863. Cause of death not reported. "A gallant soldier." A letter written by him dated reads: I will send sister Catherine A leafflet of A song called Dixie......tell her to keep it till I come home...give my best Respects to all my friends... September 18 1861 ... Camp Fisher ... High Point, NC.
Dear Father [,] I wish to inform you of our doings in the camp of the 28th. The health of our Company is improving and the line of the regiment increases daily. There is considerable excitement about re-enlisting. We have concluded that we can not otherwise Serve our Country and gain our independence than by joining the "Regular Army." Feeling a Strong love for the liberty in which I was raised and being attached to the men of our noble company, I have given my name to our Captain for re-enlistment. We all know that we must fight to the bitter end, and think we can do as much of it as anybody. Our Company gets along So well together that we don't like to break it up ... Wilmington NC ... Feb 26 1862
Dear Sister I will tell you that I was home too weeks ago And the ladies like to eat me up... of all the crying I eversaw they done when we left..But I hope too see them all Again.... Sep 15 1861 ... Camp Fisher ... High Point NC
yes I forgot to tell you we eat more Bull Beef here in one day then you could hall on too waggon loads and some is that fat that it hangs to evry thing it gits to .. I cooked a pot full yesterday and I can tell you it was great .. but the Boys eat it like sugar .. you may know that it is good for I weigh one Hundred and seventy four pounds and I think I will soon weigh 200 pounds .. all Bull .. so no more of the bull beef. ... Wilmington NC ... Dec 18 1861 - George Kaylor writes his father
I will now tell you that our fair in camp is Bad and gitting worse evry Day and I want you to send me A Box of Provision if any Body comes to see us .. and Lotberry wants Harriet to send him Something to eat .. for I can tell you that we need it as Soon as we can git it .. I want Some Butter and Honey and Some Bread and Some pies and Some sweet Potatoe and Some Dried Apples and A Little of evrything that is good .. for we Dont git Half enough to eat now .. I Cant say where we will go when we leave here .. you can git John Hefner to make a Box and Marcus Miller will bring it along if no Body else comes .. I Can tell you that I Could eat A awfull dinner now if I Could git it and again tell you you to Be sure and Send me a Box with the first one that comes .. and if you haint got the Butter ..Buy it and Let me know and I willpay for it .. So I must Soon close for it is a very cold Day .. So no more But Remains yours until Death .. G E Kayler to Elisabeth Kayler... Camp 28 Regt near Fredericksburg va December th 8 AD 1862
I will now tell you that I Have traveled through virginia all over and we are now in 10 miles from Richmond and are going closer to Richmond to Day .. they Had Been fighting Below Richmond yesterday and our men whiped them and run them back and they are Looking for a fight any day at Richmond now .. But I cant Say whether it will Be or not .. I Have not time to rite much now for we must fix to move again .. we move evry Day .. and we must go to day again ... Hanover Station, Va .. May the 25 1862 - George Kaylor writes his mother Elizabeth He died on 19 July 1863 at the age of 24.

George Emanuel KAYLOR and Malinda were married estimated 1860. Malinda was born in June 1839.

George Emanuel KAYLOR and Malinda had the following children:



Joseph Eli KAYLOR.