North Carolina
Local Designations
Confederate Units

 Sain's Co.  (Capt. Cheshire)  Co. A, A Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
 Salisbury Prison Guard Battn. C.S.A.  Freeman's Battn. of Inf. N.C. 
 Capt. Allen's Co. (Local Defense)
 Freeman's Co., Ala.
 Sampson Artillery  Capt. Moseley's Co. Arty.
 Sampson Farmers  Co. C, 38 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Sampson Greys  Co. I, 20 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Sampson Ploughboys  Co. D, 38 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Sampson Rangers, The  Faison's Co., 20 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Sandy Run Yellow Jackets  Co. B, 34 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Saulston Volunteers  Co. K, 27 N,C. Inf.
 Saunders' Co.  (Capt. William L.)  Co. B, 46 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Savage's Co. N.C. Inf.  (Capt. Henry)  Co. G, 18 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Scales' Co.  (Capt. John L.)  Co. D, 45 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Scales' Co. N.C. Inf.  (Capt. Alfred M.)  Co. H, 13 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Schenck's Co.  (Capt. Henry F.)  Co. F, 56 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Scotch Boys  Co. F, 18 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Scotch Greys  Co. D, (McNair's), 2 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Scotch Tigers  Co. D, 51 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Scotland Neck Mounted Rifleman  (new) Co. G, 3 Regt. N.C. Cav.
 Settles' Co. N.C. Inf.  (Capt. Thomas)  Co. I, 13 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Shady Grove Rangers  Co. E, 34 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Sharp's Co.  (Capt. Thomas H.)  Co. D, 17 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.), 1st Orgn.
 Sharp's Co.  (Capt. Wm.)  Co. D, 4 Regt. N.C. Cav.
 Sharpe's Co.  (Capt. George W.)  Co. G, 38 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Shaw Guards  Co. B, 8 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Shaw's Co.  (Capt. E.F.)  Co. C, 5 Regt. N.C. Cav.
 Shober's Co.  (Capt. Charles E.)  Co. B, 45 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Short's Co.  (Capt. A.G.)  Co. C, 5 Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
 Silver Greys  Capt. Lee's Co. N.C. Local Def.
 Silver's Co.  (Capt. Junius T.)  Co. A, 7 Battn. N.C. Cav.
 Silver's Co.  (Capt. Samuel M.)  Co. K, 58 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Simmon's Co.  (Capt. Furnifold G.)  Clark's Special Battn. N.C. Militia
 Simonton's Co.  (Capt. A.Ko)  Co. A, 4 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Singleton's Co.  (Capt. James M.)  Co. C, Walker's Battn. Thomas' Legion N.C.
 Slade's Co. N.C. Inf.  (Capt. Thorns T.)  Co. G, 14 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Slough's Co.  (Capt. Nelson)  Co. A, 20 Regt. N.C. Inf
 Small's Co.  (Capt. E.A.)  Co. F, 11 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)-Bethel Regt.
 Smith's Co.  (Capt. Burrell Smith)  Co. C, 20 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Smith's Co.  (Capt. Edward)  Co. D, 2 Battn. N.C. Inf.
 Smith's Co.  (Capt. Marcus M.)  Co. C, A Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
 Smith's Co.  (Capt. Milton)  Co. A, 2 Battn. N.C. Inf.
 Smith's Co.  (Capt. P.B.C.)  Co. F, A Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserve
 Smith's Co. N.C. Inf.  (Capt. Charles E.)  Co. C, 14 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Snead's Co. Local Def. N.C.
  (Capt. Swift Galloway
and Capt. Edward D. Snead)
 This Co. was organized for local defense at Salisbury, N.C. and served for a time as Co. C, of the Salisbury Prison Guard Battn. C.S.A. (also known as Freeman's Battn. I, an unofficial organization of independent cos.
 Sons of Liberty  Co. F, A7 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Sons of Mars  Co. D, 46 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 South Mountain Rangers  Co. F, 55 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Southerland's Co. N.C. Artillery
  (Capt. Thomas J.)
 Co. A, 2 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Southern Rights Infantry  Co. I, 27 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Southern Stars  Co. K, 1 Regt. N.C. Inf. (6 mos.)
 Spann's Co.  (Capt. John J.)  Co. E, 7 Battn. N.C. Cav.
 Sparta Band, The  Co. F, 30 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Spartan Band  Co. A, 38 Regt. N.C. Inf. (SOT.)
 Speck's Co.  (Capt. J.F.)  Co. G, 57 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Speed's Co.  (Capt. ____ Speed)  Co. B, 2 Regt. Home Guards, 1st Class
 Speed's Co.  (Capt. David S.)  Co. B, 1 Regt. N.C. Jr. Reserves
 Spring Hill Guards  Co. H, 52 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Staley's Co.  (Capt. Michael)  Co. M, 64 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Stanly Rebels  Co. I, 52 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Stanly's Co.  (Capt. John B.)  Co. D, 20 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Starr's Co.  (Capt. Joseph B.)  Co. F, 1 Regt. Inf. (6 mos., 1861, N.C.)
 Starr's Co. N.C. Artillery  (Capt. Joseph B.)  Co. B, 2 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 State Guards  Co. L, 17 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.), 1st Orgn.
 Stephenson's Co. N.C. Artillery
  (Capt. James E.)
 Co. A, 2 Regt. N.C. Arhy.
 Stevenson's Co.  (Capt. Wm. E.)  Co. B, 61 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S;T.)
 Stewart's Co.  (Capt. Colin Stewart)  Co. D, 46 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Stonewall Boys  Co. F, 54 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Stonewall Rifles  Co. B, 17 Regt. N.C. Inf., 2nd Orgn.
 Stowe's Battn. Sr. Reserves N.C.  5 Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
 Stowe's Co.  (Capt. George)  Co. I, 33 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Sulphur Wild Cats  Co. F, 38 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Surratt's Co.  (Capt. R.L.)  Co. F, 6 Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
 Sutton's Co.  (Capt. William)  (1st) Co. K, 32 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Swain's Co. N.C. Artillery  (Lt. William)  Co. G, 2 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Swann's Co.  (Capt. William M.)  Co. H, 30 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Swindell's Co.  (Capt. James H.)  Co. K, 17 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.), 1st Orgn.
 Swindell's Co.  (Capt. W.M.B.)  Co. H, 33 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Swindell's Co. Partisan Rangers
  (Capt. Edward S.)
 From Hyde Cnty. Local Desig: Hyde Rangers
 Tait's Co.  (Capt. George)  (new) Co. K, 3 Regt N.C. Arty.
 Co. K, 18 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Tait's Co. N.C. Inf.  (Capt. Robert)  Co. B, 18 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Tar River Boys  Co. C, 17 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.), 1st Orgn.
 Tar River Rebels  Co. E, 46 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Tate's Co.  (Capt. Junius C.)  Co. C, 5 Battn. N.C. Cav.
 Taylor's Co.  (Capt. Alsey Jo)  Co. E, 7 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Taylor's Co.  (Capt. John W.)  Co. B, 1 Battn. Hy. Arty.
 Taylor's Co.  (Capt. Matthew P.)  Co. B, 2 Battn. N.C. Local Def. Trps.
 Taylor's Co.  (Capt. Spotswood B.)  Co. H, 53 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Taylor's Co. N.C. Artillery  (Capt. John D.)  Co. K, 2 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Teague's Co.  (Capt. Vandaver)  Co. H, 55 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Tecumseh Scouts  Co. H, 67 Regt. N.C Inf. (S.T.)
 Thomas Legion N.C.  (Col. Wm. H.)  Composed of: (1) Capt. John T. Levi's Batty. L. Arty. This battery was organized about Apr. l, 1863, from disbanded troops of the Va. State Line. Many from Jackson's Battn. Lt. Arty., Va. State Line. It subsequently became Capt. John W. Barr's Batty. Lt. Arty. (2) Infantry Regt. Also called 1 Regt. Thomas Legion and 69 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Thomasville Rifles  Co. B, 14 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Tillery's Co.  (Lt. Richard C.)  Co. F, 3 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Toon's Co.  (Capt. William H.)  Co. K, 20 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Topsail Rifles  (1st) Co. A, 2nd Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Townesville Guards  Co. B, 12 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Townsend's Co. N.C.S.T.
  (Capt. Aaron Townsend)
 Trio Guards, The  Co. F, 61 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Tripp's Co.  (Capt. Wm. H.)  Co. B, 3 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Trojan Regulators, The  Co. F, 44 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Troublesome Boys  Co. E, 45 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Tryon Mountain Boys  Co. I, 54 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Tuckahoe Braves  Co. D, 27 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Tucker's Co.  (Capt. John J.)  Co. E, 2d Battn. N.C. Inf.
 Tucker's Co. N.C. Cav.  (Capt. Rufus S.)  Co. I, 3 Regt. N.C. Cav.
 Turner's Co.  (Capt. J.W.)  Co. D, 6 Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
 Turpin's Co.  (Capt. John)  Co. C, 62 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Turtle Paws, The  Co. E, 44 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Underwood's Co.  (Capt. J.B.)  Co. K, 51 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Union Farmers, The  Co. B, 43 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Uwharie Grays  Co. L, 22 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Uwharrie Boys  Co. H, 38 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Vance Guards  Co. D, 61 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Vance Troop, The  Co. E, 5 Regt. N.C. Cav.
 Vance's Co. N.C. Inf.  (Capt. Z.B.)  Co. F, 14 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Wade's Co. N.C. Inf.  (Capt. Benj. O.)  Co. F, 12 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Wake Rangers, The  Co. I, 3 Regt. N.C. Cav.
 Wake Regulars  Co. G, 7 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Walker's Battn., Thomas' Legion
  (Lt. Col. Wm. C. Walker)
 (Lt. Col. James A. McKamy) Thomas Legion N. C.
 Walker's Co.  (Capt. A.M.)  Co. C, 48 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Walker's Co. N.C. Cav.  (Capt. W.J.)  Co. K, 3 Regt. N.C. Cav.
 Wallace's Co., Wilmington R.R. Guard
  (Capt. S.D.)
 Composed of officers, agents and employees of R.R. and offered themselves to C.S. Gov to for Spec. Service in guarding railroads.
 Walter's Co.  (Capt. Alfred B.)  Co. F, 51 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Walton's Co. N.C. Cav.
  (Capt. Thomas Geo.)
 Co. F, 3 Regt. N.C. Cav.
 Ward's Co. N.C. Cav.  (Capt. Edward W.)  (new) Co. B, 3 Regt. N.C. Cav.
 Warren Defenders  Co. G, 43 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Warren Guards  Co. F, 12 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Warren Rifles  (2nd) Co. C, 12 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Warsaw Sampsons  Co. B, 51 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Washington Grays  Co. K, 1 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Watauga Marksmen  Co. B, 37 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Watauga Minute Men  Co. E, 37 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Watauga Troopers  Co. I, 58 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Waters' Co.  (Capt. Samuel B.)  Co. G, 66 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
  Formerly 1st Co. A, Salisbury Prison Guard.
 Waters' Co.  (Samuel B.)  Provost Guard, Raleigh N.C.
 Watlington's Co.  Co. F, 54 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Watts' Co.  (Capt. William H.)  7 Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
 Waxsaws #2, The  Co. F, 48 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Wayne County Volunteers  Co. I, 35 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Wells' Co.  (Capt. J.H.)  Co. D, 2 Regt. N.C. Jr. Reserves
 West's Co.  (Capt. W.R.)  Co. K, 60 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Western Carolina Stars  Co. F, 37 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Western Rangers  Co. H, 54 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Wharton's Co.  (Capt. J.E.)  Co. K, 5 Regt. N.C. Cav.
 Wheeler's Co.  (Capt. William H.)  Co. G, 2 Battn. N.C. Inf.
 Wheeler's Co.  (Capt. Woodbury)  Co. D, 10th Battn. N.C. Hy. Arty.
 Whitaker's Co.  (Capt. James H.)  Co. G, 12 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Whitaker's Co.  (Capt. Junius B.)  Co. D, Regt. N.C. Inf.
 White's Battn. Partisan Rangers
  (Maj. Robert)
 Composed of Va. and N.C. cos. Did not complete its organization. The N.C. cos. became Cos. H, I, and K of 5th Regt. N.C. Cavalry.
 White's Co.  (Capt. ____ White)  Co. I, 2 Regt. Home Guards, 1st Class
 White's Co.  (Capt. Alexander P.)  Co. C, 56 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Whitford's Battn. Partisan Rangers  67 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Whitman's Co.  (Capt. John H.)  Co.___, 66 Regt. N.C. Militia (or Battn.)
 Wiggs' Co.  (Capt. A.P.)  Co. L, 64 Regt. N,C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Wilkes Guards  Co. G, 54 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Wilkes Rangers  Co. K, 53 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Wilkes Regulars, The  Co. D, 33 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Wilkes' Grays  Co. F, 52 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Wilkins' Co.  (Capt. Samuel)  Co. K, 50 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 William's Co.  (Capt. Isaac S.)  8 Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
 Williams' Co.  (Capt. W.R.)  Co. K, 2 Regt. N.C. Jr. Reserves
 Williams' Co.  (Capt. Wm. P.)  7 Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
 Williams' Co.  (Capt. Wm. R.)  Co. F, 43 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Williams' Co. N.C.  (Capt. D.W.)  3 Battn. St. Reserves N.C.
 Williams' Co. N.C. Inf.  (Capt. Wm. T.)  (1st) Co. H, 12 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Williams' Regt. N. C. Inf.  12 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Williams'Co. N.C. Infantry  (Capt. Robt. O.)  Co. I, 18 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Williamsen's Co. N.C. Artillery
  (Capt. N.L.)
 Co. E, 2 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Wilmington Horse Artillery  (new) Co. I, 1 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Wilmington Horse Artillery  Co. A (Bunting's), 2 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Wilmington Light Artillery  Co. E, 1 Regt. N.C. Arty.
 Wilmington Light Inf.  Co. G, 18 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Wilmington Railroad Guard  Co. D, 13 Battn. N.C. Inf.
 Wilmington Rifle Guard  Co. I, 18 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Wilson Partisan Rangers  Capt. Lawrence's Co. N.C. Vols.
 Wilson Partisan Rangers Battn. N.C. Cav.  Co. H, 7 Confederate Cav.
 Wilson's Co.  (Capt. Hugh)  Co. F, 48 Regt. N.C. Inf.(S.T.)
 Wilson's Co.  (Capt. William J.)  Co. I, 62 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Winston's Co.  (Capt. John R.)  Co. F, 45 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Wood's Co.  (Capt. ____ Wood)  Co. H, 2 Regt. Home Guards, 1st Class
 Wooten's Co.  (Capt. Robert)  Co. G, 33 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)
 Wortham's Co. N.C. Inf.  (Capt. George)  (2nd) Co. D, 12 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Wright's Battn. N.C. Inf.  (Maj. Clement G.)  13 Battn. N.C. Inf.
 Wright's Co.  (Capt. W.W.)  Co. H, 28 Regt. N.C. Inf
 Yancey Boys  Co. C, 58 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Yanceyville Grays  Co. A, 13 Regt. N.C. Inf.
 Young's Battn. Heavy Artillery  10 Battn. N.C. Hy. Arty.
 Young's Co.  (Capt. James M.)  Co. K, 11 Regt. N.C. Inf. (S.T.)-Bethel Regt.

Derick S. Hartshorn-webmaster - © 2008
Last Modified:   07/08/2008 21:16:41