Wednesday, June 24, 1874
A Horrible Case Of Murder---The usually quiet section of Swannanoa Township was excited last Friday by the discovery in Swannanoa River by Maj. W.Y. Porter, of the body of a dead man.
The murder was a horrible affair, and it is sadly unfortunate that one so respectably connected should be suspected of the crime. We will not publish any of the facts or circumstances which led to the arrest of Cunningham. The life of the unfortunate young man is at stake and it is an easy matter for a paper, under the excitement of the moment to do infinite harm to, not only the party concerned, but to justice. We leave the remainder to be done by the courts. ----Asheville Citizen.
Miss. Mattie, daughter of E.C. Kincaid, Esq., was thrown from her horse on Valley River bank, near the house of Mr. Meroney, on Friday last, and badly hurt. She was insensible for some time, and fears were entertained that she was seriously injured. But we are pleased to state that she is getting over her injuries.
Wednesday, July 28, 1875
East Tennessee---A horrible murder occurred in the valley near White Cliff Springs [Monroe Co. TN] today (19th). A man by the name of Jack Hunt killed his wife by shooting her twice with a navy pistol. He had been married but a short time. On yesterday he whipped his wife, and again this morning, whereupon she went to a neighbor’s house and said she was going to her father’s. Her father’s name is Davis and lives in Cherokee County, N.C. Hunt followed his wife and shot and killed her at the neighbor’s house, and then ran away. An inquest was held and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the above facts. It was so far as the evidence showed, an unprovoked murder.
Wednesday. January 5, 1876
Murray County, Ga.,---Quite s sensation was produced in our little valley a few days ago by the appearance of four men who had broken out of Spring Place Jail. There was one African in the number who had been detained for trial for killing a brother African. One of the white men had been out in jail for stealing a shirt, while the other two were in for stealing horses. They were closely pursued to the valley where they were overtaken. But not feeling and desire to return to prison they fled to the mountains. Several shots were fired after them, but without effect.
One of the horse thieves has since been captured, and we have been informed that the Negro, also was captured at Sweetwater, Tenn.
In this county on last Monday (6th December) the person of Mrs. Patterson, a highly respectable widow was outraged by a Negro man. After having committed the hellish act he fled, and was pursued by blood hounds until overtaken. He at first tried to exculpate himself, but Mrs. Patterson remembered to have seen a scar on his neck. He was examined and his guilt established. Much excitement prevails and it is the opinion of some that he will be lynched. A strong guard has been placed over him, and the officers are doing all in their power to protect him from the mob.
Since writing the above I have been told the Negro who committed rape on Mrs. Patterson was taken out of jail and hung.
A young man by the name of Williams, while braking on a freight train last week, fell and was frightfully mangled---not a single limb was left whole except one hand.
The fragments were gathered up and taken to Madisonville, where his parents live. How poignant must have been the grief of his bereaved parents. T.F. Glenn, Sweetwater, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1875.
We regret to learn that W.J. Marr, of Clay County, N.C., died in the city of Charleston Tuesday of last week. Mr. Marr was an enterprising, public spirited citizen in the prime of life, and the news of his death was very unexpected to his many friends. He leaves a wife and several small children. We have no particulars of his death; suppose it was very sudden, as he was in good health a short time ago, and at the time of his death was in Charleston with a lot of cattle.
The grim monster has again visited our county and carried off in his cold and icy embrace a good and a true woman.
Mrs. N.R. McLelland died at her residence, Valleytown, N.C., on Dec. 27, 1875. The deceased leaves a husband with four small children and a large number of friends and relatives to mourn her untimely death.
Mrs. McLelland was a daughter of Thomas Tatham, late of Valleytown, whose death was announced in these columns a few weeks ago. The grief stricken husband has our sincere sympathy. May an all wise Providence enable him to raise up his little motherless children in the way they should go.
Rev. Gutherie, an old citizen of our county, and a minister in good standing in the Methodist Church South, removed last week to Dalton, Ga., where he expects to make his home in the future.
Mr. G. lost two sons in the late war, one fell in Kentucky, the other on the battlefield of Chickamauga. The father though old and infirm, still remains on the shores of time, his head bleached by the frosts of many winters, his physical frame poised by a long and laborious ministerial life. We commend him to the kind consideration of the community among whom he has cast his lot.
Wednesday, March 29, 1876
Skeleton In The Tunnel---A gentleman, whose wife recently arrived home from a visit to Old Fort [TN], informs us that, one day last week, the skeleton of a man was found at the bottom of the shaft sunk in the main tunnel on the Western N.C. Railroad. From the surface to the bottom of the shaft the distance is about 130 feet, and when operations were commenced by the convict laborers the collection of water in it was supposed to be 100 feet deep. When the water was pumped out the skeleton was found lying at the bottom in the sediment, and near it was a tin snuff box. The skull, which was detached from the trunk, had a hole in it, which leads to the inference that the man was murdered and body thrown down the shaft to conceal the crime.
Eloped---On the night of the 9th inst., Dr. J.A. Crisp and Miss. Amanda Dean, of Stecoah Township, Graham County, N.C. Dr. Crisp leaves a wife and seven children. Miss. Amanda leaves five illegitimate children on the charity of the community.
The citizens of Stecoah wish all good citizens to watch and discard them as it is believed they are passing for man and wife. We would respectfully ask Editors to hand them around, that it may be generally known wherever they may be. Respectfully, W.D. Crisp, and others.
Died---At his residence, in Hayesville, Clay County, Mr. Eli Sanderson, in the 84th year of his age.
Wednesday, November 1, 1876
Obituary---Robert Reed died on the 26th day of October, 1876 at his residence in Shoal Creek Township, Cherokee County, N.C., after a protracted illness of many months, aged 68 years, 3 months and 21 days. Said deceased was a son of Samuel Reed, who was a soldier in the War of the Revolution of 1776. Born in Burke County, N.C., July 5th 1808. He had been a consistent Christian for forty years, and was an orderly member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at his death. The corpse was escorted to the family graveyard on the old homestead by the relatives, friends and neighbors of the deceased, where religious services was performed by Rev. A.J. Hunter. He left a wife, five sons and four daughters, and many grandchildren to mourn their loss.
I looked upon the righteous man And saw his parting breath, Without a struggle or a sigh Serenely yield to death.
Friday, June 7, 1889
Two men who are unknown assaulted Orem Windan, an employee of the railroad near Hayward, while he was walking on the track with a lantern night before last. He was knocked down with a stick of wood, his skull fractured and was then beaten. His injuries are probably fatal. There is no known reason for the assault.
On May 30, in Chatham County, Sally Emerson left her house after locking in her two children, one three years old and the other an infant in the cradle. On returning she found the elder child in the chimney corner burned to death and the baby in flames.
Julius C. Pickett, a young man residing near Clayton, Georgia, attempted suicide one day last week by taking twenty-eight grains of morphine. He is the son of Hon. W. Pickett who died the day before the election in which he would have been elected senator of that district.
Death Of An Old Citizen---The old settlers of Cherokee County, who were well acquainted with him, will be saddened to hear of the death of Lewis Little, who resided in Notla Township at his home on the morning of May 27th. Mr. Little was born in Wilkes County, but at an early age, moved to Union County, Ga., where he lived for a number of years, where he enjoyed the friendship and confidence of all who knew him. About 15 years ago he came to Cherokee County, and has been living in Notla Township ever since. Here, by his industry and labor, he was, at the time of his demise, the possessor of one of the most valuable farms in the county. The interment took place on Tuesday of the last week, and as he had often requested he was buried at Ivy Log Cemetery by the side of several of his children who had gone before him. The funeral cortege was followed by numerous friends and a host of sorrowing relatives, who have the sympathy and condolences of the whole community. He leaves an aged wife and a large number of children and grandchildren, many of whom were too far away to attend the funeral, but who will hear the sad news with much sorrow. Several of his boys living in Missouri came to visit him this past winter and it will be some comfort to them to know that they saw him once before that grim monster, death, came along. He had arrived at the age of 82 years; but old as he was, his death was very unexpected and sudden, as he had told one of his boys shortly before he died that he might go on to the field. He felt alright, and in less than two hours he had passed away. Mr. Little was a consistent member of the church and long before his death he asserted that "all was well," he had made peace with his Master.
From his pure lips the pleasant smile.
By death could not be driven,
And with the hope of future bliss,
He passed from here to Heaven.
He fought a good fight, a crown he won.
And we know that God had blessed.
He gained a promise of happiness;
And his soul passed into rest.
Heaven retained his good wife’s treasure,
The sod only the coffin keeps.
And many the dear ones who will linger
Where their loving father sleeps.
Topton---We were pleased to meet Mr. Stephen Whitaker, one of the old landmarks of this section. Mr. Whitaker owns more land through here than Carter had oats. Besides a good store of this world’s goods that he has accumulated by industry, this gentleman has a kind word and a hearty shake of the hand for all. In this day and time we meet but few such men as Mr. Whitaker.
Death Caused By A Grain Of Coffee---Culberson, N.C., July 30, 1891. Something over two months ago, little Wade Ball, son of Dr. S.S. Ball, and two years old, asked his mother for a grain of coffee while she was preparing to grind some, which she readily give to the child. He put the coffee in his mouth, and from coughing or some other cause, the grain of coffee was forced into the wind-pipe. Strong efforts were made to dislocate the substance, but of no avail.
After several weeks of suffering, death relieved his little son on the 25th. His body was carried to its resting place on Beach Creek. Now while his body is sleeping in the grave, his soul is gone to join loved ones at rest. May the angel of peace cheer the bereaved parents in their trouble.
Tuesday, November 10, 1891
Clay County---W.H. Price, one of Hayesville’s promising young men, died in Bryson City of fever on October 21st. George Davis, an excellent young man, died on Shooting Creek, October 26th, after a long siege of consumption.
Shooting Affray In Graham County---On the 27th ult., a serious accident, and one that may prove fatal, occurred at a logging camp on the Tennessee River, this county, in which a young man by the name of Quiet, of Calhoun, Tenn., was shot by Alex Jenkins, of this county. It seems, from what we can learn of the particulars, that Jenkins had been book-keeper for Mr. Sherman, the man who had charge of the logging contract, and in settling with Sherman claimed $3 more than Sherman thought was right. The difference soon brought on hot words, and finally Sherman struck Jenkins with his fist, whereupon Jenkins drew his pistol and fired at Sherman, the ball glancing his ear and striking Quiet in the breast, ranging toward the left shoulder. Jenkins is still at large. Whisky had a great deal to do with the row.
Died, on last Monday morning at Persimmon Creek, Mr. D.M. Collins, father of Sheriff Collins, after a protracted illness.
J.M. Allen, who was shot four times at Atalla, Ala., on the 22nd of August, has been brought home by his father, of Beaverdam, and will soon be himself again.
Tuesday, September 10, 1895
A Terrible Murder---On last Tuesday afternoon about 3 o’clock at an illicit whiskey shop, some two miles from Murphy on the Hanging Dog Road, kept by a white woman named Sis Roberts, there was a horrible murder committed.
The victim was an Irishman by the name of M. Brice, familiarly known as Pat, who had been peddling spectacles through the country and boarding at the widow Hubbard’s in our town. He was a genteel fellow and had all the genial qualities common to the sons of Erin, and when he had a jager of whiskey it tingled joyfully throughout his entire being.
So on this occasion he offered some spectacles for sale and said he would give a pair to anybody that was a good Democrat, and threw off good humouredly on the Republicans.
The woman who kept the house called him to her and advised him to be quiet. He took her hand and said he would do so, and just at this time Bob Dockery, one of the three Dockery boys and son of Eli Dockery, who were present, caught up a chair and struck him on the head from behind, crushing his skull, some two and a half inches above the right ear. Brice fell and after a few minutes scrambled to his feet. He did not know who struck him or why they did it, but seemed to realize that he was badly hurt. Later he knelt down and prayed, and spoke of his mother and sister. He died Wednesday morning about 7 o’clock.
There were present at the time of the killing Sis Roberts, Elmira Reid, Tom, Joe and Bob Dockery and Sid McLelland, colored. Others came up soon after and saw what was done and heard declarations of who did the killing.
The remains of Brice were interred in the Methodist Cemetery Thursday afternoon.
An effort was made to apprise his relatives of his death, but they could not be located, but we understand that he has relatives in Cincinnati, Ohio. The material point at the coroner’s inquest was testified to by all the witnesses that we heard.
The coroner’s jury, after being in session half a day, rendered a verdict that the deceased, known as M. Brice, came to his death from a blow on the head inflicted with a chair in the hands of Bob Dockery. The chair with which Dockery struck and killed Brice was broken all to pieces, showing that the lick was a powerful one.
The witnesses before the coroner’s jury all testified that Dockery and Brice had no hard words. In fact, some claim that they had not even spoken to each other.
Last Friday, Coroner J.L. Berrong and Deputy Sheriff Hugh Sneed made diligent search for Bob Dockery, but he could not be found. He has not been seen since Wednesday morning, and it is thought that he has left the state.
Tuesday, June 23, 1896 Mr. Henry Coatney, who is working on the court house, of Atlanta, received a telegram last Wednesday from his wife, who was visiting at Knoxville, that their little child was dead. It was a crushing blow to the fond father, for he did not know that his baby was even sick. Its death was sudden, but we did not learn the cause. Mr. Coatney left the same morning for Knoxville.
About That Jail Delivery---On last Tuesday morning, when Sheriff Davidson went to feed his prisoners, three of them were missing, and an investigation revealed the fact they had escaped by cutting through a window.
The prisoners were C.C. Mull, whose time would have been out in a week, Charles Nichols and a little boy named Richard Pickelsimer, all United States prisoners, and charged with handling whiskey. These prisoners, together with Jack Smith and Tobe Warlick, who made no attempt to escape, were left over night in the corridor that runs around the steel cages. Nichols, who was sick, was ordered the run of the corridor by Dr. J.F. Abernathy, the county physician, and the others were turned out into the corridor to get fresh air and take some exercise, simply because our efficient Sheriff is a humane officer and because the prisoners were serving short sentences and their crimes but minor ones.
The remains of J.H. Bass passed down yesterday enroute to Marietta. Bass was a brakeman of the Marietta and North Georgia Railroad, and while switching cars at Allegheny, was run over and injured to such an extent that he died at 1 o’clock Friday morning. ---Blue Ridge Record.
It will be remembered that Mr. Bass visited Murphy a short time ago and spent several days as the guest of his friend, Mr. R.I. King. He made many friends who will regret to hear of his death.
Tuesday, February 23, 1904
R.E. McIver died at Jonesboro, N.C., Feb. 14th, after a short illness. Mrs. McIver is a daughter of ex-Sheriff, S.W. Davidson.
The remains of Smith Thomasson, who died at Sweet Gum, Ga., passed through town Wednesday for interment at Peachtree, his former home.
Our Mr. A. Don Towns received a telegram Thursday afternoon from Albany, Ga., stating that his mother, Mrs. L.A. Towns, was dead. Her maiden name was Miss. Lucy Ann Brown, and she was born in South Carolina in 1824 and was therefore in her 80th year. She is survived by three daughters and a son, a husband and five children having preceded her. Mother has at last found perfect rest.
Death Of Mr. J.M. Whitaker---The sudden death of Mr. James M. Whitaker at his home near Andrews on February 7th, was a great shock to his many friends. He was apparently in good health---was well and stout, although he was in his 78th year. He ate a hearty supper on Saturday evening, talked and laughed freely with his family that night before retiring. As was his custom he was first up on Sunday morning and made a fire. He then lit his pipe to take his usual morning smoke. While smoking he fell from his chair. His wife, who lay in bed in the room, gave a scream which brought his son to his side, and who found that his father was dead.
Mr. Whitaker was born in Macon County on March 1, 1826; was married to Miss. Elizabeth Kimsey on May 15, 1853. In September, 1863, he enlisted in the Confederate Army and was a faithful soldier. In the year 1863 in a battle near Greenville, Tenn., he was shot, the bullet remaining in his person five years and four months, when it was extracted by his father and a brother at his home.
Eight children were born to Mr. And Mrs. Whitaker---seven girls and one boy, all of whom survive him.
April 10, 1903, at their home one mile west of Andrews, they celebrated their golden wedding. All the children were present except the son, John, who was in the west. There were twelve grandchildren, three great grandchildren, and other relatives present.
The deceased was one of a family of sixteen children, ten boys and six girls, all of whom grew to man and womanhood. Two boys and five girls are alive now.
His only son, John, who has been west most of the time since 1880, came home on the 14th of last December to make a short visit home, but since his father’s death, will remain to look after his affairs.
Mr. Whitaker was a man held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. In addition to his immediate family he is survived by twenty-one grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. He was laid to rest in the Baptist Cemetery Monday, the 8th. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.
Tuesday, November 8, 1904
J.H. Dillard informed us Saturday that he had just received the ham of a large bear from his friend, Forest Denton, of Graham County, who had killed three large bears the day before in Snowbird.
Tuesday, February 4, 1908
The little three-year-old child of Mr. Alexander Stalcup, who lives in the Bellview neighborhood, near the Georgia line, died last Tuesday morning. The death of the little one was peculiarly sad. When its mother went to milk, it accompanied her, and getting cold it went back to the house to warm. No one was in the room and it got too near the fire, igniting its clothes. The child ran to the door and called to its mother, who saw her baby’s dress was on fire, but by the time she reached it the cruel flames had enveloped it from head to foot. The fire was soon extinguished, but not before the little one was beyond all earthly aid.
Mr. Ira M. Deaver, formerly of this county, son of Mr. E.M. Deaver, was married to Miss. Effie Pifer of LaJunta, Col., on Sunday, January 19, 1908. After a brief wedding trip they will be at home at Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Tuesday, August 4, 1908
The obituary of H.A. Moss, who died at Glencoe, Okla., will appear next week.
Rev. G.W. Bowman, aged 82 years, father of Dr. H.P. Bowman, died late Sunday afternoon. The deceased was a retired minister of the Protestant Methodist Church, and came here with his son several months ago. Dr. Bowman left yesterday on the early Southern train with the remains for Liberty, N.C., the interment being at the family burying ground at Pleasant Union Church. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Ruark, who has pneumonia, it was impossible for Mrs. Bowman to accompany the remains. Our people deeply sympathize with Dr. Bowman in the death of his father.
We must compliment Sheriff T.N. Bates on the clever strategy he used in affecting the arrest of Frank Hill, charged with the killing of S.M. Lovingood, near Marble. We also wish to state right here that we did not intend to convey the idea in our write-up of the affair that Hill bushwhacked Lovingood. There were so many conflicting reports that we were at a loss what to say, and further we wish to say that the proper place to try murder cases is in the court house, not in the columns of a newspaper.
Bob Brown, colored, whose mind is unbalanced and who was put in jail for safe keeping, has made a confession to Sheriff Bates that his insanity is the result of brooding over a murder he committed nineteen years ago in Franklin County, Ga., at a place called Bold Springs, near Carnesville. He shot another Negro at a dance and fled to South Carolina, finally working his way to the mountains. He has been here some ten or twelve years. He says his right name is not Robert Brown, but George Jones, and gave the name of Cross McHan as the Sheriff of Franklin County when he committed the deed. Sheriff Bates will write the Georgia authorities in regard to the matter. Application has been made for the admission of Bob Brown to the colored asylum at Goldsboro.
Friday, May 21, 1915
T.C. Laney Meets A Mysterious Death---Thaddeus Clingman Laney, a well to do and prominent farmer of the Brasstown section of Cherokee County, met death in a manner that up to the present time is wholly unexplained and has altogether the air of mystery about it, while on his way home from Murphy where he had been last Thursday morning, 13th, doing some trading.
Mr. Laney’s mule, which he was riding, arrived home without its owner, and a search was made for the missing man, who was found at 3 o’clock in the afternoon near the Haigler Branch, in an unconscious and dying condition. He was taken to his home where everything was done to revive him, but without result. He lived only a short time and was never able to tell what had befallen him after leaving Murphy.
He left here for home at about 10 o’clock Thursday, and had probably been gone an hour when misfortune in the person of the Angel of Death, overtook him.
Three severe gashes were found on his head. On the forehead, top and back of the head. The wounds appeared to have been made by a stick. Others are of the opinion that he was thrown by his mule on a rock and then kicked. The mule is said to be of a very vicious temper.
Coroner Dockery, Sheriff Gentry and others went to the scene of the tragedy and examined the remains Friday morning, and as there seemed to be no grounds upon which to proceed the matter was left open to await developments. But we are told that a regular inquest will be held this week.
Mr. Laney was not known to have had a real enemy anywhere, and the true facts concerning the manner of his death may never be known.
The remains were laid away in Brasstown Cemetery. The deceased leaves a wife, five sons, two daughters, three brothers and three sisters.
Brock Birchfield Killed At Choga---Last night at about 10 o’clock, news reached here to the effect that Andy Williams, an employee of the Andrew Lumber Company had shot and killed Brock Birchfield, a fellow employee.
From the report it seems that Birchfield came to the camp where Williams was staying and on inquiring for Williams was told that he was in bed. Birchfield then started in the direction of Williams and before he reached the bed was shot three times by Williams, dying almost instantly.
Williams immediately surrendered to the officers and was carried to Franklin and lodged in jail. ---Andrews Sun.