Columbus County Jury Lists Contributed by Natasha Miles November 2007 Columbus County, NC ![]() |
August Term 1823 Venire returned by the Sheriff: Joshua Soles, Titus Soles, Misael Lamb, Caleb Stepehens, Alexander Taylor, Arthur Mooney, John Register, Nathaniel Soles, Luke Yates, Thos. Faulk, Elijah Worrell, Richard Tatom Sen., Jacob Powell, Moses Williams, Joshua Standly, Alexr. Byrd, Thomas Cribb, Elias Nichols, Josiah Maultsby, John Cartrite, Joshua Hinson, Dempsey Duncan, Joseph Cartrite, James Gore Senior. Grand Jury drawn & sworn: Caleb Stephens (foreman), Elias Nichols, Jacob Powell, Alexander Taylor, Joseph Cartright, Joshua Hinson, Alex. Byrd, Nathaniel Soles, Josiah Maultsby, Arthur Mooney, Joshau Standly, Thos. Cribb, Elijah Worrell, Luke Yates John Register & Moses Williams cleared from serving on jury. |
February Term 1824 Jurors drawn for Superior Court Spring Term 1824: John Wilson Senior, James Blackburn, F Sasser, Titus Sowls, Caleb Stephens, Mizel Lamb, Arthur Mooney, John Munny Junior, John Stephens, John Cartret, Thos. Frink, James Roads Senior, Moses Green, Joseph Cartrett, Jesse Marlow, Nathaniel Sowls, Phillip Coleman, Richard Tatom Senior, George Hooks, Elisha Fields, Alex Taylor, Elijah Worrel, David Mims, William Norris, Seymore Sumerset, Robert Boman, Thos. B White, Alex Bird, Luke Yates, Joshua Hinson, Stephen Blackburn, Richard Smith, C Floyd, Wm Kemp, Frank Blake, C Baldwin |
August Term 1826 Grand Jurors drawn for August Term 1826: Joseph Gore, Micajah Long, Alex Burd, David George, Joel Sellers, John Gore, John Cox, Joshua Cartrett, Luke Flowers, Joshua Sowls, Hardy Duncan, Jackson Cannon, Timothy Sowl, Clark Haynes, Elisha Sellers, John Summersett, Aaron Edwards, John Brown Jurors drawn for August Term 1826: John Williamson, Samuel Porter, Joshua Cartrett, Thos. Ward, Jacob Fokes, John Yates Senior, Claudus Cartret, Clarke Hayns, Isaac Sessions, Joseph Gore, Jacob High, Micajah Long, Alex Burd, Elisha Sellers, Joshua Sowl, Joshua Standley, Joel Sellers, Joshua Stephens, Richard WIlliamson, Luke Flowers, Aaron Edwards, John Gore, James Ward, Hardy Hill, David George, J. Summersett, H. Hilburn, Timothy Sowl, John Brown, N Maultsby, H Duncan, Jackson Cannon, John Cox Senior, N Ray, Dennis Lennon, R Reynolds |
May Term 1827 Jurors drawn for August Term 1827: Avret Nichols, Nathan Little, Joseph Carlilse, Josiah Powell, Fain Suggs, Daniel Gore, Joshua Standley, Joseph Sowls Junior, James Reynolds, Stephen White, Francis Fowler, James Cartrett, Samuel Hickman, Elijah Worley, Joseph Long Senior, Samuel Smith, William Baldwin Junior, John O Kelly, William Norris Junior, Goley Boswell, John Cox, John Best, Alexander Byrd, Daniel Campbell, Josiah Little, Daniel Coleman, Austin Strickland, Timothy Sowls, Richard Williamson |
August Term 1827 Grand Jurors drawn: Saml Smith (foreman), Timothy Sowl, John Best, Feign Suggs, Richard Williamson, Auston Strickland, Alex Bird, James Reynolds, Daniel Gore, Stephen White, Joseph Sowls, James Cartrett, Joseph Long, William Baldwin, Avert Nichols, John Edwards, Joseph Carlisle, Daniel Campbell Jurors drawn for Superior Court: Joel Suggs, James Rhodes, William Brantly, Duncan Sikes, Phillip Strickland, Aaron Edwards, L.R. Simmons, James Holloman, Henry Starling, Abram Jernigan, Ezekiel Watts, Isham Sowls, John McKay, Josiah Maultsby, Edward Wilson, James Young, Saml Reves, William Gore, George Parker, Neill Maultsby, Hymerick Nichols, William Gore Junior, Thos Powell, David Godwin, Moore Lennon, John Money Junior, G Flowers Senior, Simon Jones, Walter Hudson, Stephen Jernigan, John Simmons |
November Term 1830 List of Jurors for February Term 1831: George Grissett, Caleb Spivey, Nat Sowls Senior, Joseph Long, Frank Blake, Goldsbery Boswell, Moses Green, Daniel Coleman, Austin Strickland, William Norris Senior, Sameul Bright, Gabriel Long, Jacob Strickland, Samuel Hughs, Arkilus Hester, Ephraim Cartrett, Simon Boswell, Jarret Godwin, Thomas Faulk, Joseph Sowls, WIlliam Edwards, Benjamin Sowls, Aaron Fowler, Joseph Cartrett, Micajah Long, Thomas Simmons, Colin McRae, Mat Boswell, Amos COleman, Elcanah Mancil |
November Term 1832 Jurors for February Term 1833: Jacob High, Joseph F Long, Robert Cartrett, Joshua Stephens, Caleb Stephens, Joshua Standly, John Mills Junior, Hardy Nichols, Wm Gore Esquire, Warren Baldwin, Henry Starling, Reuben Fowler, Aaron Smith, Mark Ward, Joseph Long, Kinan White, Needham Stephens, Alex Bird, Phillip Lambeth, John Mills Senior, James Ward, Simon Boswell, Joseph Singletary, J.C. Ward, John Best, Sol Cartrett,Cladus Cartrett, Neill McNorton, William Best, John Barefoot |
February Term 1833 Jury for February Term 1833: Jacob High, Joseph F Long, Robert Cartrett, Joshua Stephens, Caleb Stephens, Joshua Stanly, John Mills, Hardy Nichols, William Gore, Warren Baldwin, Henry Sterling, Reuben Fowler, Aaron Smith, Mark Ward, Joseph Long, Kenon White, Needham Stephens, Alexr Bird, Phillip Lambeth, John Mills, John Ward, Simon Boswell, Joseph Singletary, J.C. Ward, John Best, Solomon Cartret, Claudius Cartret, Neill McNorton, William Best, John Barefoot |
May Term 1839 List of Jurors for August Term 1839: Roland Hammond, Ippenetus Griffin, Frank Griffin, John Mills, Jas Parker, Moses Green, John Harrison, Neill M Norton, John Godwin, Jesse Walker, William Gore, Elisha Hooks, Robt Cartrett, Gabe Long, W.W. Brown, Goldsbery Boswell, Thos Tedder, Chs Osburn, Isham Sowl, Alex Troy, Thos. Bird, Hugh M Person, Shade Bird, Jas Garrel, Jackson Neally, William Millican, John Money, John High, Ignatious Flowers, Ed Williams, Saml Elkins |
August Term 1845 Venire List returned by Sherriff: Valentine Richardson, Edward C Gore, James K Fields, Philip Stricklin, Wiliam Ward Jr, Henry Inzor, Duncan Currie, William B Baldwin, John M McNeill, Joseph Long, Felix Williamson, Gabe Long, N.L. Williamson, G.L. Brown, Stephen White, Elisha Hooks, Walter G Shaw, Edward Williams, Isham Sowls, Richard Reynolds, John Reynolds, M.P. Sikes, Henry Mitchel, Armstead Shepperd, D Musteen FormyDuval, Nathan Ray, Iven Nealy, Moses Coleman, Thomas Bird Grand jurors drawn and sworn: Duncan Currie, N.L. Willimason, Thos Byrd, Edward Williams, Philip Stricklin, M Coleman, William Ward Jr, D FormyDuval, Stephen White, Walter G Shaw, Henry Mitchel, M.P. Sikes, Valentine Richardson, Edward C Gore, Gabriel Long, Felix Williamson, Iven Nealy, John McNeill Original Venire: Isham Sowls, Joseph Long, Armstead Shepherd, James K Fields, Richard Reynolds, George L Brown, John Reynolds, Nathan Ray Talis Jurors: Jabez McKay, Barnabas Batton, Neil Shaw, William Vause |
May Term 1846 Jurors for August Term 1846: Samuel Stephen, James McEwen, Abram Geonegan, Joshua Standly, James Williamson, John Frinnk, William Bird, William Gore, Levi Sowl, Jonathan Pearce, Jesse Faulk, Duncan Evans, John Kellyhan, Jesse Ward, Glassgo Pridgen, Joel Suggs, Charles Jernegan, Joseph Long Sr, John Williamson, Absalom Powell, Samuel Hughs, Luke R Duncan, Simon Ward, William J Thompson, P.P. Geanrette, Simon Sibette, Joel Little, Aaron Williamson, Noah Strickland, Joseph Faulk |
August Term 1846 Sheriff returned the Jury l ist executed on the following persons: Samuel Stephens, James C McEwen, Abram Jernigan, Joshua Stanly, James Williamson, John Frink, William Bird, William Gore, Levi Soals, Jonathan Pierce, Jesse Faulk, Duncan Evans, John Kellyhan, Joseph Faulk, Jesse Ward, Glasgow Pridgen, Joel Suggs, Charles Jernigan, Joseph Long Senior, John Williamson, Absalom Powell, Samuel Hughs, Luke R Duncan, Simon Ward, Wm J Thompson, P.P. Geanrette, Joel Little, Aaron Williamson, Noah Strickland, Simon Sibette From which the following were drawn and sworn as Jurors: Absalom Powell (foreman), John Williamson, Simon Ward, Wm J Thompson, Noah Strickland, William Bird, Joel Suggs, John Kellyhan, Aaron Williamson, Charles Jernigan, James C McEwen, Abr Jernigan, Jesse Faulk, Jno Frink, Josh. Stanly, Jas Williamson, Glasgow Prigen, P.P. Jenerette List of original venire: Joseph Long, Samuel Hughs, Luke R Duncan, Joseph Faulk, John Ward, William Gore, Levi Soles, Duncan Evans Talis jurors: John Harrison, Josiah Nye, G.L. Brown, Reuben Long |
February Term 1847 List of Jurors to Superior Court of Law, Spring Term 1847: James C Pierce, Matthew P Sikes, John J High, William Baldwin, Joseph Long Jr, Saml W Smith, Richd B Smith, Laban Williamson, Thos M Smith, Thos G Sessions, Moses Coleman, Jacob Powell, John N Cox, Alex Campbell, Aaron Smith, Ben Harrleson, Edwin J Pate, Jabez McKay, Demcy Reynolds, John Messer, Hugh McPherson, John B Noris, John Mears, Joseph B Wilkins, Chas P Woodell, Daniel McMillan, John Creech, James C McEwen, William Norris, Levi Campbell |
August Term 1847 List of Jurors to Superior Court Fall Term: William Hughs, Cornelius McColsky, John H Summersett, ? Cox, James Council, Daniel batten, David W Baldwin, Henry Long, Owen Hobbs, Robert R Ward, Francis Griffin, Needham Stephens, Stephen M Pierce, Jesse Smith, James Creech, D.D. Campbell, James McNorton, Elijah Creech, Samuel Elkins, Edward H Todd, Dennis Williamson, Aaron Edwards, Michael Ward, James Suggs, Jesse Marlow, Mathias V Todd, Luke R Duncan, Eliot Hinson, John Williamson, Chester Rockwell |
February Term 1851 Lewis Williamson, High Sheriff, returned the following good and lawful men by him summoned as Jurors: Alex Watts, John Messer, Ignatius Flowers, John McLam, Hardy Strickland, Samuel Duncan, Benjamin Williford, Young B Cook, Arthur Ward, Edwin J Pate, James C Powell, Jackson Nealy, Joel Suggs, Andrew Mills, James High, James J Ward, David Ward, Levi Due, Charles Hammons, Aggrippa Williamson, John Frink, Josehp F Long, John Mears, Nathan Boswell, Abran Journigan, Ervin Strickland, Leonard Long, James B Penny, Henry Enzor, Rhese Williams, Luke Fowler, Simon Ward Jr Of the said good and lawful men, the following are drawn as Grand Jurors: John Mears, James High, Hardy Strickland, Young B Cook, Simon Ward, Joel Suggs, David Ward, Ignatius Flowers, Jo. F. Long, Chas Hammonds, Levi Due, Nathan Boswell, Irvin Strickland, J.J. Ward, Henry Enzor, Alex Walls, Aggrippa Williamson, John Messer Original Vernira: E.J. Page, Andrew Mills, John Frink, John McLam, Benjamin Williford, James B Penny, Luke Fowler, Arthur Ward, Abram Journigan, Jackson Nealy, James C Powell, Saml Duncan |
August Term 1851 List of Jurors to Superior Court of Law, Fall Term 1851: Ellis Lay, Luke R Duncan, Alex Campbell, Wm Gore Esquire, John yates, Joel Reaves, Nathan Little, Harbird Bright, Mark Ward, Absalom Powell, Hardy Hill, Thomas Simmons, Caleb Spivyi, H.J. Smith, Nathaniel Souls, David Batten, Levi Due, Alfred Mears, Moses Simmons, James Ward, Sanders Millican, Luke Fowler, A.J. Balwin, Simon Ward Sr, Wm Batten, Warren Haynes, Elisha Strickland, John Strickland, Owen Hison, Demosthenes Formyduval, Dempsey Reynolds, Edward C Gore |
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